Data Usage-Based Tier Update for January 2018 (Feb @ #263) (Mar @ #696)

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Slowbro was a really splashable Pokémon that could act as a glue mon on a lot of teams, checking stuff like Keldeo, some Mega Medicham sets, Talonflame, Alakazam, Lando-T, non-SolarBeam Zard Y, Mega Lopunny and non-ThunderPunch Megagross. The main reason for its severe drop in viability in USUM is the rise of mons like Koko and Bulu who just shit on it, as the other main Regenerator, Tangrowth, can handle those two much better, and the other main bulky water, Toxapex. The advent of Z-moves also allows some of the things that Slowbro was supposed to check to easily remove it.

Mamo isn't nearly as splashable as Slowbro was (as it gives like no defensive synergy) and faces tons of competition from other Ground-type wallbreakers like Excadrill, Garchomp and offensive LandoT, and Ice-types like Kyurem-B and Weavile.
You're seeing the whole thing retroactively, evidenced also by the fact that you are mentioning mons that didn't even exist in XY and so couldn't affect the viability of Slowbro when it rose (as well as unsets like Charizard Y without Solar Beam). When the teleteam was first created Slowbro was considered a pretty niche mon, with the presence of Aegislash putting a seemingly huge burden on its viability. Saying that Tele singlehandedly made it rose is kind of a tongue in cheek meme, but it is true that he was one of the earliest players popularizing Slowbro and obtaining consistent results with it.

And I don't know why you keep bringing out Excadrill and Garchomp, one of which is relegated to lead roles, and the other's only semblance of a niche is being a semisuicidal check to Hawlucha, and claim that they are better than a mon that forces out a good half of the metagame.
You're seeing the whole thing retroactively, evidenced also by the fact that you are mentioning mons that didn't even exist in XY and so couldn't affect the viability of Slowbro when it rose
Oh, I was looking at the entirety of Gen 6, my bad.

Still explains how it stayed so high even in ORAS. Also Excadrill isn't entirely relegated to lead roles although the lead role is indeed its best role.
It's been 3000 yearssssss

All those drops sure cleanse OU; now if only Tapu Fini, Garchomp, Excadrill, Victini, and MimiKyu can follow
I agree with Fini, Victini, and Mimiku dropping, But Chomp is still a good scarfer and nice cleaner, as well as a pretty good rocker. As far as Excadrill goes, no. That boi is staying OU. It's a great lead, a good spinner, nice offensive typing, and even sees Ubers sometimes
I agree with Fini, Victini, and Mimiku dropping, But Chomp is still a good scarfer and nice cleaner, as well as a pretty good rocker. As far as Excadrill goes, no. That boi is staying OU. It's a great lead, a good spinner, nice offensive typing, and even sees Ubers sometimes
Victini is bl iirc
Victini is bl iirc
Victini is ou, shitmon though. chomp is in a really bad spot rn, all its sets are outclassed by other things.scarf is complete garbage and is unviable, only viable sets in the current meta are its sd + 3atks / sd + rocks with your choice of zmove, but they're extremely mediocre (i guess tankchomp is ok??????). exca's niche in ubers is a lead that can effectively anti lead deo-s and pdon, and set rocks vs the bouncers (sab and diancie). exca really isnt a good spinner. it only sees use because its the only viable spinner (rip starmie) it doesnt beat a lot of the hazard setters (besides tran and clef but you get the point). sand rush is p bad, needs hella support (sand, things that wall it such as lando and steela gone) and the meta is p bulky rn which makes it harder for drill to break. Another mon that should drop is skarmory. its a niche shitmon that only sees usage on stall. even then it faces a lot of competition with steela, and only has spikes and roost to make up for it.
Victini is ou, shitmon though. chomp is in a really bad spot rn, all its sets are outclassed by other things.scarf is complete garbage and is unviable, only viable sets in the current meta are its sd + 3atks / sd + rocks with your choice of zmove, but they're extremely mediocre (i guess tankchomp is ok??????). exca's niche in ubers is a lead that can effectively anti lead deo-s and pdon, and set rocks vs the bouncers (sab and diancie). exca really isnt a good spinner. it only sees use because its the only viable spinner (rip starmie) it doesnt beat a lot of the hazard setters (besides tran and clef but you get the point). sand rush is p bad, needs hella support (sand, things that wall it such as lando and steela gone) and the meta is p bulky rn which makes it harder for drill to break. Another mon that should drop is skarmory. its a niche shitmon that only sees usage on stall. even then it faces a lot of competition with steela, and only has spikes and roost to make up for it.
Why do you talk about Exca's niche in Ubers when we're talking about OU?

Also Victini recently rose from BL to OU so even if it were to fall below 3.41% usage, it would just go to BL again. It isn't exactly a shitmonw because even with its only average attack, V-Create is a real nuke.

Skarmory should drop? REALLY? Dude, if you even take one look at its usage, you'll quickly see that it belongs on more than just stall. It's among the best physical walls in OU (quite possibly the best) that checks a plethora of dangerous breakers and sweepers like LandoT, Exca, Garchomp without Fire Blast (then again who uses SD Garchomp anymore), Tapu Bulu (although Nature's Madness on AV sets is annoying it wins 1v1 most of the time) and many more. Sure, it faces tons of competition from Celesteela, but it still manages to (barely) top it in usage due to checking a bunch of mons Steela can't or can't as easy.
Garchomp is indeed in an awkward spot atm, however, you should still never underestimate the Megalodon. Tankchomp is a surprisingly good set and even Swords Dance sets see some use now and then on Webs teams. If it ever were to drop UU would kick it straight up to BL probably.

Mimikyu won't drop, boy. Dangerous sweeper that also blanket checks a large portion of the meta? Nope, that won't go UU too soon.

Fini should drop tho, Misty Terrain will likely prevent UU's Scald spam a little which would be nice.
Why do you talk about Exca's niche in Ubers when we're talking about OU?

Also Victini recently rose from BL to OU so even if it were to fall below 3.41% usage, it would just go to BL again. It isn't exactly a shitmonw because even with its only average attack, V-Create is a real nuke.

Skarmory should drop? REALLY? Dude, if you even take one look at its usage, you'll quickly see that it belongs on more than just stall. It's among the best physical walls in OU (quite possibly the best) that checks a plethora of dangerous breakers and sweepers like LandoT, Exca, Garchomp without Fire Blast (then again who uses SD Garchomp anymore), Tapu Bulu (although Nature's Madness on AV sets is annoying it wins 1v1 most of the time) and many more. Sure, it faces tons of competition from Celesteela, but it still manages to (barely) top it in usage due to checking a bunch of mons Steela can't or can't as easy.
Garchomp is indeed in an awkward spot atm, however, you should still never underestimate the Megalodon. Tankchomp is a surprisingly good set and even Swords Dance sets see some use now and then on Webs teams. If it ever were to drop UU would kick it straight up to BL probably.

Mimikyu won't drop, boy. Dangerous sweeper that also blanket checks a large portion of the meta? Nope, that won't go UU too soon.

Fini should drop tho, Misty Terrain will likely prevent UU's Scald spam a little which would be nice.

the only victini set you should be using is its z-celebrate set (its not bad, but it isn't good either), its choice and ebelt sets aren't good anymore. yes vcreate is a nuke, but you ignore the downsides that it comes with, such as the drops, and being hella pursuit bait. skarm is really shit lol. what does skarm check that steela and other mons cant? m-pert? lol. all the mons that you named besides exca break skarm. lando has smack down, non rocks sd chomp uses fire blast or z-fire fang, bulu has fightinium/rockium, yes, skarm can phaze those mons out, but its already insanely strapped for moveslots. skarm hasn't seen any usage in any tour setting. if you check the spl usage stats, you will find that skarm hasn't seen ANY use. yes, usage =/= viability, but you know something isn't good when an exclusive stallmon is being replaced by steela on like every stall lol (but then half the stalls in spl are disgusting pyukumuku stall so what can i say). SD chomp is chomp's only viable set lol (tankchomp i guess too). lol chomp on webs. lol at webs as a playstyle. yes, mimikyu an emergency check for ho, but it only has one chance to check, and its so extremely frail and its speed tier isn't the best. lol dangerous sweeper my ass, its hella weak even after a boost, and is forced to use weak ass shadow sneak lol. webs help, but webs is dead lol. arguably the worst mon in ou. fini i think is pretty underexplored. fini gets a bad rap for being the worst tapu, and having a shitton of usage. its a decent blanket check to a lot of threatening mons, and is also a p good stallbreaker.
the only victini set you should be using is its z-celebrate set (its not bad, but it isn't good either), its choice and ebelt sets aren't good anymore. yes vcreate is a nuke, but you ignore the downsides that it comes with, such as the drops, and being hella pursuit bait. skarm is really shit lol. what does skarm check that steela and other mons cant? m-pert? lol. all the mons that you named besides exca break skarm. lando has smack down, non rocks sd chomp uses fire blast or z-fire fang, bulu has fightinium/rockium, yes, skarm can phaze those mons out, but its already insanely strapped for moveslots. skarm hasn't seen any usage in any tour setting. if you check the spl usage stats, you will find that skarm hasn't seen ANY use. yes, usage =/= viability, but you know something isn't good when an exclusive stallmon is being replaced by steela on like every stall lol (but then half the stalls in spl are disgusting pyukumuku stall so what can i say). SD chomp is chomp's only viable set lol (tankchomp i guess too). lol chomp on webs. lol at webs as a playstyle. yes, mimikyu an emergency check for ho, but it only has one chance to check, and its so extremely frail and its speed tier isn't the best. lol dangerous sweeper my ass, its hella weak even after a boost, and is forced to use weak ass shadow sneak lol. webs help, but webs is dead lol. arguably the worst mon in ou. fini i think is pretty underexplored. fini gets a bad rap for being the worst tapu, and having a shitton of usage. its a decent blanket check to a lot of threatening mons, and is also a p good stallbreaker.
You don't make your arguments valid by adding "lol" to all of them.

