Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

This would be incredibly arbitrary and specified. BW OU already encountered a similar dynamic and banned all of the sleep moves, so if any blanket ban would be considered, it would not be arbitrary and it would be all-encompassing.

That’s not me saying this option will happen, but your post claiming it is the best option is incorrect.
Would it be correct to assume that rest would not be touched, as its version of the sleep status is mechanically different from other forms of sleep? (I.e. it’s self afflicted, and it always has 3 sleep turns, therefore not being RNG based in any way)

I'm less familiar with modern BW OU, so I don’t know what all is banned there.

Either way I’m on board with a sleep ban, as someone who has been very vocal against sleep clauses current implementation since last gen.
Would it be correct to assume that rest would not be touched, as its version of the sleep status is mechanically different from other forms of sleep? (I.e. it’s self afflicted, and it always has 3 sleep turns, therefore not being RNG based in any way)

I'm less familiar with modern BW OU, so I don’t know what all is banned there.

Either way I’m on board with a sleep ban, as someone who has been very vocal against sleep clauses current implementation since last gen.
Rest won’t be touched.
The entire argument is framed around Gen 9, and more specifically SV OU. If you go into the Policy Thread right now you can find a quotes from OU Council members saying just as such. With that in mind it really becomes easy to look at what is causing the issue, and it isn't the plethora of Pokemon with Sleep Moves or even the Clause itself. It really is a handful of bad eggs with one being Darker than all the others.

You can make the same exact argument with OHKO moves and Evasion. Realistically, there isn't that many Pokemon that learn OHKO moves that also are Pokemon you :
a.) would even want to use in an OU match
b.) Would want to try and fish for the chance rather then run something way more reliable
So why not just get ditch the OHKO clause, and then ban the Pokemon that can come close to abusing them with any sense of reliability by your logic?

Evasion is more wide spread, but the evasion boosting moves have even more opportunity cost of needing you to win multiple RNG rolls to realistically get enough value out of them to have made it worth running. Sand Veil and Snow Cloak mostly has obvious issues other abilites that just provide more consistent value, a lack of permanent weather, and the Pokemon that set it up having noticeable issues. So why not ditch the Evasion clause and just ban whatever Pokemon can actually use Evasion well enough for it to be a noticeable issue by your logic?
You can make the same exact argument with OHKO moves and Evasion. Realistically, there isn't that many Pokemon that learn OHKO moves that also are Pokemon you :
a.) would even want to use in an OU match
b.) Would want to try and fish for the chance rather then run something way more reliable
So why not just get ditch the OHKO clause, and then ban the Pokemon that can come close to abusing them with any sense of reliability by your logic?

Evasion is more wide spread, but the evasion boosting moves have even more opportunity cost of needing you to win multiple RNG rolls to realistically get enough value out of them to have made it worth running. Sand Veil and Snow Cloak mostly has obvious issues other abilites that just provide more consistent value, a lack of permanent weather, and the Pokemon that set it up having noticeable issues. So why not ditch the Evasion clause and just ban whatever Pokemon can actually use Evasion well enough for it to be a noticeable issue by your logic?
Simple, they are spammable. With sleep moves in their current state, you can only sleep one mon. With these moves, you can do that over and over again. You can simply just click the Ohko move multiple times even if it connects, which doesn't work with sleep. Furthermore, ohko moves are permanent, if they hit, the mon is dead. With sleep moves, you have max 3 turns to wake up. A mon isn't dead if it is asleep, it is out of commision for a while. Evasion on the other hand, procs can happen multiple times per game. They aren't similar, they cannot work the same as sleep moves.
I'm not advocating for either side of this debate as I'm honestly sick of the discussion, but comparing sleep to Ohko/evasion moves is not really correct in my eyes.
You can make the same exact argument with OHKO moves and Evasion. Realistically, there isn't that many Pokemon that learn OHKO moves that also are Pokemon you :
a.) would even want to use in an OU match
b.) Would want to try and fish for the chance rather then run something way more reliable
So why not just get ditch the OHKO clause, and then ban the Pokemon that can come close to abusing them with any sense of reliability by your logic?

Evasion is more wide spread, but the evasion boosting moves have even more opportunity cost of needing you to win multiple RNG rolls to realistically get enough value out of them to have made it worth running. Sand Veil and Snow Cloak mostly has obvious issues other abilites that just provide more consistent value, a lack of permanent weather, and the Pokemon that set it up having noticeable issues. So why not ditch the Evasion clause and just ban whatever Pokemon can actually use Evasion well enough for it to be a noticeable issue by your logic?

