New Version Approved by OU Staff | Old Versions by TaBuu & s_aman | Art by anundeadboy
Every generation is different and the metagame is constantly changing. However, there has always been and always will be threats. Whether they are defensive threats or offensive threats, every competent player should have a way to handle top-tier threats. That's where you guys come in! This project aims to gather some of the common top-tier threats in the metagame and find Pokémon that can either check or counter them.
1. Every round, I will nominate a Pokémon for discussion. Within ≈ 5 days' time, you guys will have the ability to discuss and nominate various Pokémon that you think can either check or counter the victim of the week.
2. I will post voting on Wednesday. Vote for your favorite check and favorite counter, and I'll choose the top three of each on Friday.
3. The results will be archived and the process will continue week after week.
1. Follow the definitions for checks and counters, by MattL in The Smog Issue 32!
2. Focus on posting OU-viable Pokemon.
3. The first two days of a week each user can only post one answer. From then to when I start voting, however, each user can post as many answers as they want.
4. Different sets of the same Pokemon can be nominated. For example, person a) can nominate Tail Glow Manaphy as a check to something, while person b) can nominate Calm Mind Manaphy as a counter to the same thing in the same week.
5. Help people out if you think they're wrong, but please be nice.
6. Post calcs if not obvious.
7. Have fun!
1. Follow the definitions for checks and counters, by MattL in The Smog Issue 32!
2. Focus on posting OU-viable Pokemon.
3. The first two days of a week each user can only post one answer. From then to when I start voting, however, each user can post as many answers as they want.
4. Different sets of the same Pokemon can be nominated. For example, person a) can nominate Tail Glow Manaphy as a check to something, while person b) can nominate Calm Mind Manaphy as a counter to the same thing in the same week.
5. Help people out if you think they're wrong, but please be nice.
6. Post calcs if not obvious.
7. Have fun!

Checks: Mega Altaria (Random Passerby) | Manaphy (ganj4lF) | Suicune (TheAntler)
Counters: Porygon2 (Ajwf) | Cresselia (Zebstrika) | Specially Defensive Gliscor (Zebstrika)

Checks: --- | Breloom (farmer Potato) | Terrakion (assurance)
Counters: Quagsire (Aragorn the King) | Hippowdon (KlynPar) | Chesnaught (Zebstrika)

Checks: Landorus-T (sparktrain) | Gyarados (WreckDra) | Mega Altaria (firehusky)
Counters: Slowbro (alexwolf) | Rhyperior (Lil YoshiXD) | Quagsire (Mowtom)

Checks: Talonflame (Sidnv) | Jirachi (Lil YoshiXD) | Skarmory (Aragorn the King)
Counters: Bronzong (Aragorn the King) | Doublade (Adrian Marin) | Victini (Smog Frog)

Checks: Mamoswine (AM) | Gyarados (Arikado) | Thundurus (TheInsanity)
Counters: Gengar (mcdanger) | Venusaur (Alexander.) | Starmie (alexwolf)

Checks: Manaphy (Silly Dragons) | Raikou (Jin White) | CM Keldeo (Zebstrika)
Counters: Amoonguss (BlackLight) | Mega Latias (Random Passerby) | Celebi (escarlata)

Checks: Toxicroak (Hogg) | Rotom-W (Nuanda92) | Tentacruel (-Clone-)
Counters: Venusaur (Arikado) | Amoonguss (Slashari) | Ferrothorn (praj.pran)

Checks: --- | --- | Mega Manectric (linkinparkrules)
Counters: Raikou (Hogg) | Mega Charizard-X (escarlata) | Clefable (Jin White)

Checks: Mega Manectric (looiiyut2) | Mega Aerodactyl (Zebstrika) | Bronzong (Froggyboy)
Counters: Doublade (The Bravest Bird) | Skarmory (Lil YoshiXD) | Jirachi (Stallmory)

Checks: Mega Venusaur (Stallmory) | Manaphy (Random Passerby) | Mew (Lil YoshiXD)
Counters: Bronzong (Blinkie) | Suicune (-Clone-) | Rotom-H (The Bravest Bird)