Also Smack Down on LandoT lol. If you're accounting for niche things like that then Steela can't check those mons either. Skarm is a pure physical wall with instant recovery while Celes is more of a mixed wall. Both are good picks.
Chomp is rarely seen on Webs but that's mainly because Webs is--as you mentioned--very rare in general. Fini faces huge competition from other bulky waters and Defoggers, and stallbreakers, and is only really used for role compression. Mimikyu is way better than you think. Sure, not the greatest OU mon, but after a SD it can wreak havoc on frailer teams especially with STAB Shadow Sneak to pick off things like MegaKazam. You say I ignore the downsides of V-Create but I don't. And even then, what about those downsides? Sure, they're annoying, but so are Kingdra's Draco Meteor SpA drops and it still uses them. Celebrate Victini is arguably even worse due to only getting 1 chance to set up and taking up the Z-Slot.

Also, since when is Skarm an exclusive stallmon? It finds its way on Balance and even some Bulky Offense teams alike. Gaining competition doesnt lake you a stall-exclusive shitmon.
And yes, Skarm is tight in moveslots, but Whirlwind is still among its most common moves. Especially since the abundancy of other hazard setters frees up some of its slots.
skarm really isnt a good pick, its exclusively used on stall because its a huge momentum sink, and it really doesn't check much in general, celesteela's sdef makes it a better check to things like lele. even when webs was everywhere, chomp was never a good pick on it. there were far better abusers such as pinsir and bisharp. mimikyu is rly bad, meta is pretty bulky rn, and mimikyu fails to break through common pokes like lando and pex, and when these mons are weakened enough for a mimikyu "clean" the game's likely over anyways. its also insanely easy to revenge kill due to its shitty bulk and damage output. i don't think v-create victini is that bad compared to z-celebrate victini, but then vic is shitty to begin with. z-celebrate is its best set because its a decent late game cleaner on ho, and its good bulk allows it to have some opportunities to set up (questionable defensive typing). the reason that v-create sets aren't as good is because it makes victini extremely exploitable after using it, and victini faces competition with a lot of other breakers, and z-celebrate is its only way of distinguishing itself from them.
You don't make your arguments valid by adding "lol" to all of them.

Also Smack Down on LandoT lol. If you're accounting for niche things like that then Steela can't check those mons either. Skarm is a pure physical wall with instant recovery while Celes is more of a mixed wall. Both are good picks.
Chomp is rarely seen on Webs but that's mainly because Webs is--as you mentioned--very rare in general. Fini faces huge competition from other bulky waters and Defoggers, and stallbreakers, and is only really used for role compression. Mimikyu is way better than you think. Sure, not the greatest OU mon, but after a SD it can wreak havoc on frailer teams especially with STAB Shadow Sneak to pick off things like MegaKazam. You say I ignore the downsides of V-Create but I don't. And even then, what about those downsides? Sure, they're annoying, but so are Kingdra's Draco Meteor SpA drops and it still uses them. Celebrate Victini is arguably even worse due to only getting 1 chance to set up and taking up the Z-Slot.

Also, since when is Skarm an exclusive stallmon? It finds its way on Balance and even some Bulky Offense teams alike. Gaining competition doesnt lake you a stall-exclusive shitmon.
And yes, Skarm is tight in moveslots, but Whirlwind is still among its most common moves. Especially since the abundancy of other hazard setters frees up some of its slots.

V-Create usage is begging you to be pursuit trapped, so much so that it really only gets one kill per match unless your facing stall, and it still faces competition as a wallbreaker. Non Z-Celebrate sets simply are not viable.
Usage stats should be coming up soon (I hope). Not expecting much to rise/drop, maybe one of RU's D-ranks may finally leave the tier, but there's only one thing we all know will happen.

I'm telling it: Mamo is going to meet the fate of every anti-meta Pokémon that ever got to rise. Once the meta actually adapts to its presence, it wouldn't take long until it drops again. Unless it becomes noobtrap, although in modern OU that is very unlikely (but not impossible. Check Gen 5 Donphan, got more usage than KyuB and Keldeo at one point wtf.)
Usage stats should be coming up soon (I hope). Not expecting much to rise/drop, maybe one of RU's D-ranks may finally leave the tier, but there's only one thing we all know will happen.
If last month was a slow changes month (or whatever we call months that aren't quick changes), then Arcanine, Blastoise, and mega Camerupt all would have dropped. Let's hope it stays that way until the next real slow changes month.

By the way, does anyone think Gliscor will move to OU anytime soon?
If last month was a slow changes month (or whatever we call months that aren't quick changes), then Arcanine, Blastoise, and mega Camerupt all would have dropped. Let's hope it stays that way until the next real slow changes month.

By the way, does anyone think Gliscor will move to OU anytime soon?
I know those mons would have dropped; tbh, they should have let them drop, free the noobtraps.

Gliscor may become OU someday, but as long as this needless Mamoswine hype is going on, I wouldn't depend on it. Running it also means you either have two Ground/Flyings or forego Staplefag Lando.
Mamoswine hype isn't really a thing though and not something that would make a difference anyway, there are much better and way more used Pokemon that Gliscor hates. Gliscor is really good atm so unless a shift happens that sucks for it, it should move up eventually as more people realize it's great.
Yeah there's not really any Mamo hype happening at all, it's been at the same place it's been even before the non-sense from joey's TTT. Tbh I think people are just hung up on the Ambipom shenanigans too much and don't care to notice that it lost a ton of traction.
Yeah there's not really any Mamo hype happening at all, it's been at the same place it's been even before the non-sense from joey's TTT. Tbh I think people are just hung up on the Ambipom shenanigans too much and don't care to notice that it lost a ton of traction.
Well low-ladder I still see a lot of Mamoswines (partially because I usually enjoy low-ladder a bit more and also because I'm too lazy to test new teams on alts). Mostly just noobs who put it on teams where it doesn't fit at all. Maybe the higher ladder players realized that Mamo isn't really very splashable compared to other Grounds. In one of my battles (in which I was testing an admittedly bad team) I beat a guy with a Mamoswine on his team. If that was ANY other Ground (LandoT, Exca, Chomp, Zygarde) he would've beat me. Mamo is a bit like KyuW in Ubers in that it requires some support, is very rewarding if used properly, but really shouldn't be mindlessly slapped on every team and expected to immediately work well.

