XY UU Beta Discussion (Read post #32)

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With banning <13 powerhouses, somebody stated that stall is getting revived. Which most likely will mean that stall kings like mega aggron, umbreon, florges and entry hazard setters like cofagrigus, chesnaught, roserade finally can DO something well in the UU tier!

Something like this...

Aggron @ aggronite
Ability: Sturdy--> Filter(after MEvo)
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
-Stealth Rock
- Dragon Tail
-Heavy Slam/ Rest
- Earthquake/ Sleep talk/ Toxic

(If u have a cleric like florges and unbreon than resttalk isn't needed)

U can also pair this with roserade to form a core or with cofagrigus to layout toxic spikes
roflmaoo people grouping together to ban the stuff that kills stall and now even charizard is out of UU, I guess zard is a bigger threat to UU than regular gengar is to OU lmfao this is amazing the tiers have gone to complete shit and all these stall goofs are running rampant smh r.i.p FUN metagames hopefully gen 6 RU and NU will save us.
Yeah it is difficult to say at this point where Diancie would fall but definitely its typing is quite good, and chances are it will be a good way around the rising popularity of Char-X/Y. Regardless rock is quite helpful because of the threat of flying/fire types, UU isn't a stranger to this even last gen especially with fire, as of late which really have gotten a new lease on life thanks to defog mechanics helping to mitigate their problems with SR.

no 4x weak to steel nd 2x weak to EQ i dont know if it has levitate haven't read that much up on it having 150 defs on both side does make it stalls best new friend however a base 50 HP and 4x weakness to steel wont help it however I don't know which steel types are even UU they babies cried and got bisharp banned so eh
no 4x weak to steel nd 2x weak to EQ i dont know if it has levitate haven't read that much up on it having 150 defs on both side does make it stalls best new friend however a base 50 HP and 4x weakness to steel wont help it however I don't know which steel types are even UU they babies cried and got bisharp banned so eh

Maybe you shoukd play uu and youll get a better feel of the meta?

As for bisharp, did you play when he was running rampant? If you paired him with deoxys and hazards, it was almost impossible to stop. Defog made things worse with defiant. You want to rapid spin okay, bisharp just set up a swords dance. With the buff to dark moves, it literally had one surefire safe switch in cobalion. No it was a good thing he was bumped up to ou (not banned).

But these recent bans definitely left a gap that needs to be filled.

kokoloko , do you think we would be able to only ban 1 or 2 things at most per vote of thr uu council? Banning those 2 mega stones in shot is fine, but add in weavile, diggersby and weavile and some big changes are in store now. Idk i was thinking maybe a period to adjust to the new bans would be a good idea...
I really don't see what's wrong with banning multiple things at once - it's not like they're gone for ever and if anything it just means the official tier and the actual, you know, suspect tests can begin that much sooner. I for one am quite impressed at how quickly we've reached a balanced and diverse tier, compared to the months it took last gen. UU ended up being the most fun tier for me but those first few rounds were definitely not ideal.
I guess I'm just stating obvious facts lol but really keep in mind UU only started a couple of months ago, and in around two weeks we'll already be able to start suspect testing in a balanced and fun metagame... I would say that's worth a couple of questionable bans.
Weavile isnt that serious to be banned just stalln00bs over re acting, honestly Bisharp was good it shut down mew and florges and delt with umbreon youre just happy its gon so you can run that core and stall everyone for 500000000000000 turns its okay admit it

Optimal Titan (Aggron) @ Aggronite
Ability: Sturdy

sturdy is the best option by far , useful in various but rare situations

EVs: 252 HP / 228 Atk / 28 SDef
Adamant Nature

i ran a few calcs and it seems that extra def investment doesn't change much , so i go for attack investment , a little sdef investment is what i usually go for as it allows it to take special hits much easier.

- Avalanche
avalanche it what people should run more on it , i know it might look kinda gimmicky to you and such but it totally works on him , it gets staff killed things like gligar, zygarde ,flygon, and many other mons that aggron can stand against for a few turns but cant get enough damage fast enough to knock them out

- Heavy Slam
heavy slam unloads massive amounts of damage , note that this guy weights more in its mega evolution so iron head is vastly inferior option over heavy slam , its only the pokemon heavier than 130 kg that take more from iron head than heavy slam while there are not many of those poks around many of them like rhyperior and aggron are hit by earthquake for a decent damage

