Pokemon: The New First Gen (Submissions for new Pokemon Over, Except costumes)

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oh god we have florida? we need a fire mythical with drought!

Name Justification: Florida THE HOTTEST PLACE ON EARTH / Floral (as in Flower) + Shine (as in Sunshine, or Dazzling Gleam)
Type 1: Fire
Type 2: Fairy
Ability 1: Drought
Hidden Ability: Magic Guard
Hp 60, Atk 145, Def 150, Spa 50, Spd 50, Spe 145,
1. Haze
1. Sacred Fire
16. Morning Sun
16. Take Down
22. Flamethrower
33. Sunny Day
36. Solar Beam
37. Moonblast
40. Petal Dance
50. Fire Lash
60. Flare Blitz
63. Outrage
71. Sunny Day
89. Play Rough
100. Sacred Fire

too lazy for the tms, but it gets a lot of varied ones
Concept/general Design: The lower body is a large, rocket-like flower that shoots fire to propel it. Has a head on top of that, which has four more flowers that emit flaming whips and can shoot fire.
Other Notes/Competitive Use: Another flower-based Fairy. Based on the glitch Pokémon 8 from Yellow in terms of stats and has a similarly-constructed level up movepool.

discharge exists.
nice that this one is more "typhoon" then "explosion", but Drizzle doesn't make sense to me flavor-wise. How about Swift Swim? It's also a little min-maxed statwise for my tastes, tone it down a little!
Typhoons are a type of storm. Storms are usually associated with rain, hence drizzle. It also gives a nice boost to Thunder and Hurricane :P

He didn't even actually do Typhlosion's stats, just copy-and-pasted from Quilava. Also, Quilava having 95 base Sp. Atk is kinda crazy.

Edit: Also, no Thunder Wave by TM or Shock Wave by Move Tutor? Also, the vast majority of its Egg Moves are physical. Might it be a good idea to give it access to something like maybe Parabolic Charge in place of, say, Flare Blitz? Perhaps something like Vacuum Wave in place of Double Kick or Reversal? It's also possible that Solar Beam by TM should be replaced with Flash Cannon.

Edit 2: Also, no Electroweb, Magnet Rise, or Sky Attack by Move Tutor? (Magnet Rise is redundant once it becomes Typhlosion so you might choose to omit that.) Icy Wind might be a fitting tutor move as well, and Air Slash and/or Air Cutter might make good egg moves.
I know that I did that with Typhloison's stats. like I said, I was being kicked out of school and had to leave it at that. I will change it later. as for the move ideas, I quite like them, so I might add them. I completely forgot Shock Wave and Parabolic Charge existed. Sky Attack is physical, so I'll pass on that, Magnet Rise doesn't make much sence on a Typhoon based pokemon and Electroweb is Galvantula's signiture move iirc.
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Typhoons are a type of storm. Storms are usually associated with rain, hence drizzle. It also gives a nice boost to Thunder and Hurricane :P
That's as may be, but since it also keeps stuff like Heat Wave by move tutor and Flamethrower by TM it's clearly going more for tropical storms. And of course, there's the fact that automatic Rain would nerf its Fire coverage moves.

I know that I did that with Typhloison's stats. like I said, I was being kicked out of school and had to leave it at that. I will change it later. as for the move ideas, I quite like them, so I might add them. I completely forgot Shock Wave and Parabolic Charge existed. Sky Attack is physical, so I'll pass on that, Magnet Rise doesn't make much sence on a Typhoon based pokemon and Electroweb is Galvantula's signiture move iirc.
Electroweb hasn't been Galvantula's signature move since it became available by Move Tutor in B2W2. Heck, even in BW it was an Egg Move for the Spinarak line.
A list of things that get it by Move Tutor:
Butterfree line, Beedrill line, Raichu line, Magnezone line, Electivire line, Porygon line, Ariados line, Ampharos line, Beautifly/Dustox line, Plusle, Minun, Wormadam/Mothim line, Pachirisu, Rotom, Leavanny line, Emolga, Stunfisk, Thundurus, Genesect, Vivillon line, Heliolisk line, Dedenne, and of course Mew.
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That's a rather large area to cram into a region. Heck Florida alone would still be larger than Kanto which is Tokyo pretty much. Maybe the size can be shrunk?

I had thought of a few new moves.

Forest Fire
Fire (Special)
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Effect: 10% burn chance. When used by a Grass type (that isn't also fire,) does 50% more damage. AKA Grass pseudoSTAB, go nuts with Chlorophyll.

