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Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

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Wild Eep

pet pet pet
is a Forum Moderatoris a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
Welcome to the Wi-fi Battles Blacklist.

This is the new home for reporting troublemakers in wi-fi battles. Serial disconnectors and hackers should be reported here.

There are some rules for this thread though.

If you have something to say, fine. Just make sure it contributes somewhat. We do not want your opinion or take on the matter or your side in it. We do not care if you think a user needs to be banned, this is our decision. Do not minimod, do not spam. YOU WILL RECEIVE A WARNING.

Don't be so quick to report people. Talk it out with the other party first to see if it is a miscommunication, or if the other person is just an asshole. In the latter case, you should report them to us.

Don't report people who are already on the Battle subforum blacklist. They have already proven themselves worthy for the blacklist and do not need to be added again. You should be up to date with this thread so that you can simply choose not to battle someone on this list.

Don't simply report people without giving details. If this is a disconnect or battle hack accusation, tell us what you did to try to resolve this with the other party. Leaving this out will net you a warning!

When providing details, please do us a favor and also provide us with the member's current username, link to their profile and the friend code used at the time of wifi connection. That is a MUST! Providing a log with CODE tags will be helpful as well. Missing information shall only be further ignored and more than likely to be warned, so don't be lazy.

For hacker accusation, save the battle video and upload to get a battle video (via GTS, not Youtube) if possible and report it here. If unable to, please describe the error received when attempting to upload. Failure to attempt this shall only be further ignored as well.

One last thing: Lately, we've had many users making shoddy hacking / disconnecting reports with spotty information. We want to get bad apples out of the wifi battle finder as much as you do, but we need a good amount of information on the user or we can't do anything about it. In an effort to try to up the quality, we've included a template for reports. If you follow all that's here and fill out the nessisary information, you should have all we need to add a user to the list.

Disconnetor / Hacker Accusation Template:
Username of alleged disconnector / hacker:
Link to user profile:
Friend Code:
(Hack accusations only) Battle Video Number:

Describe the situation when the user disconnected / used a hacked Pokemon:

Have you tried to resolve this issue with the accused via VM, PM, IRC, etc (ie, outside of the wifi battle finder chat)?: (Y/N)

If yes, please describe what you've done to try to resolve this issue with them:

If no, talk to them to make certain this isn't a misunderstanding. DO NOT POST until you've tried to resolve the issue. Please do not post unless your efforts to resolve the issue haven't worked. Give your accused a bit of time to respond to your VMs or PMs.

You may include any extra details (logs, other's accusations, etc) below:

And remember foremost that you trade and battle at your own risk.

We will do our best to keep this thread to date. Thanks.
Battle Subforum Blacklist

