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Even so, the OU lead meta is so 'centralized' that I've found more success in running a 3 attack Aero with SR rather than Taunting a Azelf who is going to switch, a Roserade who fails to OHKO with Leaf Storm, or gambling a speed tie with another Aero.

Thats just me I guess.
If a Pokemon has Clear Body or White Smoke as an ability, will its Attack be reduced with a burn or its Speed reduced when paralyzed?

Yes, White Smoke and Clear Body are also affected by moves such as Overheat. It just that your opponent cannot lower your stats with a move (or the Intimidate ability).
I am kind of stuck on my new team, It's a Double Battle Tailwind team. So far the Pokemon are:

I might change a few of the Pokemon around, but I haven't fully tested anything yet.

My question is, should I run Encore or Charm on Togekiss? I don't use the AR, and and can't RNG on my SS yet b/c IDK the Secret ID, so if I teach it Encore, evolve Togetic into Togekiss, and realize Charm would have been the better move, than I will have to spend another week shifting through eggs.
Here is Togekiss' set:

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Bold : Serene Grace
IVs: 31/5/31/16/2/31
EVs: 220HP, 52Defense, 30SpAttack, 208Speed


~Encore / Charm
~Air Slash
~Roost / Follow Me

Spent a few days searching for a good Bold Togekiss, and this is as close as I got out of 42 eggs. Bulky set up of Tailwind, which lets it abuse Flinchax (ParaFlinch b/c Butterfree is non-scarfed double Powder). Follow Me to protect his Partner (Marrowak is somewhat frail due to low defensive IVs) while Roost to increase longevity (I do realize instant healing isn't as affective in doubles, but I think ti will be useful if I get dual physical attackers as opponents), but Roost is a TM, so if I evolve Togetic, and Follow Me doesn't work, I can fix it.

Stat modifiers tend to be more effective in Doubles than Singles b/c the lack of switching, so Charm has a good chance of saving Togekiss, Gliscor, Suicune, etc. from a heavy attack (especially since Rock Slide/EQ's heavy power drop in doubles)
Still waiting on a response to my question...
Sorry, but Shoddy doesn't have doubles (or else I wouldn't be so worried about my Togekiss). You can either download the old Net Battler, or do Wi-Fi. Shoddy 2 has doubles, but hasn't been released (after 2 years....Considering I haven't even heard about it's progress, I doubt it will be finished until well into Gen V)
I was lucky enough to have breed a Scyther with 31 attack IVs and recently I have been using pokemon that are two egg groups to pass it's IVs onto other species. I have managed to do this with Breloom, Pinsir and Kingler. I was hoping to move onto something bigger and I was wondering if besides the "No Gender" and "No Eggs" group there was any limitations of this method of passing on IVs?
Sorry, but Shoddy doesn't have doubles (or else I wouldn't be so worried about my Togekiss). You can either download the old Net Battler, or do Wi-Fi. Shoddy 2 has doubles, but hasn't been released (after 2 years....Considering I haven't even heard about it's progress, I doubt it will be finished until well into Gen V)

that sucks... I imagine Net Battle isn't set up for Gen IV rules? My pokemon on my DS games aren't even level 70. Was hoping I wouldn't have to grind them all the way up to 100 before playtesting these teams myself.

Though that does bring up another question... what do I do if my pokemon are level 100, and I suddenly realize that I need to change its EVs?
In doubles, is it generally more effective for a Kyogre to have Hydro Pump or Surf for a STAB (assuming the user of Kyogre's team has pokes that all possess Protect/Dry Skin/Water Absorb or whatever)? Just curious because one has power and good reliablity, whereas the other hits both, but the damage is split.
No offense, I will not take Water Spout for an answer. I generally don't think it's that effective without a Follow Me partner, and even still I'm not crazy about Follow Me. FM just makes one dead weight that's ready to die...

P.S. Please avoid FM opinions, I just want to know H., Pump VS. Surf
since you dont want to try scarf water spout then i sugest surf with a water absorb partner or something like that, its more reliable and still get more then 200 power in rain has far i know.
that sucks... I imagine Net Battle isn't set up for Gen IV rules? My pokemon on my DS games aren't even level 70. Was hoping I wouldn't have to grind them all the way up to 100 before playtesting these teams myself.
Wifi has auto-levelling.

Though that does bring up another question... what do I do if my pokemon are level 100, and I suddenly realize that I need to change its EVs?
Get a new Pokemon. You can use Vitamins and EV-reducing berries, but you can never get more than 100 EVs in a stat that way.
Is it a bug, or intended that upon tracing a pokemon with Truant on it's second turn out, your tracing pokemon also loafs around that turn? And if it's a bug, is a fix on the way?
I got a quick question. In the RNG reporter (I'm doing this for HG), I used the time finder to get a good time for a shiny egg. It says that it is on frame 11. When I call Elm 10 times to verify my seed, since I've got all the roamers, will those calls to verify the seed get my frame to what I need?

EDIT: What I mean by "I've got all the roamers" is that they are all caught and no longer roaming.
No; calling Elm advances the frame on the main RNG, whereas egg shininess uses the IRNG. The only known way to advance the IRNG in a controlled manner on HGSS is to have eggs laid by your Pokémon; frame 11, in this case, means that you'll need to wait until the 11th egg to get your shiny. (I advise trying to use a spread with a lower frame number, to save time.)
you traced truant, you get the exactly same effect, i dont see how its even possible to be a bug.
I see how it's a bug. If the following happens:

EDIT: had to fix this

Turn 1: Slaking switches in.

Turn 2: Slaking acts. Porygon2 switches in

Turn 3: Slaking loafs around, Porygon2 loafs around

Shouldn't Porygon2 act on turn 3, and loaf around on turn 4? I mean Slaking doesn't loaf around the turn after it switched in.

If anyone can recall where in Platinum to find a Truant using opponent, I'll test this in game. (I'm pretty sure I have a trace Ralts or Kirlia)
If anyone can recall where in Platinum to find a Truant using opponent, I'll test this in game. (I'm pretty sure I have a trace Ralts or Kirlia)
In Eterna Forest, Slakoth appear during Swarms.

The Battle Tower is probably the only place in-game w/ an NPC using one. Otherwise, you have to test it out against another player or go during the swarm.
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