CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 3

Which concept should be used for CAP8?

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I voted for Kingdra in the Snow because I'd love to make a Hail team and have always liked Ice-Pokemon in general, but if the Neglected Ability we choose turns out to be Simple, or Shield Dust, then I'll be fine with it. :)

(Can you imagine a Simple user with Agility? ahldfhaksfd :D)
Um, what? EM's concept mentions nothing about the abilities being hindrances to the Pokemon; to the contrary, on the mention of the things like "but possibly very helpful" and "things like Shield Dust/Solar Power" in the concept. The concept is based around giving an underused ability that's good, but simply not on any good Pokemon some time to shine, not creating a Pokemon with a sucky ability and having it make up for it through other factors. You may want the concept to go down that route, but that's not what the concept actually is, at least not with the way EM submitted it.

The Concept merely requires a neglected ability. It does not specify either direction. Obviously Mag has pointed out that we have used most good abilities that were neglected, therefore I think this is a suitable change in direction. They do not necessarily have to be hindrances, but I'd prefer to stay away from the top available abilities. Solar power makes you lose 1/8 of your HP every turn. It is definitely viable, but needs some work.
Now, you have 2 choices.

You can vote EM’s Neglected Ability concept. The Concept Assessment will be a huge mess, even bigger than the concept submission thread. People will start firing off all their favorite abilities, like in EVO failed project, until someone catch the right spark and all the community start bandwagoning. The typing part, which comes before the choice of the ability, could screw it even more.

However, you can also vote Zarator’s Kingdra in the Snow. The idea is clear and defined, yet open to many possible solutions. If you would like a CAP which could give your Hail team a little twist or you would like a nice sweeper for your offensive teams and a reliable answer to Hail stallers, Tyranitar, Scizor and maybe something else, Snowdra is the way to go.

If you want a nebulous project, cluttered with bandwagoning, second thoughts and fanboysm, vote for Neglected Ability. If you want a smooth process and a versatile product like many CAPs have been in the past, vote for Kingdra in the Snow.
I am sorry, but this has got to be one of the most uncalled for, despicable attempts I have ever seen anyone resort to to get support for their own concept. It's perfectly acceptable to to state legitimate reasons as to why you believe your concept is the best choice, but making disparaging remarks about your opponent's concept, particularly those that aren't true or can't be backed up, is a tactic no different from the mud-slinging politicians have used to win elections. There is no doubt that in the past, especially for very close CAP project related votes, one or both sides would resort to ridiculous or even unfair tactics to get their side to win. However, I would like to point out that this type of behavior is not acceptable.

The main thing about your argument that bothers me is that you use the word "will" as though all of the above things that you mentioned will absolutely happen when you cannot, and I repeat, cannot prove that "Concept Assessment WILL be a huge mess". From my perspective, the only thing your post is doing is fear mongering.
voted kingdra in the snow, as i Think elevator's concept is to broad, anything can come off it and the purpose of this is to have an idea of what pokemon we are creating and how is going to contribute to the metagame
I am sorry, but this has got to be one of the most uncalled for, despicable attempts I have ever seen anyone resort to to get support for their own concept. It's perfectly acceptable to to state legitimate reasons as to why you believe your concept is the best choice, but making disparaging remarks about your opponent's concept, particularly those that aren't true or can't be backed up, is a tactic no different from the mud-slinging politicians have used to win elections. There is no doubt that in the past, especially for very close CAP project related votes, one or both sides would resort to ridiculous or even unfair tactics to get their side to win. However, I would like to point out that this type of behavior is not acceptable.

The main thing about your argument that bothers me is that you use the word "will" as though all of the above things that you mentioned will absolutely happen when you cannot, and I repeat, cannot prove that "Concept Assessment WILL be a huge mess". From my perspective, the only thing your post is doing is fear mongering.

I have only expressed what I think. Yes, I have said it in a... how could I call? "appealing" way, but it is just what I think. Most people out there are voting Neglected Ability just because it is open to everything. At least in previous CAPs we had a sort of direction to take on. But the concept - at least, the way it is presented as of now - is waay too open. Tell me what prevent me to sugggesting any ability held by UU or NU Pokémon just simply for the sake of it. If it is good I could suggest to make a Pokémon which can take it to its fullest potential. If it is bad I can suggest to create a Pokémon which can make it work.