addictus91 (FC: 4596 9317 5570)
Adeel7861: (FC: 2235 9860 0547) - used an extra defensive blissey in battle, etc.
ArmedFro: (FC: 1333 8927 4861)
CapnCrunch95: (FC: 1592 8597 0004)
Devil King: (FC: 1119 4996 4373) - used illegal hacks such as wonderguard sableye
Dro: (FC: 2666 3055 5360)
Ero.: (FC: 2621 9649 5519) - using legal hacks without informing opponent.
FRENZY (FC: 4682 9574 3113)
gabriel1994: (FC 1205 3888 9115) - used obviously hacked pokemon
Gerome795: (FC: 2192 9085 4430)
haryches (FC: 0301 7225 8017)
IZNOGUD: (White FC: 5071 3337 2099) - used illegal ability on milotic
jolteon rocks: (FC: 0475-0166-8899) - using hacked jolteon with earthquake & ice beam
Justin23 (FC: 1419 5102 3232)
kratoast: (FC: 3009 0596 8036) - using extremespeed blaziken
Lessthanthreettar: (5413 8226 0824)
Near D Mello: (FC: 4684*4458*8536) - used illegal hacks in battle.
Nigga: (FC: 0219 0278 2246) - used team of Wonder Guard Spiritomb.
Nub: (1591 0485 7810)
platinum fan: (FC: 0990 2420 7019) - used illegal hacks in battle, and disconnected too
Pokechamp12: (FC: 3783 4039 7190) - using hacked Latios
Pokemaster98: (FC: 2237 3426 6970 (BW))- Used a Shiny Meloetta-P in an illegal Pokeball that didn't require Relic Song to transform.
ppftw (FC: 1762 6845 7409)
Ranqe (FC: 0516 3784 4975)
riversid: (FC: 1549 0025 2865) - using hacked pokemon without prior notice
shofu: (FC: 4340 7980 3574)
SilverTheBest: (FC: 4554 8441 0633)
SnackzTheGreat: (4th gen FC: 4685 0772 6768)
theharrysnorlax: (BW FC is 1807 1670 7459)
TheUberJ: (HGSS FC: 4599 0039 7929)
tlb31m: (4th gen FC: 0132 0664 3881, 5th gen FC: 3095 8852 9856)
too_talls (FC: 2492 2566 5270) - using legal hacks without informing opponent.
UnKnown7: (FC: 3567 6256 3344)
Waluigi3351 (0087 8763 1804)
War-lock: (BW FC: 3525 1493 7404)
Weavil123 - using hacks.
Wish Bone: (Pt FC: 4813 5872 0537; W FC: 2708 9111 3611) - used illegal hack
XxshedinjaXx: (FC: 2407 7553 5647)