The problem I feel is that people are equating putting a Pokemon to Sleep as them basically being KO'd. A huge problem with your argument is that no matter the Pokemon a OHKO move has a 30% chance to KO. Sure you wouldn't necessarily want to use Diglett or Krabby or your team, but if they can snag a free KO by the click of the button then why not throw a Focus Sash on them and fish? Even Evasion can be game winning with enough coin flips on any Pokemon that can learn it. Doesn't matter if you limit it only to Cherubi the fact that it can is enough to warrant a whole sale ban. Let's go even further: Baton Pass. Look at how many times it was tried to nerf that move to preserve it. It turns out that it really didn't matter which Pokemon used it. As long as a Pokemon could pass a stat to another better, more deadlier mon it was broken.

What I'm getting at is that in a limited state that's just not the case for Sleep moves. Ok, so you got your Sandyghast in, and hit Hypnosis... now what? Spamming the Sleep move further gets you nothing, and Sandyghast is so weak that it can't really do much with the free turn of Sleep other than switch out. Even if you switch to a set up sweeper you're not guaranteed the sweep, and could potentially be throwing away your win con off of Sleep Turns. Now you're left with a Sandyghast who has already taken damage more than likely. There's a reason why you have to test all Mons that can do the thing.
I'm a bit surprised by the council's reaction to have a closer look on sleep when a fair amount of the same arguments could be made for terra. Sleep, much like terra, is limited by how good it is by its abusers - no one was seriously advocating for a sleep ban prior to Darkrai and it seems inconsistent with previous teiring policy in terms of letting the meta evolve to deal with the issue. I would argue that there has never been more counter play to deal with sleep than in the current generation in terms of the leniency of the mechanic relative to other gens and with the introduction of Good as Gold and Purifying Salt on two great mons. Legitimate counter play to sleep, in general, exists.

In my mind, this is akin to me saying I have no counter play to gen 4 Jirachi; let's ban flinching moves instead of banning Jirachi. If we're going to treat terra abusers on a case by case basis, rather than outright banning the mechanic (neither pro nor against at this point because of how amped up the power creep is this gen), then we absolutely should do the same with sleep for consistency. I feel there are more pressing issues to tackle before even discussing sleep, like the re-released mons and finalizing our decision on the generation defining mechanic.

what’s more odd for me is, while that Darkrai hypnosis set is certainly uncompetitive, I don’t think a sleep clause is the most pressing issue in the meta right now. I would think Tera or even hazards (which I don’t think should go) would be a chopping block first because it’s defining the current HO/offense-heavy meta.
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My personal bet for Pecharunt is “UU with a solid OU niche”, around B-rank or so. It would be a lot better in this tier if it wasn’t completely blanked by Kingambit, and it faces a lot of competition with Galarian Slowking. Neither of those things would be true in UU where I think a lot of its true potential will come into full force. All that said, the fact that it can still pivot out of Kingambit or run Tera Fighting to beat it helps a lot, and it actually does match up well vs large portions of the meta while having some advantages that Galarian Slowking doesn’t, namely that titanic physical bulk, decent speed tier, and ability to spinblock.
Banning sleep just to keep Darkrai in OU would be... something.

Was there ever even one post complaining about sleep, in this generation, prior to Darkrai getting unbanned?
Sleep Clause as a whole needed to be revamped because it doesn’t align with other policies. It was really bad to have Sleep Clause change gameplay mechanics and be complex itself.
Plus Darkrai isn’t the only Pokemon with sleep moves and Iron Valiant could just do the same thing.
Sleep Clause as a whole needed to be revamped because it doesn’t align with other policies. It was really bad to have Sleep Clause change gameplay mechanics and be complex itself.
Plus Darkrai isn’t the only Pokemon with sleep moves and Iron Valiant could just do the same thing.

Sleep clause exists in gen 1, 2, 3, 4... it's not a new thing. It's been here for 25+ years.

Then Darkrai comes to OU and people want it gone.


