Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I need to borrow Type:Null and Silvally so I can finish my Pokedex for shiny charm without get my own Type:Null because I want to soft-rest my Type:Null for shiny.

I will give bottle cap in return.

I need to fill both my Sun version Pokedex and Moon version Pokedex, so I will need to take your Pokemon for about 5 min or less, and I will return your Pokemon to you.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Silvally is done, now I only need Type:Null.

I'm done with my Pokedex!!!! Thank you all!!!!
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looking for a pheromosa and a celesteela to complete my dex :) I could trade a buzzwole or kartana... tell me the nature you want so i can synchronize :D
Just checking to see if anyone is around to be generous with an extra Lansat or Starf berry they might have grown. They're all I need to complete my berry collection. I don't have much valuable yet, just able to breed any regular pokemon in the alola dex and all but 5 of the island scan pokemon, and of course any berry you want other than those two. i also have a couple bottle caps (regular not gold). i'd really appreciate any help.

Does anyone have a Cloud Nine Drampa? I'll trade:
  • Turtonator in a Fast Ball
  • Snow Warning Alolan Vulpix with Encore/Disable/Moonblast/Freeze Dry in a Premiere Ball
  • Galvanize Alolan Geodude in a Timer Ball
  • Sensu Oricorio with Tailwind/Pluck in a Moon Ball
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El desperado for a 0 speed iv ditto! Have 4iv HA mareanies , 4-5 iv rough skin gibles in beast balls, not too much else but I'm breeding orangurus in case anyone needs one(2-4 ivs)!
Thanks :)
El desperado for a 0 speed iv ditto! Have 4iv HA mareanies , 4-5 iv rough skin gibles in beast balls, not too much else but I'm breeding orangurus in case anyone needs one(2-4 ivs)!
Thanks :)
If you still need the 0 speed Ditto, I'm willing to give you a clone of mine for a HA Mareanie, nature and IVs doesn't matter, but I'd prefer if it's female. I chained the ditto myself, it's rash nature and has the IVs 31/31/31/X/31/0.
I've been away for a while now, and I still see that Buckert's amazing SR guide for SM hasn't been worked on. Before I start doing the work myself, I would like to know if anybody has done the legwork for 'mons and spreads to SR Solgaleo and Lunala (and other 'mons?)? I know bottle caps are a thing now, but getting good IVs is still a market, I'm sure.

I just caught myself a 31/31/0/31/31/30 Timid Lunala (HP Psychic...) [yep, tossed as promised] and the resetting is tedious (just like ORAS and Rayquaza...). Normally, I'd toss this immediately and keep going, but HT mitigates this blow (actually, I'm probably going to toss this anyway so I can actually make a backup first, since I forgot to do so...). If anyone has already figured out some ideal catching 'mons, that'd be great. Otherwise I'll do some work myself and come back. (Preliminary thought is on Ariados /Smeargle for Night Shade HP checks but don't yet know the speeds, but I've been doing ok for now by judging the damage Darkest Lariat does through Shadow Shield for HP/Def)

Here's a rather decent catching Smeargle for S/L. If people want, I can try to provide a few once I get one set up. The following is for those wanting a Jolly Solgaleo/Timid Lunala.

Smeargle @ Leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
Level: 57
EVs: 136 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Night Shade
- Spore

Of course your fainted synch goes first in your party. When Smeargle hits the field, use Night Shade or Spore, if Solgaleo/Lunala moves first, confirmed 31 speed (or 30 speed or speed tie...). After the speed check, you'll want to use Night Shade a total of 2 times, if the health bar hits yellow, then you have less than perfect HP. Otherwise proceed to catch it.

I have yet to personally test this, but it should work.

For reference, Jolly/Timid max stats for:
Solgaleo @ Lvl 55: 232 HP/ 172 Atk/ 139 Def/ 131 Sp.Atk/ 119 Sp.Def/ 140 Spe
Lunala @ Lvl 55: 232 HP/ 131 Atk/ 119 Sp.Def/ 172 Sp.Atk/ 139 Def/ 140 Spe
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So I caught a nihilego but sync didn't work, came out modest anyway and with a 0 attack,
Do I throw because modest (not a bad nature) or keep for the 0 attack??
Searching for a 0 speed iv ditto. Other ivs and nature don't matter. I can offer rough skin gible, rejects of wide guard wingull, wide guard/tailwind aerodactly, or encore/disable/moonblast/freeze dry vulpix, nasty plot pichu, magic guard abra, and I can make hidden ability maranie, grimer, or sandshrew.
Im looking for someone who wants to trade my rng'd german 6 iv ditto for their not german 6 iv ditto. I want to use it for the masuda method. I can only trade it on the 6th generation till pokebank is released for gen 7. Thanks in advance :)
Im looking for someone who wants to trade my rng'd german 6 iv ditto for their not german 6 iv ditto. I want to use it for the masuda method. I can only trade it on the 6th generation till pokebank is released for gen 7. Thanks in advance :)
What nature is yours? I might take you up on that.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question so I'm I'm happy to delete it if it's not, but can power saves only work on sun and moon with prime?
Can someone who has the 5 star Rare Kitchen facility in their festival plaza add me as a friend and hop online for a min, provided the facilities you can get from other players are based on their own buildings and aren't random?

Helped, but I still need a VIP with a 2 star Treasure Hunt facility as well.
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Hey man, fellow pokedex filler here! I'd love to help with this. I can probably get you most of those except Solageo. I have a lot missing in my pokedex right now so you could proably help with that. I'll be home later today around 3 PM EST to trade
I need a cosmog, cosmoem, and lunala for my dex. Can you help me too?
Does anyone have any of the following on gen 6?
HA Shellos
HA Gastrodon
HA Anorith
HA Bunnelby
HA Cubchoo/Beartic
HA Solosis
HA Chespin
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