Metagame Sharing Is Caring

Day 1 and yes, we are aware of the bugs present in Sharing is Caring, it is a complicated OM so practice patience or just enjoy the temporary brokenness of the metagame.

Second, we voted on only 1 thing since we feel it is unfair to judge most elements of the metagame under these circumstances but this one aspect!

Ban Crit ItemsYesYesYes3/0/0 = Ban

Both Razor Fang and Scope Lens are thus banned from Sharing is Caring!
50% crit is just unbalanced with absolutely no downside which both Life Orb and Choiced items aren't free of unlike it. We don't see a even somewhat operational metagame with Crit items present.

On the argumentation of some in the community we decided to temporarily put on hold all tiering including the aforementioned ban till the OM is fixed.

Other elements that we are watching currently are definitely:
  • Choiced Items
  • Weather
  • Knock Off (especially if items start working as originally stated)
Beyond this I will list some of the bugs noticed in SiC for Kris
Choice band and Choice Specs dont seem to be working correctly they dont lock the pokemon into the move
Eviolite Doesn't appear to be working, Assault Vest applies the no support moves function but it isn't clear whether it is boosting spdef
Consuming one item, consumes all other items, example Consuming Booster Energy causes Weakness policy to be consumed and activate
-Berries are not working correctly instead of consuming the berry when hit by a super effective move it consumes your held item instead ( game where baxcalibur consumed a life orb)
-items still affect ur teammates even after the pokemon with the item has been fainted ( game where meowscarada had a toxic orb but even after it fainted it still poisoned the rest of the team)
-consumable items like mirror herb also have the same problem as berries they just consume ur current held item
- itemless mons can't use items from teammates
Battle crashed

Pinging Kris to alert to the bugs, thanks as a always! :D
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Both Razor Fang and Scope Lens are thus banned from Sharing is Caring!
50% crit is just unbalanced with absolutely no downside which both Life Orb and Choiced items aren't free of unlike it
The downside is that you are using a damage boosting item that has a chance of missing. When compared to other items they have to be the damage boosting items, not the other RNG items after all, you are giving up two item slots for a 1.5 multiplier, that only works half of the time, compared to other items that works all the time but don't have a chance of missing and aren't dependent on you running a second item so even if the boost is smaller on something like Mystic Water, you still have another item slot to add another damage modifier, and it wouldn't have a chance of missing, so you aren't missing much damage per second.
This is more obvious in a post fixes format, as losing a mon means you lose the item, and as soon as either of the holders goes down your crit chance gets a lot lower.
Some mons may become broken by those items, like Inteleon in theory (as no one has been able to test anything properly because of all the bugs, so we are banning stuff in theory alone which is a bad thing to do), the broken abusers should go first.
The RNG from crit items is similar to choosing Thunder over Thunderbolt, you are taking a risk for a small damage increase, and depending on your item options that increase may be very small, there is nothing uncompetitive about it as it is just a damage boost.
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I'm reporting this really weird thing. I guess great tusk consumed the iron ball and triggered weakness policy somehow.
Day 1 and yes, we are aware of the bugs present in Sharing is Caring, it is a complicated OM so practice patience or just enjoy the temporary brokenness of the metagame.

Second, we voted on only 1 thing since we feel it is unfair to judge most elements of the metagame under these circumstances but this one aspect!

Ban Crit ItemsYesYesYes3/0/0 = Ban

Both Razor Fang and Scope Lens are thus banned from Sharing is Caring!
50% crit is just unbalanced with absolutely no downside which both Life Orb and Choiced items aren't free of unlike it. We don't see a even somewhat operational metagame with Crit items present.

On the argumentation of some in the community we decided to temporarily put on hold all tiering including the aforementioned ban till the OM is fixed.

Other elements that we are watching currently are definitely:
  • Choiced Items
  • Weather
  • Knock Off (especially if items start working as originally stated)
Beyond this I will list some of the bugs noticed in SiC for Kris
Choice band and Choice Specs dont seem to be working correctly they dont lock the pokemon into the move
Eviolite Doesn't appear to be working, Assault Vest applies the no support moves function but it isn't clear whether it is boosting spdef
Consuming one item, consumes all other items, example Consuming Booster Energy causes Weakness policy to be consumed and activate
-Berries are not working correctly instead of consuming the berry when hit by a super effective move it consumes your held item instead ( game where baxcalibur consumed a life orb)
-items still affect ur teammates even after the pokemon with the item has been fainted ( game where meowscarada had a toxic orb but even after it fainted it still poisoned the rest of the team)
-consumable items like mirror herb also have the same problem as berries they just consume ur current held item
- itemless mons can't use items from teammates

Pinging Kris to alert to the bugs, thanks as a always! :D

Hi. Actually there is one ban you should make before anything else, even fixing the metagame. Quick Ban Booster Energy.

