Counter that OU Pokemon! **DON'T REPEAT SETS!!!!**

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Abomasnow (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Snow Warning
EVs: 188 HP / 252 SAtk / 68 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Blizzard
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Grass Knot

Tentacruel (M) @ Life orb
Trait: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hydro pump
- Ice beam
- Sludge Bomb
- rapid spin

Sludge Bomb gets stab + super effective on abomasnow. Liquid Ooze will make him think twice before he decides to leech seed or giga drain his health.

Hydro Pump + rain + stab does decent damage with some politoed support.
Ice beam plows dragon/(ground or flying)
Sludge bomb gets decent neutral coverage
rapid spin supports the whole team by disappearing stealth rocks and spikes.

100 base speed out runs very little but it is still a good base speed to be at as it lets you outrun dragonite before boosts.
Tentacruel (M) @ Life orb
Trait: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hydro pump
- Ice beam
- Sludge Bomb
- rapid spin

Snorlax(M) @ Leftovers Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Att/188 SpD
Sassy Nature (+SpD, -Spe)
- Body Slam
- Brick Break
- Crunch
- Rest

Walls tentacruel with it's monstrous SpD, Hydro Pump does 19.5-22.9%, which is Tentacruels hardest hitting option. Body Slam is a guaranteed 2HKO doing a min of 50.2%, Crunch is for ghosts, Brick Break for air balloon deuches. If sludge bomb happens to poison, Snorlax can just rest and heal it's life/status.

This Snorlax is a perfect mix of offense and defense. Utilizing Snorlax's generous move pool, there is very little that likes switching in. When you combine this with it's Special tanking ability and body slams looming Paralysis chance it makes even the best switches chansey(see what I did thar).
@ Snorlax

Jellicent @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold nature
- Scald
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Recover

Jellicent is immune to Body Slam / Brick Break and with that spread, Snorlax's Crunch only does about 28% (which Jellicent can recover off). Jellicent can also Taunt Snorlax to prevent resting while also fishing for Scald burns
Jellicent @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold nature
- Scald
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Recover
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
~Calm Mind
~HP Ice

Munches on Jellicent for breakfast. Scald deals 23.68% - 28.04% so it isn't even able to break the sub all the time. Sub also blocks status if Jelly tries to Will-o-Wisp. Calm Mind then allows Raikou to set-up for a sweep. Calm Mind allows Raikou to OHKO Jellicent 100% of the time after a single boost (100.99% - 119.55%). HP Ice is to grant the awesome coverage of BoltBeam. Can literally come in on anything Jellicent throws at it with impunity and proceed to Set-up or 2HKO.
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
~Calm Mind
~HP Ice

Munches on Jellicent for breakfast. Scald deals 23.68% - 28.04% so it isn't even able to break the sub all the time. Sub also blocks status if Jelly tries to Will-o-Wisp. Calm Mind then allows Raikou to set-up for a sweep. Calm Mind allows Raikou to OHKO Jellicent 100% of the time after a single boost (100.99% - 119.55%). HP Ice is to grant the awesome coverage of BoltBeam. Can literally come in on anything Jellicent throws at it with impunity and proceed to Set-up or 2HKO.

Nevermind. I made a mistake. Sorry.

Calm Nature, 252HP/4Def/252SpD

Specially Defensive Quagsire stops Raikou cold, taking pitance from even a +6 HP Ice thanks to Unaware and whittling away with Earthquake. Yawn lets him force out or incapacitate his counters, letting him switch into Raikou as often as he needs to while Recovering off the damage. Scald is a nice secondary STAB, boasting super-effective coverage against pokemon like Gliscor and sporting a nifty burn chance. There is basically nothing that Sub CM Raikou can do to this set, and it will lose every time.

Calm Nature, 252HP/4Def/252SpD

Specially Defensive Quagsire stops Raikou cold, taking pitance from even a +6 HP Ice thanks to Unaware and whittling away with Earthquake. Yawn lets him force out or incapacitate his counters, letting him switch into Raikou as often as he needs to while Recovering off the damage. Scald is a nice secondary STAB, boasting super-effective coverage against pokemon like Gliscor and sporting a nifty burn chance. There is basically nothing that Sub CM Raikou can do to this set, and it will lose every time.


