In-battle formes
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HP: | 86 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attack: | 76 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Defense: | 86 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sp. Atk: | 116 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sp. Def: | 56 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speed: | 95 |
- Yanma
- Yanmega
- en
- OU
Yanmega has an excellent Special Attack stat, very respectable Speed, and two of the most powerful abilities in the game at his disposal. With Tinted Lens, Yanmega is capable of 2HKOing even dedicated walls who resist his STAB attacks, an impressive feat. Meanwhile, if he instead chooses to use Speed Boost, he will outspeed the entire metagame, including Choice Scarf users, after a turn or two.
It's hard to imagine Yanmega being anything other than top-tier OU after considering his strengths, yet the fact remains that he's not. Yanmega suffers from an utterly crippling 4x weakness to Stealth Rock that has completely nullified his presence as a standard of the metagame. Weaknesses to common Fire-, Ice-, and Electric-type attacks aren't helping Yanmega's position either. These weaknesses, coupled with Yanmega's not-so-stellar defenses, have sealed the dragonfly's fate and unfortunately banished him to the bottom of OU.
Attacking Lead
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Yanmega's unique attributes allow him to function as an excellent anti-lead in the OU metagame. After a single Speed Boost, Yanmega will outspeed every single non-Choice Scarf lead bar Ninjask and hit them all for serious damage. Yanmega can also function excellently as a late-game sweeper if the need arises and he survives his early-game encounter.
Protect gives Yanmega the edge against Fake Out or attacks from faster leads, particularly from Infernape and Starmie, who both outspeed him before Speed Boost kicks in. As Protect also guarantees that Speed Boost will activate once and maintains Yanmega's Focus Sash, it enables Yanmega to subsequently beat both Starmie and Infernape. Bug Buzz and Air Slash are Yanmega's STAB attacks, and when used together, provide reasonable coverage against most common leads, only missing at least neutral damage against Heatran, Aerodactyl, and Skarmory. It is for this reason that Hidden Power Ground and Hidden Power Fire are the choices for the fourth slot. Hidden Power Ground is useful for 2HKOing standard Shuca Berry Heatran leads and for a greater likelihood of beating Metagross leads, given the presence of Occa Berry. Hidden Power Fire, however, allows Yanmega to defeat Skarmory, Forretress, and Abomasnow leads at the cost of being walled by Heatran. Hidden Power Fire also serves as a weapon with which to combat Scizor later in the match, who can only 2HKO with Bullet Punch. Hypnosis can be used in the fourth slot over Hidden Power for a better chance at beating Tyranitar who lack Lum Berry and Swampert, but it is terribly unreliable and generally not worth sacrificing the ability to beat other leads reliably.
This Yanmega can also be relatively successful outside of the lead position as a late-game sweeper with Speed Boost. With a Life Orb equipped, Yanmega will handily dish out OHKOs and 2HKOs against Pokemon weak to and neutral to his STABs, respectively. In this case, maximizing Speed EVs is necessary to outspeed a Dragon Dance-boosted Jolly Gyarados after a single Speed Boost. The primary issue with using this Yanmega as a sweeper is that he is 4x weak to Stealth Rock and is easily walled by the likes of Skarmory, Blissey, and Zapdos. Life Orb recoil and Stealth Rock damage coupled with the inability to break through defensive Pokemon make Yanmega dead weight without perfect support.
The EV spread is fairly simple, but has a few quirks that might not be obvious at first glance. 252 Special Attack EVs are obviously chosen to maximize Yanmega's offensive power. The 104 Defense EVs are necessary to soften the blows of physical leads, but particularly serve to prevent Metagross leads from 2HKOing you with a combination of Meteor Mash and Bullet Punch; this gives you a fighting chance at 2HKOing them back with Bug Buzz. The 152 remaining EVs are placed into Speed to conveniently sit Yanmega at 396 Speed after a single Speed Boost, enough to outpace Jolly Aerodactyl. If Hidden Power Fire is used in the fourth slot, 156 Speed EVs should be used with 100 Defense EVs to reach the same Speed threshold. A Modest nature is particularly viable because Speed Boost will compensate for Yanmega's reduced Speed, and he really needs the Special Attack boost to punch through opposing Pokemon. Focus Sash is chosen as the item so Yanmega can 2HKO Pokemon such as Heatran without being OHKOed first.