- Earthquake
earthquake is a must for every offensive steel type really , along with heavy slam and avalanche they create a trio of moves that hit a big portion of the tier of SE damage while other than rotoms there is probably nothing that is not hit naturally by them, (correct me if im wrong )

- Stealth Rock

stealth rock is an amazing move for this guy to run definitely the best support move , aggron can hit every defogger on the switch for big damage also making him one of the best stealth rockers in the tier

this aggron is pretty much a really good tank (if not the best tank of all times) that it works really good against/in most hyper offensive teams as it capable to both providing reliable sr and beating 90% of the offensive threats in the meta in one to one.

top offensive threats that this guy beats in one to one :

other than some fire type wall breakers and some rare semi offensive waters

amount of top defensive pokemon that it can set up rocks against :


it can take a hit by every single one or it hits them hard enough to force them out

some really cool calcs against the top offensive threats in the meta

against band victini:
252 Atk Choice Band Victini V-create vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Filter Mega Aggron: 262-310
(76.1 - 90.1%)

228+ Atk Mega Aggron Earthquake vs. -1 0 HP / 0 Def Victini: 374-442
(109.6 - 129.6%)

Against band heracross :

252+ Atk Choice Band Heracross Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Filter Mega Aggron: 225-265 (65.4 - 77%)

228+ Atk Mega Aggron Heavy Slam (120 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Heracross: 285-336 (94.6 - 111.6%)

LO mienshao

252 Atk Life Orb Mienshao High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Filter Mega Aggron: 193-228 (56.1 - 66.2%)

The fact that extra defensive investment doesn't change much :
252+ Atk Scrafty Drain Punch vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Filter Mega Aggron: 67-81 (19.4 - 23.5%)


252+ Atk Scrafty Drain Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Filter Mega Aggron: 76-90 (22 - 26.1%)

While the difference that those evs make when used in attack usually exceeds 10% in damage rolls over 50%
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I really don't see what's wrong with banning multiple things at once - it's not like they're gone for ever and if anything it just means the official tier and the actual, you know, suspect tests can begin that much sooner. I for one am quite impressed at how quickly we've reached a balanced and diverse tier, compared to the months it took last gen. UU ended up being the most fun tier for me but those first few rounds were definitely not ideal.
I guess I'm just stating obvious facts lol but really keep in mind UU only started a couple of months ago, and in around two weeks we'll already be able to start suspect testing in a balanced and fun metagame... I would say that's worth a couple of questionable bans.

Please explain how this tier is banned with ANYTHING that's an offensive threat is getting banned swiftly without a second thought, wait never mind you''re one of those stall kids too probably cos I don't know how wevile is so ban worthy if everyone keeps talking about florges and Aggron and those 2 pokes stop weavile in an instance and weviles LO poison jab wont even OHKO florges letting her OHKO with a moon blast and if it IS running poison jab it loses coverage lol how about we ban Chansey, I bet no one here even wants to HEAR that lmfao but yea its so balenced
Please explain how this tier is banned with ANYTHING that's an offensive threat is getting banned swiftly without a second thought, wait never mind you''re one of those stall kids too probably cos I don't know how wevile is so ban worthy if everyone keeps talking about florges and Aggron and those 2 pokes stop weavile in an instance and weviles LO poison jab wont even OHKO florges letting her OHKO with a moon blast and if it IS running poison jab it loses coverage lol how about we ban Chansey, I bet no one here even wants to HEAR that lmfao but yea its so balenced
Dude you're shitting this whole thread up with your unelaborated opinions. Here's why you should reconsider everything you're writing up here or just shut your mouth:

1. The banning system is supposed to be lenient here because everything banned right now will be retested to see if they truly are too much for the meta. It's been said many times before and if you would've taken the time to read through the thread you might've noticed.
2. You make no actual arguments anywhere, please refrain from posting when everything you're saying is "1000000000000000 TURN STALL IS ONLY THING IN UU NOW OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???!!!"
3. You're obviously buttmad @ stall. If you wanna cry about how you can't win vs a certain playstyle do it in the Showdown Lobby or somewhere else, not here.
And the tiers wouldn't have to be reset if they got it right the first time honestly, the tiers are being made and crafted by idiots that reach specs or w.e its called to vote on a poke being banned, they all play stall basicall everything banned is literally an offensive thret, nothing defensive has been banned I don't NEED to make arguments weavile isnt broken and thats that
omg goof stop posting

or at least stop double posting

at least you weren't around during that one year when deoxys-d was legal in BW UU and the entire tier ended up being mucked up with spikes spikes and more spikes (also yeah blastoise sucked back then)

speaking of deoxys-d there's your one defensive threat being banned lol

its not that you aren't allowed to express your opinion in here but at least don't sound like a 7 year old kid in the process

also yeah we still have offensive threats. roserade, zygarde, kyurem, noivern, braviary, blastoise, mienshao etc all apparently don't exist in your head