Blissey @Leftovers
Natural Cure
Bold - 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 Sp. Def

-Seismic Toss

Though it's kind of cheap, might as well bring Bliss into the mix here. An un-invested Earthquake only does 21.43 - 25.35%, which is nothing when Bliss can just Wish it off. Scald, naturally, does even less, and Blissey really doesn't care about the burn. In turn, Blissey can absolutely ruin this Quagsire with Toxic, and gradually bring it to it's knees. Finally, even if Bliss switches in on yawn, it can still toxic the next turn; while it will fall asleep, Natural Cure will heal it when it switches out, so it's of no consequence.

Blissey @Leftovers
Natural Cure
Bold - 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 Sp. Def

-Seismic Toss

Though it's kind of cheap, might as well bring Bliss into the mix here. An un-invested Earthquake only does 21.43 - 25.35%, which is nothing when Bliss can just Wish it off. Scald, naturally, does even less, and Blissey really doesn't care about the burn. In turn, Blissey can absolutely ruin this Quagsire with Toxic, and gradually bring it to it's knees. Finally, even if Bliss switches in on yawn, it can still toxic the next turn; while it will fall asleep, Natural Cure will heal it when it switches out, so it's of no consequence.


Toxicroak@Life Orb
Ability: Anticipation
Adamant Nature, 4HP/252Att/252Spe
Swords Dance
Drain Punch
Ice Punch
Sucker Punch

Toxicroak can come in for free on 3/4 of Blissey's moves and proceed to set up its Swords Dance. Even if Blissey predicts the switch and uses Seismic Toss, it's still only a 4HKO and Toxicroak can easily use Drain Punch on either Blissey or the opponent's switch-in to heal up any damage dealt, allowing it to come in to check the Pink Blob multiple times. The other moves provide optimal coverage so Toxicroak's free boosts don't go to waste, given the high likelihood that Blissey will switch out. If Blissey manages to pass off a Wish, Sucker Punch ensures the you can deal heavy damage to the recipient should they be faster, while Ice Punch maims many would-be counters such as Dragonite and Gliscor. While Anticipation doesn't have the potential usefulness of Dry Skin, it's also much more reliable and has no downsides (also, I wanted to stop people from going the easy route and posting Ninetales :P)
bronzong @Leftovers
252 hp 252 def 4 sp.def
-flash cannon
-stealth rock
-hp ground

Pretty straight forward.
This is able to come into a bunch of toxicroak's drain punches, and is able to recover with leftovers, and is able to OHKO toxicroak with stab psychic. Felt lik ebeing creative so no standard sets for me.
That toxicroak isn't even legal. Drain Punch is only available as a 5th gen egg move, and Ice Punch as a 4th gen move tutor.

I'd say that makes it a pretty bad counter.
bronzong @Leftovers
252 hp 252 def 4 sp.def
-flash cannon
-stealth rock
-hp ground

Pretty straight forward.
This is able to come into a bunch of toxicroak's drain punches, and is able to recover with leftovers, and is able to OHKO toxicroak with stab psychic. Felt lik ebeing creative so no standard sets for me.

I presume this is the next poke to counter despite the illegitimacy of the Toxicroak set.

Jirachi @ Leftovers Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
- Psyshock

Jirachi can come in on any move that bronzong throws at it, with hp ground only doing 20.79% - 24.75%, which is 5-6 hits to KO with leftovers, ( assuming one layer of spikes is on the field). Therefore Jirachi can proceed to set up a substitute on zong and start Calm Minding away. +3 Thunderbolt does 44.67% - 52.66% to Bronzong, while it just sits back and cannot do anything. Psychic and Flash Cannon are resisted, and with CM buffing it's special defensive Bronzong will not be able to touch it at all. Psyshock is there to win Cm wars, and to hit things like toxicroak and gastrodon. Thunderbolt is there to hit bulky waters and with Serence Grace there is a increased chance of paralysis.
Steelix @ leftovers
Nature: Sassy
Ability: sturdy
Evs: 252 hp/4 Atk/ 252 sp. def
-gyro ball
-smack down

Was going to use krookodile, but I don't want to reach into those depths yet. Even with multiple calm mind boosts, Jirachi isn't beating this. Curse prevents psyshock from doing anything to harm steelix' monstrous defense stat. Earthquake is practically mandatory. Knock down is for laziness since the things you'll want to hit with fire fang or thunder fang will usually be hit harder by earthquake anyway, save for...two pokemon.
Steelix @ leftovers
Nature: Sassy
Ability: sturdy
Evs: 252 hp/4 Atk/ 252 sp. def
-gyro ball
-smack down

Was going to use krookodile, but I don't want to reach into those depths yet. Even with multiple calm mind boosts, Jirachi isn't beating this. Curse prevents psyshock from doing anything to harm steelix' monstrous defense stat. Earthquake is practically mandatory. Knock down is for laziness since the things you'll want to hit with fire fang or thunder fang will usually be hit harder by earthquake anyway, save for...two pokemon.

