UU UnderUsed Majors I - Round 1 [Group Stage] (Complete)

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Banner by Team Pokepals

Hosts: Hikari, Hogg, IronBullet, King UU

Welcome, Smogon, to the very first UU Majors! This is the premier edition of an annual UU Circuit Tour where you can test your mettle against the top players in the community. Unlike most elimination tours, where your opponent is a matter of chance, UU Majors ensures that every participant plays a broad swath of the tier's playerbase as you fight your way to the top.

The tournament is divided into two stages - a round-robin qualifier and an elimination bracket. During Stage 1, players will be divided into pools, where they will play every other member of the pool in a best-of-one round robin. Pool leaders will be selected by the tournament hosts to ensure that each pool is fair.hi

At the end of Stage 1, each player will be ranked within his or her pool. The top two players of each pool will advance to Stage 2, where they will be entered into a modified elimination bracket. The winner of Stage 2 will be awarded a banner on their user profile.

Tour Specific Rules
  • This is a standard ORAS UU tournament.
  • Stage 1 of this tournament will be a round robin series. Players will be placed in pools, and must play all other opponents in their pool.
  • Each pool will have a Pool Leader who will be handpicked by the tournament hosts.
  • Stage 1 matches will be best-of-one. You may switch teams between opponents.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown.
  • If any changes to the tier occur during Stage 1, they will not be implemented until Stage 2.
  • You must be active in scheduling with your opponents. The tournament hosts will be very strict about activity during Stage 1. Please use the VM wall so that your activity attempts are visible, and be as specific as possible when scheduling.
  • Stage 1 is a round robin format. This means that you are expected to play every opponent in your pool, even if you lose the first couple of games. If you are unwilling to commit to this format, do not sign up.
  • Saving replays is highly recommended; in the case of a dispute, you must be able to prove that you won your game.

Standard Rules & Clauses
  • Sleep Clause: A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokémon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokémon.
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two of the same Pokémon on their team. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on his or her team.
  • Evasion Clause: A player cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize in their Pokémon's movesets.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset on any pokemon that is capable of intentionally causing an endless battle is banned from competitive play.

Round 1 Matchups:



Eternal Spirit Lord Booty Milk Baxstenias Shadestep ManOfMany GunGunJ obii Empo Dundies

teal6: 3-5
vs Eternal Spirit (L)
vs Lord Booty Milk (L)
vs Baxstenias (W)
vs Shadestep (W)

vs ManOfMany
vs GunGunJ (L)
vs obii (L)
vs Empo (L)
vs Dundies (W)

Eternal Spirit: 7-2
vs teal6 (W)
vs Lord Booty Milk (W)
vs Baxstenias (W)
vs Shadestep (W)
vs ManOfMany (W)
vs GunGunJ (W)
vs obii (W)
vs Empo (L)
vs Dundies (L)

Lord Booty Milk: 4-5
vs Eternal Spirit (L)
vs teal6 (W)
vs Baxstenias (L)
vs Shadestep (W)
vs ManOfMany (W)
vs GunGunJ (L)
vs obii (L)
vs Empo (L)
vs Dundies (W)

Baxstenias: 3-6
vs Eternal Spirit (L)
vs Lord Booty Milk (W)
vs teal6 (L)
vs Shadestep (L)
vs ManOfMany (L)
vs GunGunJ (W)
vs obii (L)
vs Empo (L)
vs Dundies (W)

Shadestep: 2-7
vs Eternal Spirit (L)
vs Lord Booty Milk (L)
vs Baxstenias (W)
vs teal6 (L)
vs ManOfMany (L)
vs GunGunJ (L)
vs obii (L)
vs Empo (W)
vs Dundies (L)

ManOfMany: 5-3
vs Eternal Spirit (L)
vs Lord Booty Milk (L)
vs Baxstenias (W)
vs Shadestep (W)

vs teal6
vs GunGunJ (W)
vs obii (L)
vs Empo (W)
vs Dundies (W)

GunGunJ: 3-6
vs Eternal Spirit (L)
vs Lord Booty Milk (W)
vs Baxstenias (L)
vs Shadestep (W)
vs ManOfMany (L)
vs teal6 (W)
vs obii (L)
vs Empo (L)
vs Dundies (L)

obii: 7-2
vs Eternal Spirit (L)
vs Lord Booty Milk (W)
vs Baxstenias (W)
vs Shadestep (W)
vs ManOfMany (W)
vs GunGunJ (W)
vs teal6 (W)
vs Empo (W)
vs Dundies (L)

Empo: 6-3
vs Eternal Spirit (W)
vs Lord Booty Milk (W)
vs Baxstenias (W)
vs Shadestep (L)
vs ManOfMany (L)
vs GunGunJ (W)
vs obii (L)
vs teal6 (W)
vs Dundies (W)

Dundies: 4-5
vs Eternal Spirit (W)
vs Lord Booty Milk (L)
vs Baxstenias (L)
vs Shadestep (W)
vs ManOfMany (L)
vs GunGunJ (W)
vs obii (W)
vs Empo (L)
vs teal6 (L)


King UU

Rodriblutar Meru Shaneghoul Sacri' Axel™ Isza Century Express Sharp Ladder UU Elise

King UU: 7-2
vs Rodriblutar (L)
vs Meru (W)
vs Shaneghoul (W)
vs Sacri (W)
vs Axel TM (W)
vs Isza (W)
vs Century Express (L)
vs Sharp Ladder UU (W)
vs Elise (W)

Meru: 3-4
vs Rodriblutar (W)
vs King UU (L)
vs Shaneghoul (L - activity)
vs Sacri (W)

vs Axel TM
vs Isza (L)
vs Century Express (W)

vs Sharp Ladder UU
vs Elise (L)

Shaneghoul: 6-3
vs Rodriblutar (L)
vs Meru (W - activity)
vs King UU (L)
vs Sacri (W)
vs Axel TM (W)
vs Isza (W)
vs Century Express (L)
vs Sharp Ladder UU (W)
vs Elise (W)

Sacri: 2-7
vs Rodriblutar (L)
vs Meru (L)
vs Shaneghoul (L)
vs King UU (L)
vs Axel TM (W)
vs Isza (L)
vs Century Express (L)
vs Sharp Ladder UU (W)
vs Elise (L)

