Smog Awards 2017: Results

By the Flying Press Staff.
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Battling & Tournaments

Best Ubers Battler

  1. Level 56
  2. Hack
  3. Lacus Clyne
  4. M Dragon / The Trap God
  5. Gunner Rohan

Best OU Battler

  1. ABR
  2. blunder
  3. bro fist
  4. FlamingVictini
  5. Cdumas

Best UU Battler

  1. dodmen
  2. Pearl
  3. pokeisfun
  4. Christo
  5. Sacri'

Best RU Battler

  1. Ajna
  2. soulgazer
  3. aim
  4. Chill Shadow
  5. lighthouses

Best NU Battler

  1. cb jose altuve
  2. FLCL
  3. Teddeh
  4. Eternally
  5. Earth
  6. Hootie

Best PU Battler

  1. Megazard
  2. Teddeh
  3. Dundies
  4. HJAD
  5. Taskr

Best DOU Battler

  1. MajorBowman
  2. marilli
  3. Biosci
  4. Demantoid
  5. stax

Best LC Battler

  1. ZoroDark
  2. Dundies
  3. Heysup
  4. Shrug
  5. Sken
  6. ggggd

Best Monotype Battler

  1. Eien
  2. Sabella
  3. 1 True Lycan
  4. Leru
  5. TheThorn / Zukushiku
  6. Paleo

Best Battle Spot Singles Battler

  1. cant say
  2. Nat
  3. chemcoop
  4. NOVED
  5. jmal98

Best VGC Battler

  1. Nails
  2. blarajan
  3. Kaori
  4. Jibaku

Best OM Battler

  1. Megazard
  2. Quantum Tesseract
  3. Jrdn
  4. Laxpras
  5. Racool

Best Old Gens Battler

  1. BKC
  2. McMeghan
  3. Ojama
  4. Tamahome

Best Tournament Player

  1. ABR
  2. BKC
  3. Level 56
  4. Ciele
  5. FLCL
  6. TDK

Best Ladder Player

  1. pokeisfun
  2. aim
  3. p2 / Mob Barley
  4. PokeTCG gamer1288
  5. ABR
  6. Ciele

Best Team Builder

  1. ABR
  2. FlamingVictini
  3. TDK
  4. njnp

Most Influential Player

  1. aim
  2. ABR
  3. blunder
  4. TDK
  5. M Dragon
  6. bro fist

Most Gimmicky Player

  1. cb jose altuve
  2. CTC
  3. Omari P
  4. Snou / p2
  5. ABR

Luckiest Player

  1. -Tsunami-
  2. ABR
  3. Cdumas
  4. idiotfrommars

Most Intimidating Player

  1. CrashinBoomBang
  2. M Dragon
  3. BKC
  4. ABR
  5. Omfuga

Best New Player

  1. Cdumas
  3. Empo
  4. Ban Manaphy
  5. Hiye
  6. Kory2600

Best Overall Player

  1. ABR
  2. BKC
  3. FLCL
  4. Level 56

Most Impressive Victory

  1. Ciele vs Sabella (OLT)
  2. Bushtush vs ABR (OLT) / Level 56 vs Tricking (Grand Slam)
  3. PDC vs Poek (WCoP)
  4. Empo vs FLCL (Smogon Championship)

Best Tournament

  1. SPL
  2. Grand Slam
  3. Smogon Snake Draft / WCoP
  4. OST / Smogon Tour

Best OM

  1. 1v1
  2. Anything Goes
  3. Almost Any Ability
  4. Balanced Hackmons / Mix and Mega
  5. STABmons


Nicest User

  1. Chloe
  2. teal6
  3. Tony
  4. IronBullet
  5. The Dutch Plumberjack
  6. talkingtree

Meanest User

  1. Omfuga
  2. CrashinBoomBang
  3. Kris
  4. Gary
  5. Nexus

Wittiest User

  1. teal6
  2. Tokyo Tom
  3. Tony
  4. Omfuga
  5. Shrug

Cutest User

  1. Pearl
  2. ant
  3. qsns
  4. Jasprose
  5. Gondra
  6. Dibs the Dreamer

Most Improved User

  1. Empo
  2. LL
  3. Jordy
  4. Luthier

Most Overlooked User

  1. Quite Quiet
  2. Quote
  3. A Cake Wearing A Hat
  4. The Dutch Plumberjack
  5. talkingtree
  6. Hilomilo
  7. London13

