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I actually knew about the Move Tutor in Pewter. I just wanted to know if Chansey/Clefable will be ABLE to learn it in that version. Are you sure both can?

On a side note, does Clefable/Chansey have a chance of acquiring Magic Guard and Natural Cure, respectively, upon migration?

EDIT: I see Chansey readily gets Natural Cure in FR/LG. Does this have a possibility to change?
I actually knew about the Move Tutor in Pewter. I just wanted to know if Chansey/Clefable will be ABLE to learn it in that version. Are you sure both can?

On a side note, does Clefable/Chansey have a chance of acquiring Magic Guard and Natural Cure, respectively, upon migration?

EDIT: I see Chansey readily gets Natural Cure in FR/LG. Does this have a possibility to change?
As Delko just said YES.

The abilities don't change.
The abilities don't change.
This may be the case for Chansey because it gets Natural Cure in FR/LG. How about Clefable who doesn't get Magic Guard in 3rd Gen? If you say abilities don't change, how's a Clefable with Seismic Toss and Magic Guard even possible in D/P/Pt? Please make your sentence clearer, as I don't get which pokemon you're pointing out or if you're pointing out both [which is pretty impossible].

All pokemon with the flamebody/ Magma Armor ability halves the egg hatching time.
Reminder, though, you need to place the Magma Armor/ Flame Body pokemon next to the egg.
With clefable it will be about a 50/50 chance that it will change ability. You can't tell what it will be.

Also you don't need to be next to the next to half the steps.
Reminder, though, you need to place the Magma Armor/ Flame Body pokemon next to the egg.
I know from experience that you don't need to place it next to the egg ;)

But i think his question is : would putting TWO flamebody/magma armor in your party divide the hatching time by 4 (instead of 2 with only one Flame body pokemon)?

If only one parent holds Power Anklet or the like, the baby is guaranteed to receive the corresponding IV from that parent. If both parents hold an item of that kind, one of them is chosen at random, and the baby is guaranteed to receive the corresponding IV from that parent. In other words, the baby won't inherit from both parents.


Yes, Clefairy and Clefable can learn Seismic Toss.
i do not see any use for u-turn besides scouting, so you dont really need the power, but if you really want to abuse u-turn then naive work just fine, you need a somewhat fast u-turn anyway and you dont get any kos with rash anyway.
Well thank you. I know it's a strange strategy, but I find it more reliable at doing damage to Slowking switch-ins while also allowing me to get a counter ready.
why is my powerband not working. im ev training my mudkip and it has a powrband on it so it should get 4 extra evs in defense when it levels up but it doesent. what do i do


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why is my powerband not working. im ev training my mudkip and it has a powrband on it so it should get 4 extra evs in defense when it levels up but it doesent. what do i do
EVs gained do not take effect all the time. Those EVs are still there. They haven't take effect yet. However, all EVs will take effect by level 100
I'm not that great a team builder, but I want to build a team around Dragonite.
Anybody want to talk over AIM/MSN and bounce ideas off eachother for a new team? We can practice on shoddy, too. I'm not in the tutor program and I don't have a team to post in RMT so I figured this would be a good place to ask about getting started on a team. Send me a PM if you wanna make a team with me!
Is Brine the most acceptable single-targeting alternative to Surf, or should I just teach my weak to water Pokemon Protect.
Doubles, you know.
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