Ghoul King
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  • Hey u wanna help with FTL viability rankings?
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Probably don't really have the time, and I'm not even sure how one would begin to handle Viability Rankings in Follow The Leader.
    How does that sounds for your pet mod?It's cool btw, I need to check your op nicely b4 posting anything lol
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Glad to hear you like it! But I'm not sure how "Twisted" has much of anything to do with the mod, beyond being a cool name.
    Acupressure should be mentioned in setupmons?
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    God, if that somehow springs back to life I'll correct it, but I don't feel like running it down and fixing it when the meta's so dead.
    You tagged awailofatail wrongly in your pet mod's section called "Type chart changes"
    by the way, weavile really doesnt have a "loss of competent dark stab," knock off is still amazing on it
    As a note: Latias can beat Yveltal should it carry one of Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, or Draco Meteor in its fourth slot, so it's far from a counter. If you want a counter, Unaware Normalceus or Chansey, Standard Aegislash, and Tyranitar are probably the best options. Admittedly it does beat, say, stored power+Dragon pulse, but that's both risky with rocks and somewhat suboptimal.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    My recollection is that Soul Dew can be Knocked Off, at which point even Thunderbolt/Ice Beam doesn't even reach 40% damage. Just a question of getting it in fresh at that point, and if it's Simple it will usually be Calm Minding on the switch-in.
    Would dew can be knocked off, but Latias is faster than yveltal, so it's still losing. After SR even max SpeDef Yveltal loses 40% of the time vs Draco- while checking. Simply put, Yveltal isn't bulky enough.
    "This is a completely ridiculous Ability, opening up reliable access to 135 BP moves. (125+the hidden 2 BP five times. Yes, that means Skill Link Icicle Spear is stronger than Boomburst/Draco Meteor/etc)"
    Boomburst has 140 bp, no?
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Not sure why I wrote Boomburst, but still. 7 BP behind Boomburst is pretty nutty.
    Just as a btw, entrainment fails if you have the same ability, so it's not ever a loop.
    you double posted
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    That's been happening with annoying frequency lately. I usually catch it pretty quickly, but sometimes it takes me as much as twenty minutes, though.
    It happens with me when I have a bad internet connection (ie always, at my school)
    ~Urkerab: I don't know why you're valuing crippling you're opponents over the sheer utility of vaporizing them outright
    +P1101560: Pff that's hilarious. Where's that from?
    ~Urkerab: The PiC Thread.

    Isn't this so true? Basically all the thread's about these days :P
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    I never get it when I run across it in a thread -and it happens repeatedly, that people think Sporing a target is more useful than killing it, implicitly. There are case where that's true, yeah, but mostly taking them out is the same thing but better. Amused I got quoted though.
    Realizing I made a meta that's so offensive it wraps around and makes offense struggle to be viable is a weird feeling.
    what metagame?
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Mix and Mega. When someone got to talking in the thread about how -atespeed severely constricts offense, I finally got why people have been complaining about -atespeed -it's because most people default to HO and -atespeed shreds generic HO.
    oh I see lol
    Yeah, generic HO dies (I tried it, it worked but you needed resists so it failed as ho)
    Blargharghlegetting a test server set up so I can actually test Showdown code is maddening. Done as tutorial said, "dependencies unmet". why
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    I've been doing that on and off for ages, albeit horribly incompetently. If something grabs my attention where I think I see an angle for making it work, I'll do it for sure, yes.

    I continue to be somewhat mystified by what's easy and what's not. Completely revamping Freeze? Got it right the first try. Trapping? Oh, trapping immunity isn't behaving fully correctly yet (Shed Shell does nothing and Ghosts take damage if caught by partial trapping, though they ARE immune to regular trapping), but converting trapping and partially trapping to "damages on switchout/allows switchout" was easy.

    Confusion, meanwhile, I'd anticipated being somewhat easy, and nooo, there's no "the Pokemon skips its turn" function I'm seeing. In fact, I'm pretty sure Showdown is coded to literally have them spend the turn attacking themselves, thus costing their turn. Unsure how to address it... I suspect I can't simply steal a bit from elsewhere that already does what I want.

    Also, apparently that 'use:strict' function is what avoids having the server crash on boot. No idea why, but that's what it does. Implementing into items.js allowed me to actually start the server with the items file implemented -mind, the META crashes when trying to boot, and I have no idea why...
    If the meta is what crashes, it may be a problem in the formats.js or onStart or something like that. See what happens when you comment out the entire items.js using /*blah*/ and if it still crashes or not
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    To my surprise, the crash error messages are actually telling me what was unexpected. (Commas, apparently) Not very helpful in FINDING them, but that's something...

    Been sick/busy/tired/outright offline for a couple of days. Not sure how much participation I'll be engaging in even now. Still recovering.
    Is there a suicide lead with like Fighting, Electric, Ghost or w/e that has Magic Coat?
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Ah. Well, Medicham is the only primary Fighting type in the entire game to get Magic Coat, Cofagrigus, Banette, Drifblim, Misdreavus, Trevenant, and Gourgeist are all primary Ghosts with Magic Coat, while Electrode and Magnezone are the only primary Electric types with Magic Coat.
    Electrode would be ok if this was like PU STSR, maybe Cofagrigus can be an ok lead? (it has tspikes)
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Eh, Electrode is still vaguely OK as an Exploding suicide lead, and in particular is an amazing anti-lead between Explosion and Magic Coat, not to mention its lightning speed. I'd sooner use Misdreavus than Cofagrigus as a Ghost lead, between its access to Trick, Perish Song, good Speed, Magic Coat... Sure, Magic Room and Wonder Room are the only things it can "set", but it's a nifty utility grab-bag.
    Jay here, I'm sorry about bailing on the reliablemons match I asked for, GK. Library wifi is absolute trash and I'll try again when I'm home; though if putting it off this much has soured you to it I'd completely understand.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    I'm not soured, though I'd be surprised if we end up on at the same time today again.
    Just a fyi I have coded the meta several hours ago but I was in the middle of other things so I couldn't test it, I'll test + upload tomorrow
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Much appreciated, no hurry. I've got somewhat limited time today anyway, so it's not like I'd jump straight to having fun.
    wow such a large code

    this would've been way quicker if you used the search and replace function while just copypasting files :P
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    That's what I originally did, actually. And then I had horror-shows like "Target: Dark" and "Move named: Ground".

    Started over from scratch, and iterated my way to "less horribly large and actually functional", culminating in the current version.
    Why did I never update this after my computer situation improved again? Well, here we go, updated.
    I just want to point out that it was AJAs and maestrodeswags argument and ajas UNBELIEVABLY disrespectful replay towards dr phd bj that started the entire problem with needing a new council. I dont see TI approving.
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