Most Persuasive User

  1. Hikari
  2. ABR
  3. Tony
  4. TDK

Most Influential User

  1. aim
  2. Finchinator
  3. ABR

Best Veteran

  1. BKC
  2. McMeghan
  3. M Dragon

Most Promising New User

  1. marthaa
  2. sedertz
  3. Dream
  4. Nuked

Best Avatar

  1. chaos
  2. IronBullet
  3. Ciele / P Squared
  4. KratosMana
  5. GMars
  6. choolio

Best Name Change

  1. meeps -> cb jose altuve
  2. Arikado -> avocado
  3. ThiccTornadus -> Jord-e
  4. DeathByWobbuffet -> Wob
  5. Flamestar -> ItsYaBoi1337
  6. Femen -> azogue

Worst Name Change

  1. meeps -> cb jose altuve
  2. Eevee General -> EV
  3. SamVGC -> Kaori
  4. Yogibears -> rwby
  5. VoltDarkrai -> GL Volkner
  6. Old_Gregg -> Tonberry King

Worst Avatar

  1. antemortem
  2. i like bad names
  3. Mishimono

Member of the Year

  1. The Dutch Plumberjack
  2. ABR
  3. Tony
  4. P Squared
  5. talkingtree


Best Forum Staff Member

  1. Hikari / IronBullet
  2. The Dutch Plumberjack
  3. Gary
  4. talkingtree

Best Leader

  1. Hikari
  2. Finchinator
  3. cant say
  4. The Dutch Plumberjack
  5. TDK
  6. Eien
  7. Hogg

Hardest Worker

  1. The Dutch Plumberjack
  2. Finchinator
  3. Chloe
  4. P Squared
  5. Lutra

Best Discussion Sparker

  1. Finchinator
  2. Theorymon
  3. Hikari
  4. ABR
  5. BKC
  6. talkingtree

Best Smogon Discord Server Presence

  1. p2
  2. Colonel M
  3. Theorymon
  4. Tony
  5. Pilo

Best Tournament Host

  1. Tony
  2. Ciele
  3. Lutra
  4. Nat

Best Competitive Pokémon Poster

  1. Finchinator
  2. ABR
  3. BKC

Best CAP Poster

  1. snake_rattler
  2. QxC4eva
  3. Okamu / mxmts

Best Circus Poster

  1. pancake
  2. Haruno
  3. Walrein
  4. UncleSam
  5. Yeti
  6. Pidge

Best Cong Poster

  1. Martin
  2. Blazade
  3. Myzozoa
  4. vonFiedler

Best Firebot Poster

  1. v
  2. RODAN
  3. internet
  4. Asek

Best OI Poster

  1. Level 51
  2. Codraroll
  3. Pikachu315111
  4. Karxrida
  5. Max. Optimizer
  6. TMan87

Best Smeargle's Studio Poster

  1. LifeisDANK
  2. Bummer
  3. FellFromtheSky
  4. Tikitik
  5. vzxt

Best Tutor

  1. Eyan
  2. Za Meowdo
  3. Solerme
  4. Cynara
  5. TJ

Best Team Rater

  1. Megazard
  2. cant say
  3. Gross Sweep
  4. Sun
  5. Minority

Best RMT

  1. Thank You, Mr. Tokyo
  2. Elysium
  3. Komm, süßer Tod (A guide to VenuPert)
  4. A Speedy Victory

Best Thread

  1. Females with lower functioning conditions, and their... busts (actually serious)
  2. Divine Suicide: The Fall of the Dragon Master

