Pet Mod metamons slate 12 - Sunflora, Articuno, Passimian, Frogadier

:Perrserker: GlaucioDedo, Moretto, scorbunnys
:Tsareena: Albatross, APaidActor, GlaucioDedo
:Sylveon: EeveeGirl1380, Runoisch (SV), GlaucioDedo
:perrserker: scorbunnys, Moretto (SV), GlaucioDedo
:tsareena: anaconja, APaidActor, GlaucioDedo
:sylveon: Albatross, anaconja, GhiteOff
Moretto, GlaucioDedo, Albatross
Albatross, scorbunnys, GlaucioDedo
GlaucioDedo, GhiteOff (SV), Moretto
You shall be blessed with the new winners for the Pet Mod MetaMons Fifth Slate!!!!

Pokémon: Perrserker
Stats: 85 | 110 | 70 | 60 | 100 | 65
Abilities: Unnerve | Tough Claws | Steely Spirit (HA)

New Moves: Bullet Punch, Shadow Sneak, Poltergeist, Knock Off.
Summary of Changes: Stats, typing, abilities, moves.
Description: Physical attacker that can safely switch in on special attackers.
:perrserker: GlaucioDedo for Perrserker!!! :perrserker:

Pokémon: Tsareena
Stats: 72/120/98/50/98/72 (510 BST)
Abilities: Leaf Guard / Queenly Majesty / Sweet Veil
Typing: Grass / Ghost
Move Changes: + Poltergeist, Spirit Shackle
Summary of Changes: Typing, Movepool
Description: Funny offensive mon. Grass/Ghost STAB is deceptively good, with 0 resistances in the meta atm. Additionally Tsareena gets a metric shit ton of cool utility moves such as Rapid Spin, Knock Off, and U-Turn. The addition of Spirit Shackle also means that Tsareena can run Knock Off without having to worry about fucking with one of its STAB moves (its also a very flavour-full addition. don't ask why.)

Pokémon: Sylveon
Stats: 95/65/65/110/130/60 (525 BST)
Abilities: Galvanize / Surge Surfer / Pixilate
Typing: Fairy / Electric
Move Changes: + Rude Parting, Fake Out, Discharge, Rising Voltage, Nuzzle, Thunder Wave
It's just Normal-type, 60 BP Volt Switch
Summary of Changes: Abilities, Typing, Movepool
Description: Comedic mon that gets to pick and choose what type its utility is. Galvanize Fake Out/Quick Attack is pretty epic for Salazzle and Grapploct, but the main draw here is Rude Parting, letting Sylveon choose how much it wants to devastate the metagame! Galvanize comes with the obvious drawback of it now being blockable, but also lets it hit more high profile targets such as Salazzle, while Pixilate is resisted by more mons but can't be absorbed like Galvanize. Surge Surfer is there because I find it amusing.
:tsareena: :sylveon: Albatross for Tsareena & Sylveon!!! :sylveon: :tsareena:

We still haven't discussed the restrictions for the next slate, but one thing is certain: these winners are FIRE, and feel free to discuss them while you wait for the next slate, it's gonna be heat.
Thoughts on new mons to save Moretto from double posting

:perrserker: Smthing Lycanserker-Dusk was better. For real though, can run any of its abilities depending on what its purpose is. Either take special hits better, hit harder overall, or hit harder with steel moves only. Seems fairly nice though competes heavily with Tsareena as a physical ghost-type.

:tsareena: Tsareena is crazy as it hits hard, has utility, & more. Its not living too many hits but hits back hard. Competes with Perrserker but overall still very good.

:sylveon: Very cool. Does well at what it does. Lets add a ESurge user so Surge Surfer Sylveon can be real.
this might be just me but having priority boosted with tough claws (or just steely spirit bullet punch) could potentially be too much. but i don't know the metagame even a Bit so if it proves to be alright, then thats very cool

funny offensive mon², queenly majesty prevents it from being sucker punched which is a great thing for it. not much else for me to say but its great

guessing game time if it runs galvanize or pixelate. jokes aside its a cool concept, and doesn't go too hard since sandslash, arcanine and now perrserker exist

take this all with a grain of salt because again, i dont know much about the meta </3
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Slate 6
:ss/mantine: :ss/persian-alola: :ss/druddigon:
Slate's Restrictions:
:mantine: Must be
-type - Must keep Water Absorb
:persian-alola: Must be
- Must keep All Abilities
:druddigon: Must be
-type - Must keep Rough Skin - Should want to use Glare

Move Changes:
Summary of Changes:
Pokémon: Mantine
Stats: 80/85/90/85/100/60
Abilities: Swift Swim / Water Absorb / Water Veil
Typing: Water / Ground
Move Changes: + Earth Power, Scorching Sands, Stealth Rock
Summary of Changes: -5 HP, +45 Atk, +20 Def, +5 SpA, -40 SpD, -10 SpD
Description: first defensive water. good switchin to stuff like arcanine and perrserker.

