Recent content by 1nvalid

  1. Ladder Mix and Mega

    +6 Diancite Terrakion just got a little bit more feasible. get the boost from beat up on turn 1, then mega on the next turn and kill everything with rock slide. Also, you might be able to rage powder later with Amoonguss, who will probably me more mix&mega friendly in doubles. Healer on...
  2. Ladder Mix and Mega

    Landorus-T's fighting STAB, Super Power, does cripple it. I think of Loppundus (caling it that now.) as very hard to switch into threat which will be hitting only once, and then switching out when it gets another chance to use a strong move. Atespeed is a weakness, but switching in your...
  3. Ladder Mix and Mega

    No hazard setter is good if it doesn't have Mold Breaker in this tier. Magic Bounce can be granted by 3 separate mega stones, and is common. If your opponent leads with a Magic Bouncer, you won't be getting hazards up for the rest of the match. Question: Can Lopunnite Landorus-T be countered...
  4. Accessorize!

    How will Transform/Imposter interact with these items.
  5. Ladder Mix and Mega

    And unless the special attackers all use Grass Knot, they have nothing to fear.
  6. Ladder Mix and Mega

    As it stands now, running Lucarionite Terrakion, you probably have earthquake on it, and you never really bother using it. With Parental Bond, that Earthquake is actually a strong move to pick, and if they switch into it, they have to deal with the extra damage. Blissey can tank a Close Combat...
  7. Ladder Mix and Mega

    I'm going to go into some specifics about the damage output of Kangaskhanite compared to Lucarionite. Physical For Terrakion, Base 129, STAB moves become ~9.8% more powerful. For Archeops, Base 140, STAB moves become ~9.8% more powerful. For Shuckle, Base 10, STAB moves become ~6.5% more...
  8. Ladder Mix and Mega

    Why? But now it says Gengarite is both Restricted to native shadow taggers, and also banned. Which one is it?
  9. Ladder Mix and Mega

    Actually guys, Lightning Rod absorbs Electrify, since Electrify is an electric move. So Togekiss doesn't even need Tailwind. And after Togekiss has Mega Evolved, it is officially a hard counter for the rest of the match. I've had the situation come up against opposing Sceptilite Milotics, which...
  10. Ladder Mix and Mega

    The Heliolisk 50/50's are better than a traditional 50/50 because if you pick electrify, you can pick it over and over, which means it's a 50/50 that you can spam a safe move over and over until it's very unlikely the opponent will pick the move that will punish you. That's why Heliolisk is the...
  11. Ladder Mix and Mega

    You say things are ineffective because you want it to be true. If it's inneffective, how did I take heliolisk to rank 1? And no, I'm not demeaning the 1st place ranks that you also held, I'm saying, how is the crux of my team, Heliolisk, ineffective? As I've said before, Heliolisk is the PP...
  12. Ladder Mix and Mega

    Ghoul King That's a fair explanation of a concept, which to me is just a form of being broken. The reason I think the Uncompetitive vs. Broken distinction is a problem is, Uncompetitive is a word thrown around a lot by people who will call anything they don't personally like uncompetitive, and...
  13. Ladder Mix and Mega

    Calm Mind Blissey is trash and pretty much every team has something to deal with it. I personally Toxic it with Gyaradosite Nidoqueen, and Roar it out if it has heal bell. Correction, any good player will have something to deal with CM Blissey. Forcing Heliolisk to switch using a...
  14. Ladder Mix and Mega

    [21:45:27] MVL Invalid: What is the difference between "uncompetitive" and "broken"? [21:45:37] Josh: uncompetitve is like swagger [21:45:39] ScorrchingTheaph: one relies on hax [21:45:41] Josh: or skymin parahax [21:45:48] Josh: broken is like m-alt in monotype [21:45:49] Rain ☆ Delta: one is...
  15. Ladder Mix and Mega

    I wasn't kidding about Heliolisk being A-. I would say S because it did centralize the meta after I posted my RMT, everyone changed their team to be able to deal with Heliolisk, but A- is the bare minimum Heliolisk deserves. Here is the set you should all be using: Heliolisk @ Sceptilite...