NOC 2d3 Mafia - Game Over, Town Win! (and postgame is up)

2d3 mafia

The setup again:

The rules again for your viewing convenience. I would appreciate if everyone gave them a quick glance but I am happy if you come away with the fact that you don't talk to people about this game outside this thread and don't ever copy/paste your role pm in to the thread.:
Game Rules

General Rules/Game Etiquette
  1. Obey all site-wide rules.
  2. Communication outside the thread (if your role specifically allows it) is allowed until the game begins.
  3. You may not quote private communication of any kind. This includes moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind. Paraphrasing (for role claims, etc.) is acceptable.
  4. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings unless your role PM specifically allows it.
  1. Prods of missing players will be issued after 24 hours of no activity.
  2. A prodded player has 24 hours to respond to the prod, after which time a replacement search will begin. The prodded player may re-enter the game so long as no replacement has been found.
  3. A player who has been prodded 3 times is subject to possible replacement without further notice.
  4. If you anticipate being unavailable for more than 24 hours please PM let me, the host, know.
  5. I reserve the right to force replace players at my own discretion.
  1. Deadlines for this game will be 4 days for Day 1 and 3 days for following Day Phases. Night Phases will last a maximum of 24 hours.
  2. Players may request an early end to the Night Phase by PM'ing me. Night will be cut short if all players request it.
  3. Extensions are given only in extreme circumstances.
  4. If you have a role with a Night action your choices are due to me by the posted deadline. If I do not receive your choice via PM by the posted deadline you will forfeit your actions.
Player Actions/Voting/Player Death
  1. A simple majority of all living players must agree on one person (via voting) for a Lynch to occur (simple majority = ½ # of living players +1, rounded down). If no one has a simple majority of votes at deadline, the person with the most votes at the time will be lynched.
  2. If there's a tie, the person who received the total number of votes first will be lynched.
  3. Votes must be bolded to be counted .
  4. Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes.
  5. You may Vote: No Lynch - a simple majority of these vote types are required to send the game to Night phase without a Lynch.
  6. Votes made using nicknames or abbreviations will be counted at my discretion. Fake vote gambits should be executed at your own peril. If I think its a vote, then its a vote.
  1. Don't impersonate me. No invisible/small/encrypted text is allowed.
  2. Any situation not explicitly covered above is subject to my discretion and will be handled as I see fit on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line. It's my duty as the host after all! All I ask is that people try to participate and talk with me if they feel they might do something ~questionable~. But really just being present is good enough for me. =D

2 preliminary matters:

1. Should mafia get daytalk? I am going to rule "Yes" unless I am given a very good reason and the people in this game vote for it in PM with me. I will not care what you write in this thread. You need to send me a PM for your vote to count.

2. Deadlines? I am going to rule an extra day because of the small playercount. So Day 1 will be 5 days, all others will be 4. I will be lenient with extensions as well if I deem them warranted. If you do not like this, again, bring it up with me in PM. I will not listen or read if it is in this thread. Thanks.

Expect role PMs in an hour when I finish running. Please don't start playing until that happens. Thanks.

Texas Cloverleaf
smogon account
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Other important stuff I thought to add courtesy of ASek - think of this as a brief rundown of the rules

-standard NOC rules apply, dont edit / delete posts, no outside contact unless permitted, dont directly quote private messages received from the host etc. if you are in doubt as to whether something is allowed or not, please feel free to contact me
-cycles will be 96/24. may be shortened activity pending on later days. day 1 is 5 days
-The Town is referred to as the Town. The Mafia is referred to as the Mafia
-flavour not alignment indicitive (there's also no flavor)
-set up generated through rng
- play nice
-i will sub you out if you are inactive for my imaginary friends if we have no subs

In other news, the PMs are out. Please confirm you have received your PM by posting here or responding in the conversation I made with you. If you think something is wrong or didn't get a PM when you should've or some other issue let me know PRIVATELY asap. I'm here to help and make this game run smoothly.

The game will be considered started when everyone confirms OR a day has passed with 7/9 confirmations OR I say so otherwise. Thanks for your patience while we try and get this started.
I am vanilla =] I'll have free time to talk and post on most evenings, but I'll probably be a bit more active on Sat/Sun/Tue/Thur. Wednesdays are days where I will likely have highly limited activity.
I am vanilla =] I'll have free time to talk and post on most evenings, but I'll probably be a bit more active on Sat/Sun/Tue/Thur. Wednesdays are days where I will likely have highly limited activity.

this feels sincere, cant help but townread this even if i think claiming on first post is awk
health is not at 100% here but ill try to be available when i get home from school

on a sidenote
fool me once shame on you
fool me twice shame on me
if you fucking fool me a 3rd time in this game I will have too much shame to place on someone oml

so therefore, if you are scum hal. speak now or forever hold your peace
thank you for your time


He didn't type Apricity in red, WE'RE GOOD LADS!
this is a great post
i agree with u that heal's post felt genuine

i agree with arpcitiy when he voted you in that it looks vry opportunistic if you were sucm inasfar as getting easy town cred early in the gaejm