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SS SS OU Winter Seasonal #2 - Round 1

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forgive them even if they are not sorry
is a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Dedicated Tournament Host

art by Kiwi
SS OU Winter Seasonal #2

  • This is a standard SS OU tournament. All matches must be played in the [Gen 8] OU format.
  • This tournament will be Double Elimination.
  • Rounds will be Best of Three. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!. If you can't agree on which server to play on, the Smogtours server is the default option.
  • Replays will not be required until Top 16, but it is advised you still save them regardless.
  • Activity calls will be made by me, potentially with neutral assistance from a Tournament Director. Coin flips will be done publicly on PS!
  • In the event that something is added to or removed from the SS OU metagame in the middle of a round, that change will be in effect starting the next round.
  • Do not cheat. Cheating will result in a disqualification. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
    • Signing up with more than one account
    • Ghosting or being ghosted by another player (e.g. while playing a set, asking for advice about what plays to make)
    • Manipulating match outcomes (e.g. throwing a match in exchange for Smogon likes)
  • Do not harass or insult your opponents. I reserve the right to disqualify anyone breaking this rule. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary.
  • Banned Pokémon
    • All Pokémon in the "Uber" tier.
  • Banned Moves
    • Baton Pass
  • Banned Abilities
    • Arena Trap, Shadow Tag, Power Construct
  • Clauses
    • Sleep Clause, Species Clause, OKHO Clause, Evasion Clause, Moody Clause, Endless Battle Clause, Dynamax Clause

What are we playing for?
This tournament will award points towards the 2024 SS OU Circuit, which awards a ribbon to the winner of the entire circuit.

SS OU Resources can be found here.
Tournament Rules and General Guidelines can be found here. Scheduling Guide can be found here. Activity Win guidelines can be found here.

Round 1

ToastedBunzzz02  vs  Reze
Luigi  vs  Insou
etern  vs  Kaif
ChaFouuu  vs  CaptainEikichi
DugZa  vs  The White Room
KeshBa54  vs  MTB
cicepece11  vs  JojenReed
leoperi99  vs  false
TheMemeHead  vs  weird mon
Oathkeeper  vs  HikozaruGG
sayyonara  vs  Abyssal Ruins
Vaictador  vs  Yves Stone
Lostmemories  vs  lolebruh
KniY  vs  Huntu
Waci  vs  Javi
awyp  vs  ojr
Ara  vs  Irella
Nowelle  vs  roxie
Squeeby  vs  Albret
mcpallday  vs  averagetoxapexlover
Seraphz  vs  NoName6293
Airi  vs  Slowpoke Fan
sufys  vs  Fardin
Ado  vs  Sahki
Souw  vs  GasaiYunoSan
Effy  vs  Abbehat
TL The Legend  vs  Bedal Roscoe
Drachenkeule  vs  Mix
Batzi  vs  crucify
TPH  vs  GeniusX
HaxxSel  vs  txitxas
Mimikyu Stardust  vs  Baddy
CaroOui  vs  Mike Cometa
Sato07  vs  Nashrock
Xr Kartana  vs  shadowtime2000
MiMoHyo  vs  Hollow Soul
s7a  vs  Always!
Fakee  vs  robjr
StreaMoustache  vs  ChrisPBacon
velvet  vs  devin
paolode99  vs  not mishmesh
RyuSnowシ  vs  Beleth
X-Wing  vs  luisin
Tenebricite  vs  ImposterOCE
Slip  vs  Durk27
SOM/05  vs  yone
goldmason  vs  giove97
Ampha  vs  CDW Enrique
skippergamez  vs  Surfy
RL  vs  wjq
Mirbro  vs  lou dort
By Like Cat  vs  Yoink 0
AverageDragapultUser  vs  Monai
Sheik :  vs  Estuardo19
King Billu  vs  havocknight
feen  vs  boris69
Akaru Kokuyo  vs  Juseth sepulveda
Theia  vs  Mister McLovin
Nashe  vs  realaccountami?
Antonazz  vs  Razorgliscor
Foufakirby  vs  tofa
mil  vs  Swaay
soulgazer  vs  kenny
Stampi  vs  Insania21
TPP  vs  Enzonana.
MGdos16  vs  damien the genius
marsandback  vs  dex
Aurella  vs  Sensibility
Fc  vs  Yippie
pastavore  vs  skimmythegod
Nayza  vs  sablolol
RaiZen1704  vs  Chris Chien Pao
DAHLI  vs  eliana.
Heni-san  vs  yovan33321
metagross does architectu  vs  JeoZ
Mada  vs  monchooo
Shucklegigas  vs  stroikerrr
Ardy  vs  TheFlyingHam
Welli0u  vs  pokédutch
OranBerryBlissey10  vs  Reconnecter
LudwigFrog  vs  samohi0
BlazingDark  vs  ToasterBoi420
Hydromissfocushit  vs  veti
LpZ  vs  Eulelp
Splash  vs  Clementine
Tal  vs  Hockey1
Zelic2  vs  valuez
Longestbanana  vs  Lionyx
Lightniong  vs  Chicos
Stareal  vs  dog mendigoso
fish anemometer  vs  Freshhhhh
SOMALIA  vs  Liimpy
SpookyZ  vs  Typical_bastard
Ikaishi  vs  Phantom0rion
temp  vs  Zoyotte
jetou  vs  zastra
Scarfire  vs  Breezy
Analytic  vs  3d
2manyflies  vs  Extinct!
TyCarter  vs  Nichalho
Wesleyy  vs  Marshall.Law
Ina fable  vs  Blox
Mister Magnus  vs  DeCurry
entrocefalo  vs  Spoontech
pulsar512b  vs  Cat food and
seroo  vs  w_r
Joya  vs  Bye 4
triple axel blaze  vs  Bye 5
Portrait or Ruin  vs  TGA
Buhrito  vs  Vermillion Gangsta
Ryuji  vs  Bye 8
egalvanc  vs  Exotic64
Delta4  vs  pratik2007
tntblader  vs  TDR
Metali  vs  Yourwelcomethanku
drakey  vs  Bye 13
Sirwings  vs  BrunnoGreen
Metallica126  vs  Bye 15
Heika  vs  CriasDelSuperVasco
avarice  vs  Bye 17
Leru  vs  Leavers
Kaneki-san  vs  Carkoala
leo568  vs  Miyoko
Wail Wailord  vs  Bye 21
Éric  vs  Bye 22
Deez Is The Way  vs  Magician
lihj  vs  Dumboi

Deadline for this round is Sunday, January 21st at 11:59 PM GMT -5.
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