
This is actually one of the uglier Pokemon, i know she is meant to be cute, but she isn't.Anyways, nice speed and good movepool.Plus a good ability.Low attack sucks.95 is low at this point.Not to mention her defenses suck.If her attack was 105+ it would make up for the defenses.I don't really like Normals so i don't know how this is better than Ambipom.

I bet you think Dasutodasu is cute or something...Chillachino is one of the more attractive designs this gen is what most people here seem to think.

95 attack is not suck at all, especially since a lot of new offensive threats have frail defenses. 95 is on the lowest realms of 'good'. Any pokemon who can do 50% damage to Suicune and shatter substitutes in the process must have a little merit, not to mention it can encore Suicune's calm minds to shut it down.
Chirachiino@Life Orb/Wide Lens
Skill Link
EV 252atk-252spe-6hp
-Rock Blast/Bullet Seed
-Sweep Slap
-Aqua Tail

Makes Chirachiino into a pretty good mid/late game player if you ask me. Rock blast sweep slap and Aqua tail let you hit everything at least neutrally(Steel). While giving you two great offensive type and power moves (Rock Blast/Bullet Seed-125bp, Aqua Tail-90bp) and a 125bp STAB attack. Thunderwave/U-turn is to make sure you don't become set-up fodder. As for items I prefer the Life Orb to try to keep Chirachiino up with the very offensive metagame, but Wide Lens is an option if the accuracy issues (which are evident in all three of his moves 90-85-90) are a put-off for you.

*Rock Blast and Bullet seed are left out of being in the same set in order to create the most coverage possible while retaining Chirachiino's STAB. Aqua Tail is needed as it is the only reliable way that she can hit Steels, barring Dig.
I could've sworn a few days ago that there was an item that made multi hit attacks hit 5 times always! With that item and Tehnician this thing would've done more than with Skill Link and Life Orb. But then I noticed it doesn't exist :(
The metagame would be unbalanced if you had BOTH an ability and an item with such a purpose...I think I like the Encore set the most.This thing outspeeds a LOT of Pokes, so Encoring on a predicted set-up move will work wonders. Chirachiino is a solid UU.
Best set ever

Chillachino @ Life Orb
252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Def
Cheer Up
Last Resort

Tickle forces a switch, take advantage of a switch and Cheer Up and begin the Last Resort spamming.

Sheer gimmick 8)

Works like a Fake Out + Last Resort Ambipom, which worked surprisingly well. But Pom can't boost its Attack.
I suggest you put something in the last slot instead of leaving it empty, like Rock Blast, using Skill Link, as Technician is of no use to the set(or am I blind ;p). Atleast you get some coverage that way, though you are still walled cold by Steel types.

Sometimes even gimmicks work out well, hats why I am interested in this set.
Chillachino @ Life Orb
252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Def
Cheer Up
Last Resort
If you really want to use this set, you'd probably be better off with Cute Charm than Technician. Not that it matters too much, but it's slightly less useless. Also, Charm or Sing could maybe be used over Tickle, although Sing has a terrible accuracy and is therefore very risky.

With STAB, Last Resort has a fairly nice Base Power of 210... still, a pretty gimmicky set. :)
Honestly, there's absolutely no reason to run that. I mean gimmick sets need something to make you want to run it, but I just can't see the point when you can run sweep slap for 23 less BP, but allowing you to use u-turn and/or a secondary move like rock blast.
You're mistaken. Gimmicks aren't meant to outclass sets. Gimmicks are quirky sets that seem to stand out among standard sets. Like SpecsMachamp. Of course there is no reason to run this over the standard Physical oriented Champ as that is what is standard and just more effective.

But gimmicks are for shits and giggles, yes they can work exceptionally well, which I think that set could as it would catch alot of people (like you) off guard. Which could really cost you. You can't bash the set until you've tried it. Gimmick or not.
Best set ever

Chillachino @ Life Orb
252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Def
Cheer Up
Last Resort


Just make sure you use this set before Shadow Tag Shaderaa becomes reality.

The thing about gimmicks, although fun, (generally) don't work if the opponent has any knowledge of the set. And they almost always work better on paper than in practice.
You're mistaken. Gimmicks aren't meant to outclass sets. Gimmicks are quirky sets that seem to stand out among standard sets. Like SpecsMachamp. Of course there is no reason to run this over the standard Physical oriented Champ as that is what is standard and just more effective.

But gimmicks are for shits and giggles, yes they can work exceptionally well, which I think that set could as it would catch alot of people (like you) off guard. Which could really cost you. You can't bash the set until you've tried it. Gimmick or not.

That's not a gimmick.
Double post.