Addictus91 (FC: 4596 9317 5570)
airxrizz: (FC: 0603 8452 6510)
Aldieb: (FC: 0560 9867 6724)
aleiex / StPako: (FC: 0304 4303 4151)
armeen13 (FC: 0604 3592 8308)
Ashley Reynolds: (FC: 0776 6259 6610)
astropimp: (FC: 0647 9514 6162)
Away (FC: 0475 4019 1370)
Awmgnoob: (FC: 1118 2152 8612; 1462 7358 2651)
battle9692: (FC:m 2967-6482-8618)
boratlikebali: (fc 0089-2614-0252)
Bronztops: (FC: 5244 0145 4428)
BuBBleGumBoi: (FC: 1506 5896 3425)
burns 1583: (FC: 1676 9136 4815)
CaptainKidd: (FC: 1421 4901 3651)
CDRE Vezon Dash: (FC: 5458 5186 0638)
Celesteial: PLAT FC: 2149 7747 0636
ChampionOfCarter: (FC: 1550 0405 8830)
Championmarx: (FC: 4256 1425 098)
ChimmyTronga: (FC: 3869 5160 0947)
Chompinet: (FC: 3008 8131 5064)
claw: (FC: 1979 3219 3400)
cleibsonxavier: (FC: 4856 6290 7377)
CrackerOfCheese: (FC:3953 9637 7521)
cvalera12: (FC: 0819 3376 4772)
Cyber Mewtwo (James FC: 1117 6767 7515)
DaBlackFili / xHolyFlameZ: (FC: 0347 1851 7264)
dashparr7: (FC: 4984 7118 2415)
DatCookieMonster: (FC: 1893-7781-0100)
DrakeCPKMN: (FC: 1893 1651 9330)
dynamyt: (FC: 4556 4703 8696)
easyfame: (FC: 4986 1231 8084)
Eazy Beast: (FC: 0518 6656 4321)
ehkay47: (FC: 0431-7622-4088)
elekid26: (FC: 3052 9030 0982)
Ero.: (FC: 2621 9649 5519) - using legal hacks without informing opponent.
Ettenom: (FC: 2579-6175-5309)
EwokPadawan: (FC: 5243 1359 6993)
exonomir: (FC: 1163 6230 8036)
fast900: (FC: 0819 5351 7245)
fatalfate: (FC: 2881 2223 2482)
FC: 0603 4602 7138: (FC: 0603 4602 7138)
Frango: (FC: 2194 1552 4190 (BW))
Fuh: (FC:5114 7456 9931)
flingo3000: (FC: 4469 0104 5781)
GanjaMan: (FC: 0733-7215-0001)
gr8astard (FC: 3052-6887-5433)
GraffikMonkey: (FC: 2623 5340 3351)
Griffwinski: (FC: 1334 4459 3035)
H3strikesagain: (FC: 3955 1213 2754)
hades666: (FC: 4083 9355 6834)
Harvesters (FC:)
Hayzeus (also goes as YankeeSprinter) FCs: 2732 3355 4273 and 2792 9386 2277
HookemHorns: (FC: 2666 5992 3835)
Icey The King Of ice: (FC: 1205 8117 0767)
iDragz: (FC: 1205 9773 5427)
itchyFetch: (FC: 4427 6179 4972)
jacob x: (FC: 2537 6465 1527)
jackinthebox1210: (FC: 0647 0517 5782)
jaycee666: (FC: 1979 2466 2445)
JayJay100: (FC: 1636 0704 0282)
jpdagon: (FC: 4255 7567 4906)
jle1076: (FC: 4512 4146 3000)
JoshBundy (FC: 3954 0266 6062)
JUSTFORFUN14: (FC: 4298 7749 9885 (BW))
Kidquickz: (FC: 4556 9039 0363 (BW))
kingabsol1: (FC: 5114 9503 0072)
Kloud / Kecleon / Slowbro Master / Donutt / Plush: (FC: 1847 8916 0032)
kelso (FC: 1160 6555 9980)
kevinman7u (FC: 3609 7624 7668) Disconnects and uses hacked Pokemon
Kirnockerbam: (FC: 3010 2099 5202)
KMAC: (FC:4771 4141 3718 (BW))
kurosakiichigo2376: (FC: 5457 1766 6010)
lasertag: (FC: 3353 3845 4813)
liljustin10: (FC: 2752 6495 8219)
lilirving23: (FC: 5286 6882 7916)
Lilligant562: (FC: 1464 1824 2550)
Lizard: (FC: 1504 7075 2144)
lKerubin: (FC: 3912 2971 6519 (BW) )
LOLOLOL: (FC: 4513 7415 8024)
Lord Zero: (FC: 2150 7465 5992)
Luigifan1234: (Fc: 0132 4687 8154)
lupman18: (FC: 1979 7295 2721 (BW))
Malkariss: (B/W fc 2021 8946 0334)
MasterFlames: (FC: 2022 2259 8576)
Maton (FC: 2320 5689 4858)