Short Circuit
Water (Special)
Power: 70
Deals double damage against electric types.

Electric (Phys)
Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Effect: No added effects. Earthquake clone, but sound based. So send in the deaf mons.

Grass (-)
Power: -
Accuracy: -
Effect: Sets Brambles on the enemy field. These are grass type Stealth rocks. During sunlight, will leech seed non-grass types. Cannot coexist with stealth rocks. The birds are happy!

Ice (Physical)
Power: 150
Accuracy: 80
Effect: User shatters their frozen head against the enemy, causing 50% recoil.

Water (Special)
Power: 120
Accuracy: 100
Effect: User pours so much water that they hurt themself for 25% of the damage caused. Special recoil comes at last! Rock Head works, oddly enough.

Fire (Physical)
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Effect: 10% burn chance. When used by a Steel type (that isn't also fire,) does 50% more damage.

Dragon Fist
Type: Fight (Physical)
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Effect: When used by a Dragon type (that isn't also Dragon,) does 50% more damage.

Rinse Cycle
Type: Water (Special)
Power: 20
Accuracy: 100
Effect: Clears your field of hazards.
That's a rather large area to cram into a region. Heck Florida alone would still be larger than Kanto which is Tokyo pretty much. Maybe the size can be shrunk?
Actually, Kanto is one of the four main islands that make up Japan. In fact, it's based on the area of Japan that's actually called Kantō. Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are based on Japan's other three main islands.

Ludicrousity: Also, re: Harmonian Typhlosion line: Here are some less crazy-optimized statlines, if I may be so bold?
HP: 39-3 -> 36
Attack: 52-5 -> 47
Defence: 43+4 -> 47
Sp. Atk: 60+2 -> 62
Sp. Def: 50-3 -> 47
Speed: 65+5 -> 70
HP: 58-5 -> 53
Attack: 64-7 -> 57
Defence: 58+5 -> 63
Sp. Atk: 80+3 -> 83
Sp. Def: 65-2 -> 63
Speed: 80+6 -> 86
HP: 78-7 -> 71
Attack: 84-10 -> 74
Defence: 78+6 -> 84
Sp. Atk: 109+4 -> 113
Sp. Def: 85-1 -> 84
Speed: 100+8 -> 108
Dragon Fist
Fight (Physical)
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Effect: When used by a Dragon type (that isn't also Dragon,) does 50% more damage.
I presume this is supposed to say "When used by a Dragon-type (that isn't also Fighting), does 50% more damage"?
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That's a rather large area to cram into a region. Heck Florida alone would still be larger than Kanto which is Tokyo pretty much. Maybe the size can be shrunk?
Hey, game freak was able to pull off doing pretty much the north half of France as a region, so I think we can pull it off. We could take some of the eastern states off of the map though, just to make it a bit smaller.
Typhoons are a type of storm. Storms are usually associated with rain, hence drizzle. It also gives a nice boost to Thunder and Hurricane :P
Other problems: Remain unaddressed!
Hey, game freak was able to pull off doing pretty much the north half of France as a region, so I think we can pull it off. We could take some of the eastern states off of the map though, just to make it a bit smaller.
Florida becomes the lovechild of Mordor and Lethal Lava Land, and has no towns except for a village that worships a god of fire which you can only get by event because it's so well protected (my very own Florashine is what I'd select for this, given that I made it as a "Florida is hot" joke), is the only remotely safe place there, and may in fact be responsible for the condition of whatever we name the Florida part.
Actually, Kanto is one of the four main islands that make up Japan. In fact, it's based on the area of Japan that's actually called Kantō. Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are based on Japan's other three main islands.

Ludicrousity: Also, re: Harmonian Typhlosion line: Here are some less crazy-optimized statlines, if I may be so bold?
HP: 39-3 -> 36
Attack: 52-5 -> 47
Defence: 43+4 -> 47
Sp. Atk: 60+2 -> 62
Sp. Def: 50-3 -> 47
Speed: 65+5 -> 70
HP: 58-5 -> 53
Attack: 64-7 -> 57
Defence: 58+5 -> 63
Sp. Atk: 80+3 -> 83
Sp. Def: 65-2 -> 63
Speed: 80+6 -> 86
HP: 78-7 -> 71
Attack: 84-10 -> 74
Defence: 78+6 -> 84
Sp. Atk: 109+4 -> 113
Sp. Def: 85-1 -> 84
Speed: 100+8 -> 108
I presume this is supposed to say "When used by a Dragon-type (that isn't also Fighting), does 50% more damage"?
You know what, I'm feeling lazy at the moment, so I'll just use these stats. Thanks :)
teh pokemon