What do you think about skill link vs. technician?

sure skill link guarantees you 5 hits and consistent damage, but doesnt technician boost each hit of bullet seed/rock blast? if so it has potential to do more damage but also less.

so lets just say bullet seed does 20 dmg. with skill link, 20 * 5 hits = 100 dmg.

technician would boost each hit to 30 dmg, so:

37.5% chance to do: 60 dmg
37.5% chance to do: 90 dmg
12.5% chance to do: 120 dmg
12.5% chance to do: 150 dmg

25% chance to do well over 100dmg, and a 62.5% chance to do 90 dmg or better (and a chance of landing a critical hit each time)

Yes Technician is interesting but it's inconsistant, that's why skill link is sometimes better.

Sadly, Chillachino is almost entirely outclassed by Cloyster as a sub-breaker. Probably it's only advantage is being faster before shell break, and encore.
Best set ever

Chillachino @ Life Orb
252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Def
Cheer Up
Last Resort

Tickle forces a switch, take advantage of a switch and Cheer Up and begin the Last Resort spamming.


Actually this set works well as a mid game sweeper once the ghost are away. It is overall a gimmicky but still, Last Resort Ambipom cause me trouble when it was near end game. Now think now Chillachino has a boosting move and a STAB 140 base power move on it's hands... or paws.
Yes Technician is interesting but it's inconsistant, that's why skill link is sometimes better.

Sadly, Chillachino is almost entirely outclassed by Cloyster as a sub-breaker. Probably it's only advantage is being faster before shell break, and encore.

I would hardly say that Chillachino is outclassed as a sub-breaker. If anything, I would say it's better than Cloyster,it's just you've just decided to omit key points pertaining to Chillachino with your comparison.

Chillachino's initial speed is a distinct advantage as is it's access to the move "Encore" which provides it with more opportunities to switch in. comparison is sluggish, weak to SR and doesn't have many opportunities to switch in.
The thing is though, Cloyster has a much easier time boosting thanks to it's high defenses and access to a very powerful boosting move. Even if it's slow to begin with, one shell break will allow it to break subs, outspeed opponents, and actually do some heavy damage after the substitute breaks thanks to it's boosted strength. Not only that, but it is able to raise it's own speed, which Chillachino can't do.

Chillachino does also get U-turn though, which is a big plus.
Double post.​

What do you think about skill link vs. technician?​

sure skill link guarantees you 5 hits and consistent damage, but doesnt technician boost each hit of bullet seed/rock blast? if so it has potential to do more damage but also less.​

so lets just say bullet seed does 20 dmg. with skill link, 20 * 5 hits = 100 dmg.​

technician would boost each hit to 30 dmg, so:​

37.5% chance to do: 60 dmg
37.5% chance to do: 90 dmg
12.5% chance to do: 120 dmg
12.5% chance to do: 150 dmg​

25% chance to do well over 100dmg, and a 62.5% chance to do 90 dmg or better (and a chance of landing a critical hit each time)​

Lets just go with the actual Base Powers. Bullet Seed, Sweep Slap, and Rock Blast have 25 Base Power per hit, which means your chart turns into this:

37.5% chance to do: 75 BP
37.5% chance to do: 112.5 BP
12.5% chance to do: 150 BP
12.5% chance to do: 187.5 BP

I already know that the average damage comes out to be equal to what it does with 3 hits (112.5 BP), but I'll do the calculations, anyway. All you need to do to figure out average damage is multiply the damage by their probabilities when expressed as a decimal. So you get:

(.375)(75) + (.375)(112.5) + (.125)(150) + (.125)(187.5) = 112.5 BP

This means that a Skill Linked Sweep Slap/Rock Blast/Bullet Seed will do 11.1% more damage than a Technician one. In that regard, Skill Link is better, but Chillanchino also gets other moves that can benefit from Technician like Wake Up Slap. Chillanchino doesn't have a good way of hitting Steels, so a 90 Base Power move is a great way to put a dent in them. This is why I think you should run Technician if you're planning on running Wake Up Slap (and you really should) or use Skill Link if you don't want to use it.

In case anyone's wondering, a Technician boosted Sweep Slap has an average Base Power of 75 if it takes one hit to break the Substitute or 37.5 if it takes two hits to break the Substitute. This compares with 75 damage for 2 hits with Skill Link (the technician one hits harder and thus breaks the Sub faster) or 50 damage if it takes three hits (3x25 = 2x37.5).
im the only who likes

item: life orb
nature: jolly
ability: skill link
4hp 252 attack 252 speed

bullet seed
rock blast
sweep slap

bullet seed/rock blast/sweep slap after 5 hits from skill link get 125 BP(no drawbacks and more chances to get a crit xD) and sweep slap gets stab so its a 187.5BP move with no drawbacks
and this guy has a great speed and decent 95 base attack
Kings Rock on this thing with Skill Link could be really annoying. 58.5% chance to flinch with Sweep Slap, Bullet Seed or Rock Blast, yikes.