Axel TM: 3-5
vs Rodriblutar (L)
vs Meru
vs Shaneghoul (L)
vs Sacri (L)
vs King UU (L)
vs Isza (W)
vs Century Express (W)
vs Sharp Ladder UU (L)
vs Elise (W)

Isza: 3-6
vs Rodriblutar (L)
vs Meru (W)
vs Shaneghoul (L)
vs Sacri (W)
vs Axel TM (L)
vs King UU (L)
vs Century Express (L)
vs Sharp Ladder UU (W)
vs Elise (L)

Century Express: 5-4
vs Rodriblutar (L)
vs Meru (L)
vs Shaneghoul (W)
vs Sacri (W)
vs Axel TM (L)
vs Isza (W)
vs King UU (W)
vs Sharp Ladder UU (L)
vs Elise (W)

Sharp Ladder UU: 2-6
vs Rodriblutar (L)
vs Meru
vs Shaneghoul (L)
vs Sacri (L)
vs Axel TM (W)
vs Isza (L)
vs Century Express (W)
vs King UU (L)
vs Elise (L)

Elise: 4-5
vs Rodriblutar (L)
vs Meru (W)
vs Shaneghoul (L)
vs Sacri (W)
vs Axel TM (L)
vs Isza (W)
vs Century Express (L)
vs Sharp Ladder UU (W)
vs King UU (L)

Rodriblutar: 8-1
vs King UU (W)
vs Meru (L)
vs shaneghoul (W)
vs Sacri (W)
vs Axel TM (W)
vs Isza (W)
vs Century Express (W)
vs Sharp Ladder UU (W)
vs Elise (W)



Chill Shadow fatty r0ady Donphantastic Zarif TSR lighthouses Sam I Yam ProfessorMasterChief

Stallion: 6-3
vs Chill Shadow (W)
vs fatty (L)
vs r0ady (W)
vs Donphantastic (W)
vs Zarif (W - did not play)
vs TSR (L)
vs lighthouses (L)
vs Sam I Yam (W)
vs ProfessorMasterChief (W)

Chill Shadow: 6-3
vs Stallion (L)
vs fatty (W)
vs r0ady (W - activity)
vs Donphantastic (W)
vs Zarif (L)
vs TSR (L)
vs lighthouses (W)
vs Sam I Yam (W)
vs ProfessorMasterChief (W)

fatty: 6-2
vs Chill Shadow (L)
vs Stallion (W)
vs r0ady (W - activity)
vs Donphantastic (W)
vs Zarif (W - did not play)
vs TSR (W)

vs lighthouses
vs Sam I Yam (W)
vs ProfessorMasterChief (W - activity)

r0ady: 0-7
vs Chill Shadow (L - activity)
vs fatty (L - activity)
vs Stallion (L)
vs Donphantastic (L)
vs Zarif (L - activity)
vs TSR (L)

vs lighthouses
vs Sam I Yam

vs ProfessorMasterChief (L - activity)

Donphantastic: 4-5
vs Chill Shadow (L)
vs fatty (L)
vs r0ady (W)
vs Stallion (L)
vs Zarif (W)
vs TSR (W)
vs lighthouses (L)
vs Sam I Yam (W)
vs ProfessorMasterChief (L)

Zarif: 3-5
vs Chill Shadow (W)
vs fatty (L - did not play)
vs r0ady (W - activity)
vs Donphantastic (L)
vs Stallion (L - did not play)
vs TSR (L)
vs lighthouses (L - activity)

vs Sam I Yam
vs ProfessorMasterChief (W)

TSR: 6-3
vs Chill Shadow (W)
vs fatty (L)
vs r0ady (W)
vs Donphantastic (L)
vs Zarif (W)
vs Stallion (W)
vs lighthouses (W)
vs Sam I Yam (W)
vs ProfessorMasterChief (L)

lighthouses: 5-2
vs Chill Shadow (L)
vs fatty
vs r0ady

vs Donphantastic (W)
vs Zarif (W - activity)
vs TSR (L)
vs Stallion (W)
vs Sam I Yam (W - activity)
vs ProfessorMasterChief (W)

Sam I Yam: 1-6
vs Chill Shadow (L)
vs fatty (W)

vs r0ady
vs Donphantastic (L)
vs Zarif
vs TSR (L)
vs lighthouses (L - activity)
vs Stallion (L)
vs ProfessorMasterChief (L)

ProfessorMasterChief: 5-4
vs Chill Shadow (L)
vs failsohard (W)
vs r0ady (W - activity)
vs Donphantastic (W)
vs Zarif (L)
vs TSR (W)
vs lighthouses (L)
vs Exlt (W)
vs Stallion (L)

vs fatty* (L - activity)
vs Sam I Yam (W) *




TTFTW Eyan rozes Analytic coR. atomicllamas miltankmilk Mazz Paraplegic

Omfuga: 6-3
vs TTFTW (L)
vs Eyan (L)
vs rozes (W)
vs Analytic (W)
vs coR. (W)
vs atomicllamas (L)
vs miltankmilk (W)
vs Mazz (W)
vs Paraplegic (W)

TTFTW: 8-1
vs Omfuga (W)
vs Eyan (W)
vs rozes (W)
vs Analytic (W)
vs coR. (W - activity)
vs atomicllamas (W)
vs miltankmilk (W)
vs Mazz (W)
vs Paraplegic (L)

Eyan: 7-2
vs TTFTW (L)
vs Omfuga (W)
vs rozes (W)
vs Analytic (W)
vs coR. (W - activity)
vs atomicllamas (L)
vs miltankmilk (W)
vs Mazz (W)
vs Paraplegic (W)

rozes: 3-5
vs TTFTW (L)
vs Eyan (L)
vs Omfuga (L)
vs Analytic (W)

vs coR.
vs atomicllamas (L)
vs miltankmilk (L)
vs Mazz (W)
vs Paraplegic (W)

