-PokéStop!- | Trustworthy Cloning, Cool Breedables, Shinies & Legends | Update 1/27

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I can do that for you, as long as you dont need like 20 clones of each
3-4 copies is fine. What i want cloned is a shiny 5v Charizard, a shiny 6v Lopunny, a shiny 5v Swablu, a shiny 5v Piplup, a shiny 5v Helioptile, and a 6v event piplup. I also have a shiny 6v Rayquaza, but i don't know if its legit, so i don't want it cloned yet. Anyways, I'm online now for a few hours.
3-4 copies is fine. What i want cloned is a shiny 5v Charizard, a shiny 6v Lopunny, a shiny 5v Swablu, a shiny 5v Piplup, a shiny 5v Helioptile, and a 6v event piplup. I also have a shiny 6v Rayquaza, but i don't know if its legit, so i don't want it cloned yet. Anyways, I'm online now for a few hours.
Okay, I'll request a trade here soon
Ok, Quello, what do you want for the dratini? Do you expect shinies, or just competitive pokemon in general? 'Cause I have my sights set on that dratini.
Ok, Quello, what do you want for the dratini? Do you expect shinies, or just competitive pokemon in general? 'Cause I have my sights set on that dratini.
I suppose it wouldnt hurt to offer some good non competitive pokemon. say 3 of them for the dratini. just shoot me an offer.
I suppose it wouldnt hurt to offer some good non competitive pokemon. say 3 of them for the dratini. just shoot me an offer.
Hmm... If that wasn't a typo and you honestly mean non competitive pokemon, I'm not sure what you mean. If however, that was a typo and you just meant non shinies, then That makes more sense. I have a HA clefairy(magic guard) that you could breed, as well as a shiny phanpy that I literally just hatched (not sure about its iv's though.). As for a third offer, I have an adamant huge power 3iv azurill (comes with a macho brace!). So...yeah! Hope you trade at some point.
Hmm... If that wasn't a typo and you honestly mean non competitive pokemon, I'm not sure what you mean. If however, that was a typo and you just meant non shinies, then That makes more sense. I have a HA clefairy(magic guard) that you could breed, as well as a shiny phanpy that I literally just hatched (not sure about its iv's though.). As for a third offer, I have an adamant huge power 3iv azurill. So...yeah! Hope you trade at some point.
i meant to put non shiny competitive my bad
...oh. Hmm....well, I just got two shinies, but I'm debating parting with them. One is a 6iv shiny ampharos, and the other is a 6iv shiny mew. I'm really only offering one because they're pretty equal to the dratini in my eyes. The ampharos has docile nature (yeah, I know, neutral, but at least it doesn't hinder amphy.). Mew has a sassy nature, which could be good if you use for bulk. Let me know if these interest you.
...oh. Hmm....well, I just got two shinies, but I'm debating parting with them. One is a 6iv shiny ampharos, and the other is a 6iv shiny mew. I'm really only offering one because they're pretty equal to the dratini in my eyes. The ampharos has docile nature (yeah, I know, neutral, but at least it doesn't hinder amphy.). Mew has a sassy nature, which could be good if you use for bulk. Let me know if these interest you.
Well theres a good chance mew isnt legit, and i have a shiny mareep already
So...no? Ok, then, thanks for um...showing it?I guess? JK, sorry I couldn't offer anything you liked (just FYI, though, the mew is from faraway island). Also, not to sound sassy(although almost all of my pokemon are ;)), but even if the mew wasn't legit (which it is), you're using an action replay anyway XD.

I have a quiet analytic magnemite (perfect iv's where the stats matter) that I could give you. I just really want that dratini!
31/xx/31/31/31/xx (speed doesn't matter because of analytic)

EDIT: so I'm assuming since you haven't answered that you aren't interested in my pokemanz. Is there anything specific that you want that I might have?

DOUBLE-EDIT: ok, I have a dratini now, so don't answer my previous question.
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