Pokémon: Persian-Alola
Stats: 75/60/85/100/65/115
Abilities: Fur Coat / Technician / Rattled
Typing: Dark / Electric
Move Changes: + Wild Charge, Nuzzle, Slack Off
Summary of Changes: +10 HP, +25 Def, +25 SpA
Description: weirdmon. technician goes hard with boltbeam (since it gets icy wind) while fc is a weird option but could be workable idk.

Pokémon: Druddigon
Stats: 87 / 110 / 90 / 90 / 90 / 48
Abilities: Rough Skin / Sheer Force / Defiant
Typing: Dragon / Ghost
Move Changes: + Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball, Curse, Trick Room, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
Summary of Changes: +10 HP, -10 Atk, +30 SpA
Description: cs1 druddigon but it can also run some weird otr sf set. i have no idea what rough skin is supposed to do here why did you force me to keep it
You shall be blessed with the new winners for the Pet Mod MetaMons Fifth Slate!!!!
I took way too long to post my thoughts on this LMAO.

:Perrserker: This cat is a pretty nice addition to answer a good amount of special threats in the meta (as intended). Access to SD can just nuke a lot of mons in the tier and it's speed places it in a nice position to be an excellent wallbreaker. However, this thing's only solid check is Tsareena believe, since other tanks like Sandslash or Bastiodon are slow and get hit hard by poltergeist. But this means that Tsar can't ever switch into it because it fears poltergeist nuking it.

:Tsareena: With another ghost type that also has the added benefit of spinning, Sandslash is just totally outclassed in the spinning game. To add salt on the wound, Tsareena can remove it's biggest counter Grapploct and have near guaranteed switch in's into it. Tsar also gets access to poltergeist, which means that there essentially two ghost nukes in the meta right now, since no one can withstand multiple strikes from poltergeist. Salazzle might be it's only check and even then it hates switching into Tsar.

The influx of two new ghost type means that spinning is going to be dead for a while until the next slate (already came out). and the two ghost have the potential to nuke everything in their paths with high powered poltergeists. NOTHING can switch into them safely.

:Sylveon: a Wish passer with pivot is incredible for the meta. Defensive and Offensive structures love this new addition to counter Sableye (a borderline broken threat to deal with) Frailer threats like Salazzle can now properly regen health without risking exposure. it's electric typing also provides answers to Salazzle as well. Previously you'd just have to use Eelektross which is solid but provides no supportive utility other than spreading paralysis or pivot, and it doesn't really like using both of those in my opinion. with rude parting, Sylveon simply doesn't need to worry about the inclusion of Arcanine and Sandslash into the mix since it can viably run Pixelate to pivot out of them. BRO THIS THING GETS NUZZLE TOO? Ok so not only can it have near guaranteed pivoting, but it can also punish switches into it. Super epic.
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Pokémon: Mantine
Stats: 95 / 55 / 95 / 80 / 100 / 50 (BST: 475)
Abilities: Water Absorb / Immunity / Water Veil
Typing: Water / Fairy
Move Changes: +Moonblast, +Flip Turn, -Roost
Summary of Changes: Stat rework (+10 HP, +10 Atk, +20 Def, -35 SpD, -20 Spe), movepool additions, new typing, and new abilities.
Description: Folds to Sylveon but it's probably THE defensive water either way, as it's fully capable to deal with a good part of the meta like Sableye (mon's getting worse damn), Arcanine, Grapploct, and Sandslash, while it also brings utility in Defog, Flip Turn and Haze in a pinch, making it overall a solid sub IMO and also a solid defensive glue that fits very well on all kinds of structures acting like if the metagame was varied af lol. Also no Roost since it's typing, utility and abilities are already great per se, so we don't really need it to overcentralize.