Analytic: 2-5
vs TTFTW (L)
vs Eyan (L)
vs rozes (L)
vs Omfuga (L)

vs coR.
vs atomicllamas (W)
vs miltankmilk (W)
vs Mazz (L)

vs Paraplegic

coR.: 0-6
vs TTFTW (L - activity)
vs Eyan (L - activity)

vs rozes
vs Analytic

vs Omfuga (L)
vs atomicllamas (L - activity)
vs miltankmilk (L - activity)
vs Mazz (L - activity)

vs Paraplegic

atomicllamas: 6-3
vs TTFTW (L)
vs Eyan (W)
vs rozes (W)
vs Analytic (L)
vs coR. (W - activity)
vs Omfuga (W)
vs miltankmilk (L)
vs Mazz (W)
vs Paraplegic (W)

miltankmilk: 4-5
vs TTFTW (L)
vs Eyan (L)
vs rozes (W)
vs Analytic (L)
vs coR. (W - activity)
vs atomicllamas (W)
vs Omfuga (L)
vs Mazz (L)
vs Paraplegic (W)

Mazz: 4-5
vs TTFTW (L)
vs Eyan (L)
vs rozes (L)
vs Analytic (W)
vs coR. (W - activity)
vs atomicllamas (L)
vs miltankmilk (W)
vs Omfuga (L)
vs Paraplegic (W)

Paraplegic: 1-6
vs TTFTW (W)
vs Eyan (L)
vs rozes (L)

vs Analytic
vs coR.

vs atomicllamas (L)
vs miltankmilk (L)
vs Mazz (L)
vs Omfuga (L)



naruto(sage) GrilledClawitzer Freestylerking TestingSomeTeams Pak Euphonos Marcop9923 Jhonx~ djbonkers

xMarth: 3-2
vs naruto(sage) (W)
vs GrilledClawitzer (W)

vs Freestylerking
vs TestingSomeTeams (W)
vs Pak (L)
vs Euphonos (L)

vs Marcop9923
vs Jhonx
vs djbonkers

naruto(sage): 6-3
vs xMarth (L)
vs GrilledClawitzer (W)
vs Freestylerking (L)
vs TestingSomeTeams (W)
vs Pak (L)
vs Euphonos (W)
vs Marcop9923 (W)
vs Jhonx (W)
vs djbonkers (W)

GrilledClawitzer: 4-5
vs naruto(sage) (L)
vs xMarth (L)
vs Freestylerking (L)
vs TestingSomeTeams (W)
vs Pak (L)
vs Euphonos (L)
vs Marcop9923 (W)
vs Jhonx (W - activity)
vs djbonkers (W - activity)

Freestylerking: 6-1
vs naruto(sage) (W)
vs GrilledClawitzer (W)

vs xMarth
vs TestingSomeTeams (W)
vs Pak (L - activity)
vs Euphonos (W)
vs Marcop9923 (W - activity)

vs Jhonx
vs djbonkers (W - activity)

TestingSomeTeams: 3-6
vs naruto(sage) (L)
vs GrilledClawitzer (L)
vs Freestylerking (L)
vs xMarth (L)
vs Pak (L)
vs Euphonos (L)
vs Marcop9923 (W)
vs Jhonx (W)
vs djbonkers (W)

Pak: 9-0
vs naruto(sage) (W)
vs GrilledClawitzer (W)
vs Freestylerking (W - activity)
vs TestingSomeTeams (W)
vs xMarth (W)
vs Euphonos (W)
vs Marcop9923 (W)
vs Jhonx (W - activity)
vs djbonkers (W - activity)

Euphonos: 5-4
vs naruto(sage) (L)
vs GrilledClawitzer (W)
vs Freestylerking (L)
vs TestingSomeTeams (W)
vs Pak (L)
vs xMarth (W)
vs Marcop9923 (L)
vs Jhonx (W)
vs djbonkers (W - activity)

Marcop9923: 2-5
vs naruto(sage) (L)
vs GrilledClawitzer (L)
vs Freestylerking (L - activity)
vs TestingSomeTeams (L)
vs Pak (L)
vs Euphonos (W)

vs xMarth
vs Jhonx (W)
vs djbonkers

Jhonx: 0-6
vs naruto(sage) (L)
vs GrilledClawitzer (L - activity)

vs Freestylerking
vs TestingSomeTeams (L)
vs Pak (L - activity)
vs Euphonos (L)
vs Marcop9923 (L)

vs xMarth
vs djbonkers

djbonkers: 0-6
vs naruto(sage) (L)
vs GrilledClawitzer (L - activity)
vs Freestylerking (L - activity)
vs TestingSomeTeams (L)
vs Pak (L - activity)
vs Euphonos (L - activity)

vs Marcop9923
vs Jhonx
vs xMarth



CorruptedOmega Real FV13 Cyndequil. Freeroamer Natalie. Spoof King Troller Roseybear YABO

dodmen: 7-1
vs CorruptedOmega (W)
vs Real FV13 (W)
vs Cyndequil (L)
vs Freeroamer (W)
vs Natalie (W)

vs Spoof
vs King Troller (W)
vs Roseybear (W)
vs YABO (W - activity win)

CorruptedOmega: 0-9 (withdrew from the competition)
vs dodmen (L)
vs Real FV13 (L - did not play)
vs Cyndequil (L - did not play)
vs Freeroamer (L)
vs Natalie (L - did not play)
vs Spoof (L - did not play)
vs King Troller (L)
vs Roseybear (L)
vs YABO (L - did not play)

Real FV13: 2-5
vs CorruptedOmega (W - did not play)
vs dodmen (L)
vs Cyndequil (L)
vs Freeroamer (L)
vs Natalie (W)

vs Spoof
vs King Troller (L)
vs Roseybear (L)


Cyndequil: 8-1
vs CorruptedOmega (W - did not play)
vs Real FV13 (W)
vs dodmen (W)
vs Freeroamer (L)
vs Natalie (W)
vs Spoof (W - activity win)
vs King Troller (W)
vs Roseybear (W)
vs YABO (W - activity win)

Freeroamer: 6-3
vs CorruptedOmega (W)
vs Real FV13 (W)
vs Cyndequil (W)
vs dodmen (L)
vs Spoof (W - activity win)
vs King Troller (L)
vs Roseybear (W)
vs YABO (W - activity win)
vs Natalie (L)

Natalie: 2-7
vs CorruptedOmega (W - did not play)
vs Real FV13 (L)
vs Cyndequil (L)
vs Freeroamer (W)
vs dodmen (L)
vs Spoof (L)
vs King Troller (L)
vs Roseybear (L)
vs YABO (L)

