Base Stats -
HP 99 / ATK 68 / DEF 83 / S. ATK 72 / S. DEF 87 / SPE 51
Abilities -
Chlorophyll - Speed doubles in the sun.
Solar Power - Pokemon's special attack increases by 1.5 in the sun, but loses health every turn.
(DW) Harvest - The same berry can be reused infinitely in one battle. (The berry regenerates at the end of every turn, and if it meets the condition for it's use, it immediately uses it again, but only once a turn.)
Lv1: Leer, Lv1: Gust, Lv7: Growth, Lv11: Razor Leaf, Lv17: Stomp, Lv21: Sweet Scent, Lv27: Whirlwind, Lv31: Magical Leaf, Lv37: Body Slam, Lv41: Synthesis, Lv47: [M536], Lv51: Air Slash, Lv57: [M516], Lv61: Solarbeam, Lv67: Natural Gift, Lv71: Leaf Storm
TM05 - Roar, TM06 - Toxic, TM10 - Hidden Power, TM11 - Sunny Day, TM15 - Hyper Beam, TM17 - Protect, TM20 - Safeguard, TM21 - Frustration, TM22 - Solar Beam, TM26 - Earthquake, TM27 - Return, TM32 - Double Team, TM40 - Aerial Ace, TM42 - Facade, TM44 - Rest, TM45 - Attract, TM48 - Troll, TM53 - Energy Ball, TM68 - Giga Impact, TM70 - Flash, TM75 - Swords Dance, TM78 - Level Ground, TM86 - Grass Knot, TM87 - Swagger, TM90 - Substitute, TM94 - Rock Smash, HM01 - Cut, HM02 - Fly, HM04 - Strength
Headbutt, Slam, Razor Wind, Leech Seed, Nature Power, Leaf Storm, Synthesis, Curse, Leaf Blade, Dragon Dance, Bullet Seed, Natural Gift
Giga Drain, Secret Power, Steel Wing, Roost, Endure, Silver Wind, Captivate, Sleep Talk, Defog
Air Cutter, Fury Cutter, Ominous Wind, Snore, Mud-slap, Outrage, Twister
Giga Drain, Secret Power, Steel Wing, Roost, Endure, Silver Wind, Captivate, Sleep Talk, Defog
Air Cutter, Fury Cutter, Ominous Wind, Snore, Mud-slap, Outrage, Twister
New Moves: Troll, Level Ground
As can be seen, Tropius didn't really get any amazing new moves this generation, however, it's Dream World ability makes for several interesting new strategies, most notably a hilarious pp stall strategy.
Tropius (PP Stall Set)
Ability - Harvest
Calm - 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 Sp D
Held Item - Leppa Berry (Restores 10 pp)
Toxic / Leech Seed
The goal is to baton pass Tropius aqua ring and ingrain, in which case it heals 12.5% a turn or 25% every two turns, which means that it can Sub + Protect forever, as with the Leppa Berry it has unlimited pp, you would then win unless the opponent has a living taunter/encorer/multihit/imprison(with either sub or protect) with the latter two being much less common then the former.