I like it I really do, but there's just one thing I want to mention: Before Athicus submitted his mammoth fossil Pokemon, we actually did have a first fossil Pokemon that I made... that just so happened to also be Rock/Fire (the post), but said status wasn't updated on the front page, which I don't think gets updated/is necessary to update cuz the doc is anyway, so I don't blame anyone. So... two fossil Rock/Fire-types better than Magcargo in one region, then :P.

Extra note, MY GOSH, did this thread get amazingly active or what? I remember when it was just Jerry, Heroes and Cons, Ras, and Me, and now we have like 10 people. Noice
Other problems: Remain unaddressed!

Florida becomes the lovechild of Mordor and Lethal Lava Land, and has no towns except for a village that worships a god of fire which you can only get by event because it's so well protected (my very own Florashine is what I'd select for this, given that I made it as a "Florida is hot" joke), is the only remotely safe place there, and may in fact be responsible for the condition of whatever we name the Florida part.
I was actually thinking of the Florida Keys. Being where the Elite Four is, even though it isn't my choice, since I'm not the owner of this. Although, I can suggest it.
I like it I really do, but there's just one thing I want to mention: Before Athicus submitted his mammoth fossil Pokemon, we actually did have a first fossil Pokemon that I made... that just so happened to also be Rock/Fire (the post), but said status wasn't updated on the front page, which I don't think gets updated/is necessary to update cuz the doc is anyway, so I don't blame anyone. So... two fossil Rock/Fire-types better than Magcargo in one region, then :P.

Extra note, MY GOSH, did this thread get amazingly active or what? I remember when it was just Jerry, Heroes and Cons, Ras, and Me, and now we have like 10 people. Noice
I'm glad to be the cure and not the disease.
I was actually thinking of the Florida Keys. Being where the Elite Four is, even though it isn't my choice, since I'm not the owner of this. Although, I can suggest it.
Aren't those islands? I guess LITERALLY MORDOR would be a decent Victory Road...
Extra note, MY GOSH, did this thread get amazingly active or what? I remember when it was just Jerry, Heroes and Cons, Ras, and Me, and now we have like 10 people. Noice
Actually, I think it's more of a revival of Pet Mods in general. Afterall, there is the revival of Alola formes, the sudden popularity in the PM, and the soon to come new version of Fusion Evolution.
I like it I really do, but there's just one thing I want to mention: Before Athicus submitted his mammoth fossil Pokemon, we actually did have a first fossil Pokemon that I made... that just so happened to also be Rock/Fire (the post), but said status wasn't updated on the front page, which I don't think gets updated/is necessary to update cuz the doc is anyway, so I don't blame anyone. So... two fossil Rock/Fire-types better than Magcargo in one region, then :P.

Extra note, MY GOSH, did this thread get amazingly active or what? I remember when it was just Jerry, Heroes and Cons, Ras, and Me, and now we have like 10 people. Noice
When the Furfrou did I say "Teh Pokemon" XD

Also, This place did become popular... for some reason, I start posting, thinking the place is quite calm and now it's being flooded with great ideas and Pokemon.
Actually, I think it's more of a revival of Pet Mods in general. Afterall, there is the revival of Alola formes, the sudden popularity in the PM, and the soon to come new version of Fusion Evolution.
nah this one is the most active rn
When the Furfrou did I say "Teh Pokemon" XD

Also, This place did become popular... for some reason, I start posting, thinking the place is quite calm and now it's being flooded with great ideas and Pokemon.
tsk, have you learned ANYTHING from Moving On Up?
…Okay, I have three 'mon ideas now but don't have names for them because the names I used as a basis for the designs are Yurifu, Yurifrost, and Yuriflame which already have typings and statlines (but no movesets) in the spreadsheet.

Ideas are a Fairy/Flying with a split evo into either a Fairy/Ice or a Fairy/Fire.
The Fairy/Flying is a little pixie thing that flies by using a pair of lilies as if they were rotors on a helicopter. Its abilities are Technician, Charming Touch (think Poison Touch but with infatuation), and Flower Veil as Hidden Ability.
The Fairy/Ice is a pixie creature that is normally encased within a frozen, closed lily. Its abilities are Technician, Charming Touch, and Winter Gift as Hidden Ability. (Winter Gift is a clone of Flower Gift that activates during Hail instead of during Sun.) When its Winter Gift ability activates, the lily opens and the creature inside takes up a fencing stance, wielding a sharpened icicle as if it were a rapier.
The Fairy/Fire is a pixie creature that is normally encased within a closed lily that seems to be almost made of flame. Its abilities are Technician, Charming Touch, and Flower Gift as Hidden Ability. When its Flower Gift ability activates, the lily opens and lifts up to form a ring around the creature's waist. The lily then begins to rotate rapidly, the creature using its spinning, sharp petals to cut apart foes and uses the rotational speed to launch fiery shards at distant foes.

Most of the time, the line are Special attackers. Unless they're used in their respective weathers, in which case they're abruptly very functional physical attackers. Fairy/Fire's best stats are Defence and Sp. Atk. Fairy/Ice's best stats are Speed and Sp. Atk.
…Okay, I have three 'mon ideas now but don't have names for them because the names I used as a basis for the designs are Yurifu, Yurifrost, and Yuriflame which already have typings and statlines (but no movesets) in the spreadsheet.

Ideas are a Fairy/Flying with a split evo into either a Fairy/Ice or a Fairy/Fire.
The Fairy/Flying is a little pixie thing that flies by using a pair of lilies as if they were rotors on a helicopter. Its abilities are Technician, Charming Touch (think Poison Touch but with infatuation), and Flower Veil as Hidden Ability.
The Fairy/Ice is a pixie creature that is normally encased within a frozen, closed lily. Its abilities are Technician, Charming Touch, and Winter Gift as Hidden Ability. (Winter Gift is a clone of Flower Gift that activates during Hail instead of during Sun.) When its Winter Gift ability activates, the lily opens and the creature inside takes up a fencing stance, wielding a sharpened icicle as if it were a rapier.
The Fairy/Fire is a pixie creature that is normally encased within a closed lily that seems to be almost made of flame. Its abilities are Technician, Charming Touch, and Flower Gift as Hidden Ability. When its Flower Gift ability activates, the lily opens and lifts up to form a ring around the creature's waist. The lily then begins to rotate rapidly, the creature using its spinning, sharp petals to cut apart foes and uses the rotational speed to launch fiery shards at distant foes.

Most of the time, the line are Special attackers. Unless they're used in their respective weathers, in which case they're abruptly very functional physical attackers. Fairy/Fire's best stats are Defence and Sp. Atk. Fairy/Ice's best stats are Speed and Sp. Atk.
I'm currently making a Fire/Fairy for a special trio. Please don't do that ;-;

Edit: good Arceus. 9 people on this page at 1 time :O
I'm currently making a Fire/Fairy for a special trio. Please don't do that ;-;
And then Pika Xreme also did a Fire/Fairy mythical as a joke about Florida being too hot.
But with names which have yuri (Japanese for "lily") in them, what else was I gonna come up with but another flower-based Fairy? I mean, I guess I could have gone with Grass-types. But then I had the idea of Yurifu being a wind-riding pixie and was like "well I'm doing Fairy-types with this".
And then Pika Xreme also did a Fire/Fairy mythical as a joke about Florida being too hot.
But with names which have yuri (Japanese for "lily") in them, what else was I gonna come up with but another flower-based Fairy? I mean, I guess I could have gone with Grass-types. But then I had the idea of Yurifu being a wind-riding pixie and was like "well I'm doing Fairy-types with this".
Go for it actually. I've edited around my mon
I'd like to submit a mythical Pokemon that I had recently thought up of, it's kind of like a masculine counterpart to Magearna meant for war
Machinalibur (Machina+Excalibur)
Type 1: Steel
Type 2: Fighting
Egg group: Undiscovered
Gender: Genderless
Ability: Warrior-Soul [new ability]: Raises Attack by 1 stage whenever a Pokemon faints when Machinalibur is on the field
Stats: 90/120/130/90/120/50 (BST 600)
Moves: http://pastebin.com/94aPm0dV (note that if there's issues with TM numbers/minmaxiness then I'll need to register and make a new one)
Concept/general Design: Knight/Samurai like robot with arm blades that start at the elbow and extend past its arms, although the left one is longer than the right one. It has a pseudo-skirt thing made of layered metal plates that completely covers its right leg and partly covers it left. Its creator was inspired by the creation of Magearna to use the Soul-Heart's technology for his own applications as a weapon of war that could fight entire armies on its own, gaining power with each enemy or ally felled. However, there was a flaw. Machinalibur began to develop emotions and feel sympathetic, making it unfit for combat. As such, it was sealed away for several hundred years before suddenly reactivating.
Competitive Use: Great mixed bulk and high Attack plus Swords Dance make this thing a force to be reckoned with.
New move: Cold Iron
Type: Steel
PP: 5 (8 max)
Accuracy: 90%
Additional effects: Lowers Attack by 2 stages

Potential viable sets:
Machinalibur @ Choice Band
Ability: Warrior-Soul
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/ 4 Def or SpD whichever you feel like running
Adamant Nature
- Cold Iron
- Sacred Sword
- Night Slash
- Psycho Cut
Steel/Fighting/Dark is perfect coverage so it's really up to what super effective coverage you want to run in the last slot to hit more stuff super effectively

Machinalibur @ Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Warrior-Soul
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/52 SpD/200 Spe OR 52 HP/252 Atk/200 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear/Swords Dance/Bulk Up
- Sacred Sword
- Cold Iron
- Night Slash
Whatever boosting move you want to run is up to you, although the EV spread really depends on the boosting move you run. This thing has amazing stats that really allow it to shine with its quite frankly lacking movepool and three different useful boosting moves is pretty nice.

You could maybe also run weird defensive sets but I don't recommend it because no reliable recovery
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Name: Amateradow
Name Justification: Amaterasu + Shadow
Gender: Genderless
Egg Group: Undiscovered
Type 1: Fire
Type 2: Dark
Ability 1: Drought
Hidden Ability: Melting Healing (All recovery moves deal damage instead of healing)
80/110/90/110/90/100 (580 Base Stat Total)
Design: https://goo.gl/images/bGM5lm (make the white black)
Competitive Use: Can be used as a fast, bulky support mon. It's a bit like the Uxie of Harmo, except this one has less bulk and more speed.

Start - Torment
Start - Will-O-Wisp
Start - Ember
Start - Dusk Wave (Dark type ember)
15 - Embargo
15 - Torment
23 - Nasty Plot
23 - Swords Dance
36 - Solar Burst*
36 - Solar Charge**
50 - Fire Blast
50 - Flare Blitz
63 - Dark Pulse
63 - Knock Off
80 - Legendary Eclipse***
01 - Work Up
02 - Dragon Claw
03 - Psyshock
04 - Calm Mind
05 - Roar
06 - Toxic
08 - Bulk Up
09 - Venoshock
10 - Hidden Power
11 - Sunny Day
12 - Taunt
15 - Hyper Beam
16 - Light Screen
17 - Protect
20 - Safeguard
21 - Frustration
22 - Solarbeam
23 - Smack Down
26 - Earthquake
27 - Return
29 - Psychic
30 - Shadow Ball
31 - Brick Break
32 - Double Team
33 - Reflect
34 - Sludge Wave
35 - Flamethrower
36 - Sludge Bomb
38 - Fire Blast
39 - Rock Tomb
40 - Aerial Ace
41 - Torment
42 - Facade
43 - Flame Charge
44 - Rest
48 - Round
49 - Echoed Voice
50 - Overheat
52 - Focus Blast
53 - Energy Ball
54 - False Swipe
56 - Fling
60 - Quash
61 - Will-O-Wisp
63 - Embargo
64 - Explosion
65 - Shadow Claw
66 - Payback
67 - Smart Strike
68 - Giga Impact
71 - Stone Edge
75 - Swords Dance
77 - Psych Up
78 - Bulldoze
80 - Rock Slide
84 - Poison Jab
87 - Swagger
88 - Sleep Talk
89 - U-Turn
90 - Substitute
91 - Flash Cannon
95 - Snarl
97 - Dark Pulse
100 - Confide

Name: Solar Burst
Type: Fire
Classification: Special
Base Power: 30
Accuracy: 90%
Power Points: 20 (32 Max)
Effect: Hits 3 times. 7.5% chance to burn
Target: 1 Adjacent mon

Name: Solar Charge
Type: Fire
Classification: Physcial
Base Power: 120
Accuracy: 95%
Power Points: 20 (32 Max)
Effect: 30% chance to burn
Target: 1 Adjacent mon

Name: Legendary Eclipse
Type: ???
Classification: ???
Base Power: 110
Accuracy: 90%
Power Points: 5 (8 Max)
Effect: Type depends on the users primary type. Classification depends on the users attack/special attack (the higher one)
Target: All Adjacent Mons
Will add the other two later, since this took me about 2 hours on the IPad...
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I'm currently making a Fire/Fairy for a special trio. Please don't do that ;-;

Edit: good Arceus. 9 people on this page at 1 time :O
Jerrytkrot is gonna have to deal with a lot upon wakeup.
And then Pika Xreme also did a Fire/Fairy mythical as a joke about Florida being too hot.
But with names which have yuri (Japanese for "lily") in them, what else was I gonna come up with but another flower-based Fairy? I mean, I guess I could have gone with Grass-types. But then I had the idea of Yurifu being a wind-riding pixie and was like "well I'm doing Fairy-types with this".
it's all my fault

anyways, missingno

Name Justification: My very own diminutive form of "Ketsu", as in "Ketsuban", Missingno's Japanese name
Type 1: Normal
Type 2: BIRD (No properties. At all. Exclusive to the Ketsy line, except for through one effect...)
Ability 1: rarecandy (Duplicates one-time use items upon switching out)
Ability 2: birdtype (Nullifies the effects of the Dark, Steel and Fairy types when on the field by turning them into the meaningless Bird-type)
HP 60, Atk 135, Def 0, Spa 25, Spd 25, Spe 30,
1: Pay Day
2: Leer
3: Sky Attack
5: Tackle
10: Super Glitch
12: Outrage
16: Gyro Ball
18: Growl
23: Steel Wing
27: Hypnosis
30: Double Water Gun (40 BP, Bird, Physical. Hits twice, and does dual Bird/Water damage.)
40: Aqua Jet
47: Shadow Ball
58: Hypnosis
63: Avalanche

6: Toxic
10: Hidden Power
13: Ice Beam
14: Blizzard
16: Light Screen
17: Protect
21: Frustration
25: Thunder
26: Earthquake
29: Psychic
32: Double Team
33: Reflect
44: Rest
45: Attract
48: Round
51: Steel Wing
55: Scald
57: Charge Beam
62: Acrobatics
73: Thunder Wave
74: Gyro Ball
75: Swords Dance
87: Swagger
88: Sleep Talk
89: U-turn
90: Substitute
94: Secret Power
100: Confide
HM1: Cut
HM2: Fly
HM5: Waterfall
HM6: Dive

Move Tutor Moves:
Thunder Punch
Fire Punch
Ice Punch
Iron Head
Zen Headbutt
Hyper Voice
Last Resort
Sky Attack
Focus Punch
Gastro Acid
Magic Coat
Heal Bell

Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Worry Seed
Water Sport
Concept/general Design: A small, white, purple and pink ball of static with a simple face.
Other Notes/Competitive Use: Based on Missingno, with a level-up movepool inspired by the Gen 4 Magnet Rise hybrids since Missingno has no moves. Yes, other than the Attack, this is a buff. No, it is not OP. It could be a good wallbreaker in LC though.

(Missingno's Japanese name)
Type 1: Normal
Type 2: BIRD
Ability 1: rarecandy
Ability 2: birdtype
HP 90, Atk 145, Def 10, Spa 45, Spd 65, Spe 40,
1: Pay Day
2: Leer
3: Sky Attack
5: Tackle
10: Super Glitch
12: Outrage
17: Gyro Ball
19: Growl
24: Steel Wing
27: Hypnosis
33: Double Water Gun (40 BP, Bird, Physical. Hits twice, and does dual Bird/Water damage.)
43: Aqua Jet
47: Shadow Ball
58: Hypnosis
63: Avalanche

TMs, Egg Moves and Tutors same as above unless Jerrytkrot decides otherwise.
Design: It's Missingno, ya dopes. With a face, but Missingno.

(literally Z ゥ and Ketsuban stuck together because creativity, feel free to suggest a better one)
Type 1: Normal
Type 2: BIRD
Ability 1: rarecandy
Ability 2: birdtype
HP 120, Atk 155, Def 20, Spa 65, Spd 105, Spe 50,
Moves: same as above plus Hyper Beam and Giga Impact
Design: okay even I don't know
Competitive use: A wallbreaker with special tanking capabilities, but is physically frail.

Me and Ludicrousity had a chat while making the Zuketsuban line and Amateradow (yOU DIDN'T LISTEN SWEETHEART), here's the log for archival porpoises.