Spoof: 2-4
vs CorruptedOmega (W - did not play)
vs Real FV13
vs Cyndequil (L - activity)
vs Freeroamer (L - activity)
vs Natalie (W)

vs dodmen
vs King Troller (L)
vs Roseybear (L)


King Troller: 6-3
vs CorruptedOmega (W)
vs Real FV13 (W)
vs Cyndequil (L)
vs Freeroamer (W)
vs Natalie (W)
vs Spoof (W)
vs dodmen (L)
vs Roseybear (L)
vs YABO (W)

Roseybear: 6-3
vs CorruptedOmega (W)
vs Real FV13 (W)
vs Cyndequil (L)
vs Freeroamer (L)
vs Natalie (W)
vs Spoof (W)
vs King Troller (W)
vs dodmen (L)
vs YABO (W)

YABO: 2-5
vs CorruptedOmega (W - did not play)
vs Real FV13
vs Cyndequil (L - activity)
vs Freeroamer (L - activity)
vs Natalie (W)

vs Spoof
vs King Troller (L)
vs Roseybear (L)
vs dodmen (L - activity)



TraceofLife Knuckstrike 6TI Godfather 4 Hamhamhamham BIAF KnightsofHallow Megazard TonyFlygon

Hogg: 5-4
vs TraceofLife (L)
vs Knuckstrike (L)
vs 6TI (W)
vs Godfather 4 (W)
vs Hamhamhamham (W)
vs BIAF (L)
vs KnightsofHallow (W)
vs Megazard (W)
vs TonyFlygon (L)

TraceofLife: 4-5
vs Hogg (W)
vs Knuckstrike (W)
vs 6TI (L)
vs Godfather 4 (L)
vs Hamhamhamham (L)
vs BIAF (W)
vs KnightsofHallow (W)
vs Megazard (L)
vs TonyFlygon (L)

Knuckstrike: 6-3
vs TraceofLife (L)
vs Hogg (W)
vs 6TI (L)
vs Godfather 4 (W)
vs Hamhamhamham (L)
vs BIAF (W)
vs KnightsofHallow (W)
vs Megazard (W)
vs TonyFlygon (W)

6TI: 3-6
vs TraceofLife (W)
vs Knuckstrike (W)
vs Hogg (L)
vs Godfather 4 (L)
vs Hamhamhamham (W)
vs BIAF (L)
vs KnightsofHallow (L)
vs Megazard (L)
vs TonyFlygon (L)

Godfather 4: 4-5
vs TraceofLife (W)
vs Knuckstrike (L)
vs 6TI (W)
vs Hogg (L)
vs Hamhamhamham (L)
vs BIAF (W)
vs KnightsofHallow (W)
vs Megazard (L)
vs TonyFlygon (L)

Hamhamhamham: 6-3
vs TraceofLife (W)
vs Knuckstrike (W)
vs 6TI (L)
vs Godfather 4 (W)
vs Hogg (L)
vs BIAF (W)
vs KnightsofHallow (W)
vs Megazard (W)
vs TonyFlygon (L)

BIAF: 3-6
vs TraceofLife (L)
vs Knuckstrike (L)
vs 6TI (W)
vs Godfather 4 (L)
vs Hamhamhamham (L)
vs Hogg (W)
vs KnightsofHallow (W)
vs Megazard (L)
vs TonyFlygon (L)

KnightsofHallow: 1-8
vs TraceofLife (L)
vs Knuckstrike (L)
vs 6TI (W)
vs Godfather 4 (L)
vs Hamhamhamham (L)
vs BIAF (L)
vs Hogg (L)
vs Megazard (L)
vs TonyFlygon (L)

Megazard: 5-4
vs TraceofLife (W)
vs Knuckstrike (L)
vs 6TI (W)
vs Godfather 4 (W)
vs Hamhamhamham (L)
vs BIAF (W)
vs KnightsofHallow (W)
vs Hogg (L)
vs TonyFlygon (L)

TonyFlygon: 8-1
vs TraceofLife (W)
vs Knuckstrike (L)
vs 6TI (W)
vs Godfather 4 (W)
vs Hamhamhamham (W)
vs BIAF (W)
vs KnightsofHallow (W)
vs Megazard (W)
vs Hogg (W)



z0mOG sup4s4ge Lolk Kiyo Mr. Highways Lcans MeowMiXXX zben Confide

Christo: 6-3
vs z0mOG (W)
vs sup4s4ge (W)
vs Lolk (W)
vs Kiyo (L)
vs Mr Highways (W)
vs Lcans (L)
vs MeowMiXXX (W)
vs zben (W)
vs Confide (L)

z0mOG: 3-3
vs Christo (L)
vs sup4s4ge
vs Lolk

vs Kiyo (L)
vs Mr Highways (W)
vs Lcans (L)

vs MeowMiXXX
vs zben (W)
vs Confide (W)

sup4s4ge: 0-6
vs z0mOG
vs Christo (L)
vs Lolk
vs Kiyo (L - activity)
vs Mr Highways (L - activity)
vs Lcans (L)

vs MeowMiXXX
vs zben (L)
vs Confide (L - activity)

Lolk: 3-3
vs z0mOG
vs sup4s4ge

vs Christo (L)
vs Kiyo (W)
vs Mr Highways (W)
vs Lcans (L)

vs MeowMiXXX
vs zben (L)
vs Confide (W)

Kiyo: 5-4
vs z0mOG (W)
vs sup4s4ge (W - activity)
vs Lolk (L)
vs Christo (W)
vs Mr Highways (L)
vs Lcans (L)
vs MeowMiXXX (W - activity)
vs zben (L)
vs Confide (W)

Mr Highways: 3-6
vs z0mOG (L)
vs sup4s4ge (W - activity)
vs Lolk (L)
vs Kiyo (W)
vs Christo (L)
vs Lcans (L)
vs MeowMiXXX (W - activity)
vs zben (L)
vs Confide (L - activity)

Lcans: 9-0
vs z0mOG (W)
vs sup4s4ge (W)
vs Lolk (W)
vs Kiyo (W)
vs Mr Highways (W)
vs Christo (W)
vs MeowMiXXX (W)
vs zben (W)
vs Confide (W)

