Approved my Melee Mewtwo~

This compendium contains basic structures for teams and an array of possible mons for specific roles on teams. Having a visual cue helps people build better and more diverse teams. This will contain pools of viable mons (I will omit the very shitty ones and ones that are completely outclassed but keep even niche ones. The original purpose of this was to have a link to every in-Dex analysis but, this could not be possible because there's not enough analyses at the moment however, when the time comes, I will do such thing.
Feel free to discuss pokemon that you consider viable and should be added to the compendium.
Team Structure:
When teambuilding for Ubers, don't try to directly counter every single Offensive/Defensive threat, I have yet to see a team that it is able to do that, in other words, it is nearly impossible to achieve, especially in a generation like XY, where team matchup decides a lot of the battles, the best you can do is build a team that can do well against standard builds and hope that your opponent doesn't bring that threat you're weak to.
Teambuilding is very limited in XY thanks to pokemon like Xerneas, Mega Gengar and Ho-Oh being metagame defining pokemon, which sucks as they are really hard to check/ counter. Weather being nerfed in this generation also limits teambuilding in the sense that pokemon like Excadrill, Omastar and Kabutops which relied on weather support to work at their finest are harder to use.
Defog being buffed is also another huge addition to the metagame since it doesn't only outclass Rapid Spin users but makes the metagame a lot more passive than last gen. Hyper Offensive teams that rely on Spike-stack are really rare and most (if not all of them) make sure their team carries enough offensive pressure just so the opponent doesn't Defog the hazards. Defog also made Ho-Oh easier to use ( I still think it's a kick to the ballsack trying to build around it but w.e).
With Hyper Offensive being not as common as last gen, the metagame slowed down a lot so not every team needs a scarfer or a really fast pokemon.
With all these being said, what I consider that needs to be top priority of being covered is: Kyogre switch-in, Xerneas check, Extremekiller Arceus check, Ho-Oh check, Mewtwo(X/Y) check, Stealth Rocks, Electric resist, Ground resist, Dragon resist, Dark resist, priority, hazard control (Defog/ Rapid Spin), you also need to make sure that 2 or more of your pokemon don't get trapped and beaten by Mega Gengar, what I mean by "beaten" is that they get beaten without forcing Gengar to use Destiny Bond (i.e Grasseus, Xerneas, Sylveon, etc...).
Stealth Rock users

Stall Breakers


Xerneas checks

Kyogre switch-ins

Mewtwo Checks

Ho-Oh checks

Extremekiller Arceus checks

Offensive Pokemon

Defensive Pokemon

Defog / Rapid Spin users

Arceus sprite indicates that any Arceus form can carry Defog.
Post for any required updates, rate comment sub and later guys?
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