Checks: Celebi (Albacore) | Offensive Mega Aerodactyl (Durant) | Air Balloon Terrakion (Random Passerby)
Counters: Skarmory (Salemance) | Defensive Mega Aerodactyl (Zebstrika) | Gengar (Puralux)

Checks: Tornadus-T (The Bravest Bird) | Raikou (looiiyut2) | Hippowdon (Albacore)
Counters: Gliscor (FullLifeGames) | Goodra (Puralux) | Tentacruel (Celticpride)

Checks: Landorus-T (-Clone-) | Keldeo (looiiyut2) | Latias (WreckDra)
Counters: Doublade (boltsandbombers) | Golurk (G-Von) | Nidoqueen (Blinkie)

Checks: Gyarados (WreckDra) | Aerodactyl (Salemance) | Metagross (Puralux)
Counters: Chesnaught (Albacore) | Slowbro (-Clone-) | Mew (ArchPhantom)

Checks: Metagross (-Clone-) | Landorus-T (firehusky) | Aggron (Random Passerby)
Counters: Mega Slowbro (Lil YoshiXD) | Mega Venusaur (FullLifeGames) | Bronzong (FookMi?)

Checks: Mega Sceptile (Celticpride) | Magnezone (looiiyut2) | Breloom (Teeny Victory)
Counters: Celebi (boltsandbombers) | Manaphy (FullLifeGames) | Mega Latias (Lil YoshiXD)

Checks: Talonflame (Celticpride) | Mega Pinsir (The Big Aristotle) | Tornadus-T (-Clone-)
Counters: Clefable (Albacore) | --- | Sableye (Lil YoshiXD)

Checks: Mega Houndoom (Zebstrika) | Talonflame (Recreant) | Mega Gardevoir (Celticpride)
Counters: Clefable (Clone.) | Mega Charizard-X (Hogg) | Manaphy (lbq)

Checks: Mega Manectric (hawk1113) | Hippowdon (Albacore) | Mega Houndoom (Celticpride)
Counters: Mega Slowbro (boltsandbombers) | Mega Scizor (Vinc608) | Victini (Random Passerby)

Checks: Keldeo (Celticpride) | Ferrothorn (Arikado) | Skarmory (firehusky)
Counters: Chesnaught (AM) | AV Azumarill (ZANBAKUResh) | Mega Altaria (looiiyut2)

Checks: Mega Metagross (Sanger Zonvolt) | Klefki (Tylta) | Scarf Jirachi (Random Passerby)
Counters: Mega Venusaur (Celticpride) | Clefable (ArchPhantom) | Ferrothorn (Harumonia Naturia)

Checks: Heatran (ThePack) | Mega Gyarados (Random Passerby) | Garchomp (Frogifier)
Counters: Azumarill (Celticpride) | Keldeo (boltsandbombers) | Tyranitar (firehusky)

Checks: Tank Garchomp (Teeny Victory) | Mega Scizor (ThePack) | Keldeo (P2)
Counters: Gliscor (Branflakes325) | Slowbro (boltsandbombers) | Skarmory (Lil YoshiXD)

Checks: Keldeo (-Clone-) | Low Kick Bisharp (ArchPhantom) | TankChomp (Jukain)
Counters: Cobalion (Vinc608) | Quagsire (FookMi?) | Infernape (Froggyboy)

Checks: Keldeo (FullLifeGames) | Victini (Celio) | Mega Manectric (Branflakes325) |
Counters: Mega Charizard X (Sanger Zonvolt) | Zapdos (Arikado) | Quagsire (GnralLao)

Checks: Air Balloon Heatran (ThePack) | Talonflame (Branflakes325) | Mega Venusaur (G-Von)
Counters: Jirachi (boltsandbombers) | Chansey (Recreant) | Mega Aggron (yuruuu)