MegaDPAL (FC: 1678 9924 4728)
Metal x Soldier: (FC: 4126 1027 9927)
MintyGreen: (FC: 4427 4894 6214)
mishka123: (FC: 1807 7322 6948)
MitchTheTits: (FC: 4084 3345 2776)
mjazar12: (FC: 2752 6433 8310 (BW))
MojoMonke: (FC: 3482 5651 4552)
Monkeywithaids: (FC: 0819 1642 9911)
MrJames: (FC: 3137 6119 3179)
MrJSundae: (FC: 0175 4818 9160)
mrmet620: (FC: 1077 1637 0098)
Mrmizz: (HGSS Friend Code: 2150 4489 0870 Black fc: 3482 3554 3112)
mudkipz94: 4425 7737 6082, 4768 4551 1923
muladudejr: (FC: 3268 2882 3836)
MultiDracoKiller: (FC: 1291 8545 1921 (BW))
noeliste: (FC: 0947 3312 3808) [formerly Cristiano95]
NSAN3 Pikachu: (FC: 0647 9514 6162)
Nutboy: (FC: 3139 1333 8024)
OGBeanz: (FC: 3998 2476 1290)
oscarolanivor: (FC: ??)
Phanton: (FC: 4084 2559 8481)
pikachu13: (FC: 5200 5951 3964)
PiranhaFire69: (FC: 0733 9763 2108 (BW))
pokegamer: (FC: 2021 9404 7926)
poke king: (FC: 5371 3141 8515)
pokemon7898: (FC: 3783 3779 2352)
pokemonrene: (FC: 3440 2219 4772)
psykeii: (FCs:1505 4929 2117, 3738 8511 1911)
Rafu333: (FC: 4169 9452 6849)
RawVintage: (FC: 3096-1084-4519)
Reaf: (Easy to change, go by username)
regen1: (FC: 3395 5436 2538)
RichieK13: (FC: 1335 2609 9796 (BW))
SanjithePain: (FC: 1720 6533 8591)
Scylla/PE / Kioryaz: (FC: 0604 3317 5197)
SdFr: (FC: 0389 7517 7235)
Seurun: (2150 0554 8836, 1333 4422 3011)
Skillie23: (FC: 5285 7181 0424)
Skyline of Hannover (FC: 5155 0495 9170)
SnackzTheGreat: (FC: 4083 9109 8864)
snorlax1: (FC: 2108 3132 7645 (BW))
snowclaw1234: (B/W FC: 4255-4705-1806)
snoxypimp: (FC: 0003 5271 2408)
Socko: (FC: 0861 5963 3997)
soul101: (FC: 4771 3784 1406)
Spetsnaz CCCP: (FC: 1034 7654 2386)
VEC GUIDO / PwB Strider / VCBOB / Sumthing (FC: 1461 8636 3788) and (FC: 2535 5609 7593) and (FC: 2149 6185 0057)
Teekachu: (FC: 5072 1448 1403)
Teodora: (FC: 3955 3755 6794)
thatjuankid: (FC: 1979 5862 7412)
TheEpicFly: (FC: 0819 5351 7245)
TheGrimVeztige: (b/w fc : 2494 5837 9984)
Thescrafty: (FC: 5329 2106 2691)
thickrick66: (FC: 1936 4700 7264 (BW))
Ultima Trainer Flare (FC: 0645 2263 3106)
urisan14: (FC: 5458 4011 9224)
Vince$: (FC: 4941 1345 2206) Also violates Sleep Clause
Wi-Fi Battler: (FC: 3481 6927 6332)
Wonder Wav3: (FC: 5243 8955 7016)
Womantine: (FC: 1677 6419 0132)
wowzer: (FC: 0304 5686 9832)
xfearlezzx: (FC: 5457 2830 7475)
xPiper: (Black/White FC: 3911 9631 5793)
XxdragontamerxX: (b/w FC: 1248 8763 5465 hg/ss FC: 3181 6673 6586)
yacine661: (FC: 2709 3522 1360)
Yanga: (FC:2794 2675 7797)
Yotsuba: (FC: 2666 6726 8801)
zm61196: (FC: 1807 8257 6294)
Zsolstice3-: (FC: 1634 2545 6580)
Not really sure if this is blacklist worthy, but ZeoAbyss is using Soul Dew on his Latios and Latias in the B/W standard thread (yes, he used both twins on the same team). If a mod would like more details, please send me a PM and I'll explain in further detail. I don't really want to give an elaborate explanation here because I don't want to give too much detail about my team. But, if this isn't even worth pursuing or infracting, then please disregard this post and feel free to delete.