Best QDB Quote

  1. 7613491
  2. 7322222
  3. 7194108
  4. 7232189
  5. 7447222


Best Analysis Writer

  1. Pak
  2. rwby
  3. Hilomilo

Best New Writer

  1. A
  2. Leo
  3. cyanize
  4. Nuked

Best Grammar Checker

  1. The Dutch Plumberjack
  2. Eyan
  3. P Squared / marthaa
  4. lotiasite

Best Quality Control Member

  1. Eyan
  2. Gary
  3. talkingtree
  4. GMars
  5. Nayrz

Best Contributor

  1. Eyan
  2. talkingtree
  3. GMars
  4. Leo
  5. Wob

Best Programmer

  1. Zarel
  2. Marty
  3. bumbadadabum
  4. sirDonovan
  5. Austin

Best Researcher

  1. Marty
  2. Zarel
  3. DaWoblefet

Best Social Media Contributor

  1. P Squared
  2. reyscarface
  3. NOVED
  4. Kalalokki

Best Twitch Stream

  1. SPL Smogcast
  2. WCoP Round 2 Smogcast
  3. Smogon Snake Draft Smogcast

Best Flying Press Article

  1. Reflections of an SPL Host
  2. Shafted by Design: What's Wrong with the Ice Type?
  3. Movepool oddities: Farfetch'd or strokes of genius?
  4. Generation Loss: A Study of Pikachu and the Clones


Most Promising Artist

  1. HotFuzzBall
  2. MamOWOswine
  3. Reigaheres

Most Improved Artist

  1. HotFuzzBall
  2. aXl / Reigaheres

Best Artist

  1. Bummer
  2. LifeisDANK
  3. HotFuzzBall
  4. monomite

Best Art for an Article

  1. Tapu Lele by brightobject
  2. Arcanine by Pyritie
  3. Spice UUp Your Game by anundeadboy
  4. Starmie by Bummer
  5. Lugia vs Ho-Oh by monomite

Best Piece of Art

  1. Decidueye by Jackii
  2. Mega Salamence by Cretacerus
  3. Pheromosa by Jackii
  4. Latin America logo by anundeadboy
  5. Mega Gengar by bubblymaika
  6. Shiny Feraligatr by icepick

Best Spriter

  1. Modeling Clay
  2. Wobblebuns
  3. Sunfished
  4. Leparagon
  5. Wyverii
  6. aXl

Best Sprite

  1. Celesteela
  2. Pajantom
  3. Dark Magician / Stakataka
  4. Skull Knight

Pokémon Showdown!

Best PS! Auth

  1. Quote
  2. Chloe
  3. The Immortal
  4. sirDonovan
  5. Tiksi

Best PS! Room Auth

  1. Quote
  2. Chloe
  3. LifeisDANK
  4. Nui
  5. Ark
  6. beej

Best PS! Room

  1. Tournaments
  2. Other Metagames
  3. Battle Spot
  4. Anything Goes

Best PS! Ladder

  1. Random Battle
  2. OU
  3. 1v1
  4. Balanced Hackmons
  5. Anything Goes

Just For Fun

Best OTP

  1. TDK Hootie
  2. IronBullet Celticpride
  3. Haund Rare Poison

Most Sarcastic User

  1. CrashinBoomBang
  2. Hikari
  3. Gary
  4. Kris
  5. LordST

User (or Moderator/Staff) Most Likely to Mention Their Experience With Smogon in a Job Application

  1. Finchinator
  2. Zarel
  3. chaos
  4. antemortem
  5. FlamingVictini

User Most Likely to Contribute Only Until They get a Badge

  1. !dt Tiering Contributor
  2. LL
  3. false.
  4. TJ

User Most Likely to "Quit" and Still Read the Site While Logged Out

  1. -Tsunami-
  2. rozes
  3. LL
  4. Aldertz
  5. crayon pop

User Most Likely to Debate With Smogtours Lobby During Their Tour Game

  1. CrashinBoomBang
  2. p2
  3. BKC
  4. Finchinator
  5. reyscarface

User Most Likely to Turn Down a Badge When Offered

  1. blunder
  2. CTC
  3. Ciele
  4. Arseus
  5. kamikaze
  6. marthaa
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