Checks: Omastar (Lil YoshiXD) | Mega Manectric (Sanger Zonvolt) | Clefable (FullLifeGames)
Counters: Rotom-W (Recreant) | Tyranitar (Random Passerby) | Quagsire (yuruuu)

Checks: Garchomp (Bluwing) | Ferrothorn (Celio) | Mega Aerodactyl (FullLifeGames)
Counters: Alomomola (Celio) | Mega Scizor (P22) | Gliscor (Celticpride)

Checks: Mega Aerodactyl (Sanger Zonvolt) | Mega Altaria (astroboy) | Heatran (Lil YoshiXD)
Counters: SD Talonflame (Recreant) | Gyarados (Random Passerby) | Chansey (GnralLao)

Checks: Mega Charizard X (Random Passerby) | Mega Gardevoir (Analytic) | Clefable (ArchPhantom)
Counters: Hippowdon (ThePack) | Quagsire (Lil YoshiXD) | Mega Swampert (GnralLao)

Checks: Rotom-W (Repeater1947) | Mega Venusaur (Sanger Zonvolt) | Clefable (fleggumfl)
Counters: Tangrowth (Celio) | Azumarill (Recreant) | Quagsire (GnralLao)

Checks: Mega Slowbro (Recreant) | Azumarill (DarkNostalgia) | Mega Manectric (GnralLao)
Counters: Keldeo (boltsandbombers) | Mega Scizor (firehusky) | Clefable (Celticpride)

Checks: Unaware Clefable (Teeny Victory) | Dragalge (Random Passerby) | Alakazam (Tele)
Counters: Slowking (Flygonial) | Mega Altaria (Dr Ciel) | Celebi (Anima Artificialis)

Checks: Mega Metagross (Sanger Zonvolt) | Mega Scizor (Recreant) | Excadrill (fleggumfl)
Counters: Klefki (Random Passerby) | Jirachi (blinkie) | Cresselia (GnralLao)

Checks: Scizor (fleggumfl) | Jirachi (ArchPhantom) | Mega Gyarados (Arikado)
Counters: Mega Scizor (Recreant) | Gliscor (Sanger Zonvolt) | Unaware Clefable (pye) | Mega Sableye (FullLifeGames)

Checks: Mega Venusaur (bludz) | Skarmory (pye) | Tornadus-T (Recreant)
Counters: Talonflame (astroboy) | Mega Altaria (Sanger Zonvolt) | Cresselia (FookMi?)

Checks: Slowking (fleggumfl) | Mega Gardevoir (GnralLao) | Celebi (Teeny Victory)
Counters: Azumarill (astroboy) | Empoleon (bludz) | Mega Altaria (Sanger Zonvolt)

Checks: Talonflame (firehusky) | Gengar (GnralLao) | Mega Metagross (Random Passerby)
Counters: Mega Latias (Celticpride) | Mega Altaria (Recreant) | Unaware Clefable (Dr Ciel)

Checks: Clefable (Sanger Zonvolt) | Focus Sash Alakazam (fleggumfl) | Mega Gardevoir (thecrystalonix)
Counters: Mega Venusaur (Random Passerby) | Mega Slowbro (Lord Abbadon) | Mega Sableye (Recreant)

Checks: Talonflame (Sanger Zonvolt) | Mega Venusaur (ArchPhantom) | Tornadus-T (Lil YoshiXD)
Counters: Sap Sipper Azumarill (-Clone-) | Heatran (GnralLao) | Goodra (SketchUp)

Checks: Mega Aerodactyl (Recreant) | Mega Manectric (GnralLao) | Choice Scarf Jirachi (Random Passerby)
Counters: Zapdos (SwedishBiscuit) | Rotom-W (komet3) | Mega Ampharos (Zebstrika)

Checks: Mega Aggron (InvisibleWater) | Landorus-T (astroboy) | Scizor (Random Passerby)
Counters: Skarmory (Vinc608) | Mega Sableye (Lil YoshiXD) | Quagsire (GnralLao)

Checks: Porygon2 (SwedishBiscuit) | Mega Venusaur (noobcubed) | Mega Gardevoir (littlelucario)
Counters: Azumarill (Recreant) | Chansey (Random Passerby) | ---