It's not even up for debate. Booster energy allows pokemon with protosynthesis or quark drive to immediately consume their consumable item upon switch-in.

You can quite feasibly cheese the ladder by giving one pokemon booster energy & everything else weakness policy. (Life Orb can be paired with it)

It bypasses the need for any paradox pokemon to run a set up move. Nearly all of them have high coverage move pools (not you sandy shocks, sit back down, your pool sucks), so nearly all of them are cured of their 4 move-slot syndrome.

Last, but probably not least, terra is allowed. This means they can offensive tera for even more power or defensive terra to live an attack they otherwise wouldn't.

Weakness Policy does not seem to be the right thing to ban ... as of yet ... because it cannot activate on its own. Protosynthesis does not seem to be the right thing to ban either, because weather does not trigger the item consumption (and that'd be a lot of pokemon to ban). That leaves Booster Energy as the odd one out.
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Hi. Actually there is one ban you should make before anything else, even fixing the metagame. Quick Ban Booster Energy.

It's not even up for debate. Booster energy allows pokemon with protosynthesis or quark drive to immediately consume their consumable item upon switch-in.

You can quite feasibly cheese the ladder by giving one pokemon booster energy & everything else weakness policy. (Life Orb can be paired with it)

It bypasses the need for any paradox pokemon to run a set up move. Nearly all of them have high coverage move pools (not you sandy shocks, sit back down, your pool sucks), so nearly all of them are cured of their 4 move-slot syndrome.

Last, but probably not least, terra is allowed. This means they can offensive tera for even more power or defensive terra to live an attack they otherwise wouldn't.

Weakness Policy does not seem to be the right thing to ban ... as of yet ... because it cannot activate on its own. Protosynthesis does not seem to be the right thing to ban either, because weather does not trigger the item consumption (and that'd be a lot of pokemon to ban). That leaves Booster Energy as the odd one out.

That is a bug, Booster Energy should only proc once and only itself, for each Pokemon.
Hi. Actually there is one ban you should make before anything else, even fixing the metagame. Quick Ban Booster Energy.

It's not even up for debate. Booster energy allows pokemon with protosynthesis or quark drive to immediately consume their consumable item upon switch-in.

You can quite feasibly cheese the ladder by giving one pokemon booster energy & everything else weakness policy. (Life Orb can be paired with it)

It's worth noting that consuming the item upon switch-in is part of the bugged ladder rn, so I don't agree on quick banning Booster Energy. Priority is a huge threat to any booster team, both of the teams I posted have Indeedee because of how much of a threat Extreme Speed Dragonite is. I've seen Lokix and even Ambipom join in on the priority attackers to surprisingly great effect (perhaps due to the fact that Choice Band gives you the boost, but doesn't lock you into your move rn). If we were to ban something, it would be Damp Rock first, rain is an absolute menace and with Dracovish Ogerpon-Wellspring in rain, any defensive mon is obliterated, while Barraskewda isn't even kind of contested in terms of speed, except by the Booster Energy + Adrenaline Orb combo with Iron Valiant.

In terms of the glitches, I think I have found some consistency in how they work.
The reason why Booster Energy activates on Weakness Policy/Adrenaline Orb, but not Blunder Policy or Berries, I think is because it treats it as something that happens to you rather than something you do.
Additionally, any item that has a different method for being removed, (Berries, Air Balloon, and even Booster) will use the current held item based on the teammate's held item method. This means that you can do goofy stuff like have Grassy Surge activate Weakness Policy on a non-Booster pokemon (concept of such a team here). However the item has to activate in order for the Weakness Policy to activate alongside it, Air Balloon gets popped, and berries get eaten not activated.
This, by extension means, you can run Belly Drum/Substitute, and get a Salac Berry to activate at half HP if a teammate has a Sitrus Berry as their held item.
The method that an item activates has to be the same as the one it's copying in order for it to give its effects.
Obviously Booster teams are the best at abusing activation items, but priority spam and rain are also damn good.
You can also just run a team without any activated items, but running activated items and non-activated items is a no-go. The activated item will "connsume" the passive item on whatever criteria and you will just be down an item on your team (this also makes booster teams extremely good at countering Trick/Switcheroo because the negative item given will be consumed immediately as if it was a booster energy and therefore negating the negative long-term effect).
If I have more findings, I'll post more later.
half the teams are just stack boosts and crit items and priority spam right now and it's just.... so boring...