Offensive DD Gyarados can counter easily


Gyarados @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EV's: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge

Steelix's attacks do: (the bracketed figure is at -1, the other at +0. It depends whether it has cursed or not)

Earthquake 34.7% - 41.1% (23% - 27.5%)
Smack Down 34.7% - 41.1% (23% - 27.5%)
Gyro Ball 19.3% - 23% (17.2% - 20.5%) (-1 Speed too)

Whereas Waterfall does 56.5% - 66.7%, a guaranteed 2HKO. I hardly need to state them but Gyarados has many uses outside of countering Steelix. It kills all sorts of things when it has a boost or two, aided by the Life Orb and Adamant nature.
Offensive DD Gyarados can counter easily


Gyarados @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EV's: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge

Steelix's attacks do: (the bracketed figure is at -1, the other at +0. It depends whether it has cursed or not)

Earthquake 34.7% - 41.1% (23% - 27.5%)
Smack Down 34.7% - 41.1% (23% - 27.5%)
Gyro Ball 19.3% - 23% (17.2% - 20.5%) (-1 Speed too)

Whereas Waterfall does 56.5% - 66.7%, a guaranteed 2HKO. I hardly need to state them but Gyarados has many uses outside of countering Steelix. It kills all sorts of things when it has a boost or two, aided by the Life Orb and Adamant nature.


Porygon2 @ Eviolite Trait: Trace
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Toxic

Porygon 2 effectively counters Gyarados, it traces Intimidate and this weakens Gyara. The bulk provided by eviolite means that Porygon 2 can tank any hits, and can retaliate back with Thunderbolt, which deals 87.01% - 102.72% to Gyara, with a 18.75% chance to OHKO. And it is a guaranteed OKHO with SR up. Outside of just countering Gyarados, this duck is useful against other physical pokemon. It can trace Dragonite's multiscale and fight back, it can trace users of flashfire such as Heatran and wall them, and it is a all round good pokemon. But a lack of lefties recovery, and low speed weakens it a lot. Discharge can be used in place of thunderbolt, for the extra parahax chance. Ice beam is to deal with dragons, while toxic allows Pory to beat walls while it recovers.​

Porygon2 @ Eviolite Trait: Trace
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Toxic

Porygon 2 effectively counters Gyarados, it traces Intimidate and this weakens Gyara. The bulk provided by eviolite means that Porygon 2 can tank any hits, and can retaliate back with Thunderbolt, which deals 87.01% - 102.72% to Gyara, with a 18.75% chance to OHKO. And it is a guaranteed OKHO with SR up. Outside of just countering Gyarados, this duck is useful against over physical attackers. It can trace Dragonite's multiscale and fight back, it can trace users of flashfire such as heatran and wall them, and it is a all round good pokemon. But a lack of lefties recovery, and low speed weakens it a lot. Discharge can be used in place of thunderbolt, for the extra parahax chance. Ice beam is to deal with dragons, while toxic allows Pory to beat walls while it recovers.


Latias @ Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
EV's: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Calm Mind
-Dragon Pulse

Porygon's attacks do very little (even Ice Beam), the damage is:

The bracketed figure is when Latias is at +1/+1

Ice Beam: 21.4% - 25.3% (14.3% - 17%)
Thunderbolt: 5.2% - 6.3% (3.6% - 4.1%)

Latias can switch in on anything, including Toxic thanks to Lum Berry. Then, after one Calm Mind, Latias can alternate between Substitute (to avoid Freeze hax and Poison), Calm Mind and Recover seeing that Ice Beam can't break Latias's subs when it's at +1/+1.

