CAP 26 Prevo - Part 9 - Pokedex Submissions

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Legal Pokedex submissions must meet the following standards
  • Pokedex Entries must have flawless grammar. Smogon has a Grammar & Prose team that will help identify mistakes.
  • Pokedex Entries cannot be longer than 32 words.
  • Pokedex Entries can only contain the following characters:
    • Letters A-Z
    • Numbers 0-9
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    • Space

Work In Progress (WIP) Pokedex Entries can be posted at any time for comments from the community.

No more than three WIP Pokedex Entries can be posted by any individual person through the entire course of the submission thread. This limit applies to ALL posts made by a single person, even if previous posts are edited or deleted. This limit is intended to curb the tendency for some submitters to spam the thread repeatedly with multiple Pokedex Entries. This detracts from other submissions and makes it difficult for commenters to survey the submission thread.

Do not bump your WIP Pokedex Entries by posting them repeatedly, or making minor wording changes. Bumping will result in the disqualification of all Pokedex Entries by the offender. Editing or deleting bump posts will not prevent disqualification.

Only ONE Final Submission can be made per person.

Pokedex Entry Final Submissions can only be posted after a CAP Moderator posts in the thread that final submissions are open. Any final submission posted prior to the Moderator notification post, will disqualify the submitter from the poll entirely. Even if the offending post is edited later or deleted, the submitter will still be disqualified for the remainder of the thread. This ensures that all submitters have equal opportunity to post final submissions without anyone unfairly "jumping the gun".

Pokedex entries Final Submissions must posted exactly in the following format and in the following exact order:
  • The first line of the post must have the words "Final Submission" in bold on it's own line. No other text may be included before the bold heading.
  • A blank line
  • "<Pokemon Name>, the <Species Name> Pokemon", with the Pokemon name and the Species Name in bold
  • A blank line
  • The Sun Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Sun" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
  • A blank line
  • The Moon Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Moon" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
  • A blank line
  • The Ultra Sun Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Ultra Sun" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
  • A blank line
  • The Ultra Moon Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Ultra Moon" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
Below the Final Submission you can post other comments, explanations, etc.

Example final submission:

Final Submission

, the Artificial Pokémon

Sun: This artificial Pokémon, constructed more than 500 years ago, can understand human speech but cannot itself speak.

Moon: Its mechanized body is merely a vessel. Its true self is its Soul-Heart, an artificial soul.

Ultra Sun: It synchronizes its consciousness with others to understand their feelings. This faculty makes it useful for taking care of people.

Ultra Moon: Built roughly 500 years ago by a scientist, the part called the Soul-Heart is the actual life-form.

Any Final Submission that does not follow the proper format will be disqualified.


CAP 26 pre-evo so far:

Typing: Steel/Ground
Abilities: Levitate/Bulletproof/Justified
Stats: 72 HP / 70 Atk / 56 Def / 83 SpA / 68 SpD / 30 Spe / BST: 379
Movepool: Here
Name: Justyke

Art design:



, the Verdict Pokémon

Sun: This bossy Pokémon has a tendency for being disobedient. A strong grasp is required to properly raise a Justyke, otherwise it'll simply ignore all orders.

Moon: It hates being defied. If a trainer ignores the orders of this bossy Pokémon, it'll proceed to hammer it down to unconciousness.

Ultra Sun: Ancient legends say this Pokémon's eye can look deep into one's soul and tell their true nature. It is commonly seen as the partner of law students all across Alola.

Ultra Moon: Legends all across Alola say only those of pure heart and soul are able to lift up this hefty Pokémon.

, the Order Pokémon

Sun: Though commonly associated with stoic legal business, Justyke are surprisingly hot-headed. They'll swing their mallet-like bodies at anyone they judge, accurately or not, as evil.

Moon: It strikes its head against anything nearby to calm down tense situations. Many Alolan courtrooms have small wooden blocks built into the bench for Justyke to strike.

Ultra Sun: It swings its body with tremendous force which it uses to bring trials to order and punish evildoers. One famous music group even features a Justyke as percussionist.

Ultra Moon: Alolan ruins feature imagery of Justyke in scenes depicting ancient disputes. It was typically drawn off to the side, indicating it acted as an assistant rather than a judge.
Final Submission

, the Order Pokémon

Sun: The sound of it striking the ground can silence even the rowdiest of foes. Symbols depicting it have decorated law houses over countless millennia.

Moon: It hides among earthenware in temples forgotten to time. Those who violate these sacred grounds are knocked unconscious and are never seen again.

Ultra Sun: It dislikes being used as a mallet against its will. However, tales exist of a legendary hero who wielded a Justyke, bringing stability to a once war-torn countryside.