I get waiting till bugs are fixed but the 50/50 crit thing probably should have just been banned since the decision was already made. same idea as evasion ban, and I see no reason that it would be made better by fixing the bugs. and if scarf is getting the quickban i'd say booster probably warrants it as well honestly

had fun with this when teams weren't just degenerate shit tho. meta is a cool idea and hope everything gets ironed out quickly

Im VERY sad lopunny isn't out yet. just wanna trick a vest.
Woohoo, it's a brand new meta! And one that's item-based, emphasis on the based. Thought I'd go ahead and share my initial ideas for heat since sharing... pfffft... hehe... Sharing... Sharing is... hahaha... Sharing is Curling! Wait, no, wrong punchline...

Other elements that we are watching currently are definitely:
  • Knock Off (especially if items start working as originally stated)

I'd like to start this post by giving some serious opinion, so Clown Mode is temporarily deactivating. Honk Hoooonk.
I think Knock Off is a very big threat in the metagame, and an unresisted answer that completely destroys every creative strategy that is enabled by this metagame, while dealing damage in the process. When you lose an item, 99% of the time it's gone for the rest of the game. That's 1/6th of the reason you selected this metagame. Land it correctly 5 more times and suddenly a Sharing is Caring Knock Off user is playing against a non-OM team. Corrosive Gas (ignore the fact that it can only be called by metronome) is blocked by steel types. Switcheroo and Trick require you to accept the opponent's item, which may be detrimental, and can be taunted. Thief, Covet, Magician and Pickpocket require you to not run an item, and Incinerate, Pluck and Bug Bite only work on berries. Knock Off has no drawback, cannot be prevented, and that's without mentioning coverage and Base Power.
This would have been less of an issue pre-DLC, when this meta was originally approved, but know a lot more Pokémon have gained access to it, but Game Freak have been hitting the funny juice and now we're here. You could make a team entirely out of Knock Off users. You could put Knock Off on a Specs user and it would still be a very beneficial option in this metagame because of the repercussions.
Ok. Take a look at the 4 (fully evolved) Sticky Hold users:
:gastrodon: :dipplin: :muk: :swalot:
:gastrodon: would rather run Storm Drain as a wall
:dipplin: will die if it isn't holding eviolite, are you sure that's the item you really want to share at all costs?
:muk: has good special bulk, but Poison Touch is so much more appealing
:swalot: users are the ones who can't run :muk: twice because of species clause.
On all of these, btw, Knock Off will still retain its boosted damage.
Ok. You're talking about :focus-sash: :colbur-berry: :rocky-helmet: :sticky-barb: :booster-energy:(only when held by a Paradox Pokémon)
:focus-sash: theoretically changes nothing because the situations where you'd go back to 100% HP are very rare.
:colbur-berry: is a bad item to share if your team isn't weak to dark
:rocky-helmet: does damage the Knock Off user... once. Budget Rough Skin / Iron Barbs that no longer has the benefit of being shared to your team because Knock Off has been used.
:sticky-barb: will passively damage the rest of your team. If the Knock Off user doesn't have an item, it will have the sticky barb transferred to it! Chances are, though, it will hold an item, unless you're planning to counter Knock Off with Knock Off.
:Booster-energy: would take a miracle to not have been consumed by the Paradox Mon yet (especially the future ones, with how rare eterrain is)
In all of these situations except Booster Energy, Knock Off still has its boosted damage and knocks away the item.
You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Let's see here. Aftermath, Cute Charm, Effect Spore, Flame Body, Gooey, Iron Barbs, Justified, Mummy, Perish Body, Pickpocket, Poison Point, Rattled, Rough Skin, Static, Tangling Hair, Wandering Spirit.
Ok, maybe I do. Sorry, shouldn't have assumed, maybe you're new to this, I apologize.
Aftermath activates upon death by contact move, and removes 25% of its HP, very situational and :drifblim: is the only one I see viably using it. :electrode: :electrode-hisui: might use it depending on the role they play, but an immunity to sound moves is also really good. :skuntank: will rarely die from Knock Off.
Cute Charm has a low chance of activating and even then, the Knock Off user should be of the opposite gender. Please don't rely on this. All users (:clefable: :enamorus: :milotic: :sylveon: :wigglytuff:) have much better abilities.
Effect Spore users ( amoonguss:breloom:) have much better abilities.
Flame Body forces you to run a fire type (:coalossal: :chandelure: :heatran: :magcargo: :moltres: :talonflame: :volcarona:), which will most likely be holding :heavy-duty-boots:. Now your flame body user is weak to switching in to rocks (25% for :coalossal: :chandelure: :magcargo:, 50% for :moltres: :talonflame: :volcarona:, and why are you using flame body instead of flash fire for :heatran:). Hope you got that 30% burn chance.
Gooey is bad as :Goodra: :goodra-hisui: would rather have an immunity in Sap Sipper and :wugtrio: will still die.
Justified users (:arcanine: :gallade: :lucario:) would rather use their other abilities.
Pickpocket users would be shooting themselves in the foot. :Weavile: is incredibly frail and would rather not rely on being hit to be useful, and the other three (:tinkaton: :grimmsnarl: :shiftry:) have not one but two other abilities they'd rather be using. Also, don't forget to not have an item, or your ability is useless. Wanna do that in the metagame that rewards holding an item?
Poison Point users (:clodsire: :dragalge: :overqwil: :qwilfish:) should just Toxic instead, not even gonna mention their abilities.
Rattled users (:dudunsparce: :persian-alola: :sudowoodo: :wugtrio:) would rather use their other abilities. Assist isn't in the game so you can't do funny :persian-alola: power trip spam anyway.
Rough Skin is :Garchomp: and nothing else. Garchomp is good, but he still loses his item. Then you can just deal with him without contact.
Static has only two users that would rather run it than their other abilities: :ZAPDOS: and :ampharos:. Again, that's a 30% chance from contact only and if Zapdos is running boots, he is now weak to stealth rocks forever.
Tangling Hair is :Dugtrio-Alola:, and he takes so much damage.
Iron Barbs, Mummy, Perish Body, and Wandering Spirit aren't in the game.
In all of these situations, Knock Off still knocks away the item.
Please Please Please Please Please force users to be creative instead of spamming Knock Off. Sharing is Caring and baby, Knock Off is the Grinch.

