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  • I can approve your claim, but can you remove the asterisks from the movesets? They make it difficult to check over movepools. (Also putting a link to your profile is helpful!)
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Everything should be good to go.
    I just remembered why I originally put the Horn Drill combo at the end of my orders instead of at the beginning... :blobastonished:
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    I noticed that. Given that your orders forced cooldown a2, I assumed it was a mistake. However, I postulate Pyroak wins the matchup regardless.
    er, well... sorry about that, but I'm already in 3 battles. But just you wait! Once my battle with nightblitz42 is over, you will be destroyed again! I hope you prepare well.
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Given your prize claim, I assume that you intend to withdraw from this battle. If you have decided otherwise, message me when your slot opens and I will reissue the challenge.
    Dw the battle is still on! After this battle is over I'll send in
    I sent you my Pokemon for the battle
    I demand a rematch. I know exactly ho to win no. You won't get away with it this time.
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Is your new strategy dependent on chance?
    Of course!!! All good strategies take in to account chance
    I actually thought the [type 1] OR [type 2] clause could count as a [type 1] AND NOT [type 3] AND NOT [type 4]...
    I’ll take note of your comments in future battles, thank you!
    yo dude are you going join our discord? we drafted you bc youre cool and it'd be nice to talk with you even if you don't play
    Hey Gold, have mentioned of the battle rules in the Gym Challenge Thread. Is that fine?
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    You want 2 Abilities or all?
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Two abilities; you pretty much hit the nail on the head in your post, thank you for taking this as well as you did. If nothing else fruitful occurs from it, this experience at least makes me think that it would be best if I announce changes to my rule set ahead of time, from now on, haha.
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Or you could include it your Arena so folks would expect a format change as per their mons.

    Which is a good strategy tbh
    It was surprising my most damaging outcome order set unless I was missing something lol (wrt ground) well I could aqua tail but 90% acc
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    If you're referring to my comment about the Enigma Berry, that was exactly my point: its damage mitigation properties are always useful, because by attempting to avoid activating it you generally suffer a comparable drop in damage.
    Hey dude if you didn't know I sent a chall for the gym.
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Be patient; a leader can only have two active challenges at any given time.
    Oh sorry, I didn't think you had a challenge cuz queue was empty.
    seasonal, when? gmt+2, the earliest we get this done the best
    I should be able to make 7:30pm on Wednesday if that's good for you.
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    That works for me. Nevertheless, I will notify you ahead of time if something comes up, so that you don't waste your time. Hopefully, I'll see you then.
    I'll be waiting in the Little Cup room on showdown, if you can get here any earlier that'd be nice for me.
    when do you wanna play for lc ssnl
    i tend to idle on both but ps main dc's me a lot more so it might be easier to find me on tournaments server
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Well, that explains yesterday's problems.

    I am online now; hit me up if you see me, otherwise I will try to challenge you.
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Haha, this is awkward, but I can't challenge you because my account isn't voiced. Looks like you'll have to do the honors.
    Hey, do you think you could write up Dewpider? It needs to be written for me to give it a check
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Sorry, I just want to double-check because I'm fairly new to C&C: by "write up," you mean to compose the analysis with actual sentence/paragraph structure, as opposed to bulletpoints, correct?

    Regardless, I'll get right on it.
    Yes, that's what write up means in this case
    Hey, if possible, can you try and finish up your analyses? There have been requests to reassign them now. No pressure if you can't, just let me know. If you'd only rather do one of them, that's fine as well
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Whoops, I thought that I had posted my updates. I will finish them as soon as I can.
    Probably want to order in your quals p3p;
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    I appreciate your concern, but I still had another 12+ hours to order. Don't worry, I'm definitely not going over DQ this time.
    Dude what time can you get on today for shrug's tour? I'm gmt-5 and im available until 3:00pm my time
    Hey, we play for the BW LC tour. My timezone is +7 and I'm available all days of the week typically and always during my evenings unless otherwise noted. When are you available?
    Ok, I'll keep an eye out for you. I think our best shot is during your evenings (my mornings) but I'm sure we'll get it done soon since we're both pretty active.
    I think our best shot of getting this done would be your evenings (my mornings) but since we're both pretty active it shouldn't be that hard.
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Sounds good to me.
    good luck in quals o/
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    Thank you \o. I'd be in better shape if I had posted that claim earlier than I did, but I think I'll do okay. Good luck to you, too.
    FYI: I will wait for 4 extra days on top of your usual 2 days (total of 6-days). That is the standard for LoAs on AOT. So if you could post once until next saturday at least, we should be able to make through without much hassle.
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    It's a little bit late for me to post a reply, but I'll try my best to be timely for the rest of the fight.
    don't be shameful for shitposting, you should be proud of it if you did it properly :]
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD
    I wasn't, but I appreciate your sentiment :D.
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