Keep in mind that the support Mamo needs is nowhere near as big as KyuW, but it was the first thing that came to my mind.
Quick-changes for March:

Updating tiers
Combined usage for OU
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Landorus-Therian   | 48.137% |
 | 2    | Tapu Koko          | 25.498% |
 | 3    | Magearna           | 23.685% |
 | 4    | Kartana            | 20.935% |
 | 5    | Greninja-Ash       | 19.159% |
 | 6    | Heatran            | 17.143% |
 | 7    | Ferrothorn         | 16.187% |
 | 8    | Zygarde            | 15.992% |
 | 9    | Tapu Lele          | 15.714% |
 | 10   | Zapdos             | 14.432% |
 | 11   | Toxapex            | 14.275% |
 | 12   | Hawlucha           | 11.917% |
 | 13   | Tapu Bulu          | 11.520% |
 | 14   | Chansey            | 10.602% |
 | 15   | Clefable           | 10.440% |
 | 16   | Scizor-Mega        | 10.312% |
 | 17   | Greninja           | 10.068% |
 | 18   | Excadrill          |  8.080% |
 | 19   | Medicham-Mega      |  8.061% |
 | 20   | Magnezone          |  7.490% |
 | 21   | Skarmory           |  7.412% |
 | 22   | Celesteela         |  7.360% |
 | 23   | Kyurem-Black       |  6.598% |
 | 24   | Keldeo             |  6.509% |
 | 25   | Tangrowth          |  6.409% |
 | 26   | Tyranitar          |  6.254% |
 | 27   | Pinsir-Mega        |  6.176% |
 | 28   | Mew                |  6.094% |
 | 29   | Tapu Fini          |  5.880% |
 | 30   | Mimikyu            |  5.843% |
 | 31   | Gyarados-Mega      |  5.830% |
 | 32   | Victini            |  5.703% |
 | 33   | Latios             |  5.585% |
 | 34   | Lopunny-Mega       |  5.478% |
 | 35   | Mawile-Mega        |  5.360% |
 | 36   | Garchomp           |  5.199% |
 | 37   | Blacephalon        |  5.184% |
 | 38   | Charizard-Mega-X   |  4.677% |
 | 39   | Tornadus-Therian   |  4.648% |
 | 40   | Pelipper           |  4.621% |
 | 41   | Mamoswine          |  4.608% |
 | 42   | Diancie-Mega       |  4.541% |
 | 43   | Sableye-Mega       |  4.487% |
 | 44   | Swampert-Mega      |  4.466% |
 | 45   | Volcarona          |  4.408% |
 | 46   | Venusaur-Mega      |  4.077% |
 | 47   | Rotom-Wash         |  4.003% |
 | 48   | Hoopa-Unbound      |  3.989% |
 | 49   | Jirachi            |  3.975% |
 | 50   | Alakazam-Mega      |  3.945% |
 | 51   | Bisharp            |  3.924% |
 | 52   | Gliscor            |  2.970% |
 | 53   | Amoonguss          |  2.947% |
 | 54   | Latias-Mega        |  2.908% |
 | 55   | Charizard-Mega-Y   |  2.766% |
 | 56   | Tyranitar-Mega     |  2.730% |
 | 57   | Hippowdon          |  2.715% |
 | 58   | Dragonite          |  2.622% |
 | 59   | Serperior          |  2.382% |
 | 60   | Weavile            |  2.359% |
 | 61   | Marowak-Alola      |  2.253% |
 | 62   | Quagsire           |  2.184% |
 | 63   | Latios-Mega        |  2.154% |
 | 64   | Araquanid          |  2.068% |
 | 65   | Gyarados           |  2.026% |
 | 66   | Gengar             |  1.965% |
 | 67   | Kingdra            |  1.845% |
 | 68   | Ditto              |  1.840% |
 | 69   | Ninetales-Alola    |  1.677% |
 | 70   | Cresselia          |  1.639% |
 | 71   | Gastrodon          |  1.630% |
 | 72   | Shuckle            |  1.587% |
 | 73   | Latias             |  1.469% |
 | 74   | Manaphy            |  1.426% |
 | 75   | Muk-Alola          |  1.411% |
 | 76   | Mantine            |  1.379% |
 | 77   | Nidoking           |  1.376% |
 | 78   | Heracross-Mega     |  1.329% |
 | 79   | Kommo-o            |  1.271% |
 | 80   | Azumarill          |  1.225% |
 | 81   | Thundurus-Therian  |  1.221% |
 | 82   | Buzzwole           |  1.219% |
 | 83   | Ribombee           |  1.198% |
 | 84   | Alomomola          |  1.134% |
 | 85   | Manectric-Mega     |  1.094% |
 | 86   | Crawdaunt          |  1.090% |
 | 87   | Slowbro-Mega       |  1.077% |
 | 88   | Volcanion          |  1.045% |
 | 89   | Reuniclus          |  1.026% |
 | 90   | Stakataka          |  0.972% |
 | 91   | Thundurus          |  0.958% |
 | 92   | Breloom            |  0.939% |
 | 93   | Beedrill-Mega      |  0.896% |
 | 94   | Azelf              |  0.868% |
 | 95   | Scizor             |  0.861% |
 | 96   | Seismitoad         |  0.859% |
 | 97   | Gallade-Mega       |  0.824% |
 | 98   | Gardevoir-Mega     |  0.792% |
 | 99   | Staraptor          |  0.780% |
 | 100  | Suicune            |  0.771% |
 | 101  | Hydreigon          |  0.744% |
 | 102  | Mandibuzz          |  0.742% |
 | 103  | Xurkitree          |  0.739% |
 | 104  | Slowbro            |  0.687% |
 | 105  | Salamence          |  0.667% |
 | 106  | Conkeldurr         |  0.657% |
 | 107  | Uxie               |  0.654% |
 | 108  | Nihilego           |  0.648% |
 | 109  | Garchomp-Mega      |  0.647% |
 | 110  | Terrakion          |  0.625% |
 | 111  | Infernape          |  0.605% |
 | 112  | Torkoal            |  0.598% |
 | 113  | Mimikyu-Totem      |  0.594% |
 | 114  | Klefki             |  0.554% |
 | 115  | Pyukumuku          |  0.547% |
 | 116  | Starmie            |  0.515% |
 | 117  | Venusaur           |  0.509% |
 | 118  | Camerupt-Mega      |  0.506% |
 | 119  | Porygon-Z          |  0.505% |
 | 120  | Alakazam           |  0.484% |
 | 121  | Xatu               |  0.472% |
 | 122  | Sharpedo-Mega      |  0.459% |
 | 123  | Houndoom-Mega      |  0.457% |
 | 124  | Necrozma           |  0.455% |
 | 125  | Blissey            |  0.447% |
 | 126  | Kyurem             |  0.446% |
 | 127  | Diggersby          |  0.444% |
 | 128  | Porygon2           |  0.442% |
 | 129  | Cloyster           |  0.439% |
 | 130  | Tentacruel         |  0.429% |
 | 131  | Talonflame         |  0.427% |
 | 132  | Scolipede          |  0.412% |
 | 133  | Smeargle           |  0.399% |
 | 134  | Hoopa              |  0.387% |
 | 135  | Donphan            |  0.364% |
 | 136  | Aerodactyl-Mega    |  0.363% |
 | 137  | Druddigon          |  0.354% |
 | 138  | Togekiss           |  0.348% |
 | 139  | Qwilfish           |  0.344% |
 | 140  | Altaria-Mega       |  0.334% |
 | 141  | Swampert           |  0.325% |
 | 142  | Raichu-Alola       |  0.308% |
 | 143  | Snorlax            |  0.296% |
 | 144  | Politoed           |  0.294% |
 | 145  | Shedinja           |  0.287% |
 | 146  | Golem-Alola        |  0.286% |
 | 147  | Celebi             |  0.274% |
 | 148  | Darmanitan         |  0.274% |
 | 149  | Goodra             |  0.267% |
 | 150  | Metagross          |  0.260% |
 | 151  | Slurpuff           |  0.258% |
 | 152  | Lycanroc-Dusk      |  0.247% |
 | 153  | Empoleon           |  0.243% |
 | 154  | Aerodactyl         |  0.241% |
 | 155  | Arcanine           |  0.238% |
 | 156  | Cofagrigus         |  0.232% |
 | 157  | Nidoqueen          |  0.227% |
 | 158  | Galvantula         |  0.227% |
 | 159  | Forretress         |  0.226% |
 | 160  | Sceptile-Mega      |  0.225% |
 | 161  | Avalugg            |  0.225% |
 | 162  | Espeon             |  0.224% |
 | 163  | Umbreon            |  0.221% |
 | 164  | Rhyperior          |  0.221% |
 | 165  | Golisopod          |  0.215% |
 | 166  | Slowking           |  0.210% |
 | 167  | Vaporeon           |  0.210% |
 | 168  | Primarina          |  0.205% |
 | 169  | Chesnaught         |  0.202% |
 | 170  | Rotom-Heat         |  0.198% |
 | 171  | Tornadus           |  0.193% |
 | 172  | Roserade           |  0.185% |
 | 173  | Bronzong           |  0.182% |
 | 174  | Entei              |  0.174% |
 | 175  | Chandelure         |  0.170% |