Ignores sleep clause, on the first two moves he used Hypnosis on my Parasect and on my Politoed (Poli as lead, cursed the Parasect [Ghost] and set him to sleep as well), clearly intentionaly to break the clause.
I'd like to report harrisonaslami on false accusing me of not reading the rules. I was infact using a shiny Victini, and he says that I am not allowed to use hacked pokemon, which 'apparently' is against the smogon rules, which is not. If I clearly state that I use legit hacks in my signature and he doesn't want to battle me, then fine, but he went ahead and battled me.

He quoted ' bs dude. why dont you read up a little bit big guy. no way id let u get the win with a hacked victini and two crits.'

He then disconnected from the battle because A) He thinks that just because I was using a pokemon that is unable to be gotten (shiny victini) I have to automatically forfeit, and secondly, B) I got 2 crits, so he can then disconnect from the battle because I got something that was a part of the game.

This guy was totally unrespectful towards me and I'd just like to let you know that he isn't a very respectful guy to battle. Thanks.
I know this is as useless as reporting to my congressman, but I'd like to report Loopholbrook for harassing users with his own signature blacklist and for accusing me of having a soul dew Latias even though it used leftovers for a couple of turns when I was playing against him.

Weather war : his toed is almost KO and my 9tails' full hp I ruled the battle up to I set-up Growth, he knows the battle is over and d/c because the battle is so-called too long according to him.
would like to report SingsLikeThunder

down to his last pokemon and instead of fleeting, he decided to dc. It wasn't an error because the message clearly says my opponent dc'd. I attempt to vm him but he ignores them and goes offline.
id like to report Chamelo. After and early 2 pokemon lead. he disconnects. I got the error, Then he has the nerve to say i d/ced
animanga27: DC'd and then logged off after I got a crit that secured me a win in a match, and then wouldn't respond or anything. Definitely not some freak accident that he tried to apologize for or anything. He ruined a good match that would have been youtube worthy because he doesn't like losing i guess.

okay, well, here's the rest of the info on animanga27 if you need it.
He's D/C'd on other people as well.

B/W FC: 1163 1857 6411

So yeah.
Amendment to posting in the Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist:
When providing details, please do us a favor and also provide us with the member's current username, link to their profile and the friend code used at the time of wifi connection. Missing information shall only be further ignored and possibly warned, so don't be lazy.
This goes effective immediately as the only one above now included was that from Forblaze's report even though friend code was missing but was in profile anyways.
I would like to report Vinster for hacking his pokemon pass the 510 ev limit
I have the battle saved for proof if needed.
My rotom wash the offensive one with 338 sp.atk and 245 spe was outspeed by his milotic
which then toxiced me so it had to had 192 spe evs or a speed boosting nature plus speed evs, the my thunderbolt only did around 45% which means he had 252 hp and sp.def calm but yet he out sped me which means his spread had to be 252 hp 192 spe and 64 sp.def but then my thunderbolt should do 53.3% - 62.9% but it did less then that as I said earlier therfore his milotic was hacked. Also I have reasons to believe his ononokusu was hacked since it only took about 60% damage from my dragon tail but I don't have any conclusive proof. Anyways hes a hacker.

I want to also report Loopholbrook for hacking his pokemon, his politoed only took about 45% damage from max attack infernape's close combat which means he was 252 hp and 252 def + then he survived a rotoms max sp.atk modest thunder bolt only taking about 67% percent which means he had 252 sp.def evs which is over the limit. Also his latios OHKO'ed reinuclus with draco meteor without choice specs or life orb or any sort of item boost's it's attacks. His offensive rotom only took a bit more then half from my rotoms thunderbolt which is rather weird but not sure if it was hacked.Also his latios had soul dew 81.4% - 95.8% thats the max latios can do with draco meteor to reinuclus without specs and thats modest as well 252 + he switched moves so he didn't have specs and there was no LO recoil. So he also had soul dew on latios. I think he had other hacks but yea. Tell me if you need proof because I want this guy blacklisted so bad.
I would like to report Vinster for hacking his pokemon pass the 510 ev limit
I have the battle saved for proof if needed.
My rotom wash the offensive one with 338 sp.atk and 245 spe was outspeed by his milotic
which then toxiced me so it had to had 192 spe evs or a speed boosting nature plus speed evs, the my thunderbolt only did around 45% which means he had 252 hp and sp.def calm but yet he out sped me which means his spread had to be 252 hp 192 spe and 64 sp.def but then my thunderbolt should do 53.3% - 62.9% but it did less then that as I said earlier therfore his milotic was hacked. Also I have reasons to believe his ononokusu was hacked since it only took about 60% damage from my dragon tail but I don't have any conclusive proof. Anyways hes a hacker.