Ultra Moon: Its eye can see through ones motives, but it is a poor judge of character. If it detects even the slightest bit of ill will, it will attack by swinging wildly.
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The mallet pokemon

Sun: This pokemon is a perfectionist, they usually live in caves in groups of 8. They use their gold-like head to smash rocks that disturb the symmetry of their cave.

Moon: While it hearing ability is pretty bad, they can use the vibrations on the earth to sence stronger other pokemons. It buries itself when a heavier pokemon aproaches.

Ultra Sun: When fighting, it uses its ability to fsee 5 seconds in the future and avoid any upcoming attack, it can only use that power once a day.

Ultra Moon: They distribute their food evenly among the members of their group and store the leftovers, if anyone eats more than the rest they will vote to decide its punishment
Final Submission

, the Law Pokémon

Sun: With a single knock on a rock, Justyke can read the personality of anything it sees with it's single eye. It then clobbers the ones with a bad personality.

Moon: The opening on the top of it's head is the source of Justyke's psychic power. Those who looked into it have been believed to have seen their future.

Ultra Sun: It is said that holding a Justyke can make you courageous and truthful. Trouble is, Justyke hates being held, and will clobber anyone who dares to lay a finger on it.

Ultra Moon: Those who get exposed to the psychic powers of a Justyke never do ruthless deeds again. The reason on why this happens is a popular research topic in the Aether Foundation.
Justyke, The mallet pokemon

Sun: This pokemon is a perfectionist, they usually live in caves in groups of 8. They use their gold-like head to smash rocks that disturb the symmetry of their cave.

Moon: While it hearing ability is pretty bad, it can use the vibrations on the earth to sence other pokemons. It buries itself when a heavier pokemon aproaches.

Ultra Sun: When fighting, it uses its ability to foresee 5 seconds in the future and avoid any upcoming attack, it can only use that power once a day.

Ultra Moon: They distribute their food evenly among the members of their group and store the leftovers, if anyone eats more than the rest they will vote to decide its punishment
Final Submission

, the Verdict Pokémon

Sun: This bossy Pokémon has a tendency for being disobedient. A strong grasp is required to properly raise a Justyke, otherwise it'll simply ignore all orders.

Moon: It hates being defied. If a trainer ignores the orders of this bossy Pokémon, it'll proceed to hammer it down to unconciousness.

Ultra Sun: Ancient legends say this Pokémon's eye can look deep into one's soul and tell their true nature. It is commonly seen as the partner of law students all across Alola.

Ultra Moon: Legends all across Alola say only those of pure heart and soul are able to lift up this hefty Pokémon.

, the Gavel Pokémon

Sun: This Pokémon is known for its short temper, as well as its tendency to throw tantrums as a result, slamming itself into the ground

Moon: When it sees a person or Pokémon who has been wronged, this Pokémon is known to aggressively defend the victim

Ultra Sun: Legends say that this Pokémon inspired the justice system used today in Alola

Ultra Moon: This Pokémon is said to possess the ultimate sense of morality, and as a result, it is consulted by the top judges across all regions
Final Submission

, the Order Pokémon

Sun: Though commonly associated with stoic legal business, Justyke are surprisingly hot-headed. They'll swing their mallet-like bodies at anyone they judge, accurately or not, as evil.

Moon: It strikes its head against anything nearby to calm down tense situations. Many Alolan courtrooms have small wooden blocks built into the bench for Justyke to strike.

Ultra Sun: It swings its body with tremendous force which it uses to bring trials to order and punish evildoers. One famous music group even features a Justyke as percussionist.

Ultra Moon: Alolan ruins feature imagery of Justyke in scenes depicting ancient disputes. It was typically drawn off to the side, indicating it acted as an assistant rather than a judge.
Final Submission

, the Gavel Pokémon

Sun: This Pokémon is known for its short temper, as well as its tendency to throw tantrums as a result, slamming itself into the ground

Moon: When it sees a person or Pokémon who has been wronged, this Pokémon is known to aggressively defend the victim

Ultra Sun: Legends say that this Pokémon inspired the justice system used today in Alola

Ultra Moon: This Pokémon is said to possess the ultimate sense of morality, and as a result, it is consulted by the top judges across all regions

StephXPM: "ones motives" -> "one's motives"
Ubertrainer2000: "it's" -> "its", improper comma before "and", "the reason on" is not proper English
Mogrem: Inconsistent use of "it" and "their" as the gender-neutral third-person pronoun
squeaktoad: no periods at the end of entries

Okamu wins by default!
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