MeowMiXXX: 1-5
vs z0mOG
vs sup4s4ge
vs Lolk

vs Kiyo (L - activity)
vs Mr Highways (L - activity)
vs Lcans (L)
vs Christo (L)
vs zben (W)
vs Confide (L)

zben: 5-4
vs z0mOG (L)
vs sup4s4ge (W)
vs Lolk (W)
vs Kiyo (W)
vs Mr Highways (W)
vs Lcans (L)
vs MeowMiXXX (L)
vs Christo (L)
vs Confide (W)

Confide: 4-5
vs z0mOG (L)
vs sup4s4ge (W - activity)
vs Lolk (L)
vs Kiyo (L)
vs Mr Highways (W - activity)
vs Lcans (L)
vs MeowMiXXX (W)
vs zben (L)
vs Christo (W)


Hairy Toenail

Arifeen bsu GreenGogoatttt metagross. Drud Tirander Finding True Love Pepeduce PD

Hairy Toenail: 9-0
vs Arifeen (W)
vs bsu (W)
vs GreenGogoattt (W)
vs metagross. (W)
vs Drud (W - activity)
vs Tirander (W)
vs Finding True Love (W)
vs Pepeduce (W)
vs PD (W)

Arifeen: 6-3
vs Hairy Toenail (L)
vs bsu (L)
vs GreenGogoattt (W)
vs metagross. (W)
vs Drud (W - activity)
vs Tirander (W)
vs Finding True Love (L)
vs Pepeduce (W)
vs PD (W)

bsu: 7-2
vs Arifeen (W)
vs Hairy Toenail (L)
vs GreenGogoattt (W)
vs metagross. (W - activity)
vs Drud (W - activity)
vs Tirander (W)
vs Finding True Love (W)
vs Pepeduce (W)
vs PD (L)

GreenGogoattt: 3-5
vs Arifeen (L)
vs bsu (L)
vs Hairy Toenail (L)
vs metagross. (W - activity)
vs Drud (W - activity)

vs Tirander
vs Finding True Love (W)
vs Pepeduce (L)
vs PD (L)

metagross.: 1-5
vs Arifeen (L)
vs bsu (L - activity)
vs GreenGogoattt (L - activity)
vs Hairy Toenail (L)
vs Drud (W)

vs Tirander
vs Finding True Love (L)
vs Pepeduce
vs PD

Drud: 1-6
vs Arifeen (L - activity)
vs bsu (L - activity)
vs GreenGogoattt (L - activity)
vs metagross. (L)
vs Hairy Toenail (L - activity)

vs Tirander
vs Finding True Love (W)
vs Pepeduce (L - activity)

vs PD

Tirander: 1-5
vs Arifeen (L)
vs bsu (L)

vs GreenGogoattt
vs metagross.
vs Drud

vs Hairy Toenail (L)
vs Finding True Love (L)
vs Pepeduce (L)
vs PD (W)

Finding True Love: 4-5
vs Arifeen (W)
vs bsu (L)
vs GreenGogoattt (L)
vs metagross. (W)
vs Drud (L)
vs Tirander (W)
vs Hairy Toenail (L)
vs Pepeduce (L)
vs PD (W)

Pepeduce: 4-4
vs Arifeen (L)
vs bsu (L)
vs GreenGogoattt (W)

vs metagross.
vs Drud (W - activity)
vs Tirander (W)
vs Finding True Love (W)
vs Hairy Toenail (L)
vs PD (L)

PD: 3-4
vs Arifeen (L)
vs bsu (W)
vs GreenGogoattt (W)

vs metagross.
vs Drud

vs Tirander (L)
vs Finding True Love (L)
vs Pepeduce (W)
vs Hairy Toenail (L)



Mysterious M Teddeh Bhris Brown Alice Kazumi Matame Rattled Jolly John PokemonmasterTj Kudasai

ZoroDark: 6-3
vs Mysterious M (W)
vs Teddeh (L)
vs Bhris Brown (W)
vs Alice Kazumi (W)
vs Matame (W)
vs Rattled (W)
vs Jolly John (L)
vs PokemonmasterTj (W)
vs Kudasai (L)

Mysterious M: 3-5
vs ZoroDark (L)
vs Teddeh (L)

vs Bhris Brown
vs Alice Kazumi (L)
vs Matame (W)
vs Rattled (W)
vs Jolly John (W)
vs PokemonmasterTj (L)
vs Kudasai (L)

Teddeh: 8-1
vs Mysterious M (W)
vs ZoroDark (W)
vs Bhris Brown (W)
vs Alice Kazumi (W)
vs Matame (W)
vs Rattled (L)
vs Jolly John (W)
vs PokemonmasterTj (W)
vs Kudasai (W)

Bhris Brown: 2-3
vs Mysterious M
vs Teddeh (L)
vs ZoroDark (L)

vs Alice Kazumi
vs Matame (W)
vs Rattled (L)
vs Jolly John (W - activity)

vs PokemonmasterTj
vs Kudasai

Alice Kazumi: 1-4
vs Mysterious M (W)
vs Teddeh (L)

vs Bhris Brown
vs ZoroDark (L)
vs Matame (L)
vs Rattled (L)

vs Jolly John
vs PokemonmasterTj
vs Kudasai

Matame: 1-7
vs Mysterious M (L)
vs Teddeh (L)
vs Bhris Brown (L)
vs Alice Kazumi (W)
vs ZoroDark (L)
vs Rattled (L)
vs Jolly John (L)

vs PokemonmasterTj
vs Kudasai (L)

Rattled: 6-3
vs Mysterious M (L)
vs Teddeh (W)
vs Bhris Brown (W)
vs Alice Kazumi (W)
vs Matame (W)
vs ZoroDark (L)
vs Jolly John (W)
vs PokemonmasterTj (W)
vs Kudasai (L)

Jolly John: 3-5
vs Mysterious M (L)
vs Teddeh (L)
vs Bhris Brown (L - activity)

vs Alice Kazumi
vs Matame (W)
vs Rattled (L)
vs ZoroDark (W)
vs PokemonmasterTj (L)
vs Kudasai (W)