Dragon Pulse +0: 37.2% - 44.1%
Dragon Pulse +1: 55.6% - 65.8%
Dragon Pulse +2: 74.6% - 87.7%
Dragon Pulse +3: 93% - 100%
Dragon Pulse +4/5/6: 100%

So, all Latias needs is one Calm Mind and Porygon is toast.

This Latias is excellent, it has amazing bulk and almost never gets statused thanks to Lum ensuring it always gets that first all important sub. It also helps it act as an early status absorber. Once it has enough CM this thing can break through most things in OU, although Forretress and Ferrothorn can wall it if it doesn't have enough boosts.
I'm so hipster, I use Empoleon now that everyone thinks he's not cool

Empoleon (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Does not mind Dragon Pulse, ever. +1 Dragon Pulse caps out at 25%, while Ice Beam cleanly 2HKOes. Latias could recover stall for a bit, but Freeze hax would take care of that, or else, it slowly whittles Latias down (it deals 58%, Recover + lefties = 56%). Apart from that, this Empoleon is very much a powerhouse. The moves given give Empy perfect coverage, which, when added to a 525 special attack stat will make most walls cry. If you can predict correctly, you almost always take one poke out through a 2HKO, which Empy can do with its impressive bulk.

Apart from that, this exact Latias set was used last page ;)
I don't think relying on crits or freezes is a very good plan as far as countering goes. You might win the majority of the time (even this I doubt) but I think you can probably do better.

I'll edit in some calculations when I've finished them.

Edit: Ok so Latias needs +3 to prevent empoleon breaking its sub (at which point it wins, near-guaranteed, because it is immune to freezes and can take the odd crit). Therefore empoleon has 2-3 turns (one recover may be required) to get a crit for the OHKO (or two freezes, taking into account lum berry, but this is highly unlikely). Therefore Latias's chance of winning is around (1-0.0625)^3 = 82%. Call that 80% including the freeze chance.

ie you lose.

edit2'@pwnemon: what? I'm assuming that you use CM/Sub on the switch, then boost up to +3 (which you will survive), then recover once, sub and win.
that's only true if latias uses BOTH recover and calm mind every turn.

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD

takes pathetic damage from everything, with GK having a whole 60 BP. Can then pp stall through wish and protect, or get a lucky burn.

Birk-a-dit: I am not kidding about giving out infractions for posts that have terrible counters and are not presented fully. One sentence WILL NOT cut it.

The only reason I'm not deleting this post is so the flow of the topic is maintained. Thank you for your understanding.
43.6% - 51.4%

Grass Knot vs Vaporeon. You want to stall this out? One crit and Vaporeon falls. Time for more calcs (remembering that Vaporeon can't use Wish and Scald at the same time!)

We'll assume 47.5% damage per hit. I'm allowed to assume SR or Spikes.

Empoleon uses GK, vaporeon is reduced to 46%. 6.25% chance for crit OHKO.
Vaporeon protects up to 52.5%
Empoleon uses GK, vaporeon is reduced to 11% after leftovers. With high damage rolls Empoleon could KO. With a crit, Empoleon would KO. Vaporeon uses Wish.
Vaporeon protects up to 67.5%.

You probably get the idea. Empoleon gets 3-4 chances to get a crit and win for every one time Vappy gets to use scald and have a chance to burn (scald is a 6-7HKO btw - empo will start struggling before this happens). This means that Empoleon will win the majority of the time if it uses grass knot. (oh, and if you stall it out, vappy is completely crippled (out of wish/protect pp) and empoleon switches out fully functional, which in my view is a loss).

edit: does anyone else think this game is a bit too easy? I have an idea to make it more interesting: what if you had to counter the last two pokemon at once (perhaps not as strictly); it makes countering much harder, and introduces tactics to checkmate the next person at the same time. "Counter those Pokemon!"

edit2: After all that negativity, I feel I ought to contribute:

Venusaur @ Life Orb
4HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest nature
- Sunny Day
- Sleep Powder
- SolarBeam
- Hidden Power Fire

This is a pretty beastly sun sweeper, and an excellent counter to vaporeon. Can switch into scald taking relatively little damage (it doesn't like burns, but it still wins), and can switch into Vaporeon's other moves with impunity. It can put Vaporeon to sleep, and set up Sunny day, before doing massive damage with SolarBeam. Hidden Power Fire is the best available coverage move, boosted by sun. So in conclusion, this supports the team with sun, and is a fearsome sweeper. Dealing with Sleep, Weather and powerful attacks all at once may prove a little tricky!

edit3: Sorry lol. Not just ninja fast but ninja stealthy.
that's only true if latias uses BOTH recover and calm mind every turn.