Checks: Scizor (fleggumfl) | Mega Sableye (boltsandbombers) | Slowking (Random Passerby)
Counters: Jirachi (SketchUp) | Mega Scizor (Eudemon) | Hippowdon (Celticpride)

Checks: Heatran (Lil YoshiXD) | Mega Metagross (InvisibleWater) | Gliscor (scald)
Counters: Dragalge (Recreant) | Victini (Albacore) | Unaware Clefable (AllJokesAside)

Checks: Excadrill (Albacore) | Raikou (-Clone-) | Jirachi (Lil YoshiXD)
Counters: Mega Diancie (Dr Ciel) | Heatran (GnralLao) | Mega Ampharos (Fredrick1)

Checks: Gyarados (Albacore) | Mew (Fire-breather Richard) | Dragalge (GnralLao)
Counters: Latias (Sanger Zonvolt) | Chandelure (InvisibleWater) | Slowking (Recreant)

Checks (a): Garchomp (fleggumfl) | Rhyperior (bludz) | Quagsire (Lil YoshiXD)
Checks (b): Mega Diancie (Random Passerby) | ScarfTran (InvisibleWater) | Mega Slowbro (Albacore)

Checks: Kyurem-B (bludz) | Mega Slowbro (GnralLao) | Serperior (MrAldo)
Counters: Encore Mega Gardevoir (escarlata) | Unaware Clefable (DarkNostalgia) | Raikou (Recreant)

Checks: Jirachi (Albacore) | Raikou (Random Passerby) | ---
Counters: Hippowdon (GnralLao) | Mega Latias (Sanger Zonvolt) | Chansey (Level 56)

Checks: Raikou (boltsandbombers) | Tangrowth (InvisibleWater) | Mega Venusaur (Sanger Zonvolt)
Counters: Clefable (Tressed) | Chansey (Level 56) | Gyarados (escarlata)

Checks: Mega Metagross (Sanger Zonvolt) | Jirachi (Random Passerby) | Scizor (Human Mystery Box)
Counters: Garchomp (Analytic) | Slowbro (Vinc608) | Empoleon (escarlata)

Checks: Slowking (Random Passerby) | Tangrowth (Dr Ciel) | Mega Gyarados (Recreant)
Counters: Chansey (michaeloche) | Kyurem-B (PikachuCandyツ) | Goodra (InvisibleWater)

Checks: Tangrowth (yuruuu) | Garchomp (fleggumfl) | Mega Gardevoir (ShiningFire08)
Counters: Mega Altaria (GnralLao) | Mega Venusaur (SketchUp) | Clefable (JTD783)

Checks: Toxicroak (AD impish john) | Mega Scizor (Sanger Zonvolt) | Serperior (GnralLao)
Counters: Mega Venusaur (michaeloche) | Mega Slowbro (Random Passerby) | Celebi (bludz)

Checks: Mamoswine (rubsomebacononit) | Hippowdon (fleggumfl) | Mega Altaria (michaeloche)
Counters: Clefable (TONE114) | Mega Venusaur (Recreant) | Mega Charizard X (False)

Checks: Mega Sceptile (GnralLao) | Breloom (False) | Magnezone (Gros orteil)
Counters: Serperior (Recreant) | Raikou (Random Passerby) | Toxicroak (escarlata)

Checks: Tyranitar (Recreant) | Mega Gardevoir (MrAldo) | Skarmory (-Lone)
Counters: Clefable (bludz) | Togekiss (Dr Ciel) | Jirachi (Random Passerby)

Checks: Kyurem-B (Sanger Zonvolt) | Mega Manectric (Random Passerby) | Mega Aerodactyl (Albacore)
Counters: Choice Scarf Jirachi (Dr Ciel) | Tyranitar (celebitrainer36) | Magnezone (JTD783)

Checks: Klefki (escarlata) | Mega Altaria (Albacore) | Mamoswine (Sanger Zonvolt)
Counters: Togekiss (Tressed) | Quagsire (GnralLao) | Clefable (Recreant)

