Official Pizza Topping Tier List


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IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a Pizza TOPPING tier list. We are not discussing crusts or sauces at this time. The basic pizza is described within the topic.

Smogon is all about the tiering process so I think it's time we tackle something near and dear to all of out hearts -- pizza toppings. I realize that pizza toppings vary very wildly but this is a basic tier list. For our list we will be considering many different aspects of the topping. Certain pizza toppings are good enough to be built around or even stand alone. These toppings will obviously find their place higher up in the list than other toppings. Certain toppings are very niche and offer great support for the larger toppings but bring very little to the table themselves and will be placed appropriately. Extra cheese and sauce are not considered toppings because they make up the pizza body. The standard pizza that we will be assuming that the toppings are placed on will be a thick crust, red sauce, and mozzarella cheese pizza.

Remember to be civil in discussion! Just because you main it doesn't make it good; no spamming how much you think Anchovies are S-tier. Also just because something is low tier doesn't mean it isn't worth trying. Who knows, you might be the one to show us all how wrong we all are about pineapple.


These two classic toppings find themselves as the undisputed strongest pizza toppings of the bunch. They both bring a high amount of flavor (and sodium) to the table and work great by themselves. We struggled to find a vegetarian option that could stand alone as well as these two.

High Tier

All 4 of these toppings find themselves lacking a certain something that make them S-tier but still offer a good amount of flavor. These toppings function very well by themselves on a pizza but need a little bit of help from other flavors to make them truly shine. Mushrooms and Bacon are extremely good assist toppings as well and will lend themselves very well to almost any pizza.

Mid Tier
Artichoke Hearts
Sun-dried tomatoes

These toppings need to be a part of something bigger. Standalone, they simply do not make a strong pizza. In the case of chicken, it needs better support to make itself stand out. Pineapple and onions themselves offer a nice flavor and are often one dimensional. Artichoke hearts bring a nice flavor but need other vegetarian support to kick it up a bit.

Low Tier
Ground Beef (Hamburger)

These toppings are often very polarizing. They may contribute to a pizza as a whole but do not offer anything too special. Tomatoes simply make the pizza soggy and bland. Jalapenos and anchovies are very controversial and by sheer virtue that they only work for a certain few dropped into low tier. Ham is a special case. By itself, ham is a very boring topping but when paired with pineapple the pair gets a significant boost.

drcossack tier
Bell Peppers

Never going to see this on any of my pizzas.

Ham + Pineapple (The Huy Proposal)

Ham and pineapple are underwhelming toppings on their own, but when sharing the same pizza they create an overcentralising force on pizza toppings. Both Ham and Pineapple will still be allowed on separate pizzas, but having Ham with Pineapple on the same pizza is now banned.

I know this list is missing some toppings so feel free to start a discussion about your topping so we can find an accurate place for it.
Up with meat, down with vegetables. I don't think this can be said enough.

Pizza is already a vegetable, why make it an unappetizing one?
Missing Extra Cheese / Extra Sauce. I would put them in Mid Tier.

Missing Broccoli. I'm extremely biased towards it personally, but I recognize that most of the community would probably see it as a Low Tier topping.

I would strongly advocate moving Pineapple up to High tier. Pineapples are at least as flavorful as olives, if not more so, and are very complementary with respect to the taste of tomato sauce.
I'm surprised how accurate this list is; very well done. I have to contest chicken though, I think it deserves to move up a tier. I believe properly seasoned chicken does not need any extra support and can make a pizza quite delicious on its own.
Bell peppers are so bad. They have a strong flavor that often detracts from the flavors of other toppings.
Sun dried tomatoes for A, chilli for somewhere.

Sub dried tomatoes add alot of flavour and combine really well with the S tier toppings thus meaning it makes an important part of some of the best combos in pizza toppings.

Chilli gets points for its versatility in fitting with any other pizza topping. In addition it can be based around. I suggest tier B or low tier A. Sadly is mostly outclassed by good pepperoni but can find it's niche if the pepperoni is in bad form.
I guess I am the only of the few who prefers his pizza "stock" or whatever. If a pizza has meat or a strong tasting vegetable on it, it generally ruins the pizza flavor of it and makes it an excuse to eat that topping. Gimme straight cheese on pizza or things like mushrooms or spinach that let me enjoy the flavors in the sauce, crust, and cheese.

Like seriously I am going to kill myself with the lack of vegetables in my diet but pizza is the one thing I like them on.
I'm sorry Bell Peppers are NOT drcossack tier.

Hell, one of the best pizzas is Sausage and Peppers. It's the classic sandwich: but on a pizza.

Anchovies on the other hand UGH
S-Tier: Perfect. Can't see anything else moving up here. MAYBE Spinach but that's a big maybe.

High Tier: Move olives down. I like using how good they are as a one-topping pizza to place them into this tier. I think that rules out olives. I would say mushrooms too but that may be just because I hate mushrooms.

Mid Tier: To all those saying chicken needs to move up I disagree. It's perfect here because a pizza with tomato sauce and just chicken is lame. You either need barbecue sauce and caramelized onions/pineapple or you need white sauce and with white sauce you might as well add spinach. And at that point spinach is doing the heavy lifting because spinach on a white pizza is S-tier. Never tried artichoke hearts so I'll have to take your word for it. Rest is k.

Low Tier: Ham needs to move to mid. It is an essential part to an all meats pizza. Pepperoni, Sausage, and Ham is an amazing trio and Hawaiian pizzas are good too. I think this warrants moving ham to mid. Who puts tomatoes on a pizza? That and anchovies should be moved to a lower tier. Who actually eats anchovies other than the TMNT?

Overall a great topic and a great list.

EDIT: How about ground beef for Low Tier? Bacon Cheeseburger pizzas are okay. Usually a slice and a half you think, "Why didn't I just get Pepperoni and Sausage?" though.
Requesting that mushrooms be moved to S tier. The world's greatest pizza is pepperoni+sausage+mushroom.
I'd like to believe kebab deserves a high spot, but midtier wouldn't be awful. It can get greasy at times.

also: tuna and shrimps.
kebab is a thing on a skewer NOT a pizza

fish just does not belong on a pizza. ever.

Ground Beef is definitely a low-tier topping. I agree with its inclusion in Low Tier.
Chicken needs to be split up:

Barbecue Chicken, which is obviously high tier. Perhaps near the top of high tier if they replace the tomato sauce with BBQ sauce like a real man

Buffalo Chicken, which is obviously low tier. Even if you like Buffalo Chicken, pizza should never make your eyes water. Buffalo chicken goes with pizza, not on it. is anchovies not drcossack tier?
SSS God Tier
Extra cheese. If the term reeks of too much consumerism for your liking, pretend it's a home pizza and rephrase as 'ungodly amounts of cheese'. And sauce. And cheese stuffed within the crust. Man oh man, my mouth is watering.

Pepperoni and sausage are ok
Am I the only one to have had pesto sauce on Pizza? Granted, it's probably an italian thing, but I urge all of you to try it oout, it's delicious. Just smear some pesto on a plain marherita, and leave it in the oven for the normal amount of time. You won't regret it.

I also support tuna. Put that together with some onions, and you have an exquisite Pizza. Never even heard of stuff like chicken on a pizza. Must be an american thing. Is it true that you people sometimes put cheese in the crust?
Thirding olives for demotion. Nothing higher than cossack tier for those abominations.
OP has made me lose respect for Huy as a person. Seriously rethinking my friend tier list right now.