Pokémon: Druddigon
Stats: 87 / 130 / 90 / 60 / 90 / 48 (BST: 505)
Abilities: Rough Skin / Mold Breaker / Sheer Force
Typing: Dragon / Ground
Move Changes: + Dragon Scales, Spikes, U-turn
Summary of Changes: Stat rework (+10 HP, +10 Atk), movepool additions, new typing, custom elements, and new abilities.
Leech Life clone but dragon.
Description: Thanks to its newfound access to Dragon Scales, better typing, movepool additions, and slightly better bulk, it can act as a much more effective para spreader and overall defensive mon able to beat some pokemon like Eelektross, Grapploct, and even Salazzle while it also can freely set Spikes and Glare.

Pokémon: Persian-Alola
Stats: 75 / 90 / 80 / 55 / 60 / 130 (BST: 490)
Abilities: Fur Coat / Technician / Rattled
Typing: Dark / Flying
Move Changes: +Dual Wingbeat, Swords Dance, Beak Blast, Power Trip
Summary of Changes: Typing, stats (+15 HP, +30 Atk, +20 Def, -20 SpA, -5 SpD & +15 Spe) and moves
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Pokémon: Druddigon
Stats: 77 / 120 / 105 / 85 / 90 / 52
Abilities: Rough Skin / Sheer Force / Oblivious

Move Changes: Spikes, Heal Bell, Dragon Dance, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
Summary of Changes: Abilities, Stats, Moves
Description: its basically vanilla druddigon, but with more. Sheer Force is great as always, but Oblivious makes it so you can't get taunted. dragon dance lets you get some more speed and attack, but sheer force sets can always go mixed. it has some good coverage, and rough skin is better now that it has some more defense.

Pokémon: Mantine
Stats: 85/80/90/80/110/80
Abilities: Water Compaction/ Water Absorb / Serene Grace
Typing: Water/Flying
Move Changes: +Body Slam
Summary of Changes: Total stat rework along with abilities and one very special move.
Description: Stall isn't a thing yet so this might be overkill to add a stall breaker sub. but the idea of a hax machine that can spread every status in the game is hilarious. I can see the moveset now: Body Slam + Hurricane/Scald + Air Slash + Roost
(If anyone has problems let me say, this was greenlit by Moretto btw)
(sprite made by these fellas)
Pokémon: Persian-Alola
Stats: 65/60/60/115/105/117
Abilities: Fur Coat/ Technician/ Rattled
Typing: Dark/Psychic
Move Changes: +Psychic, Psyshock, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam
Summary of Changes: gave 100 points for a total of 540BST. new type,
Description: Sort of like Gengar and Mismagius where they have major special bias, but Persian's more based since it's a bulky MF on both sides with fur coat. Technician is just even more funny because snarl just becomes a clusterfuck to deal with and it hits like a truck with the added power. Coverage moves mercs Sableye and Grapploct (Massive W) while also dealing with fairies and bugs (it naturally knows power gem).

Pokémon: Druddigon
Stats: 85/100/105/60/95/67
Abilities: Rough Skin/ Pressure/ Shed Skin
Typing: Dragon / Poison
Move Changes: +Shredding Scales, Roost, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Bulk Up, Aqua Tail, Poison Jab.
Summary of Changes: General stat buffs except for the nerfed attack. Two new abilities, added a custom move, coverage, stab moves, and some utility options. New typing also
Description: I wanted to play around the idea of a threat that could stand up to Grapploct and Tsareena, while being able to withstand blows from other threats like Whimsicott and Sylveon. It sort of has a Scrafty vibe where it can sweep if it wants to, but is still valued as a defensive backbone. All of its abilities are usable for the most part and you can freely mix and match with sets and it still works.

60 BP Dragon Move, does double damage if the target takes damage during the turn (from hazards, life orb, rough skin, recoil).
(Assurance Clone)
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Pokémon: Persian-Alola
Stats: 75 / 90 / 80 / 75 / 65 / 115 {BST: 490}
Abilities: Fur Coat / Technician / Rattled
Typing: Dark / Poison
Move Changes: + Pain Split, Toxic Spikes, Memento, Sucker Punch
Summary of Changes: +10 HP, +30 Atk, +20 Def, +Poison-type, +Pain Split, +Toxic Spikes, +Memento, + Sucker Punch
Description: Your Poison/Dark mon that Sableye should have a hard time with and is a good blanket physical check especially with Tsareena and Glowbro to an extent with Pain Split giving it some usable recovery. Good speed control, physical wall, and stallbreaker.