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD

takes pathetic damage from everything, with GK having a whole 60 BP. Can then pp stall through wish and protect, or get a lucky burn.

Clefable@ Life orb
Magic Guard
Modest(+SpA -Att)
168 HP/104 SpA/176 SpD/60 Spe

~Calm Mind

Clefable doesn't care about starus or entry hazards so that rules out random scald burns and Toxic. Scald does 22.8-27.3% on the switch Clefable then proceeds to CM/Wish to +6. Here are all the pertinent calcs:

Scald vs +1 Clefable: 15.5-18.5%
Scald vs +2 Clefable: 11.5-13.9%

Thunderbolt vs Vaporeon: 43.2-51%
+1 Thunderbolt vs Vaporeon: 63.9-75.6%
+2 Thunderbolt vs Vaporeon: 85.5-101.1%

Clefable makes a great cm booster with immunity to weather, hazards and toxic and burn. Flamethrower and Tbolt hit nearly everything neutral(Ground/Rock and Ground/Water). Overall Clefable finds many pokemon it can set up on, and can serve as a special pivot as well.

Ninja'd by an edit of all things

Edit#2: Countering Venusaur

Sap Sipper
Careful(+SpD -SpA)
108 HP/148 Att/252 SpD

~Work Up
~Ice Punch
~Light Screen

First off would love to have Venusaur fire off a sleep powder, that +1 Att is welcomed. In all seriousness walls Venusaur like no other negating 2 of it's best moves. HP fire does 15.2-17.9% in Sun(didn't bother calc out of Sun). Light screen further reduces this and give Azumarill 4 turns of setup via leftovers negating HP fire damage. +1 Ice Punch does 45.8-54.5%.

Azumarill eliminates one of it's only weaknesses thanks to Sap Sipper and has decent defensive stats to pull off Work Up. Also can be used as a way to get an unexpected Light Screen towards the end of it's life. Ice Punch and Waterfall cover alot(Water absorb obviously walls). Overall can serve as a good special pivot, sleep powder/leech seed/spore absorber. Ferrothorn hates this thing with a passion :)

Edit3: IPhone changed Azumarill to adulation lol
Alright everyone, looks like things are going fairly smoothly finally here, with people self judging counters and doing so properly. I think we're doing good now.

So, I've decided to participate myself, by brining up something no one really expects anymore.

Electivire @ Expert Belt
Motor Drive
Jolly (+Spe -Atk)
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP

-Wild Charge
-Cross Chop
-Ice Punch

Counters the above Azumarill set so hard you can feel the shock through your keyboard. Wild Charge OHKOs no matter what, while Azumaril can do 35% maximum with Waterfall. +1 stats don't matter, since it'll be outsped easily and it doesn't boost defenses. Wild Charge isn't affected by Light Screen either. It will take a nasty hit from recoil, but it'll still be able to keep attacking despite it.

Outside of Azumaril, Electivire can still cause damage, especially since people have forgotten how to deal with him properly. With all the Volt-Switches flying around these days he has little trouble acquiring a Motor Drive boost and then hits pretty much everything hard with its tremendous coverage. Still, there's a reason why this guy has fallen so far so don't expect him to work slapped onto any old team.
Alright everyone, looks like things are going fairly smoothly finally here, with people self judging counters and doing so properly. I think we're doing good now.

So, I've decided to participate myself, by brining up something no one really expects anymore.

Electivire @ Expert Belt
Motor Drive
Jolly (+Spe -Atk)
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP

-Wild Charge
-Cross Chop
-Ice Punch

Counters the above Azumarill set so hard you can feel the shock through your keyboard. Wild Charge OHKOs no matter what, while Azumaril can do 35% maximum with Waterfall. +1 stats don't matter, since it'll be outsped easily and it doesn't boost defenses. Wild Charge isn't affected by Light Screen either. It will take a nasty hit from recoil, but it'll still be able to keep attacking despite it.

Outside of Azumaril, Electivire can still cause damage, especially since people have forgotten how to deal with him properly. With all the Volt-Switches flying around these days he has little trouble acquiring a Motor Drive boost and then hits pretty much everything hard with its tremendous coverage. Still, there's a reason why this guy has fallen so far so don't expect him to work slapped onto any old team.