Anyway, that's my two cents on Knock Off, back to your irregularly scheduled hot garbage. Clown mode is back online, honk honk.

Trick Ring Target is about to be FUNNY. No more immunities for the rest of the opposing team means coverage is expanded so much. Electric moves hitting :Landorus-therian:, earthquake hitting :Corviknight:, Drain Punch / Close Combat hitting :gholdengo:... oh man I am here for this chaos.

Tricking this onto another mon = Automatic Salt Cure simulator against 94% of the types in the game, minus the double damage on water and steel types.

Prankster Trick still goes first since it only affects the order within the priority bracket. Cripples fast teams that don't rely on priority.

Would want to see Choice teams using this item as well. The snowball potential is wild.

Idk about this one, but my heat detector is going off on it. Could be useful.

Oh.... Another funny item. Trick Room teams rejoice.

Reverse speed :Booster-energy: for trick room to allow faster mons to run in it... hmm... I just don't see who would hold this. It's there if you need it though.

Immunity to spore and sandstorm could be nice, might be useful on stall teams.

:scope-lens: :razor-claw:
I agree with KaenSoul on this one. The items can be removed and also do not activate all the time. If +2 crit rate does end up being too much though, start by banning one of the items (or banning using both of them) to see if +1 crit rate is manageable.
I'd also love to see some Battle/Shell Armor and Anger Point counterplay but that's just me...

See Black Sludge up above, but now it works against every type, the drawback being that it goes back to you upon contact (if you don’t have an item). Trick this when using a Special or no-contact focused team for funny results.


