

Base Stats -
HP 99 / ATK 68 / DEF 83 / S. ATK 72 / S. DEF 87 / SPE 51

Abilities -
Chlorophyll - Speed doubles in the sun.
Solar Power - Pokemon's special attack increases by 1.5 in the sun, but loses health every turn.
(DW) Harvest - The same berry can be reused infinitely in one battle. (The berry regenerates at the end of every turn, and if it meets the condition for it's use, it immediately uses it again, but only once a turn.)

Lv1: Leer, Lv1: Gust, Lv7: Growth, Lv11: Razor Leaf, Lv17: Stomp, Lv21: Sweet Scent, Lv27: Whirlwind, Lv31: Magical Leaf, Lv37: Body Slam, Lv41: Synthesis, Lv47: [M536], Lv51: Air Slash, Lv57: [M516], Lv61: Solarbeam, Lv67: Natural Gift, Lv71: Leaf Storm

TM05 - Roar, TM06 - Toxic, TM10 - Hidden Power, TM11 - Sunny Day, TM15 - Hyper Beam, TM17 - Protect, TM20 - Safeguard, TM21 - Frustration, TM22 - Solar Beam, TM26 - Earthquake, TM27 - Return, TM32 - Double Team, TM40 - Aerial Ace, TM42 - Facade, TM44 - Rest, TM45 - Attract, TM48 - Troll, TM53 - Energy Ball, TM68 - Giga Impact, TM70 - Flash, TM75 - Swords Dance, TM78 - Level Ground, TM86 - Grass Knot, TM87 - Swagger, TM90 - Substitute, TM94 - Rock Smash, HM01 - Cut, HM02 - Fly, HM04 - Strength

Headbutt, Slam, Razor Wind, Leech Seed, Nature Power, Leaf Storm, Synthesis, Curse, Leaf Blade, Dragon Dance, Bullet Seed, Natural Gift

Giga Drain, Secret Power, Steel Wing, Roost, Endure, Silver Wind, Captivate, Sleep Talk, Defog
Air Cutter, Fury Cutter, Ominous Wind, Snore, Mud-slap, Outrage, Twister

New Moves: Troll, Level Ground

As can be seen, Tropius didn't really get any amazing new moves this generation, however, it's Dream World ability makes for several interesting new strategies, most notably a hilarious pp stall strategy.

Tropius (PP Stall Set)
Ability - Harvest
Calm - 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 Sp D
Held Item - Leppa Berry (Restores 10 pp)
Toxic / Leech Seed

The goal is to baton pass Tropius aqua ring and ingrain, in which case it heals 12.5% a turn or 25% every two turns, which means that it can Sub + Protect forever, as with the Leppa Berry it has unlimited pp, you would then win unless the opponent has a living taunter/encorer/multihit/imprison(with either sub or protect) with the latter two being much less common then the former.
Holy shit. That ability is pretty broken. I mean, reusable berries? all you need is protect and you're sitting at +2 after two turns.
Even though Harvest is so interesting, as long as DD + Leaf Blade is oddly illegal, I am never touching this thing.

I really like that though. Looks potential for some lower tier trolling :'D

Too bad its typing is so poor, but I guess Roosts helps a little.
Banana Meteor is stupid. Ask a Brazilian anything.

Jokes aside, Harvest is a really interesting ability. Swords Dance + Salac for a "pseudo-Speed Boost", PP Stall, infinite Chesto or LumRest (bulky DD LumRest sounds good in the lower tiers) or even some kind of Petaya Berry abuse... there are lots of sets I'm eager to try when we get the DW abilities. (:

For now, though, Tropius doesn't seem to have anything new. Which is sad because Tropius is bananas awesome. ;_;
What a terribly broken ability Harvest is- good thing the two pokemon who get it aren't that much of a threat.

OP's set is quite funny, but as they said, is easily taunt blocked.
Tropius has always sucked and always will?

Unless it pulls Brave Bird or Petal Dance out of its ass, since it lacks petals. And bird-ness. Harvest is better used on Eggy.

Why would you pass Ingrain and Aqua Ring to Tropius when you could pass offensive boosts and kill things faster and not be cockblocked by steel types and poison types and Immunity pokemon and Clefable and co?
you wouldn't blocked by steel or poison or immunity type pokemon. if you can never touch tropius, eventually your opponent's entire team will run out of pp, while you never will. they would eventually struggle to death.
Even if a poison steel came along, you can pp stall them till they can only use struggle, then tank struggle with roost. Not flawless, not easy, but very deadly if used right.
Edit: ninja'd
What did that do again? Something like a Leaf Storm that could flinch the opponent right?

Roost is illegal with Harvest, since you can only teach it Roost by TM in 4th Gen and you can only get Harvest in 5th Gen.

Anyway, Tropius can utilize another set with Harvest.

Tropius @ Salac Berry/Starf Berry
EVs: 36 HP/252 Atk/12 Def/208 Spe
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Harvest

~ Substitute
~ Leaf Blade
~ Earthquake
~ Swords Dance/Protect

I'm pretty sure that someone in the research thread confirmed that the berry will be consumed right after Tropius uses Substitute, be replenished at the end of the turn, and be eaten again immediately. This means that Tropius gets +2 Spe on the turn the Salac Berry is consumed. So this works just like any other Substitute Pokemon, and you get to use Swords Dance when the Pokemon breaks your third Substitute and end up with +2 Atk and +3 Spe (the final one comes on the turn you use Swords Dance). If you're feeling more daring, you can go with Starf Berry instead. This will give you +2 in three different stats (or +6 in one stat) so you could end up with +4 Atk and +4 Spe, if you're lucky.