PokemonmasterTj: 2-4
vs Mysterious M (W)
vs Teddeh (L)

vs Bhris Brown
vs Alice Kazumi
vs Matame

vs Rattled (L)
vs Jolly John (W)
vs ZoroDark (L)
vs Kudasai (L)

Kudasai: 5-2
vs Mysterious M (W)
vs Teddeh (L)

vs Bhris Brown
vs Alice Kazumi

vs Matame (W)
vs Rattled (W)
vs Jolly John (L)
vs PokemonmasterTj (W)
vs ZoroDark (W)



prooo czim HJAD Eutychios Haruno Lord Esche Level 56 kingrickNL Shiba

Manipulative: 5-4
vs prooo (W)
vs czim (L)
vs HJAD (W)
vs Eutychios (L)
vs Haruno (W)
vs Lord Esche (L)
vs Level 56 (W)
vs kingrickNL (W)
vs Shiba (L)

prooo: 0-6
vs Manipulative (L)
vs czim (L - activity)

vs Eutychios (L)
vs Haruno
vs Lord Esche (L)
vs Level 56 (L - activity)

vs kingrickNL
vs Shiba (L)

czim: 6-3
vs prooo (W - activity)
vs Manipulative (W)
vs HJAD (L)
vs Eutychios (W)
vs Haruno (W)
vs Lord Esche (W)
vs Level 56 (L)
vs kingrickNL (L)
vs Shiba (W)

HJAD: 2-3
vs prooo
vs czim (W)
vs Manipulative (L)
vs Eutychios (L)

vs Haruno
vs Lord Esche (W)
vs Level 56
vs kingrickNL

vs Shiba (L)

Eutychios: 6-3
vs prooo (W)
vs czim (L)
vs HJAD (W)
vs Manipulative (W)

vs Haruno
vs Lord Esche (L)
vs Level 56 (W)
vs kingrickNL (W - activity)
vs Shiba (L)

Haruno: 0-5
vs prooo
vs czim (L)
vs Eutychios (L)
vs Manipulative (L)
vs Lord Esche (L)

vs Level 56
vs kingrickNL

vs Shiba (L)

Lord Esche: 5-4
vs prooo (W)
vs czim (L)
vs HJAD (L)
vs Eutychios (W)
vs Haruno (W)
vs Manipulative (W)
vs Level 56 (L)
vs kingrickNL (W - activity)
vs Shiba (L)

Level 56: 4-3
vs prooo (W - activity)
vs czim (W)

vs Eutychios (L)
vs Haruno
vs Lord Esche (W)
vs Manipulative (L)
vs kingrickNL (W - activity)
vs Shiba (L)

kingrickNL: 1-5
vs prooo
vs czim (W)
vs Eutychios (L - activity)
vs Haruno
vs Lord Esche (L - activity)
vs Level 56 (L - activity)
vs Manipulative (L)
vs Shiba (L - activity)

Shiba: 8-1
vs prooo (W)
vs czim (L)
vs HJAD (W)
vs Eutychios (W)
vs Haruno (W)
vs Lord Esche (W)
vs Level 56 (W)
vs kingrickNL (W - activity)
vs Manipulative (W)



Threw sand1234 Bushtush Mikaav PokeTCG gamer1288 Gotham Paladin YMAS MiyoKa Snowy.

Sam: 4-2
vs Threw (W)
vs sand1234 (W)
vs Bushtush (W)

vs Mikaav
vs PokeTCG gamer1288 (L)
vs Gotham Paladin (L)
vs YMAS (W)

vs MiyoKa
vs Snowy.

Threw: 4-4
vs Sam (L)
vs sand1234 (L)
vs Bushtush (L)
vs Mikaav (W)
vs PokeTCG gamer1288 (L)
vs Gotham Paladin (W)
vs YMAS (W)

vs MiyoKa
vs Snowy. (W)

sand1234: 5-4
vs Threw (W)
vs Sam (L)
vs Huston (W)
vs Mikaav (L)
vs PokeTCG gamer1288 (L)
vs Gotham Paladin (W)
vs YMAS (W)
vs MiyoKa (W)
vs Snowy. (L)
vs Bushtush (L)*


Bushtush: 5-4
vs Threw (W)
vs sand1234 (W)
vs Sam (L)
vs Mikaav (W)
vs PokeTCG gamer1288 (W)
vs Gotham Paladin (L)
vs YMAS (L)
vs MiyoKa (W)
vs Snowy. (L)

Mikaav: 1-6
vs Threw (L)
vs sand1234 (W)
vs Bushtush (L)

vs Sam
vs PokeTCG gamer1288 (L)
vs Gotham Paladin (L)
vs YMAS (L)

vs MiyoKa
vs Snowy. (L)

PokeTCG gamer1288: 7-2
vs Threw (W)
vs sand1234 (W)
vs Bushtush (L)
vs Mikaav (W)
vs Sam (W)
vs Gotham Paladin (W)
vs YMAS (L)
vs MiyoKa (W)
vs Snowy. (W)

Gotham Paladin: 3-6
vs Threw (L)
vs sand1234 (L)
vs Bushtush (W)
vs Mikaav (W)
vs PokeTCG gamer1288 (L)
vs Sam (W)
vs YMAS (L)
vs MiyoKa (L)
vs Snowy. (L)

YMAS: 5-4
vs Threw (L)
vs sand1234 (L)
vs Bushtush (W)
vs Mikaav (W)
vs PokeTCG gamer1288 (W)
vs Gotham Paladin (W)
vs Sam (L)
vs MiyoKa (W)
vs Snowy. (L)

MiyoKa: 1-5
vs Threw
vs sand1234 (L)
vs Bushtush (L)

vs Mikaav
vs PokeTCG gamer1288 (L)
vs Gotham Paladin (W)
vs YMAS (L)

vs Sam
vs Snowy. (L - activity)

Snowy.: 6-2
vs Threw (L)
vs sand1234 (W)
vs Bushtush (W)
vs Mikaav (W)
vs PokeTCG gamer1288 (L)
vs Gotham Paladin (W)
vs YMAS (W)
vs MiyoKa (W - activity)

vs Sam



LeoLancaster Electricity'L Wanka warzoid Decision Makers CoolStoryBrobat Capt. KnightWalker FrozenMan Winry

