CAP 11 CAP 11 - Sprite Submissions

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OMG It's shaded!

Kept the first pose as many people suggested. Stuck the needle back through its heart, which gave me more room at the top so I can make the sprite slightly taller and position the pins on its head differently. Will work on shiny forms soon.


I don't think I like the shiny on his fist. I picture Voodoo doll cloth as a lot duller.

I really wanted to at least get a good start on the backsprites before posting again, but I haven't updated on the forums in a while and I'm getting nowhere on backsprites.

Slight color change which I feel works better, as well as a few physical edits to the last thing I posted, but they're minor. Still not settled on the shading, but I like this more and it feels more correct..... just also that there's not enough shading... I did eliminate one unnecessary color, so I COULD add in another...

I want to waste my last few posts before 1k, so comments would be awesome. Hit me up on IRC if you can....

EDIT- @J24, it's just a shorter needle. I did that because the needle can be used like a swords, so I wanted to give the female a shorter sword, similar to how many ingame pokemon have smaller horns or whatever.

EDIT2- Still can't post yet because obv but here's a rough draft of the backsprite.

73094Voodom female regular front.png
62347Voodom male regular front.png
61755Voodom unisex regular back.png

tried the backsprite again but deliberatley didnt put in pins
any suggestions?

also, @elevator music, if the needle goes in deeper on the female, shouldnt it come out more at the back? or is it just a shorter needle?
oh and how big is the palette allowed to be? im new here so i dont know

I mostly messed with the colors so that they're more accurate and made a couple minor shading fixes.

Like I was predicting. Amazing sprite, the pose is so original, however I do thing it's facing a little forward compared to normal pokemon sprites.

Yeah, I noticed that as well. I think moving the eyes over to the right slightly did the trick.

aragornbird, Wyverii, Elevator Music, and DarthVader317 - nice sprites.

EDIT: Added potential shiny pallet.
Wow... Chaoscrippler.. is his right hand resting on his leg?
I think that looks really cool. He looks like an angry brute.
aragornbird, Wyverii, DarthVader317, and Chaoscrippler are my fav so far!! i like the pose aragorn gave to Voodoom and Wyverii's greatly detailed as well. But so far i think that i love the poses that Darth and Chaos gave to their sprites! Darth's looks like a vengeful Voodoom which completely matches the Backstory while Chaos' gives Voodoom a very menacing look that shows both the fighting and dark type of this Pokemon! Great jobs everyone!!!
Found a Computer at the hotel, so I'm submitting my sprites.


I made them small, because its supposed to be a doll. They aren't transparent, but they are 80x80 PNGs. I could make them transparent, but then they would be GIFs. I assume someone will make them transparent if they win.

Just throwing my hand in. Haven't sprited in a while so its good to get back into it. Its supposed to be a kind of muscle-man, flexing his guns kind of pose. Any C&C is greatly appreciated.

- Fixed button eye.
- Cleaned up lines and shading.
- Changed the hand/arm position to attempt to fix the anatomy. (It also has more of a Fighting-type feel to it.)
aragornbird: That is MUCH better without the sword-needle. He looks menacing and tortured at the same time. You have one of the best renditions of the hands on these sprites so far. The shading works wonders with the design. There seems to be something about it that is off... I just can't seem to place it. I think it's the thickness of the needle close to the end. It's a small nitpick, but otherwise I like it.
Made some minor changes to the front sprite and some major changes to the back sprite. I wanted it to be raising it's hand in a fighting stance, but the old one just looked like it was waving "hi". The more dynamic stance and the generic "I shoot stuff from my hand" implication make it seem much more like a fast, special attacker than it did before.


I really like Elevator Music's post so far... has a nice Cactuar feeling to it, and really conveys both typings real well. I hope to see more soon!
Scoopapa: I really love the sprite, but have two comments. First, the doll's right elbow looks way too "pointy" to be, well, stuffed. Maybe soften the corner a bit? I also think that the needle's angle and placement on the back sprite seem off... I'm not sure it would be angled so high, and I think it would pierce through somewhat lower, maybe halfway between the bottom of the sprite and where it is now.

I really do like the pose and think it's the perfect compromise between the "needle in" and "needle out" groups.
I think it would be cool and symbolic if someone could incorporate a loose string/stitch from this CaP to show that this guy's off its rocker.
Great sprites this time around! I know I've made a semi-return, but I'm unsure of whether or not I'll be able to submit one for this guy. I'm keeping my eye on this thread though and I'm trying my best to be incorporated back into CaP society.
Scoopapa: I really love the sprite, but have two comments. First, the doll's right elbow looks way too "pointy" to be, well, stuffed. Maybe soften the corner a bit? I also think that the needle's angle and placement on the back sprite seem off... I'm not sure it would be angled so high, and I think it would pierce through somewhat lower, maybe halfway between the bottom of the sprite and where it is now.

I really do like the pose and think it's the perfect compromise between the "needle in" and "needle out" groups.
I think the needle placement was because that was the correct angle before he redid the back sprites.

I completely agree about the pose being a perfect compromise btw.
Best backsprites in this thread so far, in my opinion. However, the frontsprites do clearly have wider shoulders than the backsprite. I know, that even some of the official fronts and backs don´t match each other perfectly, but it bothers me nonetheless.

And the hand next to the leg seems a little awkward to me. Probably because it looks a little out of shape/deformed. Don´t know how to say it right in english, sorry.
Chaoscrippler: I really like the backsprite, but have you considered adding some ripped/fraying fabric around where the needle emerges? At the moment, it looks a bit like the needle is simply attached to the body.
scoopapa, I see alot of potential in your back sprite, but you have to change some misproportion caused by your outlining, especially the head.
Also the shading is totaly wrong, the sun comes from a totally other place then you made it look like.
But I like the pose, and the front sprite isn't bad either

Did some more work on it, including making a female and shiny form, as well as doing backsprites. Once again, any thoughts? I decided to enhance the beaten up look of the sprite by making one of the threads loose on the back, with the fabric split. I was also considering adding patches in small areas, or would that be a little too clichéd?
@Wizwum: I like the split fabric on the back sprite, it adds something interesting besides a big field of black and tan.


I shortened the big needle and the lower pin, made the tan arm smaller and more fist-like, tilted the face up a bit, and made a female sprite.
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