Tournament SPLC week 5

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failed abortion
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apparently i forgot to say week last time LOL also blarajan you suck im just using your roster from last week

Happy Hoppips v Tynamo's Dynamos
DPP: TheFenderStory v Kumiho
BW2: The Master of LC v the Quasar
Tangma: Aerow v Cheek Pouch
ORAS 1: The Avalanches v Starmaster
ORAS 2: Corporal Levi v Tazz
ORAS 3: Sken v Brazilian Army

Les Charpenti Terribles v Cottonee Crusaders
DPP: QuoteCS v Innovamania
BW2: Litchi v The Unlucky One
Tangma: Fiend Hound v Goddess Briyella
ORAS 1: Melonz v eren yaegar
ORAS 2: Tricking v Asterya
ORAS 3: cxinlee v boo###

Riolu Renegades
v Aipom Army
dp: Atomicllamas v rowan
bw: KratosMana v ZoroarkForever
tanga: Apt-get v absdaddy
Oras 1: Galbia v Celsius
Oras 2: -tsunami- v D4RR3N
Oras 3: Heysup v Obvious Power

Snivy Subterfuge v e MutTeenagant Ninja Tirtougas
dp: little gk v macle
bw: vileman v Artemisa
tangma: praj.pran v FLCL
oras1: mambo v imanalt
oras2: fatty v Fitzy72
oras3: yagura v Sweep
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realized i forgot to post this earlier, im dubm
also now you nerds cant hate because im actually on a team lmfao

Disclaimer: I am well aware that some users here dislike these predictions. However, some people have told me that they really enjoy reading these, to the point that they discuss their favorite predictions each week. I will, therefore, continue to make these posts.
That having been said, I will do my best to avoid overtly making sexual references and will refrain from commenting on the state of the phallus, testes, or other genitalia of users. I am doing this not because I myself do not find this aforementioned humor, but due to the reaction by some users to a previous list of predictions. I apologize for not handling the situation to the best of my ability. However, I have done my best to keep this list of predictions from offending users, but that is as far as I will go, because I feel that going any further will compromise the integrity of the humor. I remind users who may be offended by this post that any content they find insulting, be it directly or indirectly, that I personally do not mean to offend them, but rather to be humorous. I do not anyone to be offended by this post, and would like everyone to keep humor in mind while they read this post.

Happy Hoppips v Tynamo's Dynamos
DPP: TheFenderStory v Kumiho - you cant spell fender without nerd
BW2: The Master of LC v the Quasar - apparently one of my alts has become sentient???
Tangma: Aerow v Cheek Pouch - aerow i will change this to predicting you to win if you send me a selfie with a wiking hat yn
ORAS 1: The Avalanches v Starmaster - starmaster will get lucke like he always does
ORAS 2: Corporal Levi v Tazz - foongus is literally gonorrhea rotten marshmallow aids
ORAS 3: Sken v Brazilian Army - brazzers army ftw yn

Les Charpenti Terribles v Cottonee Crusaders
DPP: QuoteCS v Innovamania - quotecs is a beard cheater
BW2: Litchi v The Unlucky One - seriously, naming yourself "the unlucky one" is kinda just asking to get haxed. js.
Tangma: Fiend Hound v Goddess Briyella - fiend hound is edgy and cool name
ORAS 1: Melonz v Hawkstar - im not black sorry melon
ORAS 2: Tricking v Asterya - mfw hes still present tense
ORAS 3: cxinlee v Sparkychild - sparkyparent might need to help

Riolu Renegades v Aipom Army
dp: Atomicllamas v rowan - rowan the aa boat to wictory
bw: KratosMana v ZoroarkForever - z is a fun letter
tanga: Apt-get v Amaura - apt-rekt yn
Oras 1: Galbia v Celsius - isnt a galbia that dangly thing in the back of your mouth?
Oras 2: -tsunami- v D4RR3N - you cant spell d4rr3n without n3rd
Oras 3: Heysup v Obvious Power - hay is for horses

Snivy Subterfuge v Teenage Mutant Ninja Tirtougas
dp: little gk v Vermillion Project - rip underscore ;;
bw: vileman v Artemisa - arte isnt a hater
tangma: praj.pran v FLCL - ditto is cool
oras1: mambo v Calloflochie - is a mambo like an african tribal instrument? bc thats actually what i think of when i see mambo, js
oras2: fatty v Fitzy72 - :heart:I AM A PROUD AMERICAN:heart:
oras3: yagura v Sweep - sweep sweeps yn
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