Ryusei Breeding Co! NEED A SHINY UNCLONED VULPIX and some RNG Eevees!

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Hey there Ryusei ! Any interest you for your unburdan treecko?
- Modest Deino with the pokebank move Earthpower

- Jolly Skill link mincinoo

- Rhydon with fire fang, thunder fang, curse

- Tentacool with rapid spin and haze (in a dream ball - I can breed for the pokebank HA rain dish if you want but liquid ooze is better in the current meta)

- Modest rotom

- Adamant beldum, magemite

- Timid/jolly riolu with either vacuum wave or crunch/bullet punch

- Male/female hustle nidoran

- Hasty Houndour with fire fang, desinty bond, counter, thunderfang

I can breed other stuff but this is all i have in stock (all are flawless 5iv)
Hi! if we work something out, you'd be the first recipient of the chinese new year ponyta!
would you consider either deino + mincinoo or tentacool + mincinoo for a male one or deino + tentacool + mincinoo for a female?
i would prefer to be able to get all 3. please let me know. thanks!
Hi! if we work something out, you'd be the first recipient of the chinese new year ponyta!
would you consider either deino + mincinoo or tentacool + mincinoo for a male one or deino + tentacool + mincinoo for a female?
i would prefer to be able to get all 3. please let me know. thanks!
Are u still looking for a genesect cmt for it.
Hi! if we work something out, you'd be the first recipient of the chinese new year ponyta!
would you consider either deino + mincinoo or tentacool + mincinoo for a male one or deino + tentacool + mincinoo for a female?
i would prefer to be able to get all 3. please let me know. thanks!
Yea sure =D i can do all 3 for a female then need to get rid of my stock
are any of your shinies not cloned?

zero. im not trading legit shinies for a clone.

cool let me get my stuff together. its spread throughout my english and japanese games.
I think your shiny aegis lash is a clone also cuz I have the same one , also female and brave nature, same set
No... But I wouldn't trade a shiny for a non shiny/legendary
cool, tepig then?
Sweet =D but idk your fc and ign D=
almost done almost done 4527 7700 4764 リュウセイ
I think your shiny aegis lash is a clone also cuz I have the same one , also female and brave nature, same set
o, thanks for letting me know. whats the sp def iv on yours? if it matches then it might be a clone and ill take it down.
cool, tepig then?

almost done almost done 4527 7700 4764 リュウセイ

o, thanks for letting me know. whats the sp def iv on yours? if it matches then it might be a clone and ill take it down.
OT is Kevin , otherwise my bad haha
Hi! I love the idea of a Ponyta giveaway, that's very generous :) I was wondering if you have any available for trade by themselves (as opposed to giving them away in conjunction with another trade)
If you do, I'd absolutely love a female one! See anything in my thread you like?
Hey, mind checking my thread again for the following? Males are preferable, so that I can Masuda method.

Charmander (Japanese)
31 / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Egg Moves: Dragon Pulse

Gastly (Japanese)
31 / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Egg Moves: Disable
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