CAP 11 CAP 11 - Art Submissions

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Trying to enter pretty late in the game.
Been pretty busy, but I managed to make a couple doodles.


At first I thought I'd make some sort of goblin warrior or something. It's sort of a bland idea, but I like gargoyles and shit like that so I thought I'd doodle one anyway. Then I thought maybe I could do something with a boxer, like with the robe they wear with the hood pulled up grim-reaper style? I don't know that was a retarded idea too.

Next I tried to think of some animal that I could combine with an occupation or stereotype concept, and a badger came to mind. I had just watched the movie Is Anybody There? with Michael Caine, and he mentioned that he liked badgers because "They're bad-tempered, but they look good - and you can make sporrans out of badgers."

So, I don't know. I drew a badger. Then I started fucking around with the lines on his face, because they have white heads with big thick lines on it. I thought it'd be funny to give him chops and a mustache, so he'd be like Dudley from Street Fighter... only like, a fuzzy animal. So I checked the thread and then realized that there was already an awesome badger concept and he's in a straight up tuxedo. Weirdest. Coincidence. Ever.

So, no badger. Asdfgh;jgk.


Went back to the goblin idea. I guess goblins are sort of dark creatures that like to beat people up. Dark and Fighting yaayy. I figured he could be some sort of henchman support sidekick to Togekiss or whoever. Or maybe he could ride on Togekiss Green Goblin style and throw Shadow Balls. Pretty sweet.

Anyway, I started doodling his face and body and messing around with different designs. Here's the first one I came up with, it's more tough looking but I don't really like how the face turned out. It's sort of like, lion or monkey-esque. I don't know. I decided to change it up a little.

So I tried a different design for his face and threw a hat on and changed his body to something a little softer and more like, mischievous. Maybe he's a house elf or something. I guess Volt Absorb and all the support techniques that might go into his movepool can be justified by the fact that he's been trained at Hogwarts and totally magical. I don't know man, haha.

So that's it. He's a goblin. Thank you for humoring me.


Please let me know what you think!
I'll try to finish up a final submission soon.

I'm not leaving without entering either.

Anyways, remember the Capalope on page 1? After 7 days of vacation, I got back, and so far, I've found ironically...with a few modifications, Capalope actually fit the myriad stuff well. Volt Absorb? Try sharp conductors for antlers. Tattoos of Togekiss grant it special attacking power, and a Baton Pass from a Togekiss grants it absolutely LETHAL power. Spurs reduced in size for less physical power. And obviously, any creature with partial inspiration from rabbits is going to be fast.

So yeah. I also have the prevo there, as you can see. It's basically a baby jackalope, with the unique twist it has a Togepi reference: Can you find it?

Dex info:

D: It bounds through grasslands, appearing only to the most dedicated of trainers. It attacks with its powerful lasso tail, energy from its tattoos, and mighty kicks.

P: Its three triangular tattoos are believed to have a connection to TOGEKISS. It is unknown how they relate to each other, however.

PT: If a trainer has a pure enough heart to find a TOGEKISS and enough will to find a CAPALOPE, it is said he will be invincible.

HG: A favorite of Sinnoh ranchers, if they're determined enough to find it. It will grab stray Pokemon with its lasso tail and haul them, saving time. If it does battle, it will use its mighty feet and its energized tattoos as well.

SS: Its antlers are only used in self-defense, and for absorbing electricity like a lightning rod. It instead prefers to use its bladed feet, lasso tail, and its energy-filled tattoos for weapons instead.

Comments/critique? (BTW: CAPalope doesn't like Tyranitars who make sandstorms that bother its friend Togekiss. THEY MUST BE PUNISHED WITH STAB AURA SPHERE.)

This is probably going to be my last attempt at a final submission piece. I just tried another pose since the reactions to my last one were pretty mixed. So what do you guys think?

Personally I am pretty happy with the way this piece came out. I tried to make the coloring slightly lighter as was suggested to me.

Personally I like this pose much better! Great job as always, but can you add a background like the first one?
Let's try this again. My original post was deleted because I was too stupid to read the OP about size restrictions.