 | 176  | Heracross          |  0.168% |
 | 177  | Raikou             |  0.168% |
 | 178  | Omastar            |  0.166% |
 | 179  | Zoroark            |  0.157% |
 | 180  | Steelix-Mega       |  0.152% |
 | 181  | Crobat             |  0.141% |
 | 182  | Feraligatr         |  0.137% |
 | 183  | Lucario            |  0.136% |
 | 184  | Kabutops           |  0.136% |
 | 185  | Ninetales          |  0.135% |
 | 186  | Milotic            |  0.133% |
 | 187  | Krookodile         |  0.130% |
 | 188  | Pidgeot-Mega       |  0.128% |
 | 189  | Blastoise-Mega     |  0.127% |
 | 190  | Dhelmise           |  0.126% |
 | 191  | Absol-Mega         |  0.125% |
 | 192  | Florges            |  0.124% |
 | 193  | Whimsicott         |  0.123% |
 | 194  | Salazzle           |  0.121% |
 | 195  | Incineroar         |  0.117% |
 | 196  | Abomasnow-Mega     |  0.116% |
 | 197  | Slaking            |  0.115% |
 | 198  | Persian-Alola      |  0.111% |
 | 199  | Jolteon            |  0.110% |
 | 200  | Aggron-Mega        |  0.108% |
 | 201  | Sylveon            |  0.106% |
 | 202  | Lycanroc           |  0.106% |
 | 203  | Haxorus            |  0.104% |
 | 204  | Poliwrath          |  0.104% |
 | 205  | Stunfisk           |  0.102% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for UU
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Scizor             | 37.015% |
 | 2    | Latias             | 27.983% |
 | 3    | Gliscor            | 27.650% |
 | 4    | Manectric-Mega     | 20.317% |
 | 5    | Azumarill          | 19.869% |
 | 6    | Hydreigon          | 14.757% |
 | 7    | Breloom            | 13.941% |
 | 8    | Muk-Alola          | 13.292% |
 | 9    | Mamoswine          | 12.977% |
 | 10   | Serperior          | 12.650% |
 | 11   | Swampert           | 12.247% |
 | 12   | Infernape          | 11.083% |
 | 13   | Amoonguss          | 10.376% |
 | 14   | Aggron-Mega        |  9.895% |
 | 15   | Aerodactyl-Mega    |  9.136% |
 | 16   | Klefki             |  8.802% |
 | 17   | Altaria-Mega       |  8.697% |
 | 18   | Hippowdon          |  8.628% |
 | 19   | Crobat             |  8.351% |
 | 20   | Blissey            |  7.755% |
 | 21   | Cobalion           |  7.695% |
 | 22   | Sharpedo-Mega      |  7.544% |
 | 23   | Tentacruel         |  7.386% |
 | 24   | Krookodile         |  7.371% |
 | 25   | Kommo-o            |  6.493% |
 | 26   | Crawdaunt          |  6.448% |
 | 27   | Togekiss           |  6.367% |
 | 28   | Beedrill-Mega      |  6.272% |
 | 29   | Azelf              |  6.248% |
 | 30   | Suicune            |  6.083% |
 | 31   | Alomomola          |  6.016% |
 | 32   | Chandelure         |  5.913% |
 | 33   | Volcanion          |  5.909% |
 | 34   | Primarina          |  5.873% |
 | 35   | Stakataka          |  5.847% |
 | 36   | Gengar             |  5.779% |
 | 37   | Empoleon           |  5.745% |
 | 38   | Pidgeot-Mega       |  5.662% |
 | 39   | Sylveon            |  5.602% |
 | 40   | Magneton           |  5.411% |
 | 41   | Marowak-Alola      |  5.259% |
 | 42   | Celebi             |  5.131% |
 | 43   | Starmie            |  4.776% |
 | 44   | Heracross          |  4.766% |
 | 45   | Haxorus            |  4.571% |
 | 46   | Nidoking           |  4.328% |
 | 47   | Ambipom            |  4.318% |
 | 48   | Sceptile-Mega      |  4.140% |
 | 49   | Mantine            |  4.096% |
 | 50   | Houndoom-Mega      |  4.045% |
 | 51   | Seismitoad         |  3.971% |
 | 52   | Nihilego           |  3.948% |
 | 53   | Raikou             |  3.884% |
 | 54   | Forretress         |  3.864% |
 | 55   | Darmanitan         |  3.769% |
 | 56   | Terrakion          |  3.709% |
 | 57   | Metagross          |  3.572% |
 | 58   | Arcanine           |  3.480% |
 | 59   | Lucario            |  3.372% |
 | 60   | Entei              |  3.153% |
 | 61   | Cresselia          |  2.751% |
 | 62   | Rotom-Heat         |  2.597% |
 | 63   | Quagsire           |  2.563% |
 | 64   | Mienshao           |  2.449% |
 | 65   | Blastoise-Mega     |  2.353% |
 | 66   | Moltres            |  2.340% |
 | 67   | Kyurem             |  2.174% |
 | 68   | Porygon2           |  2.047% |
 | 69   | Doublade           |  1.933% |
 | 70   | Reuniclus          |  1.913% |
 | 71   | Talonflame         |  1.901% |
 | 72   | Lycanroc-Dusk      |  1.650% |
 | 73   | Buzzwole           |  1.646% |
 | 74   | Uxie               |  1.572% |
 | 75   | Araquanid          |  1.548% |
 | 76   | Bronzong           |  1.542% |
 | 77   | Absol-Mega         |  1.504% |
 | 78   | Chesnaught         |  1.395% |
 | 79   | Decidueye          |  1.386% |
 | 80   | Linoone            |  1.366% |
 | 81   | Sandslash-Alola    |  1.346% |
 | 82   | Snorlax            |  1.286% |
 | 83   | Steelix-Mega       |  1.281% |
 | 84   | Necrozma           |  1.267% |
 | 85   | Florges            |  1.231% |
 | 86   | Aurorus            |  1.214% |
 | 87   | Golisopod          |  1.186% |
 | 88   | Roserade           |  1.146% |
 | 89   | Tsareena           |  1.139% |
 | 90   | Salazzle           |  1.137% |
 | 91   | Donphan            |  1.130% |
 | 92   | Rotom-Wash         |  1.115% |
 | 93   | Goodra             |  1.044% |
 | 94   | Rotom-Mow          |  1.015% |
 | 95   | Tornadus           |  1.005% |
 | 96   | Mandibuzz          |  1.000% |
 | 97   | Toxicroak          |  0.914% |
 | 98   | Milotic            |  0.899% |
 | 99   | Abomasnow-Mega     |  0.885% |
 | 100  | Bewear             |  0.824% |
 | 101  | Feraligatr         |  0.804% |
 | 102  | Cloyster           |  0.801% |
 | 103  | Machamp            |  0.716% |
 | 104  | Galvantula         |  0.709% |
 | 105  | Cofagrigus         |  0.696% |
 | 106  | Umbreon            |  0.692% |
 | 107  | Ampharos-Mega      |  0.686% |
 | 108  | Gastrodon          |  0.682% |
 | 109  | Espeon             |  0.678% |
 | 110  | Stoutland          |  0.669% |
 | 111  | Jellicent          |  0.668% |
 | 112  | Slowbro            |  0.618% |
 | 113  | Venomoth           |  0.608% |
 | 114  | Ditto              |  0.599% |
 | 115  | Camerupt-Mega      |  0.582% |
 | 116  | Nidoqueen          |  0.574% |
 | 117  | Yanmega            |  0.557% |
 | 118  | Ribombee           |  0.521% |
 | 119  | Comfey             |  0.514% |
 | 120  | Registeel          |  0.507% |
 | 121  | Zygarde-10%        |  0.502% |
 | 122  | Whimsicott         |  0.476% |
 | 123  | Jolteon            |  0.464% |
 | 124  | Banette-Mega       |  0.454% |
 | 125  | Zoroark            |  0.450% |
 | 126  | Slurpuff           |  0.422% |
 | 127  | Froslass           |  0.417% |
 | 128  | Pyukumuku          |  0.415% |
 | 129  | Dhelmise           |  0.410% |
 | 130  | Honchkrow          |  0.405% |
 | 131  | Rhyperior          |  0.382% |
 | 132  | Kingdra            |  0.361% |
 | 133  | Steelix            |  0.344% |
 | 134  | Durant             |  0.323% |
 | 135  | Xatu               |  0.318% |
 | 136  | Swellow            |  0.308% |
 | 137  | Flygon             |  0.289% |
 | 138  | Aerodactyl         |  0.281% |
 | 139  | Venusaur           |  0.275% |
 | 140  | Accelgor           |  0.273% |
 | 141  | Vaporeon           |  0.266% |
 | 142  | Noivern            |  0.261% |
 | 143  | Shuckle            |  0.254% |
 | 144  | Hoopa              |  0.254% |
 | 145  | Smeargle           |  0.253% |
 | 146  | Glalie-Mega        |  0.248% |
 | 147  | Gardevoir          |  0.247% |
 | 148  | Marowak-Alola-Totem |  0.246% |
 | 149  | Dragalge           |  0.239% |
