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Art by anundeadboy.
The OMotM, or Other Metagame of the Month, is the metagame that is voted by the players to have a ladder for a specific month. The LCotM, or Leader's Choice of the Month, is a second ladder that is chosen specifically by OM Forum Mods. For the most part, the LCotM is a metagame that needs more love, as it may not be able to compete with the metagames that get nominated for the OMotM voting.
For February 2023, the OM of the Month is Convergence, while Leader's Choice is Camomons.
Convergence is a metagame where Pokémon can use all of the moves and abilities another Pokémon of its exact typing has. For example, Garganacl may use Regenerator and Knock Off from Klawf, but it cannot use Glimmora's Toxic Debris. This leads to some interesting combinations not available in any similar metagame, such as pure Grass-types getting access to both Poison Heal and Spikes. Finding unique combinations is a lot of fun and brings new life to many rarely used Pokémon while giving others entirely new niches. Finding out you can use Dragon Tail and Spikes on something like Toxapex is a huge novelty of the metagame, and the possibilities are so wide. Pokémon with commonly seen typings are particularly good because of the sheer range of options they can use, which makes fighting them even more challenging, while some Pokémon with unique typings are still powerful enough on their own.
Garganacl is fantastic in Convergence, boasting great stats and a wide array of moves it can use to support teams. Regenerator is a great way to make sure it stays healthy, and with Salt Cure and Knock Off, no Pokémon is safe from constant chip damage. It can opt to run either Spikes or Stealth Rock to apply even more pressure and punish switching. With Tera Water, it can check an even wider variety of threats in the metagame.
Lilligant is a great cleaner thanks to Contrary Leaf Storm, which can pick apart teams with ease once its checks are weakened. It has decent coverage for Fire-, Poison-, and Steel-type Pokémon, and U-turn can capitalize on its switch-ins with ease. Lilligant is frail and somewhat weak to start, so it can be difficult to get the sweep going with it, which makes a successful sweep all the more rewarding.
Scream Tail is a great example of a dual type Pokémon still gaining a lot in Convergence. It can finally make full use of its bulk thanks to Magic Bounce, which helps it block entry hazards and Taunt. While it still suffers from some passivity issues, Nuzzle, Will-O-Wisp, and Knock Off provide useful utility while it's on the field. If you want a little more power, or just a Wish passer, Moonblast and Teleport are options as well.
Camomons is a classic metagame where a Pokémon's typing matches its first two moves. This opens up a ton of combinations, and most Pokémon have a multitude of viable typings. Arcanine, for example, can use a Normal / Fire typing to power up both Flare Blitz and Extreme Speed, while Garchomp can use Poison Jab and Liquidation to get a defensively-great Water / Poison typing. Some Pokémon may even opt to use their natural typing, like Gholdengo. Preparing teams in Camomons can be quite different from other tiers, as you often are prepping with specific typings in mind and have to prep for types you maybe have never seen before, but that just adds to the fun of it.
Swords Dance Garchomp is a terrifying wallbreaker in Camomons thanks to its wide array of possible typings, great offensive stats, solid Speed, and good bulk. Water / Poison Garchomp can cover a lot of threats and is a solid defensive typing to boot, and with Swords Dance and Stealth Rock, it can keep pressure up on a lot of teams.
Ting-Lu is a great defensive Pokémon with ridiculously high bulk that is only made better by its ability. With the option of Steel typing in Camomons, there's a lot of options Ting-Lu can use that lets it fit on just about any team and is a great Spikes setter. While it can be somewhat passive and lack recovery, Whirlwind is a great way to ensure it isn't setup bait and can stop bulky setup Pokémon like Kingambit in its tracks.
Normal / Fire Arcanine is a great revenge killer, as STAB Extreme Speed is very difficult for offensive Pokémon to tank, while offensive Ghost-types like Gholdengo may not have a reliable way of damaging it. Intimidate and Morning Sun ensure that Arcanine doesn't have a difficult time switching in to most threats, and Howl lets it set up and become a terrifying sweeper in its own right.
Convergence and Camomons are both metagames that introduce viable Pokémon that are typically bad and offer unique experiences for anyone to enjoy. Enjoy these metagames this February and check out the Other Metas room on PS! to discuss them.
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