Anywaaays.... For fighting/dark type, I immediately thought of some kind of vigilante type fighter. I drew inspiration from things like Super Sentai and Kamen Rider, whilst at the same time tried to infuse t with elements that would make it look "dark". I also tried to make it not look too much like a ninja; I didn't want to go with the obvious pick of Ninja for fighting/dark and wanted to make a clear distinction between it and a masked fighter.

I am open to criticism and design changes, in hopes of bettering my entry. Also, I will try to put up a colored version soon.
Since a last minute entry is better than no entry at all, here is my unique concept of the day.


Yahoo! Shadow Snake! I decided to take a snake/naga concept for this one, seeing as I wanted something dark and menacing. I picked the snake due to the fact that Studio 534 already has a Spider, and I wanted something that I could use as a concept for that project in case it loses. My concept uses it's ever-shedding skin to protect it from attacks and, in some cases, attack for it. It can detach the shed from it's arms and control it using it's rattle, or it can lengthen its arms out by building up shedded skin. Tell me what you guys think!
Final Submission

hey. Thanks to some really helpful feedback from Cartoons! here's my new design:

great stuff all around, and good luck to all.
Hey Doug, just two quick suggestions regarding your concept.

You said you've played around with a lot of colors, do you mind posting some other variants? It's a common trend in-game that Dark Pokemon are...well, Dark; Honchkrow, Houndoom, Skunktank, Drapion, etc are all dark black, grey, or dark purple or something. There might be some exceptions to this (I can't think of any right now though) but I think it would help flavor-wise if your concept's primary coloration was Black or some other dark shade. The current shade of darkish brown isn't cutting it as far as that goes imo, so I was wondering if you had any darker ones for us to look at.

And second, it would be cool if you had something in your flavor about how the dolls aren't really...evil, but just really mistrusting or something like that.
I'm kinda new at this site, this being my first post, and I saw this thread so I thought that I should try it out.

This is kind of a rough version of my entry.


Since i can't turn it into computer artwork(adobe), I give full permission to anybody who wants to improve it.
(I can't think of any right now though)
For bright Dark-types: Absol is primarily white in its design. Crawdaunt is vivid red. Both Cacturne and Tyranitar green and generally lack dark colors. Shifty is white, green, and brown - aside from his eyes, he has no black on his design at all.
@DougJustDoug: If only Synchronize was the primary ability. That would be perfect for a Voodoo doll concept. Volt Absorb works too, I suppose.
Final Submission

Main Design


Supporting Material

Among the first species of Pokemon to be trained by man, ancient civilizations entrusted the safety of their temples to the ever loyal CAP11. These civilizations may have disappeared, but the ruins of their temples remained. Nowadays, CAP11s sit in the darkest deepest regions of these time worn mountain temples; forever guarding their treasures. They sit in silent darkness, living out their exceptionally long lives in deep meditation. If any explorer ever happens to stumble upon the resting place of these lonesome guardians, they must prepare themselves for a difficult battle. These Pokemon are gifted with both physical prowess and speed, and even stronger mental powers.

CAP11 has been an awesome journey from beginning to end. I've learned so much since this project started. At the beginning I was very new to digital art, layering, and of course coloring, having only gotten a tablet a week prior. I also learned a great deal about drawing the humanoid form. I guess most of all though I learned a lot about myself as an artist, which to me is more important than winning. Thank you everyone for all the support and critiques I truly appreciate it! And to all the artists out there, you guys have done an incredible job. Keep up the awesome work and good luck to everyone!
I suggest a darker tone to the body colors of both.

-The Kid

I disagree. The current colours look fine to me. The concept of the design already showed the fighting/dark typing without colour and the colours and shades used are just as I imagined they would be.

Still, it's art so there's no right or wrong answer.
Just a reminder to all artists who haven't already:

You need to make a final submission if you want to be included in the upcoming poll. You have a few days left, so complete your work in a timely fashion. Late entries will not be accepted.
Will be making my final submission tomorrow or Wednesday, which I hope shouldn't be too late. Going to make a final pass at the wrestler rather than the ninja design, since theres already plenty of those in the running. Would be done by now if I wasn't tied up with work et al.
Paras, just a heads up on the wrestler since I absolutely love that design: I don't know if you've been following the stats poll, but it was decided that CAP11 would lean toward special attacks. I wouldn't want to see your bitchin' wrassler get buried because it doesn't "look specially oriented." So I hope you have something up your sleeve to give the impression it can use special attacks and Volt Absorb.
Although I think that DougJustDoug will prevail, because his "Voodoom" design is nearly flawless, my vote will be going to Zantimonius. That thing is just so cool! I love the feet disguised as eyes and the beard and the gold tooth. I really hope it can make it to the final slate so that I can further voice my support there. Great job to everyone and hopefully the poll will be up soon!

