Canti's Sketches (and maybe scratch sprites)




Since my sprites seem to be my most popular achievement here in Smeargle's studio, I'll post them here so that people can access them all at once.:

Feel free to use them for fusions, RMTs, whatever you like. If you use these unaltered, just link back to this thread k?


Pixel Overs:



I can also do rough sketches, the above battle scene being an example. All of my artistic abilities are self taught, so there's not a whole lot I can do, but I have a great imagination for fight scenes so if you want to see two pokemon duking it out in a creative and visually satisfying way, post your request here. Also, lookout for colored renditions of my work once I've learned how to do that.

Pending requests:
Hybrid99: Torterra vs Sceptile & Ursamajor sprite
GTS: Zangoose vs Seviper
Raikizen: Tyranitar vs Aggron
Flamewheeler: Colored Blaziken vs. Infernape



Abilities: Speed Boost / Momentum (Attack x1.5, cannot switch attacks, cumulative with Choice Band)
Attacks: Earthquake, Payback, Sucker Punch, Hammer Arm, Glare etc.

A fakemon. It is a golem made up of it's prevos that uses chains as it's musculatory and circulatory systems. It moves by shortening and slackening the chains connecting the balls together. It has difficulty changing directions and relies on momentum. It's movements are powered by dark energy. The eyes were scratched in paint, post-scan.
Blaziken vs Infernape would be sweet if you want to sketch a battle.

Are you going to be posting your other Sprites here by any chance?
Hmm, that sounds like fun. Blaziken should be good practice for drawing human and martial arts shapes.

I'll post up the rest of my sprites after I've got a few more drawings, so that I don't get shut down.


The Blaziken was really hard to do because of the pose that I wanted, and it took several sketches before I finally got it right (sort of right anyway). The head and "wing" were the hardest part. I originally wanted to have Infernape falling beneath the kick rightside up, but I couldn't sketch Infernape small enough so I had to rethink his pose.

And another sprite:
Can you maybe make the lines on blaziken vs. infernape darker? It's very hard to see them, and my eye sight isn't the worlds best...
But from what I can make out, cool! And awesome sprites! I may have to request some for my next rmt
Wow, these are amazing! I've most of your work in the spriting thread and always loved your results in taking requests. Can you draw Aggron vs Salamence going all out ? Or Sceptile vs Torterra :)
Wow i love your art and can you draw a metgross vs. salamence i think that would be epic. Actually any psuedo-legendary would do but i prefer these
Thank you for all of the positive comments everyone, I hope to finish a fully outlined, shaded and colored rendition of BvI pic within the week.

Thanks also for the requests, I already have ideas for Torterra vs. Sceptile and Salamence v Metagross, though I wont' be able to do any sketching until I get home from Seattle.
Well my laptop has officially died, so work on the colored Blaziken vs Infernape will be put on hold. I'll start working on Sceptile vs. Torterra and Salamence vs Metagross, though which one I'll finish first I don't know yet.


PS: anyone who wants to color and shade any of my drawings is welcome to do so and take all the credit for it. I really wanted to see my sketches fleshed out, but I am currently ill-equipped to make it so. As long as you don't take credit for the posing, you don't even have to mention my name, just make sure you PM me the link to wherever you post it so I can see my idea realized to it's full potential.
Well my laptop has officially died, so work on the colored Blaziken vs Infernape will be put on hold. I'll start working on Sceptile vs. Torterra and Salamence vs Metagross, though which one I'll finish first I don't know yet.


PS: anyone who wants to color and shade any of my drawings is welcome to do so and take all the credit for it. I really wanted to see my sketches fleshed out, but I am currently ill-equipped to make it so. As long as you don't take credit for the posing, you don't even have to mention my name, just make sure you PM me the link to wherever you post it so I can see my idea realized to it's full potential.
Woah I totally LOVE IT!!! Except at first i mistaken salamence for charizard for a moment... I still LOVE IT though
You succeeded at making Sceptile actually look good. In reality, I think he's a pretty ugly pokemon, but your sprite of him is cool, much better than anything the Pokemon artists have made.