Protect can be useful with Starf Berry to give you 5 +2 boosts before you begin your sweep (the first two when you use Substitute for the third time, Protect on the 4th turn to get another boost, get another one when they break your Sub on the 5th turn, and Protect on the 6th turn to get another boost). Since you will constantly keep getting boosts at the end of every turn, you can get +6 with everything 10 turns later, although, Tropius will probably have either swept or be dead by then.

The EVs allow you to outspeed Timid Choice Scarf Heatran at +2 and Naive Scarf Infernape at +3. Maximum Atk is obvious and the HP EVs give an HP divisible by 4, with the rest in Defense to take priority better.

This set is completely walled by Skarmory and Bronzong and Skarmory will simply Phaze you out. Scizor and Lucario also pose a problems with Bullet Punch and Extremespeed, respectively. This makes Choice Scarf Magnezone and Choice Scarf Shanderaa excellent partners for Tropius since they can easily trap and kill those Pokemon. Ice Shard users like Mamoswine will also take Tropius out, so this makes Shanderaa an even better choice. Sandstorm and Hail will kill Tropius in a meer 4 turns, so be sure to take out Abomasnow, Hippowdon, and Tyranitar and pair Tropius up with either Ninetails or Politoed. Once again, Shanderaa can potentially trap and kill Abomasnow and Hippowdon, but Tyranitar is hard for it to take down.

Some randomly generated possibilities for what 5 Starf Berry boosts can give you.

+4 Atk/+2 Def/+4 Eva
+2 Atk/+2 SpAtk/+4 Spe/+2 Eva
+2 Atk/+4 Def/+4 Eva
+2 Atk/+2 SpAtk/+4 Spe/+2 Acc
+4 Atk/+4 Spe/+2 Eva
+2 Atk/+2 SpAtk/+2 SpDef/+2 Spe/+2 Eva

BTW, there is a 46.2% chance that the Starf Berry won't boost any one stat. For those of you who don't know, a move that usually has 100 Accuracy used against a Pokemon with +2 Evasion only has a 60% chance to hit while it only has a 42.9% chance to hit when used against a Pokemon with +4 Evasion. At +6, it's only a 33.3% chance to hit. This can mean 2 free boosts if Tropius is behind a Substitute (due to Protect) or having Scizor's Bullet Punch miss completely and Tropius getting the KO.

Edit: @Scicky: Tropius gets 705 Atk if you're lucky enough to get a +4 boost in Attack. That's more than Adamant Lucario after a Swords Dance.

Edit2: Ok, yeah. Salac Berry was a nice thought but now that I really look at it, Protect+Starf Berry is really the only way to go.
Even if a poison steel came along, you can pp stall them till they can only use struggle, then tank struggle with roost. Not flawless, not easy, but very deadly if used right.
Edit: ninja'd

Assuming that it gets aqua ring, and ingrain, it doesn't need roost, it can just pp stall.

I don't think you can get TM Roost on a DW poke like this, correct me if I'm wrong.

You're right, I had just made up a list of what moves were incompatable, and then proceded to ignore my own list. However, you can use synthesis, and the pp limit doesn't matter in the context of infinite pp.
I agree. Good thing this isn't powerful or anything or else it'd be broken. Its gonna get much more usage this Generation though.
Hmm, no jokes about the mascot of Team Brazil getting "Troll"...

Meh, he even gets competition as "Most Brazilian Pokemon" with Puratooga now. Harvest is a plus though (although he doesn't have the speed to abuse it).
Hmm, no jokes about the mascot of Team Brazil getting "Troll"...

Meh, he even gets competition as "Most Brazilian Pokemon" with Puratooga now. Harvest is a plus though (although he doesn't have the speed to abuse it).

Quite sure every poke in existence that can learn tms learns troll; could be wrong

Anyway, any set without recovery should not be running Salac; Salac is an inferior Custap Berry (If I understand this correctly)
Wouldn't acrobat be a better STAB than leaf blade, due to his berry being used up at the end of every turn right after he recycles it, making acrobat 110 BP?

Also, use custap over salac. Salac gives you speed boosts, custap gives you infinite speed. And you should probably run adamant with starf (and definantly with custap).
Unless I'm missing something, all you have to do to beat the OPs set is to be able to out speed Tropius and hit it. It isn't unstoppable, even if you only consider offensive moves. ^_^
Wouldn't acrobat be a better STAB than leaf blade, due to his berry being used up at the end of every turn right after he recycles it, making acrobat 110 BP?

Also, use custap over salac. Salac gives you speed boosts, custap gives you infinite speed. And you should probably run adamant with starf (and definantly with custap).

Does Tropius get Acrobat? I don't see it on its learnset. I agree that Custap would be better than Salac, but I think Starf is still the best out of all of them.

Edit: Sajak, Tropius can just use Substitute on the same turn its old one breaks. If you mean when it first comes in, it can force a switch due to its Fighting and Ground resistances (Ingrain negates the Ground immunity) and get a Sub up that way.
Edit: Sajak, Tropius can just use Substitute on the same turn its old one breaks. If you mean when it first comes in, it can force a switch due to its Fighting and Ground resistances (Ingrain negates the Ground immunity) and get a Sub up that way.
Whoops. :P Not sure how I forgot that.

So it would be better to be slower, as long as you could hit it hard enough. :P
How about in a doubles/triples battle with a defensive Tropius and a teammate that knows Pluck or Bug Bite? Does the berry still get consumed, this could be another gimmicky "teamwork/cooperation" thing.
I'm so glad custap doesn't change move priority. Tropius @ Custap with roar would be pretty much unstoppable if you have Spikes and SR.

Anyway, Tropius gets a nice niche this gen, but still not really enough to make him useful. His most threatening set will probably be SD with custap, but even then he just doesn't get the coverage (nor the offensive stats) to pull it off.