NOC eli loves matrices game thread [Game Over, Town Win!]

you highk weren't that black and white before I was just spitballing for pressure and now you've decided you were intentionally doing something you were barely doing
hi vizh. nice to see youre lurking. why dont you give us some more thoughts

I haven’t read anything yet that I think gives me an actual substantive read, it’s all pretty much NAI as far as I’m concerned (almost all of it is either trolling or Eurovision).

You feel a little more towny than Cool Weapon, being more~ clear and encouraging discussion.

Schia feels similar to D2 of Cool Weapon (which is good and towny), but like you said the questions also don’t really generate much content.

Caff has no content but it’s also Caff and there’s no content to really make reads off of other than yours.

Celever is doing stuff and trying to have a discussion. It feels layered but I can’t tell if that’s just how Celever talks.

I have the exact same D1 read I had on Laurel last time but given the fact it was last time, I don’t think it matters as much because it was last time.

Hydro could be normal Hydro lowposting, could also be Hydro specifically as scum talking early towards the beginning of the day so.