 | 150  | Shaymin            |  0.237% |
 | 151  | Sharpedo           |  0.229% |
 | 152  | Meloetta           |  0.228% |
 | 153  | Vileplume          |  0.225% |
 | 154  | Vikavolt           |  0.217% |
 | 155  | Emboar             |  0.215% |
 | 156  | Articuno           |  0.212% |
 | 157  | Lanturn            |  0.208% |
 | 158  | Exploud            |  0.197% |
 | 159  | Weezing            |  0.185% |
 | 160  | Exeggutor-Alola    |  0.183% |
 | 161  | Heliolisk          |  0.169% |
 | 162  | Tyrantrum          |  0.169% |
 | 163  | Spiritomb          |  0.164% |
 | 164  | Lycanroc           |  0.162% |
 | 165  | Mr. Mime           |  0.159% |
 | 166  | Cradily            |  0.159% |
 | 167  | Pangoro            |  0.159% |
 | 168  | Clamperl           |  0.153% |
 | 169  | Rotom              |  0.147% |
 | 170  | Medicham           |  0.146% |
 | 171  | Kabutops           |  0.142% |
 | 172  | Slowking           |  0.142% |
 | 173  | Braviary           |  0.139% |
 | 174  | Barbaracle         |  0.138% |
 | 175  | Scrafty            |  0.138% |
 | 176  | Delphox            |  0.135% |
 | 177  | Virizion           |  0.135% |
 | 178  | Aromatisse         |  0.131% |
 | 179  | Marshtomp          |  0.131% |
 | 180  | Lickilicky         |  0.129% |
 | 181  | Diancie            |  0.129% |
 | 182  | Blastoise          |  0.126% |
 | 183  | Eelektross         |  0.120% |
 | 184  | Miltank            |  0.119% |
 | 185  | Electivire         |  0.118% |
 | 186  | Mudsdale           |  0.113% |
 | 187  | Komala             |  0.113% |
 | 188  | Druddigon          |  0.110% |
 | 189  | Torkoal            |  0.108% |
 | 190  | Drapion            |  0.106% |
 | 191  | Sigilyph           |  0.103% |
 | 192  | Tangela            |  0.103% |
 | 193  | Hitmontop          |  0.102% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for RU
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Blastoise-Mega     | 23.584% |
 | 2    | Milotic            | 18.558% |
 | 3    | Nidoqueen          | 14.631% |
 | 4    | Gligar             | 14.332% |
 | 5    | Feraligatr         | 14.092% |
 | 6    | Salazzle           | 13.630% |
 | 7    | Steelix-Mega       | 13.421% |
 | 8    | Flygon             | 12.517% |
 | 9    | Honchkrow          | 11.796% |
 | 10   | Gardevoir          | 10.961% |
 | 11   | Bronzong           | 10.951% |
 | 12   | Rotom-Heat         | 10.892% |
 | 13   | Cresselia          | 10.467% |
 | 14   | Roserade           | 10.322% |
 | 15   | Doublade           | 10.285% |
 | 16   | Araquanid          |  9.778% |
 | 17   | Snorlax            |  9.530% |
 | 18   | Zygarde-10%        |  9.529% |
 | 19   | Registeel          |  9.513% |
 | 20   | Mandibuzz          |  9.227% |
 | 21   | Necrozma           |  9.206% |
 | 22   | Shaymin            |  8.994% |
 | 23   | Moltres            |  8.855% |
 | 24   | Umbreon            |  8.571% |
 | 25   | Rotom-Mow          |  8.371% |
 | 26   | Donphan            |  8.256% |
 | 27   | Espeon             |  8.226% |
 | 28   | Cloyster           |  8.139% |
 | 29   | Florges            |  8.122% |
 | 30   | Machamp            |  7.843% |
 | 31   | Swellow            |  7.703% |
 | 32   | Tyrantrum          |  7.280% |
 | 33   | Meloetta           |  7.097% |
 | 34   | Chesnaught         |  6.975% |
 | 35   | Tsareena           |  6.730% |
 | 36   | Yanmega            |  6.695% |
 | 37   | Porygon2           |  6.590% |
 | 38   | Golisopod          |  6.541% |
 | 39   | Bewear             |  6.484% |
 | 40   | Glalie-Mega        |  6.309% |
 | 41   | Ampharos-Mega      |  6.135% |
 | 42   | Jolteon            |  6.120% |
 | 43   | Escavalier         |  5.792% |
 | 44   | Virizion           |  5.720% |
 | 45   | Pangoro            |  5.671% |
 | 46   | Linoone            |  5.657% |
 | 47   | Galvantula         |  5.590% |
 | 48   | Rhyperior          |  5.435% |
 | 49   | Goodra             |  4.974% |
 | 50   | Diancie            |  4.743% |
 | 51   | Dragalge           |  4.740% |
 | 52   | Banette-Mega       |  4.740% |
 | 53   | Drapion            |  4.207% |
 | 54   | Aerodactyl         |  4.016% |
 | 55   | Hoopa              |  3.993% |
 | 56   | Ribombee           |  3.979% |
 | 57   | Bruxish            |  3.932% |
 | 58   | Gigalith           |  3.789% |
 | 59   | Decidueye          |  3.664% |
 | 60   | Abomasnow-Mega     |  3.563% |
 | 61   | Quagsire           |  3.455% |
 | 62   | Dhelmise           |  3.388% |
 | 63   | Toxicroak          |  3.217% |
 | 64   | Camerupt-Mega      |  3.136% |
 | 65   | Comfey             |  2.874% |
 | 66   | Kingdra            |  2.485% |
 | 67   | Torkoal            |  2.436% |
 | 68   | Slurpuff           |  2.125% |
 | 69   | Durant             |  2.116% |
 | 70   | Venusaur           |  2.091% |
 | 71   | Cofagrigus         |  2.016% |
 | 72   | Noivern            |  2.012% |
 | 73   | Emboar             |  1.991% |
 | 74   | Pyukumuku          |  1.669% |
 | 75   | Blastoise          |  1.474% |
 | 76   | Exploud            |  1.439% |
 | 77   | Meowstic           |  1.417% |
 | 78   | Heliolisk          |  1.380% |
 | 79   | Vanilluxe          |  1.336% |
 | 80   | Barbaracle         |  1.313% |
 | 81   | Aurorus            |  1.295% |
 | 82   | Mismagius          |  1.293% |
 | 83   | Uxie               |  1.252% |
 | 84   | Salazzle-Totem     |  1.243% |
 | 85   | Ninetales          |  1.181% |
 | 86   | Ditto              |  1.140% |
 | 87   | Slowking           |  1.134% |
 | 88   | Scrafty            |  1.057% |
 | 89   | Sigilyph           |  1.049% |
 | 90   | Xatu               |  1.026% |
 | 91   | Charizard          |  1.020% |
 | 92   | Hitmonlee          |  1.018% |
 | 93   | Whimsicott         |  1.008% |
 | 94   | Kommo-o            |  0.987% |
 | 95   | Vaporeon           |  0.969% |
 | 96   | Audino-Mega        |  0.966% |
 | 97   | Delphox            |  0.947% |
 | 98   | Medicham           |  0.902% |
 | 99   | Froslass           |  0.895% |
 | 100  | Typhlosion         |  0.892% |
 | 101  | Jellicent          |  0.891% |
 | 102  | Qwilfish           |  0.885% |
 | 103  | Slowbro            |  0.882% |
 | 104  | Sneasel            |  0.831% |
 | 105  | Smeargle           |  0.820% |
 | 106  | Shuckle            |  0.772% |
 | 107  | Aromatisse         |  0.733% |
 | 108  | Lycanroc           |  0.728% |
 | 109  | Stoutland          |  0.673% |
 | 110  | Steelix            |  0.650% |
 | 111  | Braviary           |  0.648% |
 | 112  | Hitmontop          |  0.635% |
 | 113  | Minior             |  0.550% |
 | 114  | Leafeon            |  0.544% |
 | 115  | Incineroar         |  0.541% |
 | 116  | Accelgor           |  0.538% |
 | 117  | Gastrodon          |  0.536% |
 | 118  | Piloswine          |  0.516% |
 | 119  | Archeops           |  0.510% |
 | 120  | Cryogonal          |  0.483% |
 | 121  | Ambipom            |  0.479% |
 | 122  | Araquanid-Totem    |  0.479% |
 | 123  | Articuno           |  0.436% |
 | 124  | Victreebel         |  0.436% |
 | 125  | Kabutops           |  0.428% |
 | 126  | Omastar            |  0.425% |
 | 127  | Cinccino           |  0.421% |
 | 128  | Scyther            |  0.413% |
 | 129  | Klinklang          |  0.388% |
 | 130  | Electivire         |  0.381% |
 | 131  | Persian-Alola      |  0.378% |
 | 132  | Houndoom           |  0.376% |
 | 133  | Komala             |  0.370% |
 | 134  | Vikavolt           |  0.355% |
 | 135  | Malamar            |  0.348% |
 | 136  | Sableye            |  0.336% |
 | 137  | Golbat             |  0.336% |
 | 138  | Slaking            |  0.334% |
 | 139  | Exeggutor-Alola    |  0.333% |
 | 140  | Shiftry            |  0.331% |
 | 141  | Druddigon          |  0.330% |
 | 142  | Eelektross         |  0.328% |
 | 143  | Sawk               |  0.324% |
 | 144  | Gallade            |  0.299% |
 | 145  | Vivillon           |  0.289% |
 | 146  | Leavanny           |  0.287% |
 | 147  | Dodrio             |  0.276% |
 | 148  | Carbink            |  0.258% |
 | 149  | Tauros             |  0.255% |
 | 150  | Flareon            |  0.241% |
 | 151  | Sceptile           |  0.230% |
 | 152  | Claydol            |  0.226% |
 | 153  | Noctowl            |  0.219% |
 | 154  | Ferroseed          |  0.217% |
 | 155  | Aggron             |  0.216% |
 | 156  | Sandslash-Alola    |  0.209% |
 | 157  | Lilligant          |  0.203% |
 | 158  | Crabominable       |  0.198% |
 | 159  | Lycanroc-Midnight  |  0.194% |
 | 160  | Combusken          |  0.192% |
 | 161  | Pinsir             |  0.190% |
 | 162  | Absol              |  0.187% |
 | 163  | Passimian          |  0.184% |
 | 164  | Hariyama           |  0.183% |
 | 165  | Miltank            |  0.177% |
 | 166  | Weezing            |  0.172% |
 | 167  | Lurantis           |  0.171% |
 | 168  | Silvally-Steel     |  0.168% |
 | 169  | Audino             |  0.167% |
 | 170  | Primeape           |  0.165% |
 | 171  | Vileplume          |  0.163% |
 | 172  | Rhydon             |  0.163% |
 | 173  | Lapras             |  0.158% |
 | 174  | Spiritomb          |  0.151% |
 | 175  | Silvally           |  0.147% |
 | 176  | Liepard            |  0.146% |
 | 177  | Poliwrath          |  0.146% |
 | 178  | Ludicolo           |  0.144% |
 | 179  | Lanturn            |  0.142% |
 | 180  | Palossand          |  0.141% |
 | 181  | Rotom              |  0.139% |
 | 182  | Zangoose           |  0.138% |
 | 183  | Probopass          |  0.135% |
 | 184  | Mudsdale           |  0.135% |
 | 185  | Kingler            |  0.134% |
 | 186  | Shedinja           |  0.130% |
 | 187  | Exeggutor          |  0.125% |
 | 188  | Pikachu            |  0.125% |
 | 189  | Rampardos          |  0.124% |
 | 190  | Dugtrio-Alola      |  0.123% |
 | 191  | Hitmonchan         |  0.121% |
 | 192  | Turtonator         |  0.116% |
 | 193  | Avalugg            |  0.110% |
 | 194  | Guzzlord           |  0.110% |
 | 195  | Golem-Alola        |  0.110% |
 | 196  | Gurdurr            |  0.107% |
 | 197  | Dugtrio            |  0.106% |
 | 198  | Sawsbuck           |  0.106% |
 | 199  | Crustle            |  0.104% |
 | 200  | Dusclops           |  0.103% |
 | 201  | Clawitzer          |  0.102% |
 | 202  | Seismitoad         |  0.102% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for NU
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Steelix            | 30.384% |
 | 2    | Slowbro            | 25.460% |
 | 3    | Whimsicott         | 21.363% |
 | 4    | Sneasel            | 18.473% |
 | 5    | Delphox            | 17.505% |
 | 6    | Druddigon          | 16.364% |
 | 7    | Emboar             | 15.945% |
 | 8    | Xatu               | 14.873% |
 | 9    | Heliolisk          | 13.467% |
 | 10   | Venusaur           | 12.642% |
 | 11   | Braviary           | 11.384% |
 | 12   | Incineroar         | 10.733% |
 | 13   | Klinklang          | 10.045% |
 | 14   | Vanilluxe          |  9.839% |
 | 15   | Slowking           |  9.585% |
 | 16   | Hariyama           |  9.266% |
 | 17   | Garbodor           |  9.265% |
 | 18   | Cryogonal          |  8.753% |
 | 19   | Audino-Mega        |  8.726% |
 | 20   | Rhydon             |  8.704% |
 | 21   | Vaporeon           |  8.480% |
 | 22   | Scrafty            |  8.381% |
 | 23   | Hitmonlee          |  8.275% |
 | 24   | Piloswine          |  8.221% |
 | 25   | Medicham           |  8.215% |
 | 26   | Toxicroak          |  8.213% |
 | 27   | Virizion           |  8.078% |
 | 28   | Golbat             |  7.610% |
 | 29   | Houndoom           |  7.371% |
 | 30   | Rotom              |  7.324% |
 | 31   | Mismagius          |  6.884% |
 | 32   | Silvally-Steel     |  6.780% |
 | 33   | Vikavolt           |  6.410% |
 | 34   | Vileplume          |  6.300% |
 | 35   | Aromatisse         |  6.272% |
 | 36   | Altaria            |  6.251% |
 | 37   | Guzzlord           |  6.202% |
 | 38   | Qwilfish           |  5.928% |
 | 39   | Sceptile           |  5.596% |
 | 40   | Sigilyph           |  5.426% |
 | 41   | Malamar            |  5.236% |
 | 42   | Cinccino           |  4.996% |
 | 43   | Hitmontop          |  4.714% |
 | 44   | Jellicent          |  4.563% |
 | 45   | Minior             |  4.518% |
 | 46   | Froslass           |  4.489% |
 | 47   | Uxie               |  4.485% |
 | 48   | Scyther            |  4.442% |
 | 49   | Omastar            |  4.374% |
 | 50   | Dodrio             |  4.353% |
 | 51   | Vivillon           |  4.023% |
 | 52   | Miltank            |  3.863% |
 | 53   | Accelgor           |  3.770% |
 | 54   | Samurott           |  3.690% |
 | 55   | Clawitzer          |  3.549% |
 | 56   | Palossand          |  3.531% |
 | 57   | Type: Null         |  3.453% |
 | 58   | Typhlosion         |  3.351% |
 | 59   | Togedemaru         |  2.943% |
 | 60   | Ambipom            |  2.781% |
 | 61   | Pyukumuku          |  2.636% |
 | 62   | Sandslash-Alola    |  2.603% |
 | 63   | Shuckle            |  2.234% |
 | 64   | Passimian          |  2.174% |
 | 65   | Gastrodon          |  1.912% |
 | 66   | Mesprit            |  1.813% |
 | 67   | Aurorus            |  1.790% |
 | 68   | Gallade            |  1.771% |
 | 69   | Vikavolt-Totem     |  1.718% |
 | 70   | Magmortar          |  1.677% |
 | 71   | Silvally-Water     |  1.651% |
 | 72   | Charizard          |  1.596% |
 | 73   | Probopass          |  1.562% |
 | 74   | Dugtrio            |  1.544% |
 | 75   | Ditto              |  1.493% |
 | 76   | Archeops           |  1.470% |
 | 77   | Tauros             |  1.417% |
 | 78   | Claydol            |  1.390% |
 | 79   | Spiritomb          |  1.332% |
 | 80   | Liepard            |  1.310% |
 | 81   | Regirock           |  1.300% |
 | 82   | Sawk               |  1.213% |
 | 83   | Kabutops           |  1.149% |
 | 84   | Rotom-Mow          |  1.100% |
 | 85   | Seismitoad         |  1.047% |
 | 86   | Exeggutor-Alola    |  1.000% |
 | 87   | Torterra           |  0.974% |
 | 88   | Smeargle           |  0.963% |
 | 89   | Gourgeist-Super    |  0.914% |
 | 90   | Ferroseed          |  0.895% |
 | 91   | Aggron             |  0.889% |
 | 92   | Skuntank           |  0.888% |
 | 93   | Zangoose           |  0.887% |
 | 94   | Haunter            |  0.873% |
 | 95   | Marowak            |  0.868% |
 | 96   | Gurdurr            |  0.859% |
 | 97   | Eelektross         |  0.834% |
 | 98   | Komala             |  0.828% |
 | 99   | Lycanroc           |  0.809% |
 | 100  | Raticate-Alola     |  0.784% |
 | 101  | Lanturn            |  0.739% |
 | 102  | Weezing            |  0.729% |
 | 103  | Sandslash          |  0.728% |
 | 104  | Hitmonchan         |  0.726% |
 | 105  | Carracosta         |  0.717% |
 | 106  | Crustle            |  0.704% |
 | 107  | Absol              |  0.692% |
 | 108  | Torkoal            |  0.664% |
 | 109  | Shiftry            |  0.658% |
 | 110  | Meowstic           |  0.637% |
 | 111  | Kingler            |  0.622% |