Yanmega has trouble with Tyranitar, Swampert, Aerodactyl, Smeargle, and Roserade leads. Good partners to this set are Pokemon who can take on a group of those troublesome leads, set up Stealth Rock to support your team, or provide Rapid Spin support so Yanmega can have a chance to sweep later if he survives. For this reason, Life Orb Starmie makes an excellent teammate with its ability to Rapid Spin and scare away some of those leads with its STAB Hydro Pump. Skarmory can set up on Tyranitar and Swampert freely with its monstrous Defense and then just Whirlwind to scout the opponent's team and rack up entry hazard damage. Standard MixPert can do the same, and can set up Stealth Rock very effectively with its ability to switch into the Fire- and Rock-type attacks aimed at Yanmega. A status-absorbing Pokemon such as CroCune or RestTalk Machamp can switch into Sleep Powder or Spore from Roserade and Smeargle, respectively, and then switch to some other Pokemon with Sleep Clause active. Yanmega is excellent at applying offensive pressure immediately, which makes pairing him with other such offensive threats a good plan. Heatran makes a particularly excellent teammate for Yanmega, as he can come in on the Fire-type attacks aimed at Yanmega, gain a Flash Fire boost, and go to town. Heatran can also set up Stealth Rock and threaten Skarmory, a common Yanmega switch-in.
Choice Specs
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With Tinted Lens, Yanmega's STABs give him perfect type coverage, hitting everyone in the game for at least neutral damage. Coming off of a base 116 Special Attack stat, even Pokemon who normally resist Yanmega's STABs, such as Skarmory, are reliably 2HKOed. There are truly very few safe switch-ins to this Yanmega, as he has the power to punch through practically anyone in the metagame.
Bug Buzz and Air Slash are mandatory on this set, giving Yanmega perfect type coverage within his STAB attacks alone. Hidden Power Ground is there to OHKO Pokemon who might try to switch in on Bug Buzz with their 4x resistance, such as Heatran and Lucario. U-turn fills the final slot perfectly, allowing Yanmega to scout the opponent's initial switch-in and bring out the necessary response. Be wary when using U-turn, however, as with Yanmega's Stealth Rock weakness, he cannot switch in haphazardly.
The EVs are fairly standard for an offensive sweeper, maximizing Yanmega's Speed and Special Attack. Modest is the preferred nature as Timid allows Yanmega to outspeed very few notable Pokemon, while the added damage output from Modest is welcome.
Hands down, the best offensive partners for this set are Gyarados and Metagross. Both of them are countered by Zapdos and Rotom-A, and both of them have a far easier time sweeping when they're removed. Serendipitously, fast Taunt-employing leads such as Aerodactyl and Azelf are also recommended for use alongside offensive Gyarados sets, so you do not have to go out of your way to use such leads just for Yanmega. However, if using Gyarados alongside Yanmega, you should construct your team with resistances to Rock- and Electric-type attacks in mind. It is also crucial to Yanmega's success that your team packs a Rapid Spinner such as Starmie or Forretress. Entry hazard support is also greatly appreciated by Yanmega, particularly Stealth Rock. With Stealth Rock on the field, this Yanmega can OHKO offensive variants of Rotom-A with Bug Buzz. Standard MixPert makes an excellent partner to set up Stealth Rock with his resistance to Fire- and Rock-type attacks. If Spikes are set up, even once-safe switch-ins can be 2HKOed or even OHKOed by Bug Buzz or Air Slash. Finally, make sure that your team can beat Blissey, who walls this set to the ends of the heavens and beyond. Lucario makes a fine choice for this, as he is immune to Toxic and supports Yanmega well with his 4x resistance to Rock-type attacks.
Other Options
The listed sets already take advantage of Yanmega's most prominent movepool features, but there exist a few more that can be of use. Hidden Power Ice allows the LeadMega set to OHKO Lead Dragonite and can allow the Specs Tinted Lens set to OHKO Flygon switch-ins, but leaves both vulnerable to Heatran. Shadow Ball on the Specs Tinted Lens set will OHKO defensive Rotom-A, but Bug Buzz would do that after Stealth Rock damage anyway. As noted in the LeadMega analysis, Hypnosis can be run to deal with some otherwise troublesome Pokemon, though its accuracy is a letdown.
Checks and Counters
Outside of Blissey, absolutely nobody perfectly walls Specs Tinted Lens Yanmega. Skarmory and Heatran can come in on a predicted Bug Buzz and force him out to take more deadly Stealth Rock damage, but must be wary of a 2HKO from Air Slash. Snorlax is a good response with his monstrous special bulk, though Bug Buzz will still 3HKO him, an issue made worse by Snorlax's lack of reliable recovery. Anyone faster or with strong priority who can get in on an attack and survive will force Yanmega out. Scizor's Bullet Punch, Lucario's Extreme Speed, and Choice Scarf Heatran's Fire Blast immediately come to mind as suitable options for the job.
The biggest counter to Yanmega, however, is not any one Pokemon, but rather a battle condition. Stealth Rock completely ruins him, and with its prevalence in the metagame, just maintaining it is enough to keep Yanmega at bay.
- Written by Rising_Dusk
- Quality checked by Philip7086, Setsuna, Farmer, and twash
- Grammar checked by Fuzznip, Ray Jay, Frizy, and Snorlaxe