The problem is Darkrai. Not the rule that's been here longer than half of you have been alive.
Simple, they are spammable. With sleep moves in their current state, you can only sleep one mon. With these moves, you can do that over and over again. You can simply just click the Ohko move multiple times even if it connects, which doesn't work with sleep. Furthermore, ohko moves are permanent, if they hit, the mon is dead. With sleep moves, you have max 3 turns to wake up. A mon isn't dead if it is asleep, it is out of commision for a while. Evasion on the other hand, procs can happen multiple times per game. They aren't similar, they cannot work the same as sleep moves.
I'm not advocating for either side of this debate as I'm honestly sick of the discussion, but comparing sleep to Ohko/evasion moves is not really correct in my eyes.

Then make the same kind of arbitrary game modifcations for them that sleep has now lol. OHKO moves don't work after getting 1 kill with them, and evasion can't be stacked above like, +2 or whatever (so Minimize isn't defacto banned as a result). Also, saying that sleep isn't like being OHKOed at all is funny when a lot of the times, it frankly is.

The problem I feel is that people are equating putting a Pokemon to Sleep as them basically being KO'd. A huge problem with your argument is that no matter the Pokemon a OHKO move has a 30% chance to KO. Sure you wouldn't necessarily want to use Diglett or Krabby or your team, but if they can snag a free KO by the click of the button then why not throw a Focus Sash on them and fish? Even Evasion can be game winning with enough coin flips on any Pokemon that can learn it. Doesn't matter if you limit it only to Cherubi the fact that it can is enough to warrant a whole sale ban. Let's go even further: Baton Pass. Look at how many times it was tried to nerf that move to preserve it. It turns out that it really didn't matter which Pokemon used it. As long as a Pokemon could pass a stat to another better, more deadlier mon it was broken.

What I'm getting at is that in a limited state that's just not the case for Sleep moves. Ok, so you got your Sandyghast in, and hit Hypnosis... now what? Spamming the Sleep move further gets you nothing, and Sandyghast is so weak that it can't really do much with the free turn of Sleep other than switch out. Even if you switch to a set up sweeper you're not guaranteed the sweep, and could potentially be throwing away your win con off of Sleep Turns. Now you're left with a Sandyghast who has already taken damage more than likely. There's a reason why you have to test all Mons that can do the thing.

You do like, realize that the Baton pass wasn't actually broken on everything, right? It hasn't ever been difficult to isolate which Pokemon can actually noticeably abuse Baton pass to the point they became noticeable issues. The problem with Baton Pass came from not wanting to ban several different Pokemon just to preserve Baton Pass for the Pokemon that used it in a non broken way, but even with the funny, obtuse restrictions it got, it was still proving a problem with the prominent abusers of it, so it eventually got banned as a whole in the majority of generations. It was never "every Pokemon that got it was broken with it". That alone makes your weird and frankly dumb attempt at using random shitmons being able to use Hypnosis and shit to try and justify why Sleep as a whole can't and shouldn't be banned kinda moot, as well as tyrying to talk about random shitmons using OHKO moves and evasion as reasons why they should stay banned
Sleep clause exists in gen 1, 2, 3, 4... it's not a new thing. It's been here for 25+ years.

Then Darkrai comes to OU and people want it gone.


The problem is Darkrai. Not the rule that's been here longer than half of you have been alive.
Sleep Clause only existed for the 3D side games, which Stadium 1 actually has its own meta due to mechanic changes from regular Gen 1, and stopped existing for a long time.
Sleep clause exists in gen 1, 2, 3, 4... it's not a new thing. It's been here for 25+ years.

Then Darkrai comes to OU and people want it gone.


The problem is Darkrai. Not the rule that's been here longer than half of you have been alive.
I’ve been here on Smogon in some capacity since gen 4. Sleep Clause has always been inconsistent with our tiering policy by directly altering in-game mechanics to “nerf” an unhealthy mechanic, and people have been complaining about it for generations. This isn’t new, and any claims to the contrary are either ignorant or intentionally revisionist.
Sleep clause exists in gen 1, 2, 3, 4... it's not a new thing. It's been here for 25+ years.

Then Darkrai comes to OU and people want it gone.


