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  • Hey we gotta play for that tour where the Pokemon have the broken moves. I'm GMT +12 and can do weeknights and weekends. Lmk what works for you.
    When do you want to play for uu open? I'm gmt -4. Would prefer to play on the weekend.
    oh wait, I think i might have misread your comment. Do you mean 5-6 hours later tomorrow (friday) or right now?
    nvm you can take the freewin
    you sure?
    hey bro ru open, im est and can play in the morning the rest of this week (or late at night.) as for next week i can play in the afternoon sun through tues and in the morning wed through fri, lmk if you need more times
    gotta play for bw uu cup im +11 gmt my next free day is thursday night est
    New Breed
    New Breed
    11pm is too late and im not free sat night, i might be free on a friday night but would be around 7-8pm my time
    New Breed
    New Breed
    i can do like 9-10pm my time most nights as well
    You can take the win. I signed up for too many tournaments while not having enough time. Also I don't want to delay the tournament even more.
    ubers seasonal im gmt +1 when do you wanna play?
    sounds good
    im ready, you can find me in the ubers room as Funkyyyyy.
    really sorry dude something came up and I had to go but I can still be on for a few hours tonight and all day tomorrow to play. sry :[
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