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  • Hi, We're paired for DOU tournament, Im GMT-5, I can play any days after 12:00 PM Noon, though preferably not during Smogon Tour times.
    ssnl when im +9 until a week from now then -4
    on the 27th I'll still be +9 so that prolly won't work
    are you able to hop on within the next 12 hours so that we can just get them out the way? After the 24th for me things are gonna get kinda tricky
    I was tryna avoid scheduling for this weekend but we may have to so consider the 25th and 26th relatively open for me, and let me know what dates there will work for you
    hi we play for DPL

    i have exams on the 5th so i would prefer to schedule around it. best would be on the evening of 5th after done with everything or like the day after

    im EDT
    wanna play saturday around 3 pm my time? im gmt -6
    Hey could we push our game to later today? I'm going to be out for a while today so it'd be best if we could play at around like 5pm instead?
    yeah ill try to remember. if im doing homework, try pinging me on discord or telling checkmater or hashtag or qsns that youre here
    Hey I got back much sooner than expected. Can play whenever now.
    Hey, nice to meet you. We are opponents in the Round 6 of the Smog VGC Tour.

    My time zoneis GMT -3, I can play on weekdays starting at 10pm until around 2am, and on weekend starting at 8pm until I'm still awake. Tell me asap your time zone and if you can battle in at least one of these days and times, I'll be waiting.

    Best of luck to you, have a nice week.
    Could we make it 24 your time? That would be better for me
    Felipe Ide
    Felipe Ide
    That's fine, I call you 00am then.
    Felipe Ide
    Felipe Ide
    Hey, I'm ready for our battles, call me on Showndown when you're ready too. My nick is Felipe_Ide
    hey we're playing for dubs ssnl, im gmt -4 and available after 3 pm weekdays, weekends are more fluid
    hi when dubs ssnls im gmt+8 so timezones are hard can you ever play on your mornings/my nights?
    I'm GMT -5 so yeah timezones are pretty weird here. I can do really late nights my time, but I rarely wake up early in the morning. I usually get up at 11am my time.
    sure which day are you most comfortable, I'm like really filled on the weekend so is something like Friday GMT+8 11:00-12am something good for you?
    hi, I don't think I can make the time I mentioned (although i still don't know if you are ok with it, can we play around 10pm your time friday?
    Hey when dubs ssnls? Gmt+1 here and saturday/sunday work best where I can practically do any time.
    Hey, I would suggest we play tonight before the deadline but I don't think you can do that given your timezone. I had 3 exams this past week so I was way too busy to even check smogon lol.
    please remember to schedule with dih for your seasonal battle, and good luck hoping to see another great run from you!
    hi wen dubs ssnl, I'm gmt -7 and prefer evenings on the weekend
    Hey, really sorry for the late reply. I'm able to play tonight (friday) and sunday from 9-11 central (GMT -5)
    sunday at 10 central is ok
    hi, just dropping by to remind you to schedule and play your games against jamesspeed1 for the seasonal. thank you, and good luck!
    Hey it's your dou seasonals opponent. I'm GMT +10 and am free on my friday, weekend and the following monday. Times I'd like to play are from 6 pm - 11 pm but if that's not flexible enough for you I can adjust if need be.
    awesome! drop a link in the dubs room when you play. I have been looking forward to watching this match
    You have not shown up on my monday 2 pm. So I have to assume you meant your monday, the 15th. So this means I can play at 7 am tomorrow, my time. So this will be your afternoon at 4 pm. We will play then :)
    We actually went past the deadline and it never went to a coinflip (I actually lost if fyi if it went through). So we until wednesday which means I'm going to play in the early morning, we can't get around that. So we're locking in 7 am for me tomorrow.
    sup when do you want to play for dou seasonals? kinda busy during the week so I hope weekend should work. I'm gmt-7
    I think that'll work. I'll yet you know beforehand if anything comes up
    I'll be out tonight so I may be a little bit late. Shouldn't be more than 15 mins
    Alright thanks for the heads up
    DOU ssnls, when fite, GMT+1 and free mostly whenever
    yeah sounds good
    lemme know when you're on
    Hey, I'm really sorry for my tardiness. It kind of escaped my mind so I didnt make it for the scheduled time. If you wanna do it at any time from now until like midnight my time, im free.
    Hey Bopper we are paired for DOU Seasonals. I am in gmt+2 and should be pretty free Sat/Sun anytime really after 3pm if that works for you as long as I have it scheduled ahead of time. Was hoping we could play at a later round, but looking forward to it regardless!
    Hey! I'm going to be at VGC nationals this weekend so followed by vacation right after so I kind of have to play tomorrow (Wednesday). I can play at any time after 11am my time (GMT -5).
    Forgot to mention I leave for nationals on Thursday afternoon
    wed 11am your time it is then.
    Hey Bopper we are paired for DOU Seasonals. I am in EDT (GMT -4) and should be pretty free Sat/Sun anytime really after 3pm if that works for you as long as I have it scheduled ahead of time. Was hoping we could play at a later round, but looking forward to it regardless!
    yea im genuinely not feeling it atm. if monday doesnt work for you I can ask qsns for an extension but I wont delay any further beyond monday regardless of my work unless you wish for it.
    I'd really prefer to play today to get it out of the way but I can still do tomorrow at 8 my time if we have to
    yea i def prefer playing tomorrow. i prob would have been fine on saturday but a lot of the pressure built up since the first round of presentations is tomorrow. i should be fine tomorrow night and I wont push it back any further.
    Nice to see more VGC players trying Smogon doubles. Hopefully you, Wolfe and James will actually play and not forget haha
    I find the format pretty interesting so I'm going to try to stay active!
    Good :) I'm a bad VGC player on NB but I get top 100 on ladder often in DOU, but eh it means nothing tbh
    Long time no see my good and wise friend! I been wanting to get back into competitive battling for a while now, but unfortunately I won't be able to compete this year at all. Nonetheless, I'll cheer you on as you step closer and closer to qualifying for worlds. Good luck my friend! P.S I been hoping to battle you sometime before Nationals just for fun. :P I really hadn't had a good battle in a while. >.> But yeah, I'll start coming on. I miss VGC. ;c I saw your ranking in the January International Tournament, and I was shocked, you sure are good at this. I wouldn't be surprised if you make top 4 this year. :T
    Yes, I made it to top cut, but I was eliminated on the first round of it by some person I don't regonize from Smogon. Anyway, he beat me in game 1, then I came back in round two to cast my revenge, but in the last round; luck just wasn't on my side. I lost 1-2. I don't think I would have won anyway since both TalkingLion and Chuppa Cross were in my bracket. Anyway, I think I did pretty good for my first Nationals competition. Cybertron was obviously going to win anyway.
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