Could go well with weakness policy

Kind of a diet ring target + diet lagging tail mixed together. Do keep in mind however that Ring Target does not make flying types grounded, while this one does. Tricking this one could be good for hazard stack teams. Pair it with Frisk to find the boots user and then whee

ohhhhh... trick this and bye-bye rain and sun teams.

That's all I can think of for now. Obviously for trick items be careful of how many / what you run because you don't want it biting you back, but until then, have a fun meta everyone!
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I'd like to start this post by giving some serious opinion, so Clown Mode is temporarily deactivating. Honk Hoooonk.
I think Knock Off is a very big threat in the metagame, and an unresisted answer that completely destroys every creative strategy that is enabled by this metagame, while dealing damage in the process. When you lose an item, 99% of the time it's gone for the rest of the game. That's 1/6th of the reason you selected this metagame. Land it correctly 5 more times and suddenly a Sharing is Caring Knock Off user is playing against a non-OM team. Corrosive Gas (ignore the fact that it can only be called by metronome) is blocked by steel types. Switcheroo and Trick require you to accept the opponent's item, which may be detrimental, and can be taunted. Thief, Covet, Magician and Pickpocket require you to not run an item, and Incinerate, Pluck and Bug Bite only work on berries. Knock Off has no drawback, cannot be prevented, and that's without mentioning coverage and Base Power.
This would have been less of an issue pre-DLC, when this meta was originally approved, but know a lot more Pokémon have gained access to it, but Game Freak have been hitting the funny juice and now we're here. You could make a team entirely out of Knock Off users. You could put Knock Off on a Specs user and it would still be a very beneficial option in this metagame because of the repercussions.
Ok. Take a look at the 4 (fully evolved) Sticky Hold users:
:gastrodon: :dipplin: :muk: :swalot:
:gastrodon: would rather run Storm Drain as a wall
:dipplin: will die if it isn't holding eviolite, are you sure that's the item you really want to share at all costs?
:muk: has good special bulk, but Poison Touch is so much more appealing
:swalot: users are the ones who can't run :muk: twice because of species clause.
On all of these, btw, Knock Off will still retain its boosted damage.
Ok. You're talking about :focus-sash: :colbur-berry: :rocky-helmet: :sticky-barb: :booster-energy:(only when held by a Paradox Pokémon)
:focus-sash: theoretically changes nothing because the situations where you'd go back to 100% HP are very rare.
:colbur-berry: is a bad item to share if your team isn't weak to dark
:rocky-helmet: does damage the Knock Off user... once. Budget Rough Skin / Iron Barbs that no longer has the benefit of being shared to your team because Knock Off has been used.
:sticky-barb: will passively damage the rest of your team. If the Knock Off user doesn't have an item, it will have the sticky barb transferred to it! Chances are, though, it will hold an item, unless you're planning to counter Knock Off with Knock Off.
:Booster-energy: would take a miracle to not have been consumed by the Paradox Mon yet (especially the future ones, with how rare eterrain is)
In all of these situations except Booster Energy, Knock Off still has its boosted damage and knocks away the item.
You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Let's see here. Aftermath, Cute Charm, Effect Spore, Flame Body, Gooey, Iron Barbs, Justified, Mummy, Perish Body, Pickpocket, Poison Point, Rattled, Rough Skin, Static, Tangling Hair, Wandering Spirit.
Ok, maybe I do. Sorry, shouldn't have assumed, maybe you're new to this, I apologize.
Aftermath activates upon death by contact move, and removes 25% of its HP, very situational and :drifblim: is the only one I see viably using it. :electrode: :electrode-hisui: might use it depending on the role they play, but an immunity to sound moves is also really good. :skuntank: will rarely die from Knock Off.
Cute Charm has a low chance of activating and even then, the Knock Off user should be of the opposite gender. Please don't rely on this. All users (:clefable: :enamorus: :milotic: :sylveon: :wigglytuff:) have much better abilities.
Effect Spore users ( amoonguss:breloom:) have much better abilities.
Flame Body forces you to run a fire type (:coalossal: :chandelure: :heatran: :magcargo: :moltres: :talonflame: :volcarona:), which will most likely be holding :heavy-duty-boots:. Now your flame body user is weak to switching in to rocks (25% for :coalossal: :chandelure: :magcargo:, 50% for :moltres: :talonflame: :volcarona:, and why are you using flame body instead of flash fire for :heatran:). Hope you got that 30% burn chance.
Gooey is bad as :Goodra: :goodra-hisui: would rather have an immunity in Sap Sipper and :wugtrio: will still die.
Justified users (:arcanine: :gallade: :lucario:) would rather use their other abilities.
Pickpocket users would be shooting themselves in the foot. :Weavile: is incredibly frail and would rather not rely on being hit to be useful, and the other three (:tinkaton: :grimmsnarl: :shiftry:) have not one but two other abilities they'd rather be using. Also, don't forget to not have an item, or your ability is useless. Wanna do that in the metagame that rewards holding an item?
Poison Point users (:clodsire: :dragalge: :overqwil: :qwilfish:) should just Toxic instead, not even gonna mention their abilities.
Rattled users (:dudunsparce: :persian-alola: :sudowoodo: :wugtrio:) would rather use their other abilities. Assist isn't in the game so you can't do funny :persian-alola: power trip spam anyway.
Rough Skin is :Garchomp: and nothing else. Garchomp is good, but he still loses his item. Then you can just deal with him without contact.
Static has only two users that would rather run it than their other abilities: :ZAPDOS: and :ampharos:. Again, that's a 30% chance from contact only and if Zapdos is running boots, he is now weak to stealth rocks forever.
Tangling Hair is :Dugtrio-Alola:, and he takes so much damage.
Iron Barbs, Mummy, Perish Body, and Wandering Spirit aren't in the game.
In all of these situations, Knock Off still knocks away the item.
Please Please Please Please Please force users to be creative instead of spamming Knock Off. Sharing is Caring and baby, Knock Off is the Grinch.
this doesn't take into account that both players have access to Knock Off, and you do have some control over what gets knocked and what doesn't. Now I'm not saying that it won't be broken, it very well might be, but that's to be seen once the bugs are fixed and the more immediately broken stuff is axed, and it's definitely not as broken as you make it out to be in this post.

