NOC Fallout New Vegas NOC [GAME OVER - Wastelanders Win]

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I wonder if Celever can make insulting posts with no content rife with excuses for not defending himself all the way up until deadline. Let's not hammer him just to see him struggle!
I'm sorry, have you quoted a post where you say you are at school yet?
I didn't explicitly say I was at school. Clutching to straws over trivial matters is the epitome of desperation. It doesn't matter why I was AFK for a bunch of hours, it doesn't affect you in the slightest.
I didn't explicitly say I was at school. Clutching to straws over trivial matters is the epitome of desperation. It doesn't matter why I was AFK for a bunch of hours, it doesn't affect you in the slightest.

Oh, for an explicit lie, this wouldn't have been a bold post. I just like to watch you sweat.
Just to make clear, everything I said in my post was legitimate. There is no need to add words for the sake of adding words, this is true for nearly all contexts of life. It's not lazy at all; it's about using your words wisely. With von's post in mind, I think it was probably fine. Could it have probably been shorter? Yeah. That doesn't mean it's a bad post, I am just saying I find that shorter posts better get across points.

It's pretty strange of you von to claim that I am the one who has gotten "butt-hurt" (and we;ve had this conversation before) when all game you have been the one being rude and hypocritical towards me (see: posts questioning my intelligence, telling not to use "we" and then going ahead and using it...multiple times). Honestly, I don't really care about all that but how can you claim that "I've been an asshole the entire game"? What??? I have responded to you with nothing but respect (with maybe some sarcasm given, but nothing on your level) after you repeatedly berated me for both how I play the game and my opinion on you.

Here's a heads up: being an asshole isn't restricted to using swear words and being directly insulting. There was literally nothing "asshole"ish about my post but rather questions designed to elucidate information that I think is relevant in explaining your actions. The fact that you moved to ad hominem immediately is just another indication of your anti-town behavior in my eyes. That's why I'm voting you.
My vote isn't parked (yet...). I still want to hear from Odd ghost and so I might move my vote just to show that I am serious about wanting an answer/being willing to vote him.

Remember how in the last game you were village? And you told people that you were mafia? And it got you lynched?

I remember. I want everyone else to remember.

It's troubling to play with Jalmont. When he's village, he does a pretty good job of getting himself lynched. We saw it early on when he told everyone to no lynch on day 1. I don't know exactly what kind of game he thinks he's playing, but it sickens me to think of mislyinching him and playing into it. But at the same time I can't give him a free pass. If he was ever mafia, and maybe he is, he has free reign to just fuck with us all game. It's very troubling.

That's why I've mostly tried to catch him through the actions of others, but then those others don't always end up being mafia.

"Why aren't Spiffy and Jalmont my top two mafia targets?" Fatecrashers Odd Ghost PokeguyNXB Mithril, I should hope you can answer this question on your own.

Maybe, just maybe, this question was answered two full days ago when the host put to rest my concerns about Spiffy. Maybe anyone else could have figured that out. So why ask? Why ask repeatedly?

When you ask stupid questions that already have answers, and do it as part of your ongoing vendetta against me for blacklisting you, how do you expect me to act?

Remember how in the last game you were village? And you told people that you were mafia? And it got you lynched?

I remember. I want everyone else to remember.

It's troubling to play with Jalmont. When he's village, he does a pretty good job of getting himself lynched. We saw it early on when he told everyone to no lynch on day 1. I don't know exactly what kind of game he thinks he's playing, but it sickens me to think of mislyinching him and playing into it. But at the same time I can't give him a free pass. If he was ever mafia, and maybe he is, he has free reign to just fuck with us all game. It's very troubling.

That's why I've mostly tried to catch him through the actions of others, but then those others don't always end up being mafia.

"Why aren't Spiffy and Jalmont my top two mafia targets?" Fatecrashers Odd Ghost PokeguyNXB Mithril, I should hope you can answer this question on your own.

Maybe, just maybe, this question was answered two full days ago when the host put to rest my concerns about Spiffy. Maybe anyone else could have figured that out. So why ask? Why ask repeatedly?

When you ask stupid questions that already have answers, and do it as part of your ongoing vendetta against me for blacklisting you, how do you expect me to act?

this has no relation to anything i said but ok

Is it safe to say that you believe that "since Jalmont in the last game told people he was mafia as a villager and was lynched, it is troubling to play with him"? You realize that's a faulty generalization right? How can you make such an assumption based on one game? Do you want to go through every mafia game I have ever played?

your attempt to "catch me" doesn't make any sense and sounds like an excuse as to why you've continually believed me to be mafia but never actually pushed it lol

Because over the course of the game you have waffled repeatedly on Spiffy being mafia. It's weird. You think I'm mafia but continually you don't vote me or really push a lynch on me which I think is strange.

I ask because it's difficult to see what you truly think because you post so much and so often. Things get blurred. Just getting clarification is all.

You're trying to get me blacklisted? I didn't know that lol. Pretty sad that you care so much about trying to ban a person from playing a game on the internet.

wheeeeeeeeee didn't see you say anything about how i am an asshole l0l
By the way, no one has ever gotten lynched by suggesting a no lynch on day 1 (true even in smogon NOCs) so I don't see how it follows that "I do a good job of getting myself lynched."
Because over the course of the game you have waffled repeatedly on Spiffy being mafia. It's weird. You think I'm mafia but continually you don't vote me or really push a lynch on me which I think is strange.

I thought Spiffy was mafia on day 2. The BPV stuff and the HD lynch caused me to have huge doubts, but there was always a niggling fear. I thought the actions of the two of you at the start of this day was suspicious, so I voiced my concerns about the BPV. They got cleared up. Honestly at this point if Spiffy idled a kill just to get this claim out, maybe he just deserves to win. But I feel pretty good about a Celever lynch regardless, and don't really see them as a team.

You're trying to get me blacklisted? I didn't know that lol. Pretty sad that you care so much about trying to ban a person from playing a game on the internet.

You're not going to make me feel bad for caring about Circus Maximus. Got me badged, but more importantly, it got me good friends. Lots of them don't play mafia anymore. As far as I can tell, a blacklist was done away with because there just wasn't the playerbase anymore to be picky. But now forum mafia is run largely by salty veterans (and maybe I am one, but I'm the one who has always been self-conscious of the behavior) and a slim number of egotistical bullies who never developed proper skills, and just obstruct gameplay in general. It's no wonder the rest choose to be apathetic and inactive. There's a few good new faces too. I sure hope they want to stick around after this. Yeti is making the next game guys! Those are pretty good in my experience.
Jalmont the main reason why I felt that the result flavor seemed important to bring up is it seemed to be pointing towards a mafia Hooker or something of that ilk (when I initially read it I thought it was a kidnap and had to clarify with the hosts). If it was a mafia Hooker, which I have become pretty sure it is now, then I feel like it basically clears Spiffy and his BPV claim which allows us to focus on other things in the game. While I could have kept the result to myself, I feel like in a NOC game, especially one where the last two votes (Amianki and sunny) were pretty light days with little solid information, it was needed just to give us more useful things to talk about. It also seems like it can only help us as the village for all of us to have at least some understanding of the roles that appear to be present in the game.