[15:47:02] Pika Xreme: so how is it going using showdown on wii u
[15:48:07] Ludicrousity: I have an IPad now
[15:48:14] Ludicrousity: so it isn't as bad
[15:49:22] Pika Xreme: so uhh
[15:49:33] Pika Xreme: what's england again
[15:50:43] Ludicrousity: I don't even know anymore :/
[15:51:05] Ludicrousity: currently working on a legendary trio for The New First Gen
[15:51:17] Pika Xreme: is it the cover legend kind of deal
[15:52:22] Pika Xreme: Pikachu, Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise should have 680 BST like the other cover legends
[15:52:52] Ludicrousity: Raichu with like 800 BST XD
[15:53:07] Ludicrousity: nah, it's like the Lake Trio, The Weather Trio etc
[15:53:23] Pika Xreme: I had an idea for a Pet Mod where Raichu would have 800 BST, potentially even more
[15:53:50] Ludicrousity: give it 840. Now he can get twice as high. Okay I'll leave
[15:54:04] Pika Xreme: no don't go
[15:54:36] Pika Xreme: i love you ludi, i wish i could have been a better choon to you ;-;
[15:55:05] Ludicrousity: Hmm?
[15:55:10] Ludicrousity: oh xD
[15:55:14] Ludicrousity: forgot I said that
[15:59:48] Pika Xreme: so uh what's the idea behind them
[16:02:09] Pika Xreme: I made a Fire/Fairy Mythical, Ludi
[16:02:34] Ludicrousity: Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi
[16:02:40] Ludicrousity: Did you ;-;
[16:02:42] Pika Xreme: In texas?
[16:02:55] Ludicrousity: Based on them. Not physically them
[16:03:15] Pika Xreme: What the hell are they doing in the Texas to Mordor area?
[16:03:52] Ludicrousity: what is a black hole doing there?
[16:04:28] Pika Xreme: Meh, not gonna question that, just give Amaterasu a different type
[16:05:03] Ludicrousity: It's Fire Fairy though. It's the solar God for crying out loud...
[16:05:21] Pika Xreme: Arceus wasn't Fairy
[16:05:53] Pika Xreme: Fire/Dragon. Dragons are associated with divinity in the japanland, don't question it, just do it
[16:06:04] Ludicrousity: Okay, I guess
[16:06:29] Ludicrousity: The name was Amaterixie too... Ameterasu + Pixie :/
[16:06:51] Pika Xreme: rip
[16:07:30] Ludicrousity: It was originally gonna be Amateradow
[16:07:42] Pika Xreme: Fire/Dark?
[16:07:42] Ludicrousity: And the I thought nah...
[16:07:49] Ludicrousity: yeah, Fire/Dark
[16:08:03] Pika Xreme: Isn't Ghost more the "shadow" thing?
[16:08:20] Pika Xreme: Half of its moves start with Shadow :P
[16:08:37] Ludicrousity: Since a shadow is created by blocking light, I see it as more of a dark thing :P
[16:08:58] Pika Xreme: uhm, let me pull off a quote
[16:09:07] Pika Xreme: something something a shadow is the direction the light is shining
[16:09:23] Ludicrousity: Greate quote
[16:10:16] Ludicrousity: A shadow is created by an opaque object that doesn't let light through, therefore, it creates a shadow pointing away from the sun.
[16:10:42] Pika Xreme: fire/ghost is also pretty good i guess
[16:11:09] Ludicrousity: Maybe Fire/Ghost could work well... but it would give the Lunar one an advantage of being SE against the others, whilst the others have no bonus
[16:11:33] Ludicrousity: since the trio was gonna go Fire/Ghost, Water/Ghost, Dark/Ghost
[16:12:26] Ludicrousity: Because Solar/Storms/Moon
[16:12:41] Pika Xreme: why would a poop wind god be water typo
[16:13:24] Ludicrousity: Storms = Floods (Sometimes). Floods are Water
[16:13:34] Ludicrousity: although Ghost/Fling could work
[16:14:09] Pika Xreme: I'm not so sure about a full Ghost trio
[16:14:16] Pika Xreme: tbh
[16:14:29] Ludicrousity: That's why it was gonna be Dark
[16:14:52] Pika Xreme: remember that Dark is Evil-type in the japanlands
[16:16:02] Ludicrousity: True, but this region is made by people that are English/American. Where Dark Type != Evil Type
[16:17:18] Pika Xreme: but they're based on JAPANESE gods...
[16:18:08] Ludicrousity: And Giratina is basically satan, but it isn't the evil type...
