Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 31 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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What I want:
BP Items (esp power items to start EV training: don't need anklets)
Calm Natural Cure AromaToss Chansey
Jolly/Adamant Technician Shroomish
Jolly/Adamant Skill Link Shellder w/ Rock Blast

Impish Sturdy Phanpy with ice shard
Relaxed Ferroseed with stealth rock, spikes, leech seed and 0 speed
Impish Hippopotas with slack off and whirlwind
Adamant Riolu with crunch and bullet punch
Brave Honedge with 0 speed
Any other spitbacks of competitive pokemon
3+ IV Dittos
Cool/Interesting Shinies
Lucky Eggs
Zapdos and Articuno
Mewtwonite X
Feel free to leave any offers

What I have:
Perfect 5 IV pokemon:
Timid Levitate Ghastly w/ Disable (31/x/31/31/31/31)
Timid Flame Body Larvest (31/x/31/31/31/31)
Timid Compound Eyes Joltik w/ Disable (31/x/31/31/31/31)
Adamant Scrappy Kangaskhan w/ Double Edge (31/31/31/x/31/31)
Adamant Huge Power Marill w/ Aqua Jet, Superpower and Belly Drum (31/31/31/x/31/31) (it's level 15 but you can heartscale the egg moves back onto it)
5 IV Spitbacks:
Jolly Sand Veil Gible w/ Outrage
Timid Protean Froakie
Bold Prankster Sableye w/ Recover
Modest Serene Grace Togepi w/ Nasty Plot
Timid Compound Eyes Joltik w/ Disable
Adamant Moxie Pinsir w/ Quick Attach and Close Combat
Adamant Scrappy Kangaskhan w/ Double Edge
Adamant Sand Rush Drilbur
Jolly Guts Larvitar w/ Outrage, Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock and Pursuit
4 IV Spitbacks:
Adamant Intimidate Mawile
Jolly Sand Veil/Rough Skin Gible w/ Outrage
Adamant Sand Rush Drilbur
Bold Prankster Sableye w/ Recover
Timid Magic Guard Abra
Impish Immunity Gligar
Modest Serene Grace Togepi w/ Nasty Plot
Modest Gooey/Hydration Goomy
Timid Flame Body Larvesta
Adamant Technician Scyther
Timid Adaptability Eevee w/ Yawn and Wish
Timid Protean Froakie
Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
Impish Natural Cure Phantump
Adamant Scrappy Kangaskhan w/ Double Edge
Timid Compound Eyes Joltik w/ Disable
Adamant Sheer Force Bagon
Adamant Hyper Cutter Pinsir w/ Quick Attack and Close Combat
What I can breed upon request (only breeding for other spitbacks, too much work for BP items)
Modest Mega Launcher Clauncher
Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini
Jolly Infilltrator Zubat w/ Brave Bird
Modest Torrent Squirtle w/ Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere
Impish Sturdy Skarmory w/ Whirlwind and Brave Bird
Adamant Mold Breaker Axew
Jolly/Timid Blaze Charmander w/ Dragon Dance and Outrage
Adamant Rattled Magikarp
Jolly Thick Fat Swinub w/ Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash
Jolly Flash Fire Growlithe w/ Close Combat, Morning Sun and Flare Blitz
Timid Infilltrator Noibat
Adamant Speed Boost Venipede w/ Spikes and Toxic Spikes
Timid Drought Vulpix

If there's anything that I have that interest you, feel free to send me an offer via PM - it never hurts to ask!
Got a box full of 4IV Belly Drum + Aqua Jet Adamant Marills for trade. Most have perfect HP, Atk, and Spe. The last IV is either in Def or SpDef.

Also offering 3-4 IV Rough Skin/Sand Veil Naive Gibles and 3 IV Leech Seed + Spikes Relaxed Ferroseeds.

I have one 4 IV Naughty Justified Play Rough Absol for trade. I'd like something kinda nice for this, since it's the only one right now.

Looking for 3-4 IV Timid Noibats (with Switcheroo would be cool), 3-4 IV Dittos, Choice Specs, Choice Band, Life Orb, or whatever else cool stuff you want to offer.

Happy to take spitbacks and/or trade more than one of my Pokes for yours.
I have a box of Larvitar babies waiting to be hatched shiny. The bolded green one is the one I want hatched the most. I can reward you with either of the other bolded ones or any others for helping out. Can anyone help me with these?

Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\23\31 [2333]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\30\31 [1221]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\31\25 [3481]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 14\31\31\18\31\31 [1832]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 15\31\31\18\31\31 [3032]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\15\18\31\31 [2618]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\14\31 [559]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\22\31\18\31\31 [908]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\21\18\31\31 [2817]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 18\31\31\18\31\31 [3906]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 29\31\23\18\31\31 [3063]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\27\18\31\31 [1171]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\18\18\31\31 [284]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\17\18\31\31 [2838]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\31\18 [3694]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\10\31\31 [2583] Hatched
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\25\31 [3172]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\31\14 [2186]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\20\18\31\31 [3028]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\31\26 [631]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\14\31\31 [619]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\22\31 [1087]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\12\31\18\31\31 [1901]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\18\31\2 [3855]
Larvitar (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\21\18\31\31 [2527]
Larvitar (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\6\31\31 [1365]
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So I have like 10 Timid Male 5 IV Riolus I don't really need in my quest for a female, they don't have egg moves though. So I figure they're not as valuable considering how frequently egg move ones pop up in trade threads, but yeah if anyone's interested I guess. Not really picky on return in terms of specific Pokes, don't need Drillbur, Growlithe, or Magikarp though.
I need swinub spitbacks with egg moves preferably. I have bold rotom 31/x/31/31/31/x and other spit backs to offer.

hybreezy i'll give a impish bulletproof chespin 31/31/31/x/31/x with spikes, synthesis, curse for one?
So I have like 10 Timid Male 5 IV Riolus I don't really need in my quest for a female, they don't have egg moves though. So I figure they're not as valuable considering how frequently egg move ones pop up in trade threads, but yeah if anyone's interested I guess. Not really picky on return in terms of specific Pokes, don't need Drillbur, Growlithe, or Magikarp though.

I'd like one of those Riolu's I've got some spitback charmanders that are Naive 31/31/31/31/xx/31 with Dragon dance and Outrage.

And for everybody else I'd like pokerus but i haven't got much to offer.

My 3ds FC: 1993-8161-6611
It's time for another update! I have the following Pokémon available for trade for anyone interested:
  • a female 3 IV Jolly Tyrunt with Poison Fang
  • five 3 IV Jolly Tyrunts with DD/Poison Fang (x2 female, x4 male)
  • six 3 IV Jolly Tyrunts with DD/Poison Fang/Fire Fang (all male)
  • three male 4 IV Jolly Tyrunts with DD/Poison Fang/Fire Fang
  • a male 3 IV Brave Honedge @ Luxury Ball
  • two male 4 IV Brave Honedges @ Luxury Ball
  • a male 31/31/x/31/31/0 Brave Honedge @ Luxury Ball
  • two female (modern pattern) 3 IV Timid Scatterbug with Compound Eyes @ Premier Ball
  • four (modern pattern) 4 IV Timid Scatterbug with Compound Eyes @ Premier Ball (x3 female, x1 male)
  • a male (modern pattern) 5 IV Timid Scatterbug with Shield Dust @ Premier Ball (excellent partner for breeding Pokémon from the bug egg group!)
  • a female (modern pattern) 5 IV Timid Scatterbug with Compound Eyes @ Premier Ball
  • two 4 IV Timid Protean Froakies (x1 female, x1 male)
  • a male 4 IV Hasty Protean Froakie
  • eight 4 IV Hasty Protean Froakies with Toxic Spikes @ Net Ball (all male)
  • a male 5 IV Hasty Torrent Froakies with Toxic Spikes @ Net Ball (excellent partner for breeding Pokémon from the water 1 egg group!)
  • two male 5 IV Hasty Protean Froakies with Toxic Spikes @ Net Ball
I'm looking for a female 3-5 IV Klefki @ Luxury/Heal/Premier Ball, a 3-5 IV No Guard Golett, a female 3-5 IV Magician Fennekin @ Premier/Repeat Ball, a 3-5 IV Symbiosis Flabébé @ Heal/Premier Ball, Battle Maison items, female Pokémon with 3-5 perfect IVs and a unique PokéBall, most Pokémon with their Hidden Abilities (especially female Kanto starters), and other Pokémon (preferably from Gen VI) with 3-5 perfect IVs. Send me a PM if you're interested! :)
I have a 6 IV Naive Torrent Male Frokie with for trade and I'm looking for 3+ IV Dittos, Preferably with HP or Speed.
Looking for a 3iv+ Drillbur (mold breaker adamant), willing to give adamant 5 ivs fletchling (even though its Big peck, its good for breeding) and 5 ivs adamant scyther (same, even though its Swarm, its good for breeding too)
NOW OFFERING: Speedy, reliable EV training services. My fee is a similar IV pokemon of the one I am training OR items/pokemon wanted on my want list.

See my thread for more details or to place an order.
Looking for a 4-5 IV calm/sassy female gooey goomy.


Have a shiny 5 IV adamant gale wings fletchling up for trade.
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I want a male jolly rough skin gible with egg moves outrage and iron head. I would like the IVs to be 31/31/31/XX/31/31. Do you have what I am looking for?
Anyone have a timid synchronizer?

I have one but it's my only one.

I could breed another Timid Synchronize Ralts reasonably fast. I won't be available to do so until tomorrow though.

If you have an Everstone and any male or Ditto with a Timid nature that can breed with a Ralts or Abra with Synchronize that's helpful. You'll want a ton of Dittos anyways, if only for natures.
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