 | 112  | Sableye            |  0.616% |
 | 113  | Golurk             |  0.613% |
 | 114  | Articuno           |  0.612% |
 | 115  | Granbull           |  0.597% |
 | 116  | Cacturne           |  0.595% |
 | 117  | Drampa             |  0.592% |
 | 118  | Mudsdale           |  0.587% |
 | 119  | Silvally-Ghost     |  0.546% |
 | 120  | Cradily            |  0.529% |
 | 121  | Bibarel            |  0.512% |
 | 122  | Exeggutor          |  0.506% |
 | 123  | Avalugg            |  0.504% |
 | 124  | Ludicolo           |  0.490% |
 | 125  | Lurantis           |  0.440% |
 | 126  | Kecleon            |  0.427% |
 | 127  | Ursaring           |  0.418% |
 | 128  | Rotom-Fan          |  0.406% |
 | 129  | Victreebel         |  0.403% |
 | 130  | Jynx               |  0.392% |
 | 131  | Rotom-Frost        |  0.390% |
 | 132  | Abomasnow          |  0.389% |
 | 133  | Turtonator         |  0.379% |
 | 134  | Golem-Alola        |  0.371% |
 | 135  | Silvally-Fairy     |  0.371% |
 | 136  | Primeape           |  0.370% |
 | 137  | Raichu             |  0.370% |
 | 138  | Masquerain         |  0.368% |
 | 139  | Musharna           |  0.349% |
 | 140  | Lilligant          |  0.345% |
 | 141  | Crabominable       |  0.344% |
 | 142  | Stoutland          |  0.343% |
 | 143  | Silvally-Poison    |  0.340% |
 | 144  | Beartic            |  0.340% |
 | 145  | Leavanny           |  0.339% |
 | 146  | Persian-Alola      |  0.331% |
 | 147  | Electivire         |  0.317% |
 | 148  | Manectric          |  0.312% |
 | 149  | Muk                |  0.306% |
 | 150  | Mothim             |  0.301% |
 | 151  | Clefairy           |  0.297% |
 | 152  | Ninjask            |  0.293% |
 | 153  | Raichu-Alola       |  0.289% |
 | 154  | Mawile             |  0.272% |
 | 155  | Golem              |  0.270% |
 | 156  | Silvally           |  0.266% |
 | 157  | Poliwrath          |  0.263% |
 | 158  | Slaking            |  0.260% |
 | 159  | Sawsbuck           |  0.259% |
 | 160  | Pyroar             |  0.244% |
 | 161  | Regice             |  0.239% |
 | 162  | Pinsir             |  0.239% |
 | 163  | Armaldo            |  0.233% |
 | 164  | Floatzel           |  0.231% |
 | 165  | Togetic            |  0.230% |
 | 166  | Dusknoir           |  0.227% |
 | 167  | Dugtrio-Alola      |  0.226% |
 | 168  | Audino             |  0.224% |
 | 169  | Chimecho           |  0.210% |
 | 170  | Stunfisk           |  0.206% |
 | 171  | Kangaskhan         |  0.203% |
 | 172  | Oricorio-Sensu     |  0.200% |
 | 173  | Pikachu            |  0.196% |
 | 174  | Poipole            |  0.196% |
 | 175  | Simisage           |  0.193% |
 | 176  | Chatot             |  0.189% |
 | 177  | Throh              |  0.187% |
 | 178  | Chinchou           |  0.183% |
 | 179  | Tangela            |  0.179% |
 | 180  | Beheeyem           |  0.176% |
 | 181  | Rampardos          |  0.172% |
 | 182  | Noctowl            |  0.168% |
 | 183  | Dusclops           |  0.159% |
 | 184  | Lycanroc-Midnight  |  0.157% |
 | 185  | Electrode          |  0.157% |
 | 186  | Trevenant          |  0.156% |
 | 187  | Leafeon            |  0.152% |
 | 188  | Mr. Mime           |  0.147% |
 | 189  | Bellossom          |  0.146% |
 | 190  | Combusken          |  0.145% |
 | 191  | Wishiwashi         |  0.142% |
 | 192  | Gorebyss           |  0.140% |
 | 193  | Wartortle          |  0.136% |
 | 194  | Kadabra            |  0.131% |
 | 195  | Silvally-Dragon    |  0.127% |
 | 196  | Carbink            |  0.125% |
 | 197  | Magnemite          |  0.123% |
 | 198  | Swoobat            |  0.120% |
 | 199  | Jumpluff           |  0.120% |
 | 200  | Shedinja           |  0.120% |
 | 201  | Roselia            |  0.117% |
 | 202  | Swanna             |  0.116% |
 | 203  | Fraxure            |  0.107% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for PU
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Mesprit            | 34.048% |
 | 2    | Skuntank           | 21.851% |
 | 3    | Hitmonchan         | 15.638% |
 | 4    | Passimian          | 15.232% |
 | 5    | Primeape           | 13.531% |
 | 6    | Palossand          | 12.910% |
 | 7    | Weezing            | 12.060% |
 | 8    | Eelektross         | 10.783% |
 | 9    | Spiritomb          | 10.398% |
 | 10   | Ferroseed          | 10.213% |
 | 11   | Lanturn            | 10.111% |
 | 12   | Magmortar          | 10.063% |
 | 13   | Archeops           |  9.696% |
 | 14   | Altaria            |  9.546% |
 | 15   | Aurorus            |  9.425% |
 | 16   | Gastrodon          |  9.074% |
 | 17   | Gurdurr            |  8.814% |
 | 18   | Togedemaru         |  8.476% |
 | 19   | Oricorio-Sensu     |  7.963% |
 | 20   | Pyroar             |  7.123% |
 | 21   | Aggron             |  7.072% |
 | 22   | Exeggutor-Alola    |  6.514% |
 | 23   | Regirock           |  5.955% |
 | 24   | Kingler            |  5.614% |
 | 25   | Lilligant          |  5.451% |
 | 26   | Drampa             |  5.377% |
 | 27   | Audino             |  5.366% |
 | 28   | Kangaskhan         |  4.877% |
 | 29   | Clefairy           |  4.870% |
 | 30   | Miltank            |  4.766% |
 | 31   | Sandslash-Alola    |  4.691% |
 | 32   | Swanna             |  4.650% |
 | 33   | Silvally-Ghost     |  4.423% |
 | 34   | Abomasnow          |  4.307% |
 | 35   | Kabutops           |  4.269% |
 | 36   | Haunter            |  4.248% |
 | 37   | Golurk             |  4.235% |
 | 38   | Absol              |  4.185% |
 | 39   | Silvally-Fairy     |  4.111% |
 | 40   | Stoutland          |  4.025% |
 | 41   | Crabominable       |  4.005% |
 | 42   | Carbink            |  3.922% |
 | 43   | Mudsdale           |  3.860% |
 | 44   | Pinsir             |  3.785% |
 | 45   | Poliwrath          |  3.769% |
 | 46   | Raichu-Alola       |  3.748% |
 | 47   | Articuno           |  3.654% |
 | 48   | Zangoose           |  3.616% |
 | 49   | Ludicolo           |  3.594% |
 | 50   | Komala             |  3.576% |
 | 51   | Gourgeist-Super    |  3.529% |
 | 52   | Liepard            |  3.522% |
 | 53   | Claydol            |  3.458% |
 | 54   | Floatzel           |  3.428% |
 | 55   | Jynx               |  3.419% |
 | 56   | Pyukumuku          |  3.405% |
 | 57   | Persian-Alola      |  3.360% |
 | 58   | Lycanroc           |  3.341% |
 | 59   | Carracosta         |  3.244% |
 | 60   | Type: Null         |  3.224% |
 | 61   | Sableye            |  3.205% |
 | 62   | Kecleon            |  3.170% |
 | 63   | Ursaring           |  3.148% |
 | 64   | Musharna           |  2.907% |
 | 65   | Granbull           |  2.748% |
 | 66   | Lurantis           |  2.683% |
 | 67   | Manectric          |  2.672% |
 | 68   | Crustle            |  2.642% |
 | 69   | Wishiwashi         |  2.613% |
 | 70   | Dugtrio-Alola      |  2.593% |
 | 71   | Shiftry            |  2.381% |
 | 72   | Lapras             |  2.380% |
 | 73   | Volbeat            |  2.313% |
 | 74   | Electivire         |  2.281% |
 | 75   | Silvally-Water     |  2.245% |
 | 76   | Cradily            |  2.097% |
 | 77   | Torterra           |  2.092% |
 | 78   | Mawile             |  2.077% |
 | 79   | Masquerain         |  2.075% |
 | 80   | Kadabra            |  2.008% |
 | 81   | Raticate-Alola     |  1.943% |
 | 82   | Chatot             |  1.886% |
 | 83   | Leafeon            |  1.860% |
 | 84   | Roselia            |  1.855% |
 | 85   | Cacturne           |  1.843% |
 | 86   | Beheeyem           |  1.834% |