Tera has to go as soon as the meta is working properly, since the power level is just so ludicrously high. There's enough places that go into depth why tera is broken so I won't here.

:scope lens: :razor claw: yeah I don't think these will be healthy in the slightest. Nothing I've read has shaken me even a little and it's just more needless RNG. No thank you.

:ogerpon-hearthflame: :ogerpon-cornerstone: :ogerpon-wellspring: trick and knock absorbers that are great beneficiaries of other items. Once Tera is gone I'm curious to see how these will end up in the metagame.

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T USE BUGGED INTERACTIONS TO CALL FOR BANS we need to let the bugs get sorted out before any tiering action occurs.

Swift swim needs to go. Its just like in the other metas where aqua jet + water spam is OP. You are essentially forced to run priority AND water absorb AND your own swift swimmer just to avoid being swept away. The swimmers don't even need to change their playstyle and can just click water type attacks over and over again. Even after the CB implementation the fishies will still force a water absorb mon which is WAY too restricting.
Swift swim needs to go. Its just like in the other metas where aqua jet + water spam is OP. You are essentially forced to run priority AND water absorb AND your own swift swimmer just to avoid being swept away. The swimmers don't even need to change their playstyle and can just click water type attacks over and over again. Even after the CB implementation the fishies will still force a water absorb mon which is WAY too restricting.
As I said in the post directly before this, the state of the meta is far too bug-ridden to take any tiering action. Once the bugs are fixed we will evaluate all of the seemingly broken aspects and make bans accordingly. And guess what? Weather is on our immediate watchlist once the meta is in a workable state.
YOU MEAN LIKE THIS??? OR PERHAPS THIS???View attachment 556991

It's worth noting that consuming the item upon switch-in is part of the bugged ladder rn, so I don't agree on quick banning Booster Energy. Priority is a huge threat to any booster team, both of the teams I posted have Indeedee because of how much of a threat Extreme Speed Dragonite is. I've seen Lokix and even Ambipom join in on the priority attackers to surprisingly great effect (perhaps due to the fact that Choice Band gives you the boost, but doesn't lock you into your move rn). If we were to ban something, it would be Damp Rock first, rain is an absolute menace and with Dracovish Ogerpon-Wellspring in rain, any defensive mon is obliterated, while Barraskewda isn't even kind of contested in terms of speed, except by the Booster Energy + Adrenaline Orb combo with Iron Valiant.