Grey Knight: I often find myself preferring Roar to Avalanche. Maybe that's also a viable option? Screwing over set up users is pretty cool, too.
I'm just saying that this whole tier has gone to stall all of those "offensive" threats are literally shuut down by megga aggron alone so eh thats just lolz
Yeah I bet every single offensive threat in the entire meta is shut down by something with 70/80 special bulk and no form of recovery outside of possibly RestTalk. Seriously, think before you say something.
no 4x weak to steel nd 2x weak to EQ i dont know if it has levitate haven't read that much up on it having 150 defs on both side does make it stalls best new friend however a base 50 HP and 4x weakness to steel wont help it however I don't know which steel types are even UU they babies cried and got bisharp banned so eh

If Diancie really has the stats we think it will have (50/100/150/100/150/50 rock/fairy) it would be really good against bird spam teams, being able to counter Talonflame (better than T-tar, since U-turn will do nothing,) Staraptor, and Mega Pinsir (with Balloon.) It could also counter X-zard and check Y-zard. As long as it has reliable recovery it could be amazing. 4x weakness to steel sucks but it's not that common an attack type.

Oh and PLEASE STOP POSTING. You're shitting up the thread.
Mega Absol has base 150 Attack, Swords Dance, and it isn't affected by the moves most commonly used by stall teams (i.e. status moves like WoW and Toxic and phazing).
(Normal) Medicham has better Attack and Speed than Diggersby.

Just sayin'.

By the way, GoofiousMaximus, do you even know what stall means? From your posts you seem to assume that every team that isn't hyper offensive is playing stall.
I'm just saying that this whole tier has gone to stall all of those "offensive" threats are literally shuut down by megga aggron alone so eh thats just lolz
I don't really think you understand why things get banned or this tier's banning process. a while ago in the era of dppt, a few of the top players got together and discussed what makes a pokemon uber-worthy (or ban worthy w/e). they basically decided that if it can sweep or KO a large majority (like 75%+ maybe) of the tier with little to no support (offensive characteristic), if it could wall a large majority of the tier with little to no support (defensive characteristic), or if it could support it's team in some way (usually hazards) with very few things that could stop it (support characteristic, frosslass was banned from uu for this reason). if a pokemon fit one of these criteria, it would at least be suspect-worthy. of course there are other reasons, but all those offensive pokemon that you complain about getting banned, were banned because they simply destroyed most of the tier. keeping them in a tier because they check something is unhealthy for a metagame. you may say that all this is just to make stall viable and blah blah, but the fact is that offense will still be popular, even in a balanced metagame, simply because most people prefer offense, and it is arguably easier to use. the idea is that if people want to run stall, they can, and they won't be completely obliterated by some huge offensive threat like kyube.

obviously you don't know much about this tier, because if you did, you would know that once uu is official, things that were once deemed broken will go through suspect tests to see if they can come back into the the tier. this will happen to stuff that seems least broken first, so this means you can have stuff like Weavile back into the tier
So, is it me or are there literally no more good offensive fairy-types in the tier? So much for HO not worrying about dragons anymore...

However, I can now finally test Mega Manectric since the best mega ha sbeen banned finally, Gardevoir. I also find it odd how we've banned all these major offensive threats, yet we haven't even suspect tested Chansey yet, which is probably more broken than anything, besides the two megas, that was banned this time around.

When UU begins retesting these bans I'll be happy, cuz right now UU is just... Actually worse than OU for once...

EDIT: Sergeant Spooky I was actually thinking of that, but it cannot switch into Hydreigon as easily as MegaGarde could. I also don't like using Scarfers that can't U-turn, unless its name is Kelpeo, cuz it 2HKOs everything regardless.
So, is it me or are there literally no more good offensive fairy-types in the tier? So much for HO not worrying about dragons anymore...

However, I can now finally test Mega Manectric since the best mega ha sbeen banned finally, Gardevoir. I also find it odd how we've banned all these major offensive threats, yet we haven't even suspect tested Chansey yet, which is probably more broken than anything, besides the two megas, that was banned this time around.

Scarfed Gardevoir is still pretty good. Only its mega was banned.

It can also use Trick to screw over walls like Chansey.
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