Checks: Mega Metagross (Tressed) | Skarmory (michaeloche) | Mega Diancie (InvisibleWater)
Counters: Mega Altaria (Recreant) | Clefable (SketchUp) | Togekiss (Albacore)

Checks: Keldeo (Twix) | Mega Altaria (GnralLao) | Gliscor (Albacore)
Counters: Slowbro (Sanger Zonvolt) | CM Manaphy (Recreant) | Suicune (Gary2346)

Checks: Mega Charizard X (Wheezer) | Mega Altaria (@ecarlata) | Mega Venusaur (Albacore)
Counters: Mamoswine (Recreant) | Quagsire (InvisibleWater) | Ferrothorn (noobcubed)

Checks: Mega Manectric (michaeloche) | Magnezone (Mentalist Swag) | Keldeo (noobcubed)
Counters: Garchomp (JTD783) | Hippowdon (GnralLao) | Mega Scizor (escarlata)

Checks: Landorus-T (jacob) | Skarmory (Vinc608) | Mega Gardevoir (escarlata)
Counters: Quagsire (Albacore) | Clefable (JTD783) | Zapdos (bludz)

Checks: Hippowdon (michaeloche) | Mega Lopunny (escarlata) | SpD Talonflame (@False.)
Counters: Landorus-T (fleggumfl) | Quagsire (Recreant) | Slowbro (-Magic- )

Tyranitar (Shiny Girl) | Chandelure (InvisibleWater) | Terrakion (mew-2Chainz)
Mega Charizard X (Random Passerby) | Mega Latias (Recreant) | Snorlax (SketchUp)

Checks: Unaware Clefable (Viridi) | Mega Alakazam (Coton) | Thundurus (michaeloche)
Counters: Celebi (AD impish john) | Mega Charizard Y (Tressed) | Mega Sceptile (InvisibleWater)

Checks: Mega Charizard Y (FullLifeGames) | Azumarill (AD impish john) | Mega Gardevoir (fleggumfl)
Counters: Clefable (InvisibleWater)| CM Mega Sableye (Albacore) | Manaphy (Mentalist Swag)

Checks: Hydreigon (Albacore) | --- | Mega Manectric (-Magic-)
Counters: Celebi (Recreant) | Gastrodon (SwedishBiscuit) | Serperior (Erai14)

Checks: Serperior (michaeloche) | Keldeo (AD impish john) | Weavile (littlelucario)
Counters: Mega Latias (False) | Kyurem-B (Recreant) | Landorus-T (toshimelonhead)

Checks: Keldeo (Recreant) | Mega Diancie (@InvsibleWater) | Infernape (littlelucario)
Counters: AV Azumarill (False) | Porygon2 (wishes) | CM Blissey (p2)

Checks: Mega Pinsir (littlelucario) | Volcarona (Tressed) | Roserade (-Magic-)
Counters: Mega Venusaur (GnralLao) | DDD Mega Altaria (p2) | Mega Heracross (Twix)

Checks: Weavile (Skarmx2) | Mega Altaria (Random Passerby ) | Cacturne (littlelucario)
Counters: Mega Scizor (Recreant) | ScarfTar (Infernal) | AV Metagross (Random Passerby)

Checks: Weavile (False) | Scarf Jirachi (@Radom Passerby) | Meloetta (SwedishBiscuit)
Counters: AV Tornadus-T (Mentalist Swag)| Chansey (littlelucario) | CM Blissey (nameless90)

Checks: AV Azumarill (CharizardIsMeh) | CB Tyranitar (False) | Dugtrio (Random Passerby )
Counters: Suicune (matthewc20090) | RestTalk Mega Garchomp (TURBODERP) | Rest Manaphy (Infernal)

Checks: Scarf Kyurem-B (matthewc20090) | Bronzong (p2) | Mamoswine (Random Passerby)
Counters: Unaware Clefable (Recreant ) | Togekiss (TURBODERP) | Mega Audino (HC)