 | 87   | Basculin           |  1.814% |
 | 88   | Rotom-Fan          |  1.811% |
 | 89   | Oricorio-Pom-Pom   |  1.800% |
 | 90   | Gorebyss           |  1.793% |
 | 91   | Probopass          |  1.774% |
 | 92   | Turtonator         |  1.705% |
 | 93   | Dusclops           |  1.698% |
 | 94   | Ninjask            |  1.690% |
 | 95   | Leavanny           |  1.668% |
 | 96   | Beartic            |  1.659% |
 | 97   | Ditto              |  1.620% |
 | 98   | Golem              |  1.620% |
 | 99   | Mr. Mime           |  1.585% |
 | 100  | Flareon            |  1.576% |
 | 101  | Tangela            |  1.559% |
 | 102  | Dusknoir           |  1.556% |
 | 103  | Rotom-Frost        |  1.552% |
 | 104  | Pawniard           |  1.530% |
 | 105  | Sandslash          |  1.523% |
 | 106  | Victreebel         |  1.511% |
 | 107  | Bibarel            |  1.448% |
 | 108  | Marowak            |  1.421% |
 | 109  | Ariados            |  1.401% |
 | 110  | Smeargle           |  1.390% |
 | 111  | Armaldo            |  1.385% |
 | 112  | Stunfisk           |  1.381% |
 | 113  | Exeggutor          |  1.338% |
 | 114  | Bouffalant         |  1.331% |
 | 115  | Muk                |  1.315% |
 | 116  | Purugly            |  1.301% |
 | 117  | Avalugg            |  1.278% |
 | 118  | Trevenant          |  1.248% |
 | 119  | Drifblim           |  1.245% |
 | 120  | Electrode          |  1.234% |
 | 121  | Regice             |  1.208% |
 | 122  | Silvally-Dragon    |  1.202% |
 | 123  | Lickilicky         |  1.187% |
 | 124  | Combusken          |  1.164% |
 | 125  | Throh              |  1.125% |
 | 126  | Illumise           |  1.124% |
 | 127  | Arbok              |  1.087% |
 | 128  | Togetic            |  1.076% |
 | 129  | Slaking            |  1.068% |
 | 130  | Meowstic           |  1.061% |
 | 131  | Pikachu            |  1.060% |
 | 132  | Swoobat            |  1.027% |
 | 133  | Bellossom          |  1.016% |
 | 134  | Rampardos          |  1.005% |
 | 135  | Rapidash           |  1.005% |
 | 136  | Jumpluff           |  1.001% |
 | 137  | Ampharos           |  0.998% |
 | 138  | Shiinotic          |  0.998% |
 | 139  | Metang             |  0.996% |
 | 140  | Zebstrika          |  0.958% |
 | 141  | Glaceon            |  0.941% |
 | 142  | Toucannon          |  0.887% |
 | 143  | Camerupt           |  0.860% |
 | 144  | Murkrow            |  0.847% |
 | 145  | Sawsbuck           |  0.838% |
 | 146  | Lycanroc-Midnight  |  0.793% |
 | 147  | Mareanie           |  0.778% |
 | 148  | Qwilfish           |  0.775% |
 | 149  | Golem-Alola        |  0.768% |
 | 150  | Wormadam-Trash     |  0.746% |
 | 151  | Noctowl            |  0.737% |
 | 152  | Luxray             |  0.726% |
 | 153  | Golduck            |  0.722% |
 | 154  | Ninetales          |  0.719% |
 | 155  | Butterfree         |  0.716% |
 | 156  | Misdreavus         |  0.711% |
 | 157  | Gogoat             |  0.690% |
 | 158  | Silvally           |  0.643% |
 | 159  | Silvally-Poison    |  0.641% |
 | 160  | Servine            |  0.634% |
 | 161  | Hippopotas         |  0.608% |
 | 162  | Whirlipede         |  0.605% |
 | 163  | Simipour           |  0.603% |
 | 164  | Raichu             |  0.596% |
 | 165  | Frogadier          |  0.594% |
 | 166  | Bronzor            |  0.567% |
 | 167  | Silvally-Electric  |  0.565% |
 | 168  | Munchlax           |  0.558% |
 | 169  | Zweilous           |  0.549% |
 | 170  | Heatmor            |  0.526% |
 | 171  | Chimecho           |  0.524% |
 | 172  | Corsola            |  0.493% |
 | 173  | Duosion            |  0.484% |
 | 174  | Monferno           |  0.480% |
 | 175  | Lopunny            |  0.473% |
 | 176  | Walrein            |  0.461% |
 | 177  | Whiscash           |  0.444% |
 | 178  | Silvally-Ground    |  0.422% |
 | 179  | Torkoal            |  0.417% |
 | 180  | Dugtrio            |  0.414% |
 | 181  | Prinplup           |  0.406% |
 | 182  | Klang              |  0.405% |
 | 183  | Regigigas          |  0.391% |
 | 184  | Simisear           |  0.390% |
 | 185  | Gabite             |  0.375% |
 | 186  | Bastiodon          |  0.374% |
 | 187  | Silvally-Dark      |  0.367% |
 | 188  | Grumpig            |  0.361% |
 | 189  | Relicanth          |  0.353% |
 | 190  | Fraxure            |  0.338% |
 | 191  | Fearow             |  0.335% |
 | 192  | Swirlix            |  0.332% |
 | 193  | Meganium           |  0.330% |
 | 194  | Raticate           |  0.326% |
 | 195  | Poipole            |  0.325% |
 | 196  | Wartortle          |  0.325% |
 | 197  | Unfezant           |  0.321% |
 | 198  | Octillery          |  0.306% |
 | 199  | Silvally-Fire      |  0.302% |
 | 200  | Simisage           |  0.301% |
 | 201  | Wigglytuff         |  0.290% |
 | 202  | Machoke            |  0.290% |
 | 203  | Lunatone           |  0.289% |
 | 204  | Gothitelle         |  0.287% |
 | 205  | Emolga             |  0.275% |
 | 206  | Huntail            |  0.272% |
 | 207  | Persian            |  0.268% |
 | 208  | Glalie             |  0.267% |
 | 209  | Gumshoos           |  0.264% |
 | 210  | Furfrou            |  0.262% |
 | 211  | Politoed           |  0.262% |
 | 212  | Oranguru           |  0.249% |
 | 213  | Dewgong            |  0.246% |
 | 214  | Kricketune         |  0.245% |
 | 215  | Mightyena          |  0.243% |
 | 216  | Oricorio           |  0.242% |
 | 217  | Natu               |  0.240% |
 | 218  | Magcargo           |  0.237% |
 | 219  | Shedinja           |  0.235% |
 | 220  | Gourgeist-Small    |  0.223% |
 | 221  | Farfetch'd         |  0.223% |
 | 222  | Lumineon           |  0.219% |
 | 223  | Swalot             |  0.210% |
 | 224  | Dedenne            |  0.209% |
 | 225  | Mothim             |  0.208% |
 | 226  | Dragonair          |  0.208% |
 | 227  | Solrock            |  0.199% |
 | 228  | Silvally-Steel     |  0.198% |
 | 229  | Vigoroth           |  0.198% |
 | 230  | Clamperl           |  0.187% |
 | 231  | Gourgeist          |  0.184% |
 | 232  | Tropius            |  0.183% |
 | 233  | Hakamo-o           |  0.178% |
 | 234  | Wailord            |  0.175% |
 | 235  | Seviper            |  0.175% |
 | 236  | Swadloon           |  0.170% |
 | 237  | Tentacool          |  0.167% |
 | 238  | Seaking            |  0.165% |
 | 239  | Lampent            |  0.161% |
 | 240  | Quilladin          |  0.156% |
 | 241  | Sudowoodo          |  0.155% |
 | 242  | Banette            |  0.144% |
 | 243  | Hypno              |  0.143% |
 | 244  | Gourgeist-Large    |  0.143% |
 | 245  | Dunsparce          |  0.141% |
 | 246  | Silvally-Fighting  |  0.140% |
 | 247  | Sliggoo            |  0.138% |
 | 248  | Marshtomp          |  0.131% |
 | 249  | Dustox             |  0.131% |
 | 250  | Pidgeot            |  0.126% |
 | 251  | Girafarig          |  0.125% |
 | 252  | Vibrava            |  0.125% |
 | 253  | Silvally-Flying    |  0.123% |
 | 254  | Omanyte            |  0.119% |
 | 255  | Beedrill           |  0.116% |
 | 256  | Parasect           |  0.115% |
 | 257  | Marill             |  0.109% |
 | 258  | Gloom              |  0.103% |
 | 259  | Vullaby            |  0.100% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

Tornadus-Therian moved from BL to OU
Altaria moved from PU to NU
Shuckle moved from NU to PU
Mamoswine moved from UU to OU
Blastoise moved from RU to NU
Lycanroc-Dusk moved from UU to RU
Virizion moved from NU to RU
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