Pearl: 8-1
vs LeoLancaster (W)
vs Electricity'L (W)
vs Wanka (L)
vs warzoid (W)
vs Decision Makers (W)
vs CoolStoryBrobat (W)
vs Capt. KnightWalker (W)
vs FrozenMan (W)
vs Winry (W - activity)

LeoLancaster: 6-3
vs Pearl (L)
vs Electricity'L (W - activity)
vs Wanka (W)
vs warzoid (L)
vs Decision Makers (W - activity)
vs CoolStoryBrobat (W)
vs Capt. KnightWalker (L)
vs FrozenMan (W)
vs Winry (W - activity)

Electricity'L: 0-7
vs LeoLancaster (L - activity)
vs Pearl (L)
vs Wanka (L - activity)
vs warzoid (L - activity)

vs Decision Makers
vs CoolStoryBrobat (L - activity)
vs Capt. KnightWalker (L)
vs FrozenMan (L)

vs Winry

Wanka: 7-2
vs LeoLancaster (L)
vs Electricity'L (W - activity)
vs Pearl (W)
vs warzoid (W)
vs Decision Makers (L)
vs CoolStoryBrobat (W)
vs Capt. KnightWalker (W)
vs FrozenMan (W)
vs Winry (W - activity)

warzoid: 6-3
vs LeoLancaster (W)
vs Electricity'L (W - activity)
vs Wanka (L)
vs Pearl (L)
vs Decision Makers (W - activity)
vs CoolStoryBrobat (W)
vs Capt. KnightWalker (W)
vs FrozenMan (L)
vs Winry (W - activity)

Decision Makers: 2-5
vs LeoLancaster (L - activity)
vs Electricity'L
vs Wanka (W)
vs warzoid (L - activity)
vs Pearl (L)
vs CoolStoryBrobat (L)
vs Capt. KnightWalker (W)
vs FrozenMan (L)

vs Winry

CoolStoryBrobat: 4-5
vs LeoLancaster (L)
vs Electricity'L (W - activity)
vs Wanka (L)
vs warzoid (L)
vs Decision Makers (W)
vs Pearl (L)
vs Capt. KnightWalker (W)
vs FrozenMan (L)
vs Winry (W - activity)

Capt. KnightWalker: 3-6
vs LeoLancaster (W)
vs Electricity'L (W)
vs Wanka (L)
vs warzoid (L)
vs Decision Makers (L)
vs CoolStoryBrobat (L)
vs Pearl (L)
vs FrozenMan (L)
vs Winry (W)

FrozenMan: 6-3
vs LeoLancaster (L)
vs Electricity'L (W)
vs Wanka (L)
vs warzoid (W)
vs Decision Makers (W)
vs CoolStoryBrobat (W)
vs Capt. KnightWalker (W)
vs Pearl (L)
vs Winry (W)

Winry: 0-7
vs LeoLancaster (L - activity)
vs Electricity'L
vs Wanka (L - activity)
vs warzoid (L - activity)

vs Decision Makers
vs CoolStoryBrobat (L - activity)
vs Capt. KnightWalker (L)
vs FrozenMan (L)
vs Pearl (L - activity)


Ice Tea

CrzyCookie megaqwer:D Accelgor Amaroq amber lamps Kreme fran17 Peli JoarAddamNessosin

Ice Tea: 6-3
vs CrzyCookie (W)
vs megaqwer (W)
vs Accelgor (L)
vs Amaroq (L)
vs amber lamps (L)
vs Kreme (W)
vs fran17 (W)
vs Peli (W)
vs JoarAddamNessosin (W)

CrzyCookie: 2-6
vs Ice Tea (L)
vs megaqwer
vs Accelgor (L)
vs Amaroq (L)
vs amber lamps (L)
vs Kreme (L)
vs fran17 (W - activity)
vs Peli (L)
vs JoarAddamNessosin (W)

Accelgor: 8-1
vs CrzyCookie (W)
vs megaqwer (W)
vs Ice Tea (W)
vs Amaroq (W)
vs amber lamps (W)
vs Kreme (W)
vs fran17 (W - activity)
vs Peli (L)
vs JoarAddamNessosin (W)

Amaroq: 6-3
vs CrzyCookie (W)
vs megaqwer (W)
vs Accelgor (L)
vs Ice Tea (W)
vs amber lamps (L)
vs Kreme (W)
vs fran17 (W - activity)
vs Peli (L)
vs JoarAddamNessosin (W)

amber lamps: 6-2
vs CrzyCookie (W)
vs megaqwer (W)
vs Accelgor (L)
vs Amaroq (W)
vs Ice Tea (W)
vs Kreme (W)
vs fran17 (W)

vs Peli
vs JoarAddamNessosin (L)

Kreme: 3-6
vs CrzyCookie (W)
vs megaqwer (L)
vs Accelgor (L)
vs Amaroq (L)
vs amber lamps (L)
vs Ice Tea (L)
vs fran17 (W - activity)
vs Peli (W)
vs JoarAddamNessosin (L)

fran17: 2-7
vs CrzyCookie (L - activity)
vs megaqwer (L - activity)
vs Accelgor (L - activity)
vs Amaroq (L - activity)
vs amber lamps (L)
vs Kreme (L - activity)
vs Ice Tea (L)
vs Peli (W)
vs JoarAddamNessosin (W)

Peli: 4-3
vs CrzyCookie (W)
vs megaqwer
vs Accelgor (W)
vs Amaroq (W)

vs amber lamps
vs Kreme (L)
vs fran17 (L)
vs Ice Tea (L)
vs JoarAddamNessosin (W)

JoarAddamNessosin: 3-6
vs CrzyCookie (L)
vs megaqwer (W)
vs Accelgor (L)
vs Amaroq (L)
vs amber lamps (W)
vs Kreme (W)
vs fran17 (L)
vs Peli (L)
vs Ice Tea (L)

megaqwer: 2-5
vs CrzyCookie
vs Ice Tea (L)
vs Accelgor (L)
vs Amaroq (L)
vs amber lamps (L)
vs Kreme (W)
vs fran17 (W - activity)

vs Peli
vs JoarAddamNessosin (L)



Mishimono sanjay. Feliburn Cancer On FLEEK DrReuniclus slurmz HQuaze Ajna SPEBSQSA