WIP, obviously

What-I-want-to-call-Ribgit holds a new discovery among pokemon, tool use. Not just stick I can hit stuff with as seen in marowak and farfetch'd, but actual purpose made tools. The most common tool professors have seen are retrofitted engines and electronic equipment scavenged from human trash. In wild battles they have been seen to be used in a variety of ways.

Physically, their main curiosity are two long arms that jut out from its ribs that are much longer and coordinate than the main "brutish" arms. Their origin is unknown, but ribgits use them to create the finer, more aesthetic aspects of their tools.

I figure having a logical (as far as pokemon can be) reason for its volt absorb ability would be a nice touch.

Some artists final submissions are breaking the rules. Please read the OP and check your work to make sure your work meets the requirements. Any submissions breaking the rules will not make the polls when they come around.
Last question before final submission. Two colour schemes below. Which is better?

On the left is the original, on the right is a slightly darker version, to emphasise the Dark-type, I guess... Any thoughts?

Oh, and here's a preliminary flavour paragraph, just because.

(CAP11) is the lonely spirit of a forgotten Pokémon with nobility of mind and divine attributes. (CAP11) will appear only where there is strife or unrest, and will not leave that place until the conflict has been settled.

It is so fast, it is impossible to see while it is moving, so sightings of (CAP11) are restricted to seeing it in a sitting or crouching position. (CAP11) is only seen in this position by those with a troubled heart, while it is simply gazing calmly at those conflicts or individuals it tries to resolve.

Once a place is cleansed of its strife and anger, the peaceful land is sometimes colonized by TOGEKISS, who will only appear in a place without strife. For this reason, as well as the gifts shared by TOGEKISS with the population, (CAP11) is regarded as a sign of salvation by many, and the bond between (CAP11) and TOGEKISS is immensely strong.

A unique trait of (CAP11) is the ability to attract and absorb electrical energy, which it uses to heal itself and increase its energy and power. The spikes, on its arms and tail, act as lightning rods, which attract the electrical power. This power is sometimes seen as a nuisance, as (CAP11) can drain the power from electrical pylons and generators and cause severe blackouts in industrialised towns, increasing its reputation as the “Darkness Pokémon”, as old folk tales say that darkness follows (CAP11) wherever it treads.

I tried to explain the relationship to Togekiss, as well as the relevance of Volt Absorb and (hopefully) Lightningrod. I think that both of these abilities actually make sense from a flavour perspective, in terms of my actual concept. Maybe I'll do some concept art to that effect later.
bugmaniacbob: I personally like the one on the right more because it has a more defined outline than the one on the left. I also like the shade of red for the claws on the left. Try combining those two elements.
Despite my saying that i wouldn't be entering a final submission due to an extreme love of DougJustDoug's design, I have had a change of heart.

...However... my tablet has entirely kicked the bucket. I'm not to surprised, it's quite old, however, I don't really have any means of inking my submission (I am awful with the pen tool in Photo Shop)

I was hoping I might be able to get assistance from someone, and do a collaborative submission. The sketch of my main design again is:

I would greatly appreciate the help of someone who can ink and color decently!

Flavour Text: This pokemon is based off a Japanese "Oni" or Demon. Their traditional colors tend to be a fierce red and a ogre green. This pokemon love to play tricks on people, and it utilizes it's tail, which contains a second head and brain, to peak around corners to measure the best time to jump out at people. However despite it's scary looks and practical jokes it's a pokemon that is dedicated to helping it's trainer and other pokemon. It tends to feel at it's happiest when put together with it's most unlikely partner, Togekiss. While polar opposites, Onimon makes a strong effort to socialize with any Togekiss. The good natured Togekiss loves to play with the Onimon, and even more so to battle with.

Volt Absorb Flavour Text (Pokédex Entry) : Onimon's second tail also acts like an electrode, which absorbs electricity and converts it into energy that Onimon can use.
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