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  • Bold: the bane of all serious discussion threads
    Agent Gibbs
    Well, that, and having random bold text makes counting bold votes a little more confusing.
    Yea that makes sense
    Yo minor issue on the top 10 titans thread, the mega charizard x link goes to the keldeo one, not the xard one. idk if it's the same for anymore though
    Agent Gibbs
    Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll fix that and check for other mistakes when I update the OP soon (hopefully tonight).
    Am I allowed to do multiple Pokémon?
    Agent Gibbs
    If you finish one, then feel free to grab another, but try to reserve just one at a time.
    Ok thanks
    Ur ava is representative of ur activity y/n?
    The change is cause gen 6 brought a huge influx of players due to the advertising being handled v. differently to previous gens from what I've been told (correct me of I'm wrong on this, as I didn't start playing 'mons until a little before BW2's release so I can only go on what I've heard). Also competitive was just made so much more accessible to new players in gen 6 due to the improved breeding mechanics, so that is also a pretty major contributor here.
    Agent Gibbs
    That sounds about right. Whatever the reason, when 6th Gen started, you had new Smogon members trying to argue against everything from Evasion Clause to Level 100 battles. It was pretty annoying, to say the least.
    I can kinda understand the lv 100 battles thing 'cause of the way that in-game works, but what I don't understand is why anyone in their right mind would want to get rid of evasion clause .-.
    your new avi is the most annoying thing since the flashing "party hard" avis lol
    Agent Gibbs
    I just wonder how many people have sat there watching and waiting for something to load.
    I once stared at it for 90 peaceful minutes

    This shit is hypnotic
    I've been banned from Serebii. Whooo~~~
    Yeah I didn't really post here much until recently.

    tbh it does suck since there's not much we could really do about it dying, but it makes more sense that people who want to seriously play competitive would come to the place actually devoted to it.
    Agent Gibbs
    I wish it could be like back when I first joined Serebii. There were actually several legit players who contributed a lot, but everyone's pretty much gone now.
    I think it was because Serebii moderation were being obnoxious for a while. Mass-banned a lot of good players because they didn't agree on the same opinions or something.
    Ur alive :O
    Good for the most part. Also busy/hellish at times 'cause of AS levels, but generally speaking its not bad.

    What have you been spending the past few months doing?
    Agent Gibbs
    Working, classes, the usual. I've been checking up on the forums occasionally, usually out of boredom, but I haven't played the game much in several months.
    Makes sense. It can get hard to balance it with other stuff, and obvi irl comes before a children's game xD
    Agent Gibbs
    Probably. The OU community is in the worst shape I think I've ever seen it, and that's usually the one thing that keeps me coming back.
    Well at least you got your CC greyed this time :P
    Agent Gibbs
    Oh wow, just noticed that. That's actually really cool of them.
    hi! in your OU checks compendiums threat, gliscor is listed under both GSI and NSI for heatran. just a heads up. also, mega houndoom is under SSI for heatran, but heatran is under GSI for mega houndoom...
    Agent Gibbs
    Yeah Bisharp seems weird lol, but Low Kick Sharp can check other Sharps, which rarely run Low Kick of their own. The Diancie thing is part of a glitch with a program I've been using (I'll explain soon in the thread), so I'll fix that right away.
    i see. talonflame is repeated between gsi and ssi for mega altaria.
    Agent Gibbs
    Got it
    After I made the above comment, I was told he wasn't quite finished with it, so feel free to keep in touch with him, otherwise I can.
    Just saw you're already using it, but it's totes good enough to be used. If anything, you might get a further polished verison soon.
    Agent Gibbs
    Yeah, I talked to him and he said that I could use the current version until he's done with the final one. Still looks awesome though!
    I thought you quit a long time ago gibbs?_?
    Agent Gibbs
    I did for a little while to focus on school, but I'm back for now.
    Hey,would you like me to make a banner for your checks compedium?
    I'm not sure it'll be great but I can certainly try
    Agent Gibbs
    Sure man, that would be awesome!
    mfw I didn't know others actually use 3 attacks + slack off slowbro ;;
    Agent Gibbs
    Oh yeah, it's been my favorite Mega Slowbro set since ORAS came out. If it wasn't already on the analysis, it would easily have my vote.
    Don't want to flood the thread with a one liner, but you should add Slowking under Latios checks. The AV set basically counters it.
    Agent Gibbs
    Good point! I'll add it under Latias checks too while I'm at it.
    As I was seeing your thread I thought "damn, this Metagame is so chaotic that the word "counter" has become obsolete :/" still imo it's a very useful tool for a builder, looking forward when you'll finish it x)
    Agent Gibbs
    Should be done now! But yeah haha, this is just a rough list so I focused more on switch ins and revenge killers rather than strict checks and counters. Pretty similar concept, though.
    Hey, loving your checks compendium, but perhaps it would be beneficial to include a definition of what exactly a check is in the OP? Otherwise the thing'll probably get flooded with a ton of things that don't qualify as checks.
    Agent Gibbs
    Well, I sorta defined it in the thing about switch-ins vs non-switch-ins. I'll try to clarify more, but the forum doesn't seem to be letting me edit those posts lol.
    "I'm so gonna start running Iron Tail Charizard X." I actually was thinking about this the other day and was meaning to build on this lol. Can't wait to hit an M-Altaria with this..
    Agent Gibbs
    I was actually thinking about using something like that for Smogon Tour lol. Probably with something like SubCM Keldeo that really hates Mega Altaria.
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