Bronzong@Life Orb
Brave | 252 HP | 252 Atk | 4 Def
-Gyro Ball
-Trick Room
-Hidden Power Ice

Bronzong has fallen from glory, but (imo) it's still a wonderful pokemon. This offensive trick room set allows bronzong to OHKO electivire (252 Life Orb Bronzong Earthquake vs. Jolly Electivire : 304 - 358 104.5% - 123%) and proceed to put holes in the rest of the opponent's team with Trick Room and its abysmal speed. Zong remains bulky enough to not take too much damage from Evire's Wild Charge with this EV spread while maximizing power.

Bronzong@Life Orb
Brave | 252 HP | 252 Atk | 4 Def
-Gyro Ball
-Trick Room
-Hidden Power Ice

Bronzong has fallen from glory, but (imo) it's still a wonderful pokemon. This offensive trick room set allows bronzong to OHKO electivire (252 Life Orb Bronzong Earthquake vs. Jolly Electivire : 304 - 358 104.5% - 123%) and proceed to put holes in the rest of the opponent's team with Trick Room and its abysmal speed. Zong remains bulky enough to not take too much damage from Evire's Wild Charge with this EV spread while maximizing power.

That's a pretty lousy counter(albeit not the worst given e-vire hits like a truck), taking a min of 37%(meaning 74% min or 87% if you factor rocks and your own LO). Tangrowth, Hippowdon and Rhyperior about the only things that take less than 70% from 2 hits(the last two do so easily).

Anyways here is a counter to bronzong:

Rotom-H@ Leftovers
Bold(+Def -Att)
EVs: 252HP/64Def/144SpD/ Spe

~HP Grass

Rotom-H is immune to earthquake and resists HP Ice and Gyro Ball, while threatening with a SE Overheat. WoW cuts gyro balls power even further while Tbolt gives STAB, HP grass for gastrodon/Quagsire and other grounds. Here are calcs:

Non TR Gyro Ball vs Rotom-H:16.1-19.1%
TR Gyro Ball vs Rotom-H: 27.6-32.6%
Burned Gyro Ball vs Rotom-H:13.8-16.4%

Overheat vs Bronzong: 81.7-96.4%
Thunderbolt vs Bronzong: 27.8-33.1%

Edit: first calc was as a ghost electric not fire electric, anyways to continue, Even if I take 25% from rocks and come in on TR that means 81%-52(max rolls no burn and no overheat miss), that's worse case scenario, 81-26-10=45% left. This again assumes rocks and not spikes, so I'll opt for spikes :) and at worst be at 56%.

Rotom-H makes for a decent pivot thanks to it's ability to burn via WoW, Electric, Grass and Fire is un resisted, and few things aside from special tanks(Blissey and Chansey laugh at this set). Overall a great check to most Steels, including #1 in OU right now.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned

Gengar @ leftovers
Ev's 128 atk/128 sp. Atk/252 speed.
sucker punch
shadow ball

I'm not sure that's really the best counter since Thunderbolt + Overheat 2HKO's even if we assume no Stealth Rock (which I believe we are allowed/supposed to assume is on the field). Also, Gengar's Shadow Ball maxes at 38.8%, far short of a OHKO.
I'm not sure that's really the best counter since Thunderbolt + Overheat 2HKO's even if we assume no Stealth Rock (which I believe we are allowed/supposed to assume is on the field). Also, Gengar's Shadow Ball maxes at 38.8%, far short of a OHKO.

He meant that as a counter to bronzong, i believe.

Anyways. on with the counters.

For Rotom-H,

Rotom-H@ Leftovers
Bold(+Def -Att)
EVs: 252HP/64Def/144SpD/ Spe

~HP Grass

Natural cure, calm
252hp 4sp.attack 252 sp.def
-dragon pulse
-perish song
-toxic/roar/heal bell

Altaria is a phenomenal special wall.
it might be slightly outclassed by chansey and the likes, but i wanted to avoid those two pink blobs.
its phenomenal sp.def allows it to take the strongest of thunderbolts, and even hp grass and overheat. Switching into overheat is the best possible move for altaria.

roost for recovery, dragon pulse as attack, and other two are free slots.
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