I want to also report Loopholbrook for hacking his pokemon, his politoed only took about 45% damage from max attack infernape's close combat which means he was 252 hp and 252 def + then he survived a rotoms max sp.atk modest thunder bolt only taking about 67% percent which means he had 252 sp.def evs which is over the limit. Also his latios OHKO'ed reinuclus with draco meteor without choice specs or life orb or any sort of item boost's it's attacks. His offensive rotom only took a bit more then half from my rotoms thunderbolt which is rather weird but not sure if it was hacked.Also his latios had soul dew 81.4% - 95.8% thats the max latios can do with draco meteor to reinuclus without specs and thats modest as well 252 + he switched moves so he didn't have specs and there was no LO recoil. So he also had soul dew on latios. I think he had other hacks but yea. Tell me if you need proof because I want this guy blacklisted so bad.

For one, I clarify that I may use unreleased items in my signature, and two my pokémon aren't over EV'd. Nobody else has had a problem except for this kid. I could prove that ANYONES pokémon are over EV'd by not putting any EVs or IVs in any stat. Just sayin'
Pokekazzam use hack cheat pkmn.
with all 31 iv and 255 ev for all stats
ability wrong, ecc

i think it wasn't the first i ever seen, but he is the first that i v control his pkmn...so i can imposte a rule that comprended to go after every battle in swap to see our pkmn and control them?
Pokekazzam use hack cheat pkmn.
with all 31 iv and 255 ev for all stats
ability wrong, ecc

i think it wasn't the first i ever seen, but he is the first that i v control his pkmn...so i can imposte a rule that comprended to go after every battle in swap to see our pkmn and control them?

I played against him alot and never noticed this problem.
Either his new team has a flaw or you misjudged
i v seen a jolly dragonite with all 31 iv and 255 ev in all stats
Dude you are so paranoid about hack pokemon I have battled him like 9 times and he always uses unhacked pokemon. You are the only one who has accused him. You are a newbie and look at your post count and you have the nerve to say something like that to him. Just saying. You hardly even a wifi battle aswell.
Can you actually proove he has?
He used a dragonite against me before and he didnt look hacked at all to me. Maybe you forgot about multiscale?

u can ask him or if u want i can public his mp when he ammected that dragonite was haked with all stat...
u can choice...i v seen only that dragonite, but others pkmn was with iv 31 and ev 255 in all stats
i'm sure...he 's talking about dragonite was switch with a friend and he don't knows that was haked

can u ask him if u want ;)
u can ask him or if u want i can public his mp when he ammected that dragonite was haked with all stat...
u can choice...i v seen only that dragonite, but others pkmn was with iv 31 and ev 255 in all stats
i'm sure...he 's talking about dragonite was switch with a friend and he don't knows that was haked

can u ask him if u want ;)
Dude improve your Grammar this isn't a chatroom. He told me you even told him to show you his dragonites stats ... Who in the whole world would do that umm let me see this kid over here If you want to get better at reading stats then learn from smogon:pirate: + get better grammar. Why would you have 255 in all stats you just can't take someone beating you in a match. He beat me two times with that dragonite and I enjoyed the match and forgot about the loss. It's a game live with it.
Dude improve your Grammar this isn't a chatroom. He told me you even told him to show you his dragonites stats ... Who in the whole world would do that umm let me see this kid over here If you want to get better at reading stats then learn from smogon:pirate: + get better grammar. Why would you have 255 in all stats you just can't take someone beating you in a match. He beat me two times with that dragonite and I enjoyed the match and forgot about the loss. It's a game live with it.

ahahahahah man i have read the mp and he tell who that dragonite is YOUR.
Fucking cheater.
ahahahahah man i have read the mp and he tell who that dragonite is YOUR.
Fucking cheater.

Language ...

I played both Zeo and PokeKazzam and i can say they arent cheaters.
If what you say is true (that they have 255 EV in all) then i couldnt have even killed 1 pokemon but usually i loose 1-0 or 3-0.

Stop accusing people without really beeing able to proove anything.
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