[16:20:21] Pika Xreme: anyway, I'm gonna make another line, this one is going to be based loosely off of Missingno
[16:20:51] Pika Xreme: (VERY high Attack stats incoming~)
[16:21:13] Ludicrousity: 1defence
[16:21:29] Pika Xreme: The LC one will keep its 0 defense because ANARCHY
[16:21:58] Pika Xreme: It will still have a minimum of 5 in practice, don't worry
[16:22:08] Ludicrousity: It can literally have 4 defence.
[16:22:26] Ludicrousity: With a negative nature and 0 Iv
[16:22:31] Pika Xreme: But it probably won't though
[16:23:15] Ludicrousity: Fair enough
[16:24:10] Pika Xreme: testing has been done, Missingno wouldn't even be that insane in little cup, infact it wouldn't even be that great
[16:24:31] Ludicrousity: Because of it's minimal defence?
[16:24:44] Pika Xreme: Minimal defence and poor speed
[16:25:03] Ludicrousity: True dat
[16:25:49] Pika Xreme: final evo will have good hp and special defense and stellar attack but still balls for Defense most likely
[16:31:55] Pika Xreme: 120/155/20/65/105/50 (515) for the final evo sound good?
[16:35:03] Ludicrousity: Yeah
[16:35:21] Ludicrousity: Slow glass cannon, with good special bulk
[16:47:26] Ludicrousity: It's unique
[16:47:48] Pika Xreme: I mean, it's based on Missingno, so that's inevitable
[16:51:29] Ludicrousity: Fair point
[16:51:43] Ludicrousity: god, this Trio is gonna take me forever xD
[16:52:02] Pika Xreme: I think I'm going to give it two signature abilities
[16:53:02] Pika Xreme: "rarecandy", which replaces any items it consumed when it switches out, and "fifteentype", which removes Dark, Steel and Fairy from the typechart
[16:53:24] Pika Xreme: Temporarily, I mean
[16:53:39] Ludicrousity: Yeah, I figured
[16:54:44] Pika Xreme: maybe rename the latter "birdtype" which is a trait of Missingno?
[16:55:11] Ludicrousity: That would be a cool reference
[17:02:52] Ludicrousity: Can I ask, who made you those Harmo Aurorus?
[17:02:59] Pika Xreme: I did
[17:03:25] Pika Xreme: ...I used the Showdown sprites as a base, it's not THAT cool
[17:09:27] Ludicrousity: I really like them.
[17:09:36] Ludicrousity: but how did you get it 16 bit?
[17:10:15] Ludicrousity: I'm just asking because I really want to make my Harmonian Typhlosion
[17:10:33] Pika Xreme: i use paintnet, personally
[17:10:58] Pika Xreme: getpaint(.)net remove the circle brackets
[17:15:04] Ludicrousity: Ah
[17:15:09] Ludicrousity: i used to use that
[17:15:29] Ludicrousity: Didn't know you could make things 16 bit though
[17:16:58] Pika Xreme: you can force it to be 16 bit with the save function
[17:17:08] Pika Xreme: Since I didn't actually ADD colors, I was fine
[17:24:54] Ludicrousity: Ah... didn't know that
[17:26:40] Pika Xreme: it's k
Truth be known, I'm one day hoping for an inland region that isn't surrounded by water on one side. Maybe it has lakes or a river flowing through, but no oceanic borders. Imagine if you would, a region where you don't need surf to beat the game!
What? Don't look at me like that! Hoenn could be handled without ever using Cut.

Anyways, I thought of a new Pokemon

Gender: 87.5 F/12.5M
Egg Group: Fairy/Human-like
Type: Fairy/Fight
Ability: Tough Claws/Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Brute Force (Special Attacks run on user's Physical Attack Stat)
Competitive use: Other than a standard Physical Fairy/Fight type which doesn't exist yet, it provides breeding combos between Humanoids and Fairies.
55/75/55/25/67/83 BST 360
Evolves into Pixapart at 25.

This brings me to another contention: Pokemon in breeding group combos that haven't yet been done. Say... Human-like/amorphous, Grass/Human-like, Dragon/Mineral, Ground/Mineral, Monster/Human-like, Water3/Human-like, Water3/Ground, Water3/Dragon... I think there are others I can't remember but my point stands.
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