Checks: Mega Sceptile (Phantom Me) | Mega Alakazam (Random Passerby) | ---
Counters: Curse Gastrodon (boltsandbombers) | NP Celebi (Tressed) | Shaymin (Recreant)

Checks: Keldeo (boltsandbombers) | Breloom (MrAldo) | Landorus-T (michaeloche)
Counters: Chesnaught (Dr Ciel) | Hippowdon (Viridi) | Rocky Helmet Garchomp (InvisibleWater)

Checks: Mega Latias (Tressed) | Keldeo (Thatwackycruton) | Latios (Sobi)
Counters: Porygon2 (Mentalist Swag) | CM Meloetta (SketchUp) | Curse Gastrodon (False)

Checks: Mega Altaria (InvisibleWater) | Mamoswine (Random Passerby) | Azumarill (Sobi)
Counters: Skarmory (p2) | Mega Slowbro (Terrakion.) | Whimsicott (Mentalist Swag)

Checks: Weavile (JTD783) | Mamoswine (Cheryl.) | Magnet Rise Klefki (Recreant)
Counters: Quagsire (Sobi) | Mega Latias (Infernal) | Chesnaught (wishes)

Checks: SD Salac Endure Garchomp (False) | ScarfChomp (llSECRETSWORDll) | Talonflame (jordanthejq12)
Counters: Heatran (Skarmx2) | Mega Slowbro (-Magic-) | TankChomp (Sobi)

Checks: Mega Gardevoir (Viridi) | Crobat (FullLifeGames) | Tornadus-T (Recreant)
Counters: Doublade (Mentalist Swag) | Acrobatics Gliscor (Albacore) | Mega Altaria (p2)

Checks: Azumarill (Cheryl.) | AV Metagross (InvisibleWater) | Specs Keldeo (jordanthejq12)
Counters: Chansey (Viridi) | Slowking (AllJokesAside) | Florges (VKW)

Checks: Mega Diancie (GnralLao) | Mega Altaria (CharizardIsMeh) | Scarf Jirachi (Viridi)
Counters: Ferrothorn (Infernal) | Physically Defensive Mega Scizor (False) | Doublade (paper dreams

Checks: Sitrus Berry Fast Rotom-W (False) | Latios (Tressed) | Mega Manectric (matthewc20090)
Counters: Mega Latias (Dr Ciel) | Goodra (Martin.) | Jellicent (Skarmx2)

Checks: RestTalk Keldeo (False) | Ferrothorn (littlelucario) | Toxicroak (Hot dog pizza)
Counters: Poliwrath (Martin.) | Chesnaught (Recreant) | Tangrowth (Eutychios)

Checks: Landorus-T (Infernal) | Mega Metagross (matthewc20090) | Mega Alakazam (SP458)
Counters: Doublade (SketchUp) | Mega Slowbro (Recreant) | Cofagrigus (Sobi)

Checks: Scizor (InvisibleWater) | Weavile (matthewc20090) | Mega Gardevoir (False)
Counters: CB Tyranitar (Infernal) | Mega Scizor (Recreant) | Heatran (toshimelonhead)

Checks: Talonflame (FireMonkeyGamer) | Hawlucha (-Magic-) | Mega Metagross (InvisibleWater)
Counters: Mega Slowbro (nameless90) | Cofagrigus (Random Passerby) | Doublade (Sobi)

Checks: Chesnaught (Random Passerby) | CB Azumarill (HailFall) | Hippowdon (FireMonkeyGamer)
Counters: Tangrowth (SP458) | Bronzong (matthewc20090) | Rotom-W (SketchUp)

Checks: Mega Charizard Y (SP458) | Mega Pidgeot (FireMonkeyGamer) | ScarfTran (nameless90)
Counters: Sap Sipper Azumarill (Hot dog pizza) | AV Tornadus-T (Infernal) | Mega Venusaur (GnralLao

