
Anti weather is the main goal with this.
Once the server gets updated (it still says lickilicky is dream world with cloud nine even though it was released awhile ago) I can do some experimentation.
Idk, a lot of these Evo Stone Pokemon aren't really that useful because of their evolved forms having better offenses, comparable defenses, or in some cases, even better movepools. I wouldn't use Evo Stone anything unless they were extreme cases like Pory 2, Dusclops, or Chansey. Their defenses are actually good enough that they'll skyrocket once the stone is applied.
I think he was referring to using both Chansey and Blissey on the same team, which, I do believe, is unaffected by the species clause?

Btw, Noble Cactus, your avatar owns~
I think he was referring to using both Chansey and Blissey on the same team, which, I do believe, is unaffected by the species clause?

Yep, it's not affected by the sleep clause

But why have two special walls that have same type, similar stats, do exactly the same thing!?!

You should at use something like Mr. Pringles where, not the best special wall, at least does not make 2/6 of your team weak to fighting

And considering all those fighting legendaries out there, yea >.>
Yep, it's not affected by the sleep clause

But why have two special walls that have same type, similar stats, do exactly the same thing!?!

You should at use something like Mr. Pringles where, not the best special wall, at least does not make 2/6 of your team weak to fighting

And considering all those fighting legendaries out there, yea >.>

You can have them do different things.

Blissey can do Cleric with Ice Beam/Flamethrower, while Chansey does wishpassing with toxic stall/thunder wave.
If you want both a cleric and a healer, I think you're better off with the cleric being more offensive, such as Celebi or Dnite.

And why thank you Cshadow. The humble Clay Man, trying so hard and yet so forgotten.
Blissey is better as a wishpasser, as it has higher HP

You fail to see the bigger picture.

Actually, I don't even know why I even bother replying to you. Judging from your other posts, you fail to post anything constructive or helpful, you just snap at people.
I think he was referring to using both Chansey and Blissey on the same team, which, I do believe, is unaffected by the species clause?

Btw, Noble Cactus, your avatar owns~

True. Although I doubt the metagame is going to unfold in such a way that people will want two normal-type special walls on a team. Could happen though. In DP NU, I'm not sure if this is true, as I never played it, but apparently there were some people having success with teams consisting of 3 Fire-type sweepers.
Just a reply to the deadweight comment that was taken too seriously apparently...

Anyways, people are focusing too much on OU where it's only effective on a few Pokemon (Porygon2 being the best obviously). Looking below, a bunch of NFEs are suddenly usable.
Roob's pre-evolution can definitely fit in UU using this. Saw a dude using it on youtube with Roob's usual set, and its base stats really aren't that bad at 105 attack with 85/85/50 defenses boosted by this item.

While 50 SpD looks terrible, it still reaches about 300 with max EVs and a positive nature after the evolution stone.
In that vein, Stone Machoke with No Guard DPunch looks pretty tasty in UU. Anyone tried this yet?

One of the reasons Machamp worked so well was because of lum berry. Now all those sleeper leads wil put him to sleep before he gets the attack off. Hell, a faster Uturner into a ghost with wisp will wreck now since Machoke isnt known for his speed.
I like the idea of a Duosion with the Evolution Stone. It has the same Special Attack as Reuniclus, and what seems to be the same special movepool. Isn't it odd, though, that the whole Solosis line learns Thunder, but not Thunderbolt?
Duosion(I assume you´re speaking about Daburan) has only 65 HP Base while Reuniclus(Rankurusu?) has 110. I am not sure if the stone boost helps much in this situation, but my guess is a big no.
Ach, I think it would be best for the time being to continue to use the Japanese names until the community gets accustomed to the english ones. :0 Missingno Master, I had no idea who you were talking about until I went and looked at the list. =___=' ...well... Jojo helped, but... yeah I had no idea who solosis was.

Anyway... Yeah I think someone mentioned earlier that very few things are going to be more viable over their big bros, and I agree with that. With the few notable exceptions that we know of, most things, despite the fact that they appreciate the better defense, are gonna be missing out one its older form's Speed, offenses, or bulk in terms of HP-- not to mention the item slot. Porygon2, Chansey, and Murkrow all get recovery, so they don't care much about the lack of Leftovers... but other defensive things really seem to struggle without that Lefties recovery.
I've actually been trying out Sazandora's pre-evo Jiheddo on my Trick Room team and I really like the results so far. It's monstrous attack stat with Hustle lets it slam a whole through the competition.
This is the set I've been using:
Jiheddo@Miracle of Evolution
Brave 252HP/252ATK/4SpD 0 Spe IV
Head Smash/Thunder Fang/Fire Fang

It reaches 443 ATK with Hustle
why would you use evo stone on a tr sweeper? TR sweepers need to do all the damage they can before tr runs out, and its not that Jiheddo is supposed to take hits... wouldn't a life orb be just better?
With it he's able to withstand hits very well letting him get in multiple hits easily, but I see the viability of the Life Orb. Thanks UnhandledException.
Although this maybe an odd choice given its lack of immunities and resistances that its evolution has but ALL Rock/Grounds have this issue, Onix. It becomes bulkier than Steelix and is faster too. In a Sandstorm it maybe viable.

Onix @ Pre-Evo Stone
252 Def/126 SpD/126 Atk/4 HP
-Stealth Rock
-Rock Slide/Stone Edge

Point is to set up SR at least and status and Stone Edge and Earthquake is for STAB so you are not a sitting duck. Switch EQ with Protect if you want to try to get one last turn with Toxic. Again out of the blue but creative.
Onix will not be doing much of anything with its paltry base 45 attack stat. Steelix outclasses it due to the better resistances and an attack stat that is actually useable.