Outside of that, von's treatise on Celever is a good post. I'm curious what Celever will point out as what he considers many dumb points in that post. While my vote is staying on Pokeguy for now, I'd be more than happy to go after a Celever lynch before the end of the day.
OK, so here's how this post is going to work. First, I will quote von's post in a spoiler tag here. Less scrolling up for all you guys. Then, I'll respond to von's semantics about me at the start of his post. Thirdly I will respond to each "post analysis" he has made as short and succinctly as possible (which shouldn't be difficult for a lot of them lol). Throughout the 2nd and 3rd parts of the post, I will bold things I find particularly interesting. I don't blame you for not reading this whole post since it's going to be long (that's what happens when people indict people with overly-long posts) but please read all of the bolded parts! :) Finally, I will post a brief summary and show how moronic von's case against me really is.
I want to nip this right now. It's one thing for people like Jalmont, Celever, and Spiffy to say that. Especially when the first might be mafia. But Mithril, how exactly am I "creating tangent and causing distractions" while also "being helpful and pushing discussion forward?" We've seen days where I was busy with work. NOTHING HAPPENED. Did the people I "argued with" offer anything to move the game along when it was free from distractions? Hell no.

In my mind I've only ever created discussion. What players do with that is up to them. When I suggest that some players might be mafia, they OMGUS me. Now after Day 2 there wasn't any arguments for a while, and now we had one that lasted two hours (but I have a feeling there's about to be another one), and people start spewing this shit again? Come up with better ideas than a non-MYLO mass claim before riding my ass for making the game move.

Here's a thought. And I might get accused of OMGUS, but as far as I can tell, half the game is pretty cool with OMGUSing already.

The first thing I'd like to call attention to is that seemingly no mafia have yet been caught on the Cancerous vote. If we feel like removing Fatecrashers and Spiffy from the equation, that leaves rssp1/Odd Ghost and Jalmont. The later of which started the Cancerous train.

But eh, that's just food for thought.

So I'm gonna do the unwise thing and let Celever make me lose sleep over having to play a mafia game with him. I try to ignore his posts, but don't think I didn't catch the first out of the gate Day 5 post where he suddenly put me near the top of his scum list. Like, where did that even come from? And this wasn't even as of the BPV discussion (but more on that later!), this was right at the start of Day 5. He certainly didn't really explain his read, chalking my actions up to my personality, which means jack and shit. Now I had just mislynched someone, it's true. So he could have said that. It'd be flawed reasoning of course; everyone admits the sunny lynch seemed solid. But what could possibly have changed... hmm...

Could it be that one my most trusted and rational backers, ButteredToast had just been killed by the mafia? I know at least of the remaining players are probably gonna say that statement is a bit liberal, but if you think you'd have gotten a lynch on me past him, you're a more ambitious man that I am and that's saying something. Of course the mafia has total control over who they kill, and now look at the roster. With 8 players, it would take 5 to lynch me. And you've left alive two players who I kinda maybe sort of have off an on accused of being mafia. Usually that wouldn't be a good reason to lynch someone, but they've made it clear in the past that it's enough for them. Assuming that Jalmont is town, all you'd need is to convince a single person between Fatecrashers, Mithril, Odd Ghost, and PokeguyNXB that I'm mafia and then whoever your partner is can hammer it. Or better yet! Just wait for us to run out of ideas and vote out of apathy. Lynching me would be a big get, as you're gonna have to save that night kill for Spiffy and Fate.

So what has really driven Celever to lynch me? He's pretty damn insistent on it now. The votes out. He keeps saying he wants it. And I mean I did put my foot in my mouth accusing Spiffy of maybe not being squeaky clean. And I don't regret that for a second. I didn't know how notification worked in this game, but if that "argument" did nothing but put my fears of Spiffy being mafia to rest, that should be considered a small victory. But Celever at least seems to think otherwise. Hmm, that's interesting, because I see in that recent vote recap that there was a lone Spiffy lynch vote yesterday. From Celever no less. Let's check out his reasoning...

Hey, woah, even I never called Spiffy a LARGE ADVOCATE of the Cancerous lynch. I just wanted him to talk about his reasons for lynching. He said he did it out of self-defense. Oh he was pretty belligerent and stifling when I was trying to generate discussion, that's a fact, but he was NEVER a LARGE ADVOCATE. I'm honestly surprised Spiffy let that comment go. At this point Spiffy kinda seems like my dog. See my dog will bark and bark at nothing at all, but when there's an actual cat in the yard, she just never knows it's there.

Then you accuse Spiffy of stealth decreasing votes on a lynch. Well, I've accused him of the decreasing part, but "Stealth". "Hey guys, don't vote for HD today" is NOT stealthy. This is an inane accusation.

But of course I'm kind of dancing around the real smoking gun here. Why were you trying to lynch the clean BPV player at all? At least I came up with a few scenarios (that got closed out) where he MIGHT be lying. You didn't even bother. And people just let that go? Am I not the only who doesn't like to read your posts?

Okay, let's get this arduous task of looking through Celever's play post by post... I think the above is more important that anything I'm likely to find but I'll bold just in case I feel something needs attention.

The first thing that interests me, given some of the accusations that have been leveled against me for my argumentativeness, is the argument Celever started with Spiffy early day 1. Now you might be saying, c'mon vonFiedler, careful with glass house (though that's what I'm accusing Celever of, partially), but it's notable that this day 1 argument seems to be over literally nothing. Celever decided to ride Spiffy's ass for reasons, and then bickered once every hour that Spiffy wasn't posting. If any fight could be called pointless and distracting, it was this one. Didn't seem to be Spiffy's fault this time.

In post #344, right after Spiffy first decides he wants HD lynched, Celever makes a snide passive-aggressive remark about it, but then goes on to give a fairly non-committal read on HD. Hell, he repeats that read almost verbatim in post #380.

#411 In this post Celever is the only one who seems to give a crap about HD's time zone rants. It's non-committal once again. "I totally believe you on a point that doesn't matter, but maybe he is scum so don't hurt me if he is".