Vinc2612: 7-1
vs Mishimono (W)
vs sanjay. (W)
vs Feliburn (W)
vs Cancer On FLEEK (W)
vs DrReuniclus (L)
vs slurmz (W)
vs HQuaze (W)

vs Ajna

Mishimono: 0-7
vs Vinc2612 (L)
vs sanjay.
vs Feliburn (L)
vs Cancer On FLEEK (L)
vs DrReuniclus (L)

vs slurmz
vs HQuaze (L)
vs Ajna (L)

sanjay.: 2-5
vs Mishimono
vs Vinc2612 (L)
vs Feliburn (L)
vs Cancer On FLEEK (L)
vs DrReuniclus (L)
vs slurmz (L)

vs HQuaze
vs Ajna (W - activity)

Feliburn: 6-3
vs Mishimono (W)
vs sanjay. (W)
vs Vinc2612 (L)
vs Cancer On FLEEK (L)
vs DrReuniclus (L)
vs slurmz (W)
vs HQuaze (W)
vs Ajna (W)

Cancer On FLEEK: 6-3
vs Mishimono (W)
vs sanjay. (W)
vs Feliburn (W)
vs Vinc2612 (L)
vs DrReuniclus (L)
vs slurmz (L)
vs HQuaze (W)
vs Ajna (W - activity)

DrReuniclus: 9-0
vs Mishimono (W)
vs sanjay. (W)
vs Feliburn (W)
vs Cancer On FLEEK (W)
vs Vinc2612 (W)
vs slurmz (W)
vs HQuaze (W)
vs Ajna (W)

slurmz: 4-4
vs Mishimono
vs sanjay. (W)
vs Feliburn (L)
vs Cancer On FLEEK (W)
vs DrReuniclus (L)
vs Vinc2612 (L)
vs HQuaze (W)
vs Ajna (W)
vs SPEBSQSA (L - activity)

HQuaze: 2-6
vs Mishimono (W)
vs sanjay.
vs Feliburn (L)
vs Cancer On FLEEK (L)
vs DrReuniclus (L)
vs slurmz (L)
vs Vinc2612 (L)
vs Ajna (W - activity)

Ajna: 1-7
vs Mishimono (W)
vs sanjay. (L - activity)
vs Feliburn (L)
vs Cancer On FLEEK (L - activity)
vs DrReuniclus (L)
vs slurmz (L)
vs HQuaze (L - activity)

vs Vinc2612
vs SPEBSQSA (L - activity)

vs Mishimono (W)
vs sanjay. (L)
vs Feliburn (L)
vs Cancer On FLEEK (L)
vs DrReuniclus (L)
vs slurmz (W - activity)
vs HQuaze (W)
vs Ajna (W - activity)
vs Vinc2612 (L)



CBU snagaa Yoshizilla315 Asukara The50mph Contact p2 Lixx Amukamara

FLCL: 4-4
vs CBU (L)
vs snagaa (L)

vs Yoshizilla315
vs Asukara (W)
vs The50mph (L)
vs Contact (W)
vs p2 (L)
vs Lixx (W)
vs Amukamara (W)

CBU: 7-2
vs FLCL (W)
vs snagaa (W)
vs Yoshizilla315 (W)
vs Asukara (W - activity)
vs The50mph (L)
vs Contact (L)
vs p2 (W)
vs Lixx (W - did not play)
vs Amukamara (W)

snagaa: 3-5
vs CBU (L)
vs FLCL (W)

vs Yoshizilla315
vs Asukara (W)
vs The50mph (L - activity)
vs Contact (L)
vs p2 (L)
vs Lixx (L)
vs Amukamara (W)

Yoshizilla315: 0-4
vs CBU (L)
vs snagaa
vs Asukara

vs The50mph (L - activity)
vs Contact
vs p2 (L)
vs Lixx
vs Amukamara (L)

Asukara: 2-5
vs CBU (L - activity)
vs snagaa (L)
vs Yoshizilla315
vs FLCL (L)
vs The50mph (L)
vs Contact (W)
vs p2 (L)
vs Lixx (W)

vs Amukamara

The50mph: 6-3
vs CBU (W)
vs snagaa (W - activity)
vs Yoshizilla315 (W - activity)
vs Asukara (W)
vs FLCL (W)
vs Contact (L)
vs p2 (W)
vs Lixx (L)
vs Amukamara (L)

Contact: 4-4
vs CBU (W)
vs snagaa (W)

vs Yoshizilla315
vs Asukara (L)
vs The50mph (W)
vs FLCL (L)
vs p2 (L)
vs Lixx (W)
vs Amukamara (L)

p2: 6-3
vs CBU (L)
vs snagaa (W)
vs Yoshizilla315 (W)
vs Asukara (W)
vs The50mph (L)
vs Contact (W)
vs FLCL (W)
vs Lixx (W)
vs Amukamara (L)

Lixx: 3-5
vs CBU (L - did not play)
vs snagaa (W)

vs Yoshizilla315
vs Asukara (L)
vs The50mph (W)
vs Contact (L)
vs p2 (L)
vs FLCL (L)
vs Amukamara (W)

Amukamara: 4-4
vs CBU (L)
vs snagaa (L)
vs Yoshizilla315 (W)

vs Asukara
vs The50mph (W)
vs Contact (W)
vs p2 (W)
vs Lixx (L)
vs FLCL (L)

Expect this tour to deliver many great matches between the top UU players in the community, and I'm sure there will be some surprise packages as well with the atypical format. I'm sure you're all, like us, excited to see how this tournament pans out! Good luck to all the participants :)

*** Hydreigon IS allowed for Stage One. ***

Three weeks is more than enough to schedule 9 matches. Even if you are eliminated, it's in your best interests to achieve as good a record as possible considering that SPL kicks off soon after this tour concludes. Putting in a good performance is sure to catch the eye of potential managers.

Deadline: Sunday 9 October at 11:59 EST (GMT -4)
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F-f-f-f-f-irst blood!!!!!

I won vs. Arifeen. And yes, it was in the first game of all uu majors :D

I also won vs. Tirander.

I lost vs. GreenGogoattt.

Edit: apparently Rattled somehow played even faster, so nvm oo
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