In terms of the glitches, I think I have found some consistency in how they work.
The reason why Booster Energy activates on Weakness Policy/Adrenaline Orb, but not Blunder Policy or Berries, I think is because it treats it as something that happens to you rather than something you do.
Additionally, any item that has a different method for being removed, (Berries, Air Balloon, and even Booster) will use the current held item based on the teammate's held item method. This means that you can do goofy stuff like have Grassy Surge activate Weakness Policy on a non-Booster pokemon (concept of such a team here). However the item has to activate in order for the Weakness Policy to activate alongside it, Air Balloon gets popped, and berries get eaten not activated.
This, by extension means, you can run Belly Drum/Substitute, and get a Salac Berry to activate at half HP if a teammate has a Sitrus Berry as their held item.
The method that an item activates has to be the same as the one it's copying in order for it to give its effects.
Obviously Booster teams are the best at abusing activation items, but priority spam and rain are also damn good.
You can also just run a team without any activated items, but running activated items and non-activated items is a no-go. The activated item will "connsume" the passive item on whatever criteria and you will just be down an item on your team (this also makes booster teams extremely good at countering Trick/Switcheroo because the negative item given will be consumed immediately as if it was a booster energy and therefore negating the negative long-term effect).
If I have more findings, I'll post more later.
I wonder what the meta would look like if we kept the bugs and instead shaped the meta around it. The fact that there is a consistency to how the items work is kinda interesting to me. Ofc I don’t think that will actually happen cause it would be way too much work to make the bugs even slightly balanced, but having items be bugged has lead to some interesting strategies.
Unfortunately, the metagame's mechanics seems completely broken as of right now. I've had two matches now when a Random Pokemon will switch after taking no damage and immediately proc Weakness Policy.
Other issues I've came across are Maushold eating its protective pads,

and item display being incorrect on tricked/knocked off items.
This metagame seems fun, but I'm not sure I want to play it right now until it is mechanically fixed.
Now the metagame might have bugs, but I have still had a lot of fun. I’ve been using a team to do pretty well on ladder, and ended up with
The first Pokémon is the one and only Dragonite, with item spam to increase damage. Dragon dance serves to outspeed dragapult after +1 and lets you OHKO it with ice spinner. Earthquake is for steels and rocks that resist Espeed and sometimes even corv(more on that later). Ice spinner also has the nice benefit of OHKOing indeedee, which will try and stop your fun with psychic terrain. Heavy duty boots helps preserve multi-scale and gives others hazard protection.
The next Pokémon has gone through a few iterations, and it’s a “fast” Pokémon with ring target and trick/switcheroo. Klefki has the benefit of counter leading lokix, has access to twave to make things slower if you want, and can even set spikes. Ghost types really screw over normal spam so ring target means that Espeed can just kill pult, and other ghosts on its own. It also allows fighting moves to hit ghold for super effective damage, and allows earthquake and eathpower to kill Corv. The other Pokémon I was using was actually ribombee, as it is the fastest Pokémon to know trick. Also made opponent think I was running sticky webs when instead I was running quiver + stab so that the enemy would kill it and maybe it could get a few kills itself. While klefki has a problem with minor dark types, ribombee has a major problem with priority as it dies extremely easily.
The next Pokémon may not be surprising but the set is. It is max attack and max EVs special attack. This is because I didn’t really need speed and having vacuum wave as priority to deal with stuff like kingambit and Tera steel roaring is really useful. Silk scarf is to boost Espeed stuff.
Arcanine has protective pads here because static, rough skin, and the big one of Rocky helmet. It also has max speed to outspeed Gholdengo cause ghost types are scary. You take enough chip with life orb so any more would suck.
Ursaluna blood-moon is actually really good as a special attacker as it can usually live a hit then hit back with life orb silk scarf blood moon. It has vacuum wave for priority and moonblast for dark types, but calm mind and moonlight suck rn because everything is already either OHKOed or 2HKOed anyways.
My next choice is kinda filler, choice band staraptor. It’s not bad, it can kill great tusk and does decent damage with reckless double edge. I just wanted choice band on something that I am fine being choice locked on. Could be something better for it but it’s moral boosting headband is pretty good.
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