Yes, I said "will" because I'm convinced this is how things will turn to be, with the majority guided only by coolness value (as a lot of posts here directly admit). And anyway people here have abused their prediction a lot more about how Snowdra will make Hail dominate, will spike Tyranitar usage and shit like that. They cannot prove these points nothing more than I can. So, if you want to criticize my behavior for being too "political" it's a thing, but if you are against the logic behind my arguments you'll have to criticize also a lot of the arguments made for both concepts. Don't act as this is somehow "scandalous" or "immoral".
The Concept merely requires a neglected ability. It does not specify either direction. Obviously Mag has pointed out that we have used most good abilities that were neglected, therefore I think this is a suitable change in direction. They do not necessarily have to be hindrances, but I'd prefer to stay away from the top available abilities. Solar power makes you lose 1/8 of your HP every turn. It is definitely viable, but needs some work.
Uh, yes it does, in the description of the concept, which is the part of the concept that's there to provide the direction the project is to go in should it be chosen:
EM said:
Description: This pokemon will have an ability [or two] that is currently undervalued (but possibly very helpful) in the metagame but isn't used because the other pokemon with this ability don't have the stats or movepool to make it work.
The concept is based on making a Pokemon with an ability that isn't used because the Pokemon that have it suck; there's no other way to interpret the concept, and I'm surprised at all the misunderstandings there are concerning it. Again, you may wish for a concept where the focus is giving a Pokemon a bad ability that's made up for in the other aspects of this Pokemon, but that's quite clearly not what EM's concept is focused on, and thus will not be the direction it will go in should it be selected.
Neglected Ability.

Here are some Neglected Abilities:
Solar Power (which I think is the most interesting)
Shield Dust
Color Change
Slow Start
Tinted Lens

Of course, choosing the type before the ability would be difficult. Would it be possible to change the order, and pick the ability before the type, since the ability is what this whole idea centers around? D:
The order will not be changed, and this is not the place to name abilities. The Concept Assessment stage will address that in the case that EM's concept does win, please wait for that to come around. Thanks!
I voted for EM's Neglected Ability, as I think it's less limiting than zarator's Kingdra in the Snow concept, which is really specific.
Neither of these abilities was my first (or even second, obviously excluding my own from any consideration) choice but Kingdra of the Snow is going to focus entirely around another Blizzard user and will either require some form of Hail immunity through either Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak.

Since I can bend EM's concept to my will more readily I have chosen it.
I'm disappointed that the Pivot Point did not make the cut. Since I can't vote for Kingdra of the Snow, I voted for the Neglected Ability.
I can't say I'm fond of either concept, but I guess I'll have to pick the lesser of two evils.
I'm going with Elevator Music's Neglected Ability.
I have a question. Sorry if this has been mentioned before but here goes;

The ability poll comes after these;
  • Concept Assessment
  • Part 2 (Main Type Poll)
  • Part 3 (Secondary Type Poll)
  • Part 4 (Style Bias Poll)
The assessment could go anywhere without a predefined ability, because that is all that is to the concept. Unless you would know the ability, I can't see any direction for it myself. What is the bias going to be? What niche is it going to fill? Is this even a legitimate concept? I think this would do good if the EVO project would be given another swing, but not for a CAP.

Though I really liked infinite attack and parabush, I've voted for Kingdra in the snow for the best available option.
Kingdra in the snow

I just don't think neglected ability is narrow enough for a concept. Most of the new CAP pokémon do have neglected abilities and they were implemented after the roles of the pokemon were established, not the other way around.

Also, hail teams need help.
You know, we could change the order and put ability selection first if "neglected ability" wins.
No; DougJustDoug has made it quite clear that the Order of Events will not be changed for any concept. No matter what wins, the order will be staying the same. If for some reason it's felt that there's an actual problem with the OoE and it actually needs changing as a result, then a PR thread would have to be submitted to Doug or one of the CAP forum mods after this CAP is complete. But until then, and except in such a case, the OoE are going to be staying the same.
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