#429 When I ask for informal votes, only Celever gives 3. HD is the 3rd choice listed after Sunny and Spiffy. I wasn't even sure whether to count that vote or not, it was a pretty lame thing to do. But it's also an easy way to pretend to support a lynch while not actually making an effort.

#442 After riding Spiffy's ass the whole day, he starts a lynch post rant with "you had a strong start". What? More of a bad cliche than really indicative of alignment, I'll admit.

#458 Celever claims that "literally every player would soft claim" when in HD's position (that being slight attention at the time). Keep in mind that Celever would later grill (or pretend to) HD's ass hard over that soft claim.

#490 Celever tries to talk Lightwolf out of lynching HD. Keep in mind that by the end of day only LW and I were lynching HD. Celever really wanted people not to be lynching HD.

At this point it's kind of canny how many points I make that Celever just repeats. If I were an outsider, I'd probably think WE were the last two mafia. That or he's only pretending to contribute by repeating the things I say.

#496 Lightwolf gets RIGHT up Celever's ass, and in true Celever to Lightwolf fashion, he chickens out of responding by blaming his crippling alcohol addiction.

And then at this point Lightwolf is killed. Now Lightwolf comes across fairly well as a namekill. And it's probably a stretch to suggest otherwise, or at least it helps, but this is a THOROUGH post so I'm gonna suggest it anyway. Lightwolf and Celever don't particularly get along well. Especially in NOC. We've left Celever alone for the most part. LW would not have. Not if Celever was mafia or even if he was village. Now in the wake of Lightwolf shutting Celever down HARDCORE in post #496, LW suddenly dies. It's subtle. No one noticed, I sure didn't. So I wouldn't say it's WIFOM and that it's supposed to come across this way. But looking back with a magnifying glass, it's hard to ignore. Could this be nothing? Sure! But these maybes pile up after a while, and that's kind of what this post is.

#533 I'm sure everyone remembers a little spat at the beginning of Day 2 where I wanted people to reexamine their intentions for voting for Cancerous. I got a lot of flak for that, and it started some heated discussions. But I really just wanted some discussion going, and it was baffling to me as that discussion was so quickly stifled. But I think I know why. I think it's because before a reasonable discussion had the chance to happen, Celever came and vowed to lynch someone on the Cancerous wagon. That wasn't my intention. But it kinda got stuck to my posts somehow. And I had to defend myself from being associated with it. Now I wasn't really in a position to criticize Celever, all I said was "calm down guy", but I do know I thought "hmm, that's a rash response". But it's also somewhat in line with his general behavior.

#534 & #535 Celever and HD have a little laugh about the post restriction. It's about the closest thing to a knowing glance I think you'll ever find in an online mafia game. But what I feel the need to point out is the power of implication in Celever's post. HD calls the PR a set-up, and we can now be fairly certain that this was the mafia trying to confuse the village. But to what end? Then Celever says something a bit odd when off-the-cuff. " I assumed from the message that the announcer is Spiffy." Now what is the story there, I wonder? And I mean that literally, what's the narrative they are trying to sell? What IF the mafia wanted people to think that THE MAFIA thought that HD was the announcer? And then, by extension, if the mafia thought that, then HD surely couldn't be mafia. So Celever comes right out with it. "I thought Spiffy was the announcer". As in, whoever PR'd HD thought otherwise. I ask anyone reading this, was that a rational reaction within minutes of the day cycle starting and the PR being revealed?

Now after this HD goes a bit ham with the PR thing, talking this and that about how he's being set up or some shit, and just in general calling a bunch of attention to himself. He's obviously not handling this well. When in swoops Celever:

There's little point in focusing on the start of the fight between Celever and HD. If he's bussing his teammate, he's gonna know exactly how to do it. But it truly brightened my day to see Celever claim to be good at reading others.

#582 Yet even after his first big post against HD, he still fits in a suggestion to lynch sunny004. Curious given that he had JUST called for heads to roll after the Cancerous lynch.

Wow I almost don't want to do this. This hurts me a little bit. I'm sure we all remember Jalmont calling people out on Day 2 for not opposing the Cancerous lynch, and generally how full of crap that was. But not entirely, I'm afraid.

You call me out, I will defend myself. Celever asks for heads to roll after the Cancerous lynch. Made no effort to stop it at the time. And when asked why, he says in #587 that he was asleep. But let's look the timing of when he goes to bed. Literally a few posts before the people start voting for people started voting for Cancerous. Spiffy had called off his vote on HD, and Celever was against an HD lynch. And the Spiffy lynch was going no where. How easy would it be to sit back, let the Cancerous lynch happen, and then be vindictive the next day? And let's not forget; Lightwolf called him out on this drinking stuff. Celever the 13 year old has been previously caught lying about drinking to duck out of mafia. This is why a mafia Celever just can't have a Lightwolf villager.

#598 Here Celever tries to gain Brownie points by claiming that LW was "obviously town". Mind you, Spiffy had just done so as well, so it's not scummy in and of itself, but I wonder if LW was so obviously town where was that read on Day 1? Instead Celever was always on the wrong side of LW.

#612 Here's the real meat of the HD/Celever mini argument. They bicker about semantics. HD defends himself poorly, as he want to do with everyone. Then Celever abruptly declares that everything HD says is reasonable. You couldn't make an argument seem more manufactured. So they PR HD, HD comes out of the start of Day 2 VERY poorly, Celever gives him a VERY minor trial, and then declares him innocent. Mostly. Even now he gives his non-commital "I still think you scum slipped (referring to some semantics BS that I pointed out didn't hold grammatical water), but I worry that I can't incriminate you". Keep that in mind, cause if that's why he ultimately is against the HD lynch, on the day HD got lynched, it'll look pretty bad.

#618 Yep, didn't take many posts for him to really get on HD's side. Now he's suggesting outright that HD IS the announcer, while also giving him an out to not actually claim. As long as HD MAY be announcer, the real announcer won't couterclaim him, nor would the village lynch him. I think that's the reasoning. But as for the post, he suggests that if HD claims announcer he's worried that he'd get lynched. Umm, why? Why unless Celever KNOWS there would be a counter-claim?

#651 Celever deflate pressure on the HD lynch, including unvoting. Some of his reasoning is sound enough. But then he says that HD has done NOTHING suspicious except that scumslip that Celever was going on about (and that he admitted wouldn't stick), and that he's not dead? When LW was a pretty good name target? Whatever happened to thinking that he either is the announcer or that the mafia thinks this? Why would they waste a kill on the announcer? As another player would later say, "HD's skill at the game in conjunction with this claimed power role most likely didn't equate to a kill worthy of killing over someone like LightWolf who is an extremely good player to start with."

#653 Oh wait, that's THIS POST. Two posts later contradicts himself. In other words, "there's only two things against HD. no one fucking cares about the first thing, and in two posts I'm gonna say the second thing isn't a thing either". Subtle. And not to mention he's now OMGUSing on HD's behalf!!! And lynching sunny as a result, which I already said is contradictory given "just how much he was against a Cancerous lynch".

#665 And now the "scumslip" is "nowhere near bad enough to lynch HD".

At this point, in spite of vowing to go to bed (which it seems doesn't mean he won't watch the thread), Celever throws a fit and keeps demanding that we don't lynch HD and instead lynch Sunny. Again, odd behavior on the later part given his retroactive opposition to a Cancerous lynch. A few of you want to think that no player could be dumb enough to defend their scum teammate this much. Well, you're gonna be disappointed. You're making a WIFOM argument anyway. That could easily have been a tactic to illicit just such a response. I won't say it's a good plan, but that doesn't mean Celever wouldn't do it. But honestly? This is Celever. He almost certainly just thought he could actually sway the lynch enough to save HD.

But there is an interesting post eventually:

#982 HD was a big open wound for a lot of players. Spiffy called off a lynch on him on Day 1 because he was afraid of lynching someone with a Power Role. I bet he regrets that decision. But that soft claim was a big sticking point for players throughout Day 2, even though I tried arguing that it shouldn't be. But everyone was really afraid to lynch someone with a PR. In this post, for the first time, Celever changes strategy and twists the knife in that wound. "You also cannot hide behind a PR claim. He claimed PR. Why are you trying to lynch a PR?". Celever, who had spent the day arguing that HD shouldn't claim, now also argues that someone who soft claims should never be lynched.

#1062 "post numbers mean nothing". Well fuck. And I've been working on this for hours now. No, post numbers are the number where you can find the post in question. Laziness is not an excuse to drop a discussion when someone calls you out on scummy behavior (which Amianki, neutral, just had).

#1063 I'm actually reading these new posts popping up while I make this one. Fatecrashers takes Celever's suggestion that HD could have set me up as town and says that it might apply to Pokeguy. Interesting that Celever couldn't have come to the same conclusion. Now keep that in mind. Because there were three prominent inactive players this game, not counting Ullar who needed to be subbed. Cancerous, a lynch that Celever was retroactively against. Sunny004, who, in spite of said opposition to Cancerous lynch, Celever was strongly in favor of lynching throughout several game days. And PokeguyNXB, who Celever never touched at all. Why the different reaction to all three players? Now I bring this up here because on Day 3, while Celever is still trying to lynch Sunny004 for inactivity, he jumps down Spiffy's throat for suggesting a PokeguyNXB lynch on the same grounds.

#1084 Celever scolds the host for trying help organize the game. It's not even that I totally disagree with him, but it is something the mafia stands more to gain getting mad about.

#1088 Even though HD's full role PM was flipped when he died, Celever tries to obfuscate things by claiming that the role only inspected character names. A clear attempt to cause confusion or play dumb so as not to seem mafia.

HOOOOH this is beautiful

#1082 is actually a Mithril post. Mithril outright says that as a teammate of HD, Celever would have to be an idiot based on his actions. Then what happens? HD deadtalks and is fucking mad about it. "Why is Mithril rude?" Maybe nothing. But then what? Celever gets super pissy over HD dead-talking. "Stop posting, holy shit." Honestly, to most of us HD's post probably seemed innocuous. But not to Celever. And as loose-lipped as HD was while alive, I don't blame him.

On Day 3, even though he's been pushing a Sunny lynch for two days, he does nothing to oppose an Amianki lynch. Well, why would a villager. But then, why would mafia either? If Celever is the kind of guy who always believes he is right, and showed it with HD (and is trying desperately to show it now with me), why would he just let the Amianki lynch happen when he seems to have absolutely no thoughts on Amianki either way, but has a "certain" target in Sunny?

#1130 I think this is a big one that I worry will get dismissed. No disrespect to the hosts, it seems like you made a fine enough game. But in between arguments, high inactivity, and few scum reads, I don't think it's unsafe to say that few villagers are having fun. It's not purely a matter of losing, not that we are losing too badly or anything. But that in an inactive environment, there's just no fun to be had for proactive villagers. Not that it's gonna be a lot fun for the mafia to get an easy win that way, but I'm sure that for some players it would be. Especially those with egos like Celever has. So that's what I want people to take from post #1130. When everyone else was barely posting and debating between which bad read to lynch, Celever was sitting back and feeling good. Think about it.

Celever's Day 4 behavior is kind of tricky due to him being on vacation. I'm not going to assume that he lied about that. And yet, after much time trying to lynch Sunny004, on the day that Sunny004 actually gets lynched he suddenly changes gears and tries to lynch Spiffy. Giving him plausible deniability on the Sunny lynch, not that it would be needed or anything. It's really hard to say whether he saw my lynch post or could have predicted it. I'd love for all this to mean something, but it probably doesn't.

#1205 "OK, well I was... wrong about sunny... and was wrong about HD before............." And now you're going for a hat trick! I kid, I'm sure you know who is and isn't mafia. And again he makes a non-committal post calling Pokeguy sincere. I almost didn't bold this at first, but then I noticed that Celever thinks that BT dying was useful. One of the most prominent and trusted townies dying is good in Celever's book. And what use did Celever actually get out of it? He said he'd examine BT's reads, but then he didn't. Trying to appear useful while not following through!

#1207 Playing dumb again, but this one is particularly grating. Celever can't remember whether SB was a tracker or a watcher. Silly Celever, if you were a villager you could have checked the front page. But this is the same post where he assumes that the mafia had inspected SB. So if the mafia inspected SB, and Celever didn't know SB's role, then of course Celever can't be mafia! #CeleverSubtle

#1211 Of course this is the post where suddenly I'm a scum read for Celever, but far more importantly, it's the post where he tries to convince us that there are three mafia live. Giving us an increased sense of urgency and more wiggle room to hit someone. Yeah... pretty crude attempt.

#1305 Celever "just hadn't noticed until now that HD had voted for me!" Yeah, I'll bet it wasn't at all obvious to someone who might have suggested him to do the same thing with Pokeguy.

#1315 Random and out of the blue? I had just fucked him in the lynch! Hard and fast! And as this is OMGUS mafia, it should hardly be surprising that he threw a fit and tried to lynch me. Honestly, I take the slightest comfort in knowing that you can't, what with already having a vote on me.

So there you have it. I hope you guys read my 3 hour long post. For the record, I'm only accusing PokeguyNXB in a supplemental sense. When Celever flips mafia, he'll be worth looking at, and we'll have a bit of a buffer from a successful lynch. I'm not gonna bother appealing to Jalmont, but Spiffy if all your praise for me during my last game meant anything, you will give serious thought to at least half of this post. It's a wonderful collections of smoking guns, scum signs, and supplemental evidence. I could find fault with almost every post he made. Right now he's counting on you to give into your emotions and lynch me just because I've cast an eye on you. But no one has really given serious thought to whether Celever might or might not be mafia until now, and that's the kind of busy work that we need to get through this.

OK, so for the semantics von's posted about me at the start of his essay, I am going to quote. I'm sorry, I know that it clutters the thread a bit, but it's pretty much needed.

I try to ignore his posts, but don't think I didn't catch the first out of the gate Day 5 post where he suddenly put me near the top of his scum list. Like, where did that even come from?
If you'd have read my posts, you'd have known. I don't think I've said once that I think you're town, and if I have it'd be early on the in the game and thus inconsequential to our current situation. This isn't out of the blue at all lol.
He certainly didn't really explain his read, chalking my actions up to my personality, which means jack and shit. Now I had just mislynched someone, it's true. So he could have said that. It'd be flawed reasoning of course
I just feel the need to point out that von is trying to manipulate you. This sort of wishy-washy wording oftentimes puts ideas in other people's heads which contradict each other or are non-sensical, but done subtly enough so that people don't notice. What von has essentially said here is that "I could have gone into more detail about some scummy actions he did, OH but these examples of actions aren't actually scummy!". Ask yourselves this: Why would I have tried to accuse von of something that's not scummy? It seems like that's what he thinks I should have done...
Could it be that one my most trusted and rational backers, ButteredToast had just been killed by the mafia? I know at least of the remaining players are probably gonna say that statement is a bit liberal, but if you think you'd have gotten a lynch on me past him, you're a more ambitious man that I am and that's saying something. Of course the mafia has total control over who they kill, and now look at the roster. With 8 players, it would take 5 to lynch me. And you've left alive two players who I kinda maybe sort of have off an on accused of being mafia. Usually that wouldn't be a good reason to lynch someone, but they've made it clear in the past that it's enough for them. Assuming that Jalmont is town, all you'd need is to convince a single person between Fatecrashers, Mithril, Odd Ghost, and PokeguyNXB that I'm mafia and then whoever your partner is can hammer it. Or better yet! Just wait for us to run out of ideas and vote out of apathy. Lynching me would be a big get, as you're gonna have to save that night kill for Spiffy and Fate.
This is a paragraph of speculation and WIFOM. However, I'll entertain you, and this is a big point that I'd like to make, which I will end up reiterating later on in this post as well. If I were mafia, you would be dead. Now, I have no doubt in my mind that you would have said "you've kept me alive so that you can say this later on in the game!" if I didn't address it here already: It wouldn't be worth it. I know that, if you were town and I scum, you could get me lynched. Your death N1 would easily be passed off as a namekill, and you would pose a bigger threat to me personally than LightWolf because you chastise people so aggressively, which would rile me up and make me scumslip. Everyone in this game (well, besides Odd Ghost and Mithril) knows our history, and knows how well we get on. Either we're scumbuddies, or I'm town, and you being alive right now proves this; this statement in and of itself should be enough to defend myself, but I'll play your little game.
The reason why I have said this under that quote is because you think I want to lynch you, and BT was "my last hurdle to get through to do so", so I've started trying to push a wagon on you. If I had the power, I would nightkill you, it really is as simple as that. Like town or scum I would nightkill you, because you're not fun to play with, probably due to your personal vendettas against a few people.
So what has really driven Celever to lynch me? He's pretty damn insistent on it now. The votes out. He keeps saying he wants it. And I mean I did put my foot in my mouth accusing Spiffy of maybe not being squeaky clean. And I don't regret that for a second. I didn't know how notification worked in this game, but if that "argument" did nothing but put my fears of Spiffy being mafia to rest, that should be considered a small victory. But Celever at least seems to think otherwise. Hmm, that's interesting, because I see in that recent vote recap that there was a lone Spiffy lynch vote yesterday. From Celever no less. Let's check out his reasoning...
You'll see why I think differently about Spiffy today than I did yesterday tomorrow.
But of course I'm kind of dancing around the real smoking gun here. Why were you trying to lynch the clean BPV player at all? At least I came up with a few scenarios (that got closed out) where he MIGHT be lying.
Another example of von being wishy-washy. "Why were you trying to lynch the clean BP? When I did it I provided reasons, so that's OK.". It's not OK, and there's no need to point this out, I'm sure all of you guys figured it out yourselves! Going from trying to accuse Spiffy + Jalmont of being a scum team to Spiffy being clean in one day is quite a feat.
Okay, let's get this arduous task of looking through Celever's play post by post...
This appeal to emotion is so see-through it's actually quite funny. Also flawed. "This is such a boring and arduous task! >~<" might be reasonable... if he had to do it, or even if he were ASKED to do it, but this is entirely through choice. You don't get pity for choosing to do arduous tasks. Though in a way, you ARE right. You do have to try and make a case on me as quickly as possible, because if you don't you'll be lynched and a close victory for the mafia will slip through your fingers, and you neither you nor your partner want that, right?

You want to know what an arduous task IS, though? Replying to this case >_>.

OK, that's part 1, time to get onto the post analysis. I will provide a hyperlink to each post so that you guys can clearly see what is stated there. If I feel it important enough, I will quote the post. Right now you only have von's word to go on, because unlike me, you guys don't have to go back and read everything! :p
The first thing that interests me, given some of the accusations that have been leveled against me for my argumentativeness, is the argument Celever started with Spiffy early day 1. Now you might be saying, c'mon vonFiedler, careful with glass house (though that's what I'm accusing Celever of, partially), but it's notable that this day 1 argument seems to be over literally nothing. Celever decided to ride Spiffy's ass for reasons, and then bickered once every hour that Spiffy wasn't posting. If any fight could be called pointless and distracting, it was this one. Didn't seem to be Spiffy's fault this time.
Ummm... no, not quite. Here's where the argument started. Where do you say it starts? Also I only pointed out that he wasn't posting at the time so as to prove a point because Spiffy accused me of the same thing, and it's such as deliriously bad accusation. Most people cottoned onto it, but hey, guess you didn't. Well, actually, you obviously pretended not to because the more you can manipulate what I say to look scummy the better your case looks.

von's post analysis doesn't actually start until post #344, which is right at the end of page 14. Guess he couldn't find anything to try and bend on the first (basically) 14 pages of the game, so he didn't bother quoting them. Actually, looking at my read on HD... I think post #344 is Day 2. Odd that von didn't point anything out about me Day 1 IMO.
#344 ~ According to von, this is where I post a "snide passive-aggressive remark" towards Spiffy wanting HD lynched. Do you see one? I think von means where I point out it's not a bandwagon because I'd expressed a want to lynch HD earlier on in the game, but that's definitely not how von described it. Also, according to von, post #344 and post #380 are "almost in verbatim". This isn't in and of itself a bad thing, and also isn't true. I'm pretty confused by this?

#411 ~ So according to von, at this time no one "seems to give a crap about HD's time zone rants." Is this true, though? Well, two posts above mine (#409), ButteredToast also talks about the time zones. Then, a little bit further up the same page, in #402, Spiffy says that he doesn't buy HD's story (not outright, but this is clearly what he was talking about if you look at HD's post below it, #403). Again, why did von bother lying again? I'm confused. He must be trying to use as much manipulative wording on me as possible to make it look like I'm scum? That's all I can think of lol.

#429 ~ von said that this post is scummy because I gave 3 informal votes, and this is a "lame thing to do". Do I actually need to pull this argument apart? Lame =/= scummy..............
von even bolded this post, so apparently, IT'S IMPORTANT.

#442 ~ So, my poor action here is starting a rant post with "you had a strong start". von also had a somewhat strong start, before he resorted to ad hominem so heavily. Strong start includes both a townie outlook and a mafia outlook, and in that post I clearly meant from a mafia's point of view.

#458 ~ He didn't actually say anything was wrong with this post, but he mentioned it, so here, have a hyperlink!

#490 ~ The scummy thing I did here was direct a post at LW. Sue me! :p. This is also another case of manipulative speech, because he says that this is indicative of me "really wanting people to not be lynching HD" because von and LW were the only two players lynching HD at the end of the day. I didn't know that von and LW were the only two players lynching HD at the end of the day BEFORE IT HAPPENED! Like what even?
He also mentions here that if he were an outsider he would think that von and I are the last two mafia. This is an extremely odd connection to make... I think he's trying to prove a point that I was repeating everything he said which, once again, isn't true in the slightest. I'd like to see von provide some examples of this, because I can't think of a single time where he's posted something and I've explicitly agreed with it.

#496 ~ This is actually not my post, but LW's. According to von, LW got "RIGHT up" my ass. This huge statement is backed up by a paragraph. A fairly short paragraph, too:
LightWolf said:
For the HD lynch, are you SERIOUSLY comparing sunny who openly refused to say stuff and barely posted anything but votes to be on the same level as HD? As you yourself said, HD has the buddy thing, but in addition to that as I said mentioned previously, something I wished to look into but will have to wait till later, he was one of the first to be extending the jalmont ruse discussion via attacking jalmont for it, and while those are the ones I can name of the top of my head, he certainly made more interactions and more specifically had a part of the day dedicated to people discussing his lynch, these are all threads we can use based on HD's death, that sunny 100% lacks.
In hindsight, this could well be true. I personally think that lynching HD Day 1 would have still been a mistake, because HD's play on Day 2 has greatly helped me form an opinion about von, but logically... yeah, it probably made sense on Day 1. >_>
Anyway, my point here is that von overstated LW's attack on me greatly, and then afterwards said "and then LightWolf was nightkilled!". von is trying to connect me with events which in all actuality have nothing to do with me. It wasn't even a post which cast any suspicion on me whatsoever, it was casting suspicion on HD. Why would I hypothetically kill LW in a defensive manner here? If anything, LW was probably killed because he wanted to lynch HD so much, as proved in this post, because as we all know, HD was mafia. von's just stopped trying, and this really feels like I'm wasting my time...

#533 ~ This is the stage in von's case where he not only continues lying about me, but starts lying about himself too. Now, if you've paid attention to von throughout this game, his behaviour he claims to have done in his case against me here is very much against character. Just saying that he "wasn't really in a position to criticise Celever" is completely against his character. Have you seen him show restraint at all this entire game?

He also says here that I "vowed to lynch someone on the Cancerous wagon" in this post. As you can see, I didn't. I said I think someone on the wagon should be lynched today. This is another time where von is overstating and completely changing what I say to make it look scummier, when there really isn't anything scummy there.

#534 and #535 ~ von has likened these two posts to a "knowing glance". I liken it to me stating my opinion on the post restriction, and HD randomly saying "lol". Why did HD say lol? I have no clue, ask him.

von says here, whilst trying to indict me, that me assuming Spiffy is the announcer here is irrational? The announcement is found in this post. Said announcement clearly states that the announcer felt he was in the firing line. At the end of Day 1, a large amount of the game (I think around half? Give or take 2 or 3 people) expressed interest in lynching Spiffy with the informal vote. This is certainly in the firing line to me.

Also, notice how von says is this rational "only a few minutes after the day started". Not only is this probably not true (there are no time stamps beyond dates, could have been 1 minute, could have been 23 hours 59 minutes, we don't know for certain (though we can pretty much rule out the latter)) but the announcement was actually posted at night the day before. Looking at the post before the announcement (#522) it can also be assumed that the announcement was posted early on Friday morning, and the night ended about midday Saturday, going by MC's timezone. This is more than enough time to form an idea as to who I think the announcer could be.


You know what? This is enough for now? I have 0 interest in analysing more of von's post, because he hasn't made a single good point against me yet. This is extremely tedious, and it feels extremely repetitive for me because it's basically just pointing out how von has lied. I've provided more than enough defense in the first few paragraphs whilst responding to von's rant about me early on, and the fact that all of von's point so far up to this point in the post are lies just shows how shit this case really is.

Mithril, please tell me why you think von's case is solid, and provide examples and quotes about what you think are indicative of me being scum WITHIN VON'S POST. I will respond to these quotes because, unless you're von's scumbuddy, and I really have no evidence to incriminate you of this, you don't really have a reason to lie about me. You know what, though? I'll do you a favour. I'll hyperlink all of the posts von has talked about at the bottom here. Of course, this also goes for everyone else. Grill me if you think von has merit, lynch von if you don't. Just share your thoughts about anything, please! ;~;

#582 #612 #618 #651 #653 #665 Holy shit, no more posts von can twist until post #982? #1062 #1063 #1082 #1088 #1130 (this is the "big one" where von calls me out on having fun, because apparently that's scummy.) #1205 #1207 (the thing I did wrong here is not checking my facts. At the start of this post, I stated that I was posting from my phone and was unable to check facts, implying that I might get something wrong) #1211 (apparently I tried to "convince" you all that there are 3 scum remaining. In actuality, I was reminding you all of the possibility. Does that look like convincing to you?) #1305 #1315

Have fun, you probably only need to read the bold bits to see what I'm getting at, pretty much all of the post analysis is me proving that von is lying, and I also indict him of manipulative language in his case and wishy-washy cases. Get back to me if you want me to actually address a part of von's case, but please do your own research into it a little bit first. I've hyperlinked all of the posts he used in his case, so just make sure you can't see how he's lying so I can point it out for you ;)
I thought Spiffy was mafia on day 2. The BPV stuff and the HD lynch caused me to have huge doubts, but there was always a niggling fear. I thought the actions of the two of you at the start of this day was suspicious, so I voiced my concerns about the BPV. They got cleared up. Honestly at this point if Spiffy idled a kill just to get this claim out, maybe he just deserves to win. But I feel pretty good about a Celever lynch regardless, and don't really see them as a team.

ok but can you tell me why only now have you decided celever is a good lynch considering your strategy of ignoring him until this point (i still feel it seems awfully convenient it's now you decide to look at him. huh?)

are you really "afraid" to vote me because of me being a bad player? if i am mafia (which really, why can't i be?) aren't you just screwing yourself and the village over? i don't get it

You're not going to make me feel bad for caring about Circus Maximus. Got me badged, but more importantly, it got me good friends. Lots of them don't play mafia anymore. As far as I can tell, a blacklist was done away with because there just wasn't the playerbase anymore to be picky. But now forum mafia is run largely by salty veterans (and maybe I am one, but I'm the one who has always been self-conscious of the behavior) and a slim number of egotistical bullies who never developed proper skills, and just obstruct gameplay in general. It's no wonder the rest choose to be apathetic and inactive. There's a few good new faces too. I sure hope they want to stick around after this. Yeti is making the next game guys! Those are pretty good in my experience.

you shouldn't feel bad about caring about circus maximus, you should feel bad about being a dick to people for playing badly in a mafia game (classic case of "elitism" in smogmaf, gee why doesn't anyone want to play???) The whole point of a blacklist is to punish people who break game rules/ruin games. I didn't break any game rules/ruin the game. Blacklists aren't made to punish poor play ya dingus since otherwise how are people supposed to get better? people aren't amazing at mafia overnight as a general rule. Don't turn this on me when you started this with your behavior (seriously dude i've never had a problem with anyone other than you [and the only reason anything happened was because you out of nowhere started being an ass], and you have problems with multiple users. is it me or you???) if we want to talk about meta, then i think it's safe to say that circus isn't suffering because of "egotistical bullies who never developed proper skill" (what does that even mean). it's not the people, it's the style of mafia but w/e i guess that's for another discussion i suppose

you also don't mention the fact that your basing everything off a single game but maybe that just slipped your mind ? 8)

haven't fully read celever's post but i will shortly after i do some hW
sorry i fuckedu p the quotes. this is the same post as above.

von said:
I thought Spiffy was mafia on day 2. The BPV stuff and the HD lynch caused me to have huge doubts, but there was always a niggling fear. I thought the actions of the two of you at the start of this day was suspicious, so I voiced my concerns about the BPV. They got cleared up. Honestly at this point if Spiffy idled a kill just to get this claim out, maybe he just deserves to win. But I feel pretty good about a Celever lynch regardless, and don't really see them as a team.

ok but can you tell me why only now have you decided celever is a good lynch considering your strategy of ignoring him until this point (i still feel it seems awfully convenient it's now you decide to look at him. huh?)

are you really "afraid" to vote me because of me being a bad player? if i am mafia (which really, why can't i be?) aren't you just screwing yourself and the village over? i don't get it

You're not going to make me feel bad for caring about Circus Maximus. Got me badged, but more importantly, it got me good friends. Lots of them don't play mafia anymore. As far as I can tell, a blacklist was done away with because there just wasn't the playerbase anymore to be picky. But now forum mafia is run largely by salty veterans (and maybe I am one, but I'm the one who has always been self-conscious of the behavior) and a slim number of egotistical bullies who never developed proper skills, and just obstruct gameplay in general. It's no wonder the rest choose to be apathetic and inactive. There's a few good new faces too. I sure hope they want to stick around after this. Yeti is making the next game guys! Those are pretty good in my experience.
you shouldn't feel bad about caring about circus maximus, you should feel bad about being a dick to people for playing badly in a mafia game (classic case of "elitism" in smogmaf, gee why doesn't anyone want to play???) The whole point of a blacklist is to punish people who break game rules/ruin games. I didn't break any game rules/ruin the game. Blacklists aren't made to punish poor play ya dingus since otherwise how are people supposed to get better? people aren't amazing at mafia overnight as a general rule. Don't turn this on me when you started this with your behavior (seriously dude i've never had a problem with anyone other than you [and the only reason anything happened was because you out of nowhere started being an ass], and you have problems with multiple users. is it me or you???) if we want to talk about meta, then i think it's safe to say that circus isn't suffering because of "egotistical bullies who never developed proper skill" (what does that even mean). it's not the people, it's the style of mafia but w/e i guess that's for another discussion i suppose

you also don't mention the fact that your basing everything off a single game but maybe that just slipped your mind ? 8)

haven't fully read celever's post but i will shortly after i do some hW
Sorry for lack of posts... would've posted this morning but there was two whole pages I had to catch up on, which took up all the time i had before school. And during school, it seems yet another argument has shown it's face. I'm honestly sick and tired of this, it bogs down the game big time.

Anyway, I'm unsure who to vote atm, but I, like many others, am against a massclaim, at least until we're at mylo or lylo. That's when a massclaim would be most useful imo

As per usual, if you want me to say more, just ask.
Yeah, my reads from the early day definitely changed. When I went back and looked at stuff while making my most recent reads post (1306) I realized I had missed some things and was taken too much for granted (such as assuming Celever wouldn't push so hard against a teammates lynch). Top two mafia for me as of now are Pokeguy and Celever.
Yeah, my reads from the early day definitely changed. When I went back and looked at stuff while making my most recent reads post (1306) I realized I had missed some things and was taken too much for granted (such as assuming Celever wouldn't push so hard against a teammates lynch). Top two mafia for me as of now are Pokeguy and Celever.
Just as a note, you haven't responded to my post defending your read of me which is on the last page somewhere...

Also, please read the last little bit of my huge tl;dr up above.
Have fun, you probably only need to read the bold bits to see what I'm getting at, pretty much all of the post analysis is me proving that von is lying, and I also indict him of manipulative language in his case and wishy-washy cases. Get back to me if you want me to actually address a part of von's case, but please do your own research into it a little bit first. I've hyperlinked all of the posts he used in his case, so just make sure you can't see how he's lying so I can point it out for you ;)

You know, I kind of like my current job. For some reason I get to do things like play pictionary and conduct pranks. Case in point, yesterday my boss came to the floor and gave everyone a "mandatory company written exam". The 1st instruction said "read all instructions carefully before doing anything". The last instruction said "only do instruction #1. you are done." All the other instructions were people making asses out of themselves for not following rule #1. It was quite funny.

I'm glad that it mentally prepared me to treat your post the same way. Just so we're totally on the level, Celever is cool with me addressing only his bolded sentences. After all, that's how I operated in my post. If you could refute every bold post, the non bolded ones don't matter. Not that Celever bothered. No, he gave up less than halfway.

If I were mafia, you would be dead.

That's your first bold post? Really? You know, just about anyone can say that. If I was mafia, why would I be surrounded by players I'm not getting along with. But really, everyone that you killed either argued directly with you (and I haven't until now), were watcher which you knew, or were BT, who was also a very good target. So your first bold sentence is this WIFOMY shit? Really?

Everyone in this game (well, besides Odd Ghost and Mithril) knows our history, and knows how well we get on. Either we're scumbuddies, or I'm town, and you being alive right now proves this

Actually, in our last NOC you WERE mafia and didn't kill me. Even though I ripped your ass to shreds multiple times. If everyone knows our history then you they know that you have a history of trying to get me LYNCHED. You've never once have taken the easy option of killing me. And you've also never succeeded, though you have screwed over a few of your teams as a result. Here's what I imagine. Anyone see Commando? Celever doesn't want to just shoot me. He wants to feel the knife go in.

Celever argues that we hate each other so much that if he were mafia, he'd have killed me. But why then, if I'm mafia, have I not killed him? itt Celever admits to putting personal feelings ahead of winning. I have made it clear time and time again that I will not. And that's the most maddening thing about dealing with him.

This appeal to emotion is so see-through it's actually quite funny. Also flawed. "This is such a boring and arduous task! >~<" might be reasonable... if he had to do it, or even if he were ASKED to do it, but this is entirely through choice.

Celever said:
If you think I'm transparent when I'm scummy you should be reading my posts to try and look for my tells and see if you think I'm scum. Not doing this is only anti-town.

Celever, you are scum. I mean, yes, you're mafia, but you're also the scum of the earth. What possessed you to think you could ask me to do something, give me shit for doing it, and then say that no one asked me to do it? Hmm? Last page. Barely 12 hours ago.

Appeal to emotion? It took me three hours to comb through every Celever post to make that one. I got home after eight of work. I wanted to watch Old Boy. Instead I ended up getting three hours of sleep, and I'm about to go to work hopped up on three cups of coffee. And I did watch Old Boy this morning, and I couldn't even get mad at the villain because I was and still am dealing with Celever. Now that's a fucking appeal to emotion right there. But it's also 100% true. Arduous task? Hell yes it was.

But again, this is what you bold? Something that is, in and of itself an appeal to emotion? I'm not gonna crucify you for that, but I think your glass house is just about on its last leg at this point.

Anyway, my point here is that von overstated LW's attack on me greatly, and then afterwards said "and then LightWolf was nightkilled!". von is trying to connect me with events which in all actuality have nothing to do with me.

Uhh, not if you DID kill him. You realize that's the bulk of your defense here right? "von says I killed him, but I didn't!" And even I said that paragraph was a minor point that maybe meant nothing. So choosing to respond to it over the actually damning posts you made, again, you're making this real easy when you say I only need to read the bold sentences.

He also says here that I "vowed to lynch someone on the Cancerous wagon" in this post. As you can see, I didn't. I said I think someone on the wagon should be lynched today. This is another time where von is overstating and completely changing what I say to make it look scummier, when there really isn't anything scummy there.

Hi guys! :D. Soooooo.... Why the fuck was Cancerous lynched yesterday? Right after I went to bed the lynch votes started piling up on him... I still haven't seen a decent case. Theguy who originally brought him up, rssp1 IIRC, had a decent start to the wagon, but that should NOT have snowballed into what it did. When I get to a computer I'm gonna check the lynch votes. Someone who hopped on the wagon should be lynched today.

Why would you lie about a post that you had just provided the link to?

Wow, I have to admit, it was pretty nice only having to address the important parts. And what were they? WIFOM, things that apply equally to Celever, and proven lies. If the rest of the post is LESS important, then wow, people REALLY don't need to bother with it.

But you did give kind of a closing statement, and there's something in it I'd like to address to.

#582#612#618#651#653#665 Holy shit, no more posts von can twist until post #982? #1062#1063#1082#1088#1130

You went on vacation for a week. Curious how you could forget that... I mean you've lied about every other time you said you couldn't post, so maybe that was a lie too. I just don't understand how someone forgets going on vacation for a week. Especially when I made reference to you doing so.
Celever said:
Just as a note, you haven't responded to my post defending your read of me which is on the last page somewhere...

Also, please read the last little bit of my huge tl;dr up above.

Yeah...I just read your huge post and tbh don't have time to parse through it right now with a response. I have a final tomorrow and a coding assignment due tomorrow that isn't done. I'll try to get to it...but yeah.
ok but can you tell me why only now have you decided celever is a good lynch considering your strategy of ignoring him until this point (i still feel it seems awfully convenient it's now you decide to look at him. huh?)

Stop. Fucking. Asking. Me. Questions. I. Have. Already. Answered.


Read it.

are you really "afraid" to vote me because of me being a bad player? if i am mafia (which really, why can't i be?) aren't you just screwing yourself and the village over? i don't get it[/quote]

Are you really lazy enough to not read that post I made? If Celever is mafia (which really, why can't he be?) aren't you just screwing yourself and the village over? I don't get it.
LMAO von, be serious. Respond to it properly. Other people reading the post who really don't have any need to read the whole thing can just read the bolded parts and the bits around it.

Also it amuses me how you say your post worked on the same "only read the bold parts" system. At least 85% of your paragraphs were bolded, I'm sure, probably 90%. I pointed out key terms, you know, like you're meant to do in tl;drs. You just bolded basically the whole post and said "LOOK I'M MAKING IT EASY FOR YOU!"
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