Pokémon: Druddigon
Stats: 87 / 120 / 100 / 60 / 90 / 68 {BST: 525}
Abilities: Rough Skin / Sheer Force / Mold Breaker
Typing: Dragon / Fairy
Move Changes: + Play Rough, Moonlight
Summary of Changes: +10 HP, +10 Def, +20 Spe, +Fairy-type, +Play Rough, +Moonlight
Description: Physical attacker deterrent with defensive sets and Rough Skin, especially against Pokemon like Eelektross, Ariados and Grapploct. Can possibly go for a Zygarde-esque Glare set since Sheer Force Play Rough hits hard but STABs are somewhat annoying to use and some of its coverage is not boosted which makes these less consistent.
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Pokémon: Mantine
Stats: 85 / 60 / 80 / 80 / 100 / 80 (485 BST)

Abilities: Water Absorb / Intimidate
Move Changes: Flip Turn
Summary of Changes: everything
Description: This is a pretty nice mixed defensive mon. Roost, Defog, Scald and Flip Turn is an ultra epic moveset. It can now freely run lefties, and has intimidate which is nice, being a potent Defensive hazard remover and pivot.

Pokémon: Druddigon
Stats: 90 / 100 / 120 / 60 / 70 / 63 (503 BST)

Abilities: Rough Skin / Sand Rush
Move Changes: Zen Headbutt?
Summary of Changes: everything
Description: Okay. So mid-subbing this i realized how keeping rough skin was a p flawed thing but my idea was of making it a weird physically defensive tank. This is now a weird tank that has Glare for punishing switches + SR
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Pokémon: Druddigon
Stats: 97 / 110 / 110 / 60 / 98 / 78
Abilities: Rough Skin / Mold Breaker
Typing: Dragon
Move Changes: + Dragon Hammer, Throat Chop
Summary of Changes: +20 HP, +20 DEF, -10 ATK, +8 SpDEF, +30 SPE, movepool addition
Description: there's already vanilla Druddigon up there but i wanted to make my own vanilla Druddigon (i have run out of ideas rly). Dragon Hammer's a much better STAB than Dragon Claw and Throat Chop is to prevent Heal Bell shenanigans from Sableye and possibly Sylveon on the switch-in. Though of course it's not gonna stay in on Sylveon, but still has Earthquake to at least deal big damage to it.
Pokémon: Mantine
Stats: 85/90/70/40/110/90 (485 BST)
Abilities: Swift Swim / Water Absorb / Water Veil
Typing: Water / Normal
Move Changes: + Aqua Jet, Play Rough
Summary of Changes: Stats, Typing, Movepool
Description: Basically just regular Mantine with some minor changes. Less specially bulky, but faster. Trades a Ghost immunity for a Fighting weakness, but gets Play Rough to threaten them out. Outspeeds a decent chunk of the metagame, fills in a rather ugly gap between the <90 and >100 mons, is generally very epic and cool

Pokémon: Persian-Alola
Stats: 95/85/80/75/65/115 (505 BST)
Abilities: Fur Coat / Technician / Rattled
Typing: Dark / Ice
Move Changes: + Ice Shard, Triple Axel
Summary of Changes: Typing, Stats, Moves
Description: Comedic mon. Despite the shitty defensive typing Fur Coat can still live enough hits to switch in and click either Foul Play or Parting Shot. Technician is an absolute bastard though, with Triple Axel + Ice Shard to simply murder your foes. Idk I just think its funny
Pokémon: Mantine
Stats: 100 / 70 / 80 / 80 / 80 / 70 | 500
Abilities: Filter / Water Absorb | Water Veil
Typing: Water / Flying
Move Changes: n/a
Description: Defogger, also functions as an Arcanine check.

Pokémon: Persian
Stats: 65 / 65 / 65 / 100 / 65 / 130 | 490
Abilities: Fur Coat / Technician | Rattled
Typing: Dark
Move Changes: + Rapid Spin
Description: Hazard control, nasty plot sweeper, speed control, semi check to offensive threats, etc, basically Tornadus.
Name: Druddigon

Ability: Rough Skin/Mold Breaker/Pressure

Typing: Dragon/Ground

HP: 87
ATK: 120
DEF: 90
SPA: 100
SPD: 90
SPE: 55

Movepool Changes:
+Bulk Up
-Dragon Dance
Description: Druddigon functions as an effective jack of all trades capable of filling a variety of roles within a team. Its amazing defensive typing, coupled with a good ability in Rough Skin and good bulk makes it a solid check to electric types and physical attackers lacking super effective coverage, its amazing movepool and good offensive stats make it a capable wallbreaker and status/hazard thanks to its access to Glare and Stealth Rock. Finally, it can function as a decent win condition for some stall teams thanks to its access to Bulk Up.
Summary of Changes: +10 HP, +40 SPA, +7 SPEED, New Typing, New Moves, New Ability.

Name: Persian-A

Ability: Fur Coat/Rattled/Technician

Typing: Dark
HP: 65
ATK: 60
DEF: 80
SPA: 105
SPD: 65
SPE: 105

Movepool Changes:
+Lovely Kiss, Moonlight
Description: Alolan Persian is a very unpredictable Pokemon, it's status the 4th fastest Pokemon in the tier, coupled with moves like Parting Shot, Taunt, Lovely Kiss and Knock Off make it a very capable pivot and stallbreaker. It isn't made of paper, either, its ability Fur Coat allows it to take physical hits pretty well, alongside having recovery in Moonlight. It can also run a Nasty Plot set thanks to its buffed special attack and coverage thanks to its ability Technician.
Summary of Changes: +20 DEF, +30 SPA, -20 SPE, New Moves.

Pokémon: Druddigon
Stats: 87 / 120 / 100 / 70 / 100 / 38 {BST: 515}
Abilities: Rough Skin / Heatproof (H: Mold Breaker)

Move Changes: Body Press, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Iron Defense, Metal Burst, Spikes
Summary of Changes: +10 HP, +10 Def, +10 SpA, +10 SpD -10 Speed, Heatproof over Sheer Force, +Steel, Movepool changes
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Veto time!
View attachment 442349
Pokémon: Mantine
Stats: 85/80/90/80/110/80
Abilities: Water Compaction/ Water Absorb / Serene Grace
Typing: Water/Flying
Move Changes: +Body Slam
Summary of Changes: Total stat rework along with abilities and one very special move.
Description: Stall isn't a thing yet so this might be overkill to add a stall breaker sub. but the idea of a hax machine that can spread every status in the game is hilarious. I can see the moveset now: Body Slam + Hurricane/Scald + Air Slash + Roost
(If anyone has problems let me say, this was greenlit by Moretto btw)
View attachment 442348 (sprite made by these fellas)
Pokémon: Persian-Alola
Stats: 65/60/60/115/105/117
Abilities: Fur Coat/ Technician/ Rattled
Typing: Dark/Psychic
Move Changes: +Psychic, Psyshock, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam
Summary of Changes: gave 100 points for a total of 540BST. new type,
Description: Sort of like Gengar and Mismagius where they have major special bias, but Persian's more based since it's a bulky MF on both sides with fur coat. Technician is just even more funny because snarl just becomes a clusterfuck to deal with and it hits like a truck with the added power. Coverage moves mercs Sableye and Grapploct (Massive W) while also dealing with fairies and bugs (it naturally knows power gem).
View attachment 442346
Pokémon: Druddigon (STILL A WIP)
Stats: 85/100/105/60/95/67
Abilities: Rough Skin/ Shrapnel/ Shed Skin
Typing: Dragon / Poison
Move Changes: +Shredding Scales, Roost, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Bulk Up, Aqua Tail, Poison Jab.
Summary of Changes: General stat buffs except for the nerfed attack. Two new abilities, added a custom move, coverage, stab moves, and some utility options. New typing also
Description: I wanted to play around the idea of a threat that could stand up to Grapploct and Tsareena, while being able to withstand blows from other threats like Whimsicott and Sylveon. It sort of has a Scrafty vibe where it can sweep if it wants to, but is still valued as a defensive backbone. All of its abilities are usable for the most part and you can freely mix and match with sets and it still works.

60 BP Dragon Move, does double damage if the target takes damage during the turn (from hazards, life orb, rough skin, recoil).
(Assurance Clone)
Summons 1 layer of spikes when receiving contact damage.
:druddigon: I am so, so, so sorry. This sub has been changed a morbillion times already. We are very worried about Spikes on contact here, as it would warp the meta with hazards even more and be a nuisance to any contact move user. change what Shrapnel does and you're good to go.

24 Hours / the time vetos are fixed and voting is opened!