CAP 3 CAP 3 - Part 9.5 (Main/Secondary Ability Poll)

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Also, Leaf Guard makes for the best defensive ability. Honestly I dont know why so many peaple agree with Battle Armor. Preventing something that only occurs 6.25% of the time? Seems like a complete wasted ability. I much rather have an ability I can manipulate than one that I cant. Take this situation as an example:

X of my Pokemon Sets-up an 8 turn Sunny Day.

Opponent has a Gengar out.

I switch in Woodman. Gengar's Hypnosis was blocked.

Cool huh. Or:

Woodman uses Sunny Day. Opponent switches to Blissey.
(Blissey now can't possibly due anything to Woodman other than Seismic Toss it).
Woodman uses Wood Hammer/Flare Blitz. Blissey uses Seismic Toss.

Woodman uses Synthethis (which I am a proponent for). Blissey switches out.

You see how Leaf guard can be used as a great defensive ability. Honestly, we have the perfect oppurtunity to make a Pokemon that can change the metagame. With these two abilities, even with a shallow movepool, Woodman would be such a popular and even more viable pokemon than before. As a competitive community we should be as creative as possible, and this allows us to.

Im quoting myself on why Leaf Guard makes the best defensive ability. Also, I have been convinced that Solar Power is indeed too good on this pokemon. Thus my two final votes are, Leaf Guard and Pressure.
My votes go to Rock Head, for abusing those recoil attacks (crosses fingers for Head Smash ^.^), and Battle Armor, to make tanking easier for this guy.
Refer to my post on the post on the second page to learn why Pressure is the superior choice...and why everything else isn't!

Vote for Pressure!

you dont find pressure being too broken? this pokemon is so much of a tank that you want to go even further and force the opponent to use 2 pp instead of 1? citing leech seed in your post is the kicker to a terrible idea.
Heatproof and Rock Head
I was going to say scrappy, but I don't want this to be a spinner.

EDIT: Nopie, Head Smash with Rock Head would be INSANELY broken. Didn't you read X-Act's suggestion of taking Stone Edge off random pokemon that don't get STAB from it? (READ: Garchomp and Co.) 150 base power with a CB even off 70 base attack with NO RECOIL puts large dents into frail stuff that RESISTS it.
Heatproof and Rock Head
I was going to say scrappy, but I don't want this to be a spinner.

EDIT: Nopie, Head Smash with Rock Head would be INSANELY broken. Didn't you read X-Act's suggestion of taking Stone Edge off random pokemon that don't get STAB from it? (READ: Garchomp and Co.) 150 base power with a CB even off 70 base attack with NO RECOIL puts large dents into frail stuff that RESISTS it.

Without CB, attack EV's, or Rock Head, Head Smash is still insanely broken. Salamence, Dragonite, Togekiss, Moltres, Charizard, and Heatran (he can run HP Ground now) fall off the list of counters. Guess what? That's all the counters proposed. Let Head Smash stay Rock-type exclusive.
Tennisace, c'mon. If you're going to reason just by BP, Head Smash, with its 150 BP and 70% accuracy, is FAR tamer than Flare Blitz and Wood Hammer's 180 BP after STAB and 100% accuracy. It's the typing that makes Head Smash such a threat. As far as I can see, it would eliminate pretty much all of Woodman's counters (Salamence, Togekiss, BL Fire types, etc.).

Either way, I don't see this getting Head Smash anyway, since only Rampardos and Relicanth (both Rock types) can learn it currently. Frankly I don't see why a Pokemon that doesn't get STAB on Rock type attacks should get Head Smash, it just seems off.

Honestly, I was only kidding about the inclusion of Head Smash.

EDIT: Oops, didn't see Hyra's above post before I posted this. I basically just repeated what he said.. ^^;
I wasn't calling you out on it, Hyra and I were only pointing out the fact that its broken. Jokes and sarcasm don't carry very well on the internet. Lets let this go before a flame war erupts, shall we? G_T, when will this end now that we had to change the abilitys?
Yeah, you're right, my bad. I wasn't trying to spark an argument or anything.

I'd just like to say that I've got some real faith in this CAP. When the project started, I wasn't too enthused to be working on a Fire/Grass type, but as the project has progressed, it's really grown on me. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this turns out :D
G_T, when will this end now that we had to change the abilitys?
Probably within the next hour or so. Been noticing people that are on but not yet edited their vote or haven't deleted their old one when posting their revised vote. Both are mild annoyance.

Didn't you read X-Act's suggestion of taking Stone Edge off random pokemon that don't get STAB from it? (READ: Garchomp and Co.)
Everyone remember Stone Edge and cry over it but everyone forgets Rock Slide and it's equally annoying side effect. Rock Slide is just as annoying as Stone Edge, just in a different way.
Probably within the next hour or so. Been noticing people that are on but not yet edited their vote or haven't deleted their old one when posting their revised vote. Both are mild annoyance.
Really sorry, I completely forgot that I should delete my post vote. I'll go do that right away.
Everyone remember Stone Edge and cry over it but everyone forgets Rock Slide and it's equally annoying side effect. Rock Slide is just as annoying as Stone Edge, just in a different way.

30 BP (45 with STAB) makes a huge difference. How often do you see Metagross using Rock Slide (he's one of the few Pokemon to get Rock Slide but not Stone Edge)?
30 BP (45 with STAB) makes a huge difference. How often do you see Metagross using Rock Slide (he's one of the few Pokemon to get Rock Slide but not Stone Edge)?
He's also very slow, though. Aerodactyl, on the other hand, usually runs Rock Slide over Stone Edge, from what I've seen.

Oh, and 70*.90=63, 100*.80=80.

It's really only 17 BP, or 25 with STAB.
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