The problem is Darkrai. Not the rule that's been here longer than half of you have been alive.
Here's my take on the sleep situation. Ban hypnosis so people like you stop gassing awful high roll sets. Fuck competitiveness you're just really annoying. In all seriousness Hypnosis is the only remotely problematic inaccurate sleep move. This isn't gen 3 anymore guys, nobody is running sing Blissey

Dude, RBY would be completely unplayable without sleep clause. It has been around since the very beginning. You're showing your age with these comments.
Sleep clause has never existed on main series cartridges, and was only a thing officially in the stadium games.
I’ve been here on Smogon in some capacity since gen 4. Sleep Clause has always been inconsistent with our tiering policy by directly altering in-game mechanics to “nerf” an unhealthy mechanic, and people have been complaining about it for generations. This isn’t new, and any claims to the contrary are either ignorant or intentionally revisionist.

So is freeze clause.

You're only complaining about sleep because Darkrai got unbanned.

The problem is Darkrai.

Here's my take on the sleep situation. Ban hypnosis so people like you stop gassing awful high roll sets.

If I could win games with Nasty Plot + Hypnosis Gengar, I would.

But Gengar isn't good enough.

There is one mon and only one mon who can abuse it at the level that deserves to be banned.
Dude, RBY would be completely unplayable without sleep clause. It has been around since the very beginning. You're showing your age with these comments.

You're not understanding their point. Nobody is suggesting we axe Sleep Clause and just let Sleep moves run rampant, the problem is (or at least one of the problems) that Sleep Clause is no longer replicable on carts, and hasn't been for like two decades; it was only ever a thing in a 20+ year old spinoff game. People are arguing that it should be modified to be more cart accurate (either disallowing the use of sleep moves entirely if the opponent has a sleeping mon, or making attempting to put a Pokemon to sleep if they already have a sleeping mon be an auto-forfeit), or that we should outright ban Sleep moves in its place. Try engaging with those arguments instead of ones nobody is making.
So is freeze clause.

You're only complaining about sleep because Darkrai got unbanned.

The problem is Darkrai.
Ok so,
1.iirc Freeze Clause is a thing in stadium 1 as well
2. Both freeze clause and sleep clause modify how the game is played relative to how it should be on cart, which is what's emulated with the non-stadium gen 1 sims.

I'm gonna say it again and maybe this time you'll actually address it. THE HIGH ROLL HYPNOSIS SET YOU ARE GASSING UP SUCKS SHIT. IT IS WINNING GAMES BECAUSE PLAYERS AT THAT LEVEL EXPECT CONSISTENCY AND (FOR GOOD REASONS) DON'T EXPECT A RANDOM LEAD DARKRAI SET BECAUSE THAT SET SUCKS ASS. Saying these players "don't have answers for darkrai" is just wrong, because they do. What those answers aren't based around is fucking Hypnosis because that's a stupid way to build a team.
You're not understanding their point. Nobody is suggesting we axe Sleep Clause and just let Sleep moves run rampant, the problem is (or at least one of the problems) that Sleep Clause is no longer replicable on carts, and hasn't been for like two decades; it was only ever a thing in a 20+ year old spinoff game. People are arguing that it should be modified to be more cart accurate (either disallowing the use of sleep moves entirely if the opponent has a sleeping mon, or making attempting to put a Pokemon to sleep if they already have a sleeping mon be an auto-forfeit), or that we should outright ban Sleep moves in its place. Try engaging with those arguments instead of ones nobody is making.

The comment that I was responding to quite literally said this:

Sleep Clause only existed for the 3D side games

Perhaps you should read instead of pretending I'm saying things that I'm not.

Ok so,
1.iirc Freeze Clause is a thing in stadium 1 as well

But it's not a thing in the actual cart games.

2. Both freeze clause and sleep clause modify how the game is played relative to how it should be on cart, which is what's emulated with the non-stadium gen 1 sims.

I'm gonna say it again and maybe this time you'll actually address it. THE HIGH ROLL HYPNOSIS SET YOU ARE GASSING UP SUCKS SHIT. IT IS WINNING GAMES BECAUSE PLAYERS AT THAT LEVEL EXPECT CONSISTENCY AND (FOR GOOD REASONS) DON'T EXPECT A RANDOM LEAD DARKRAI SET BECAUSE THAT SET SUCKS ASS. Saying these players "don't have answers for darkrai" is just wrong, because they do. What those answers aren't based around is fucking Hypnosis because that's a stupid way to build a team.

So you admit you don't care about inconsistency then...

If you want consistency, get rid of freeze clause too. But you don't actually care about that. You just don't want people to cheese games.

Ban Darkrai. He is an uber.