Checks: Scarf Landorus-T (Raymond Quaza) | Mega Metagross (Random Passerby) | Mega Scizor (michaeloche)
Counters: Jirachi (Infernal) | Gastrodon (CrystalRam) | Defensive Mega Venusaur (Sobi)

Checks: Scarf Tyranitar (michaeloche) | Goodra (CrystalRam) | Mega Diancie (Viridi)
Counters: Mega Latias (ethanlol) | Politoed (wishes) | SpD Talonflame (detviech)

Checks: Mega Diancie (CrystalRam) | Rhyperior (Infernal) | Rotom-W (michaeloche)
Counters: Zapdos (Random Passerby) | Hippowdon (nameless90) | Solrock (Hot dog pizza)

Checks: Dugtrio (detviech) | Garchomp (SP458) | Magnezone (kek123)
Counters: Gastrodon (AAamen) | Chansey (Random Passerby) | Quagsire (michaeloche)

Checks: Keldeo (ericaroselia) | Breloom (Skarmx2) | Dragonite (Jeronado)
Counters: Chesnaught (detviech) | Mega Altaria (noobcubed) | Mega Venusaur (Recreant)

Checks: Toxicroak (CrystalRam) | Serperior (Drackin) | Volcanion (Recreant)
Counters: Mega Venusaur (Empo) | Itemless Amoonguss (False.) | Quagsire (HailFall)

Checks: Garchomp (Broken Promises;) | Reuniclus (0besity) | Gengar (GnralLao)
Counters: Doublade (HQuaze) | Jellicent (SP458 ) | Slowbro (Random Passerby)

Checks: Defensive Mega Tyranitar (False.) | Mega Diancie (InvisibleWater) | Ensure SD Salac Garchomp (CrystalRam)
Counters: Quagsire (Littlelucario) | Hippowdon (Empo) | Rhyperior (Infernal)

Checks: Kyurem-B (Recreant) | Hyper Voice Mega Altaria (Random Passerby) | Thundurus (SP458)
Counters: Vincune (Infernal) | Mega Diancie (AAamen) | Encore Clefable (False.)

Checks: Breloom (Littlelucario) | --- | --
Counters: Manaphy (Random Passerby) | Curse Gastrodon (cmurph) | SubCM Keldeo (SP458)

Checks: Keldeo (Recreant) | Mega Medicham (OverlordDerp) | Mega Diancie (matthewc20090)
Counters: Chansey (GnralLao) | Umbreon (SketchUp) | AV Azumarill (Littlelucario)

Checks: ScarfTar (Akumeoy) | AV Metagross (Icing On Da Cake) | Weavile (Amoonguss)
Counters: Umbreon (False.) | SpD Jirachi (Littlelucario) | ---
Checks: Mega Venusaur (Zimzy) | Keldeo (matthewc20090) | Hydreigon (CrystalRam)
Counters: Chesnaught (The Quasar) | Mega Altaria (Cheryl.) | Poliwrath (Martin)

Checks: Mega Venusaur (Zimzy) | Keldeo (matthewc20090) | Hydreigon (CrystalRam)
Counters: Chesnaught (The Quasar) | Mega Altaria (Cheryl.) | Poliwrath (Martin)

Checks: Slowbro (slurmz) | AV Tornadus-T (Zimzy) | Celebi (HC)
Counters: Jellicent (Cheryl.) | Mega Venusaur (Aragorn the King) | Amoonguss (Littlelucario)
Hall of Fame
44 - Recreant
43 - Random Passerby
29 - GnralLao
20 - Lil YoshiXD
20 - Albacore
19 - False.
19 - InvisibleWater
19 - P2
19 - Sanger Zonvolt
15 - Infernal
14 - Celticpride
14 - michaeloche
13 - escarlata
12 - boltsandbombers
12 - Clone
12 - Littlelucario
12 - Zebstrika
9 - FullLifeGames
9 - matthewc20090
9 - SketchUp
9 - Tressed
8 - WreckDra
7 - Arikado
7 - bludz
7 - CrystalRam
7 - firehusky
7 - Salemance
7 - SP458
7 - Sobi
Last edited: