UUFPL III Commencement and Admin Decisions Omega Thread


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:sv/Kleavor: :sv/Scizor: UNOFFICIAL UUFPL HOST POWER RANKINGS :sv/Annihilape: :sv/Darmanitan-Galar:

It's finally here- the power rankings of the UnderUsed Farm Premier League, provided by hosts BigFatMantis and yours truly. The foundation of these rankings are mainly built upon draft picks and how strong the lineups of the teams are based on performance in prior tours as well as team synergy; we will very likely to do another power rankings towards the middle of the tour when the teams have some weeks completed. You are welcome to do your own Power Rankings or predictions as well. This is just for fun, so please do not take them seriously and we could very well be cringe and wrong. With the disclaimer out of the way, let's begin!​

#1: Black Ops Spidops
Every season, a team tour comes around that requires ambiguously guess-driven power rankings. Everyone puts 8 names in a McDonalds Ice Cream machine and pulls the lever to see what comes out. But this year, things are different. This year, Gamefreak has blessed us with the most magical addition to mons since Mega Pikachu. This year, we have Spidops. And the Black Ops Spidops are so far above the rest of the pack that putting them at #1 was unanimous amongst all 19 UUFPL Councilpersons from all 3 regions and planetary systems. Let's start with their SV: They've got UU Councilperson KM, who is historically great and creative at CG UU, and this year has been having decent tour success right from the start. Maybe he won't win all of his games (though he could!), but he will definitely always bring something fresh and can dish out ideas to all the others. Chaos23333 shares the name with Smogon's owner and while he hasn't played much SV (that I know of) he was an extremely solid and scary SS UU player just months ago while it was CG. Tal0 may not have the credentials of the former two, but has shown some promise already with a deep Masters run and will have plenty of support. And DugZa, leading the team as manager and SV Unlimited player, will no doubt be dedicated to his team and has always been a solid CG player, making multiple circuit POffs last year including UU Circuit. With such a solid CG LU you would assume their oldgens is where it slows down, but it does not. Heysup is by and large the best DPP in the entire pool. He might get lucked out of a couple of games but he's no doubt a unanimous #1. Alkione in ADV seems like a stretch if you didn't watch ALT PL. If you did watch it, then you know that he actually went 4-0 in ADV UU in that tour (including a win against his teammate Heysup!) F1shingRod might be the last GSC UU main (that actually wants to play it) on Smogon besides Estarossa. Melbelle is a proven RBY UU winner with multiple positive showings in RBY UU tours which somehow keep going unnoticed as evidenced by the 3k pricetag. Tack is a BW UU veteran that can easily go 7-0 if he turns on the jets. And Spitfire plays in every single PL ever on Smogon with probably 100+ wins already this year throughout all 31 tours he's played in, so you know he will grab some wins in ORAS. Inder is also a very solid overall SS player, and the SS pool is very top heavy this year so he should be able to go positive. The only "question mark" (I guess?) are xujing in SM since I'm not sure he's ever really played there, but it's a fairy gen so I'm sure he can adapt quickly. And their bench covers all their bases with iKiQ covering the ancient gens well, Huargensy covering the middle gens, and baconeatinassassin covering the new gens. It is the most complete team that we have ever seen in any tournament in all of competitive gaming history and possibly all games generally in the history of the world.

#2: Dolliv Garden
The most important measurement of a team success is the team camaraderie. And at Dolliv Garden when you're here, you're family. After blowing the bank for 30k credits on kythr (who is easily a Top 3 SV UU starter for this tour), and trading for hjkhj (who had a dominant ORAS record last year), the Garden has one of the best overall lineups with no visible weaknesses. Javi and romanji are perfectly respectable SV UU starters here, Beraldo is a great overall mons player playing SV Unlimited, and Indigo Plateau gets to breathe some fresh air away from his disappointing UUPL SV record and fall back to a tier he's know well for years in SM UU. TeamCharm barely missed the cut for UU Circuit playoffs last year, so him in SS is sure to produce positive results. Going down to BW-RBY, it's a bit more of a question mark, but the potential is there for sure. Danny is a great pokemon player, but he hasn't really played much BW UU at all so he's going to have to learn quick. Felines I'm not sure has played any DPP UU either. EllingtonReborn though is probably the most enthusiastic ADV UU player in the pool and while she doesn't have any big tour results (probably simply from lack of opportunity) it's clear she understands the tier very well. TLTK is a career GSC lower tiers player and should do fine there depending on how much/little he memes each week. Nicole is an outstanding RBY NU player, which could transfer to RBY UU? Who knows though, if things don't end up working out for these slots then they could end up being a middle of the pack team. But the team definitely has potential to do big things if everything clicks in the right direction.

#3: Dave's Dudunsparces
UUFPL is a tour of opportunity, where fresh new faces in the UU scene finally get their chance to partake in a Smogon Team Tour, where they can learn the ins and outs of competition, establish new friendships, be provided positive mentorship, and bud their young talents as they ascend to become the UU stars of tomorrow. In keeping up with this spirit and mission, the Dudunsparces have placed 5 SPL starters in their own starting lineup (Lily in SS, Leru in SM, Fc in RBY, Monai in SV, Sylvi in ORAS), with budding young future UU hopefuls like SOMALIA in BW UU rounding it off. Jokes aside, they do have some newer talent, but that's probably because they ran out of money midway through the auction and probably drew straws on who to pick next. But they are so top heavy that they should probably end up winning 80% of their games with their top half of players, meaning the others just have to pull out a few clutch wins to push this team over the top each week. Dex and tier are also very solid mons players outside of SV UU that can very easily put up good records with the right team support (which should absolutely not be a problem for this team). Aqua Jet is unfortunately thrown into an extremely competitive SV Unlimited pool where there doesn't seem to be any indication he will have success since we have barely any sample size of his SV tour play so far this year. But if Cubic Skunk in DPP, LBN in ADV, and Lialiabeast in GSC can win just 30% or more of their games then it's very possible this team ends up at the very top of the standings at the end of the year. If they can't, then the Larry Davids will have to curb their enthusiasm at the end of the season.

#4- Knights of Baxcalibur
Rising UU stars Totomon and Slip take a shot at managing a UU team tour and end up with a modest tournament ranking in the middle of the pack. Their gens 1-3 lineup is very strong and consistent with both HANTSUKI and Mystras Leoxes having performance in higher stakes UU tours like UUPL and UUSD, with the latter actually liking GSC (a rare sight), and Sabelette who recently played in ALT PL and ended up with a positive record. Beyond this strong core, sanguine is very experienced in BW and without the pressure of managing could definitely put up strong results. Rounding the main players off, Parpar has been involved in SV UU a lot through participation in tours, notably making a high placement in the Kickoff tour, and should have fresh ideas from his involvement in UUPL as well as provide ADV support. The rest of the team lacks the luster of the aforementioned players and are relatively more unproven. Takatk I haven’t seen in SS UU but considering they were traded for hjkhj which is a top tier ORAS player I assume they are good. TMM hasn't seen UU team tour action for a while, and even back then I'm not sure how much SM UU they really played, so it's uncertain how well they can pick up SM again and perform in a fairly competitive pool. One Last Kiss is a good player but also ranks low compared to the ORAS pool. Team manager Slip takes a shot at DPP UU, a tier we haven’t seen him play much, so it’s up in the air on whether he can perform in a gen much different than SS and SV UU. The notable flaw is the standard SV slots, which haven’t really had notable success this generation. UnzipsCrogre is a returning proven player from prior UUFPLs while Goro Yagami is a newer but very active player, and Rasche is just generally unproven, meaning the current gen lineup has some positive traits but really needs that extra push to show where they really stand in the rankings. Knights of Baxcalibur have a lot of strong slots as well as a lot of slots that need improvement, ending up with a middle ranking for the time being. They can easily make playoffs, but in perhaps the most competitive UUFPL yet everyone will need to boost to 110% to ensure success.

#5: Shroodles & Company
The UUFPL creator himself justdrew returns with a new co, a brand new team, but the same hunger and drive for a UUFPL championship. This time, though, he's gonna have to put a lot of time into mentoring his players if he hopes to achieve to success. There's likely no other manager besides drew that focuses on the importance of developing new talent, but his refusal to spend big money on anyone this time around may have been a little too costly in itself. They don't really have any superstar names in the respective tiers. Xiri is very good and will likely do just fine in the shallow DPP pool, but their other veterans will have a harder time as innovamania faces a strong ADV pool, Real FV13 faces an even stronger BW pool, and kjdaas probably needs much support in ORAS. As for the rest, they are fresh faces in their tiers that are going to need some mentorship. Tree has shown good RBY UU results but it has all been very recent and whether or not he can consistently perform well remains to be seen. Kenny is an enthusiastic GSC player, but also lacks any real tour success in the tier. JustFranco was a good SS UU Player back in 2021 but I'm not sure how much he kept up with the trends towards the end of the CG last year. Mom Lover and Fragments aren't exactly "new" players, but Fragments is fairly new to the UU scene while Mom Lover probably only dabbled in SM UU in the past. NHelioX and TyCarter are very promising new SV UU players, but their talent is still a bit raw so we will see how it all plays out. Fortunately the Shroodles also have some good depth. Tlenit on the bench (at the moment) can luckily help bring a strong veteran presence, while RampageWebber is probably a starting caliber SV UU player on most other teams. Ainzcrad is also very solid and can probably fill into multiple slots should they end up struggling. And while Noah is still looking for his UU legs, he brings a lot of enthusiasm to the team. Overall, the Shroodles are a solid team. But they're a bit raw in a lot of slots and aren't exactly going to knock your socks off.

#6- Skeledirges of the Sea
Unfortunately Estarossa has fallen into the same trap of years prior- drafts a strong old gens line up but leaves current gen much to be desired. MrSoup and Unowndragon are two fantastic players at the top of their pool, and Estarossa’s support to the former will further solidify their success. Estarossa himself will return to SM and ranks highly among the pool, while Dingbat navigates familiar waters in BW and will likely produce positive results. Spellcaster is also rated in the top half of the SV Unlimited pool and has plenty of resources from UUPL to achieve success. However, the team’s shortcomings become a lot more apparent. Scalescale, a notable ORAS player, finds themselves into SV UU, a tier we haven’t seen much from them, making the transition potentially tricky with the dynamics of terastallization, or so we thought as after writing this we see them score a huge win over Kythr, bumping up our confidence in them. Burstbean is relatively unknown but may shine in a dire DPP pool. Meanwhile, both giove97 and autumn, the remainder of the SV UU lineup, has yet to be relatively proven compared to other players. I’ve seen zoe talk a lot in the discord during the SS UU era but I have no idea if they played the tier much, while Mossy Sandwich and Queen of Bean find themselves in two of the most stacked pools in ADV and ORAS, making it troublesome to find success. However, both Rae and Fathiryxi are capable substitutes that can potentially turn the team around if needed, and Corporate Donkey might shine in UUFPL with his enthusiasm provided he doesn’t self-sabotage by using Krookodile in a gen other than SM. The Skeledirges are not necessarily bad and nearly half their slots are strong, but have a lot to prove in terms of their other tiers to make it to the playoffs.

#7- Gilderoy Lokix
Gilderoy Lokix features returning manager Dunoks as well as new co Jeza P. to try to take the UUFPL title after barely missing out on playoffs last year. Unfortunately, apart from a select few slots, the team struggles to stand out. Liam (Amukamara) is one of the best UU players around and should do amazing in ORAS as well as support numerous old-gens. In fact, Liam is the only back to back MVP award winner in UUFPL history, speaking to how much he provides for his team. Additionally, both Dunoks and gorex are rated very highly in their respective tiers in SS and ADV. Ice Yazu comes off from ALT PL with being rated as one of the best in the RBY pool. We haven’t seen much of GoldCat in BW UU but they are a great BW RU player and with Liam support they should produce good results. The rest of the team doesn’t keep up the hype; Attribute was cited to not have played SM UU before, although it could be mindgames from the Cetitans (I do not give enough of a fuck to actually check), and surfy is a relatively unknown figure in a dedicated GSC pool. The SV regular slots are a mixed bag; jawabarat made it pretty far in masters, but Hurtadoo and Gei have a lot more to prove too as relatively unknown faces to UU. Hydreigon>Latias makes his UUFPL debut, which is nice to see as he’s a decent player and his attitude has improved a lot, and while he puts up more of a fight in the regular SV pool, we are unsure how he can do in the unlimited pool with tougher opponents in addition to more pressure. As for the subs, Banbadoro is an old-gens fiend that should do well as a potential swap in for a struggling old gen, but there isn’t too much to say about spoo and mimilimi, reflecting the unknown means of this team and whether they will defy their low ranking and find success or fail to achieve important wins. Liam is strong, but he can’t be everywhere at once, meaning the rest of Gilderoy Lokix need to step up and show their potency to reach playoffs

#8- Attack on Cetitan
With PRs, someone has to be last, and Attack on Cetitan didn’t attack hard enough during the draft to escape last place. Being honest, they can definitely put up a fight against the lower half and even some of the upper half, but a fair amount of their slots have flaws. Let’s start with the good though. Pif is the best rated SV UU player by far and should do great as well as provide valuable support, and Kev has had a good Masters run and should thrive with pif's building support. Udongirl is a strong UUPL level player that should compete very well in a strong SV Unlimited Pool, and stunner047 has proven to be a successful and reliable RBY option. Avarice’s swiss army knife potential should come through as a key player in most old gens as well as support in SV and SM, and he should perform just fine in an average DPP pool, plus hariyana’s support should play an incremental role in this team’s DPP success. The rest of the team are either question marks or just plain hopefuls. Azick might be ok in SV UU but unlike their monotype counterpart Kev there isn't much of a track record here. Sulo has probably never played ADV UU at any sort of high level before. Jay I'm not sure has played much ORAS UU at all. Chub is a great GSC NU player, but unlike MrSoup I haven't really seen him play any GSC UU, though hopefully for the Cetitans it transfers over. I don't remember the last time basaninho played SM UU in a UU team tour but it must have been like 2020, but he could still be very capable. Liz Angeles was a great rising SS UU star at the end of the gen but it was a little too late to really gain any traction in most tours and it remains to be seen if they can compete in this setting against a top heavy SS pool. Feaniix is a great BW player in other BW tiers, so maybe they can work some magic there. All in all, the Cetitans aren't BAD, really. If 2-3 of their players exceed expectations they can easily make a playoff push. But somebody has to be last, and in the year 2023, that somebody is Attack on Cetitan.


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UUPL Champion
:bw/Bisharp: LOOKING FOR PARTY MEMBER :bw/Dragonite:

Good morning :Solrock: UUFPLers and Spectators. The UUFPL management corporation is looking for someone to help with REPLAYS AND USAGE STATS. If you are interested please reach out to BigFatMantis or Monky25 on here or on Discord. We have to delay the payment of 1 million Smogon Coins until the year 2084 though, hope that's ok.


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UUPL Champion
:afrostar: :afrostar: :gs/starmie: ALL STAR GAME CAPTAIN VOTING IS LIVE! :gs/staryu::afrostar::afrostar:

Attention all players, managers, spectators, mods, fishermen, and spawns of good and evil: the ballot for the 2023 UUFPL All Star Game Captains is now live!

The two captains will be picked based on fan vote, and will draft their all star lineup just before UUFPL All Star Week 2023 (it's next week). Anyone can vote! But you can only vote once. Good luck to all!


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UUPL Champion
:bw/Loudred: :ss/Starmie: :afrostar: :afrostar: :afrostar: :ss/Staryu: :bw/Loudred:
:ss/Jirachi: :blobwizard::blobwizard::blobwizard: :ss/Minior:

THE POLLS ARE NOW CLOSED! Polls in both our Dallas and Edinburgh locations have closed and results have been tallied. For the first time in UUFPL history we had over 25,000 people cast ballots for this year's All Star Game Captains (most were absentee votes). The captains will be:

Indigo Plateau
Amukamara !

Congratulations! You will both draft your all star lineups this weekend live from Lambeau Field at a time that works for both of you. Here's a more detailed view of the results:




The All Stars for this year will be picked backyard playground draft style by both captains (certain restrictions apply). Stay tuned for more information on this star-studded event!


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:bw/Gardevoir: UUFPL Announcement :bw/Rampardos:
Because of personal issues, Rae can no longer continue participating in UUFPL. Since this is out of their control, they will not be punished. Skeledirges of the Seas have been allowed to select a new player from the undrafted pool. They have chosen ramydos/ulky, who can join the team now but will be eligible to play starting week 6. Tagging the players and manager for awareness Estarossa Rae ramydos


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UUPL Champion
:sv/Brambleghast: THE UUFPL ROAD TO THE PLAYOFFS :sv/Cyclizar:

Brought to you by Chevrolet and Super Mario - Find New Roads and Let's a-go!

"You may not find a path, but you will find a way"
- Tom Wolfe

Greetings and Salutations - welcome the 2023 version of the UUFPL Road to the Playoffs! Remarkably, no team is guranteed in or out during this final week, so we will go through the standings one by one to see what each team needs to do to make it in! Now let's a go!

:sv/Dudunsparce: Dave's Dudunsparces :sv/Dudunsparce:
Record: 2-1-3
Points: 7
Differential: +4

The Daves are one of four (4) teams with 7 points going into the final week, and they are tied for highest differential of those 4 teams. The bottom 4 teams all have 5 points, so this path is very straightforward. So how do the Dudunsparces get into the playoffss?

Method #1: Win or Tie - Since the bottom 4 teams only have 5 pts, a win or tie puts the Dudunsparces in the playoffs for sure, no questions asked.

Method #2: Lose, but not so badly! - If they lose, they can still make it in, since their differential is not that bad. But they have to ensure the following things do not happen:
  • Losing 2-10 would make the Skeledirges leap them in the standings, and would assuredly eliminate them from contention.
  • Losing 3-9 would tie them with the Skeldirges, while also putting them in a bad spot against all the other teams in a manner that would make it almost assuredly either an out of the playoffs or a tiebreaker scenario against Skeledirge and potentially 2 other teams for that final slot.
  • Losing 4-8 means they still stay above the Skeledirges and also keep a +0 differential. This ensures at least a tiebreaker scenario, which would only proc if Spidops loses 4-8 to the Shroodles at which point they face Spidops in a tiebreak. Any other score for that series combined with a 4-8 Loss for the Dave's actually ensures they are in.
  • Losing 5-7 ensures they are in, regardless of whatever else happens.


:sv/Spidops: Black Ops Spidops :sv/Spidops:
Record: 2-1-3
Points: 7
Differential: +4

This wasn't a typo, Spidops actually have the same exact W/L/T record, points, and differential as the Dave's, and tied when they faced each other. And while their road to the playoffs is similar, it doesn't quite have as many easy outs:

Method #1: Win or Tie - Since the bottom 4 teams only have 5 pts, a win or tie puts Spidops in the playoffs for sure, no questions asked.

Method #2: Lose, but not so badly! - If they lose, they can still make it in, since their differential is not that bad. But they have to ensure the following things do not happen:
  • Losing 2-10 eliminates Spidops officially.
  • Losing 3-9 would put Spidops in a near insurmountable situation, as Shroodles will pass them and the only other way they could even have a chance with this 3-9 loss would be either:
    • if Baxcalibur beats Cetitan by exactly an 8-4 score - which would create a 3-way tie play-in scenario for the final 4th slot between Spidops, Cetitan, and Baxcalibur. OR
    • if Skeledirge beats the Dudunsparces by exactly a 9-3 score, which would then create a 3-way tie play-in scenario with Skeledirge, Dudunsparces, and Spidops.
  • Losing 4-8 would make the Shroodles leapfrog Spidops in the standings. This doesn't eliminate them, but makes it difficult as it cuts their differential to +0. In order to make it in with a 4-8 loss, they would have to hope for either:
    • a win of 7-5 by Baxcalibur, which would tie them with Cetitans in standings and force a tiebreaker. A win of 8-4 by Baxcalibur means Spidops still makes it in. A win of 9-3 by Baxcalibur ties them with Spidops for last slot. OR
    • a win of 8-4 by Skeledirge over the Dudunsparces means Spidops and Dudunsparces tie for that last slot and force a tiebreaker. A win of 9-3 by Skeledirge ensures Spidops makes it in. A win of 10-2 by Skeledirge means Spidops and Skeledirge are tied for that last slot.
  • Losing 5-7 guarantees Spidops are in, as there is no combination of things that could happen that would knock them out in that scenario.


:sv/Cetitan: Attack on Cetitan :sv/Cetitan:
Record: 2-1-3
Points: 7
Differential: +2

If all of the current 7 point teams were having a party, they may have forgotten to invite the Cetitans due to their placement on the scientifically engineered season opening power rankings. And yet here they are, sitting at 3rd place and driving their own ship on this road that is UUFPL Playoff City! So how do they make it in?

Method #1: Win or Tie - Since the bottom 4 teams only have 5 pts, a win or tie puts the Cetitans in the playoffs for sure, no questions asked.

Method #2: Lose, but not so badly! - The Cetitans do not have as great of a differential as the top 2 teams. So they have to ensure the following things do not happen if they want in:
  • Losing 3-9 allows Baxcalibur to leap them in the standings and ensure Cetitans are out, as no other combination of things could happen to keep them in.
  • Losing 4-8 ties them with Baxcalibur with a -2 differential. There's a lot of things that could happen here to affect how this plays out, so here's how they still make it with this:
    • If Skeledirge beats the Dudunsparces 9-3, then there is a 4-way tie between Cetitans, Baxcalibur, Skeledirge, and Dudunsparces, and a for sure tiebreaker scenario would take place with the details yet to be worked out. But if the Skeledirge/Dudunsparce series has any other score besides this then:
    • A win of 7-5 or 8-4 by Shroodles over Spidops puts both those teams above Cetitans and assuredly eliminates them, so they'd have to be sure this does not happen. Then:
    • Assuming the above scores did not play out, Baxcalibur straight ties Cetitan and the two would have a tiebreaker for the final slot between just them.
  • Losing 5-7 keeps them above Baxcalibur and ensures they aren't eliminated entirely, but:
    • If Shroodles win 7-5 or 8-4 over Spidops, then Cetitan will be tied with Shroodles or Spidops for the final playoff spot.

:sv/Dolliv: Dolliv Garden :sv/Dolliv:
Record: 3-2-1
Points: 7
Differential: -1

The only team in the entire tour with 3 wins after 6 weeks, Dolliv Garden finds themselves still in control of their path, but they have basically no room for error on this. Here is how they can make it in:

Method #1: Win or Tie - Since the bottom 4 teams only have 5 pts, a win or tie puts Dolliv Garden in the playoffs for sure, no questions asked.

Method #2: There is realistically no other method because of their differential, even a 5-7 loss eliminates them. The only mathematical chance would be a 5-6 loss somehow but that would not make any sense given the stakes here, but if some crazy honest situation does occur and they lose 5-6 though a dead game that was legitimately attempted to be avoided, then:
  • Skeledirge would have to beat Dudunsparces 9-3 exactly, no more no less, OR
  • Baxcalibur would have to beat Cetitan 8-4 exactly, no more no less. These scenarios would create a 3 way (or 5-way) tiebreaker that allows a sliver of hope for Dolliv Garden to get in.

:sv/Lokix: Gilderoy Lokix :sv/Lokix:
Record: 2-3-1
Points: 5
Differential: +7

Lokix is in 5th place, yet has the best differential in the tour a +7. But they are one of 4 teams with 5 total points a the bottom of the standings. They also have the most straightforward path to the playoffs in the history of playoff path posts:

Method #1: Win and you are in. That's it. Score doesn't matter, any win guarantees that they are in because of their outstanding differential.

Method #2: There is no method 2. A loss or tie eliminates Lokix.


:sv/Shroodle: Shroodles & Company :sv/Shroodle:
Record: 2-3-1
Points: 5
Differential: -2

And now this is where it gets slightly more difficult. At #6 in the standings, Shroodles & Company have a decent shot of making it in. But rather than having "methods", there are only "steps" here that must be followed:

Step 1: Win - any win gives the Shroodles a shot at the playoffs, but:
  • A win of 8-4 leapfrogs them over Spidops and guarantees a spot for them.
  • A win of 7-5 does not allow them to surpasss Spidops, and so the only way this can get them in is if:
    • Baxcalibur beats Cetitan by a score of 7-5 or 9-3 - this would create a tie with Cetitan OR with Baxcalibur for the final slot. OR
    • Baxcalibur beats Cetitan by a score of 8-4. This would allow Shroodles to surpass both Cetitan and Baxcalibur and make it in. OR
    • Skeledirge beats Dudunsparces by a score of 8-4 or 10-2. This would create a tie with Skeledirge or Dudunsparces for the final slot. OR
    • Skeledirge beats Dudunsparces by a score of 9-3. his would allow Shroodles to surpass both Skeledirge and Dudunsparces and make it in.

:sv/Baxcalibur: Knights of Baxcalibur :sv/Baxcalibur:
Record: 2-3-1
Points: 5
Differential: -6

After a miraculous blow-out win last week, Baxcalibur still has some life heading into this final week. But now a win is not enough for these final two teams, as the Knights have to win big to accomplish a storybook entrance to the playoffs:

Step 1: Win - a big win could catapult Baxcalibur into the playoffs. Here's how:
  • A win of 10-2 leapfrogs them over Cetitans and gives them a significant enough differential that assures them a playoff spot.
  • A win of 9-3 also leapfrogs them over Cetitanss, but it might not be enough:
    • If Skeledirge beats Dudunsparces by a score of 9-3 or 8-4, then Baxcalibur would be tied with either Skeledirge or Dudunsparces for that final spot. Any other score would allow Baxcalibur to pass at least one of those two. But then:
    • If Shroodles beats Spidops by a score of 7-5 or 8-4, then Baxcalibur would be tied with either Shroodles or Spidops for the final playoff spot. Any other score allows Baxcalibur entry to the playoffs without a tie.
  • A win of 8-4 is in itself not enough, as that would simply tie them with Cetitan and in addition they would need some help to even make it in with this:
    • Skeledirge would have to beat Dudunsparces by a score of 9-3 exactly, which would create a 4-way tie between Skeledirge, Dudunsparces, Cetitan, and Baxcalibur for the final playoff spot.
  • A simple win of 7-5 keeps Cetitans above Baxcalibur and, while that doesn't guarantee Cetitans a spot, it does guaranatee that Baxcalibur is out.

:sv/Skeledirge: Skeledirge of the Seas :sv/Skeledirge:
Record: 2-3-1
Points: 5
Differential: -8

Despite Skeledirge being last in the standings, their path to the playoff still exists and, to some extent, is in their own hands although it will take a pretty substantial victory. So here's how it can get done:

Step 1: Win - a big win could catapult Skeledirge into the playoffs. Here's how:
  • A win of 11-1 leapfrogs them over Dudunsparces and gives them a significant enough differential that assures them a playoff spot.
  • A win of 10-2 also leapfrogs them over Dudunsparces, and it puts their differential at +0 which might be enough, but:
    • If Shroodles beat Spidops by a score of 7-5 or 8-4, then they are tied with Shroodles or Spidops for the last playoff spot. Any other score ensures they are in.
  • A win of 9-3 ties them with Dudunsparces, meaning their only chance would be a tiebreak. But this isn't even guaranteed to happen given the following:
    • If Shroodles beat Spidops by a score of 7-5 or 8-4, then both Shroodles and Spidops remain above Skeledirge in the standings and they are eliminated. If this does not happen, then:
    • If Baxcalibur beat Cetitan by a score of 8-4, then there is a 4-way tie between Skeledirge, Dudunsparce, Baxcalibur, and Cetitan for the final playoff spot. Any other score would result in a simple 2-way tiebreak between Skeledirge and Dudunsparce for the final playoff spot.
  • A win of 7-5 or 8-4 is not enough and results in elimination regardless of other scenarios.




dancing to alarm bells
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Was hoping I didn't have to write this post tonight as we were set up for one of the greatest Cinderella stories I would have ever seen on this site, but sometimes that's just how the cards fold. This is my first time managing, so I would like to close out my 2nd season in UUFPL with some shoutouts. The team I honestly thought had immaculate vibes. Every time I opened it from week 1 it felt like everyone was just friends hanging out and trying to play some good games. From sharing music to talking about books to roasting eachothers anime taste (and liking anime in the first place), I wouldn't trade that experience for anything different.

HANTSUKI Insou Starting off with my 2 quiet guys. Thanks for stepping into games or being willing to play even though you guys didn't really know anyone. Hantsuki I let you go do your thing since I trusted you in ADV and you more than delivered. Your lowkey vibe is very nice to have around. Hope we get to team again sometime with higher stakes and I get to know you a bit more. Insou I'm sorry I didn't give you as much support I should have in your game, but thanks for stepping up and playing your best while we were trying to find our footing. I know you can kill it so I hope next time things will be different.

PandaDoux One Last Kiss My ORAS players. Toto and I p much threw you to the wolves since we are both a bit weak in this tier, but I'm glad we got a decent score out of this slot. We won really important matches in here which is all that matters to me. Both of you are very laid back and easy to work with and have a lot of cool ideas, so seeing you guys do your thing was great to see. Hope we will get to team again some time where we can really cook other than this boring ass tier LOL

Parpar The man of many names, but I prefer ParGoat. Wish I got to watch you play vs udon this last week that mu woulda been hype. I also let you do your thing because you seem to be having a lot of fun with SV rn and have really good creative ideas. Your analysis of the game is amazing and insight was 2nd to none. I also especially liked listening to the kinda music you pasted since I already knew we liked pretty similar music. Thanks for being a chill teammate. I know I'll see you around in discords now and again, so I hope I can get out of my introverted shell and say hi more.

UnzipsCrogre My SV steal in the draft ngl. You going for 3k is pretty criminal if you ask me, but I was definitely not complaining. This is our 2nd time teaming together and it was really nice to see both of us a bit more proactive this year. You're super easy to work with as you'll kinda just grab and play with anything and make it look easy. Hope we get to play together another time.

Rasche Totomon threatened violence if I didn't get you in the draft LOL. One of the fastest rising PIA goons that I can't even call you a PIA goon anymore. You kinda just show up to tours and go deep then dip which made us really excited to get you. We put you in definitely the hardest slot and you worked your ass off to keep up. Thank you for the dedication and team building ideas. I look forward to the next time we team as I feel like you and I kinda see the game in the same way. Dangerous duo

Mystras Your record this tournament definitely does not reflect how goated you are at this tier. You worked your ass off every week to get the best results possible, but unfortunately all of us only know so much about GSC lmao. Besides throwing you to the wolves I'm glad I got to pick you up. I knew you were a hard worker and a chill guy, so your presence around the cord was definitely much appreciated. Next time you gotta make me grind GSC so you can kick more ass lmao I won't let this crime happen again.

sanguine Another draft steal. I feel like you already know what ima say but thanks for helping out so much. You really tried to cover the tiers I knew less about and it definitely helped our results. Your start was crazy for us and you made sure we hit the ground running. Was great teaming with you I'm sure we will do it again sometime. I need someone to keep me in check with my hot takes so I pray that I'm right lmao

Corperate n My 14k benchwarmer.... in all seriousness you were so insanely helpful which is why I picked you up. I didn't know where I was going to slot you, but just being able to throw you wherever I needed you to and have you just annihilate your competition was so godly. Your insight, dedication, work ethic, all of it was so insane to have. I'm sure your UUPL managers will also attest, but if you ever need someone to round out your roster or clutch up in weeks, pick my boy up he is worth every penny.

Sabelette Speaking of work ethic. I hope you get a vacation after the hours you put in every week. I will personally be sending you to a beach massage on Hawaii to de-stress after this tournament. I swear any time I checked my phone through the day you were in the rby chat just theory crafting and talking optimal lines and just how to play the tier as optimal as possible. I really admire that as I'm usually lazy and put in the bare minimum lmao. I feel like I learned a lot watching you and I'm so happy I picked you up even if you didn't get the results you wanted. I would be more than happy to team with you again any time.

Goro Yagami I'm glad I got you for what I believe is your first uu team tour? I already knew your vibes were immaculate and you were gonna try as hard as you can to make a name for yourself. I'd say you had yourself quite the decent outing. Don't worry about the game that happened tonight btw, I knew you tried your best to make everything work out and had to play probably the most stressful game of your life on phone which is just criminal to have to do lmao. I know how hard you worked considering the amount of team dms I got from you. I'm sure its only up from here.

Taka I am not going to lie to you bro when I traded you for my 20k ORAS player and lost like 8k of my draft I was kinda pissed. BUT, I was happy to have gotten you for the trade, because lets face it youre sick af. I still remember you beating tf outta me in a uu tour and I was so mad bro. I was like "WHO TF IS THIS RANDOM HOW DID I THROW" but like, you just grew so fast and got the game under your belt I'm honored to get my ass kicked. I shoulda put you in SM sooner cus apparently youre goated at the tier, but I expected nothing less from you as you came in clutch for us time and time again. I shoulda fought for you harder in the draft originally, but I'm glad you got to show off what you got. Good luck with your ubers stuff and maybe next time I'm down by your college I'll grab you a beer or something lmao. Hope we get to team again.

TMM BlackKnight_Gawain I'm putting you 2 together because both of you NEVER shut up !!! BOTH OF YOU over 3k lines in the discord and the main reasons we had a Hobbies category. In all seriousness though you 2 carried the vibe of the server. BKG I know this was one of your first team tours, but I'm happy Goro recommended you as a last pick. I think having each other put both of you a lot more at ease and let both of you make some cool ass teams. I look forward to continue teaming with you in BLT. TMM I wish I put you in SS sooner you son of a bitch apparently you can't lose in that tier. I enjoyed your sober AND drunk input and especially enjoyed the random rants that brought the discord to life. I'm very glad I picked you up so don't get tour banned again so I can pick you up in another tour. ALSO FREE TMM FROM UU CORD JAIL

Totomon The boss, the big cheese, my partner in crime. I remember just throwing into our groupchat the idea of us managing together and I didn't expect you to be so down. I had an absolute blast managing with you while also being able to play on the same UUPL team as you during the first half of the season. I think we really did try our best and learned a lot from this experience. Thanks for believing in me in DPP and letting me self buy while you did a lot of the manager line up stuff. As always if you ever need anything lmk. I hope we get to team or manage again sometime. I won't let it end this soon in the future.

juoean Zerkas sparks bloom starbitstorm Mossy Sandwich Thank you all so much for coming into the cord and helping us out (even though you only came through at the very end Mossy). We definitely wouldn't have even got close to having a shot without you guys volunteering your time. All of you work crazy hard and I am more than grateful for everything you guys did. If any of you guys ever need something feel free to hmu and if I manage again I want to get you guys a big moment. Keep grinding it out and I hope we get to play again soon

I want to end this sappy post with this video link. I posted this once in our cord before at the beginning of our comeback chance, and I think it stands to the dedication and work ethic of my team. We had a rocky mid season, but I really do think that the last couple of weeks we dropped our weights and stopped Johning to ourselves. I think I couldn't ask more for that out of a group of great people who I'm lucky enough to call my teammates. Thank you all once again for playing on my first team I ever got to manage and good luck in the rest of your tours and future tournaments. I'll be back even better next time.



formerly TeamCharm
Unfortunately I thought we were in playoffs confirmed after the week before this one- so last week we put our foot on the breaks, and then this week was the most unfortunate week as possible having to sub out 3 of our best players. I will say also the two weeks off did not help with our mojo at all thanks BigFatMantis

on the real you and Monky25 hosted an amazing tour - so thank you for putting your time into this
I drafted an amazing team even if I paid all my money on Kythr, we deserved to get a lot further than we did.

unfortunately we couldn't keep the same magic up of last years cobras but TBH we had an unreal stacked team last year so it would be hard to do anyways. thanks bb skarm for letting me keep the legacy alive but sorry for not being able to get it done

in particular I want to shout out two people as I think they should be drafted for all UU tours in the future- EllingtonReborn and Javi their work ethic for this tour was extremely high, and they deserve all the praise and if nothing else comes from this tour I hope these two can get the recognition they deserve. Everyone else on the team was great as well thanks guys for doing what you could and I’m sorry we couldn’t get the job done. IP- went undefeated until the end, felines kills it in every DPP tier they play with little support, theo always a goat, kythr obviously good, beraldo was cheap for some reason and crushed it, Nicole - RBY sucks I’m sorry, TLTK you popped off for us.

i saw slip drop a song so im also going to drop a song for absolutely no reason at all! go play pokemon reborn people this game is unreal.

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formerly hariyana grande
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just wanna say that i think all of the ppl on the titans were great to have around. whether you had a tough record or were just playing as the super subs for the team, i appreciate all of you. to think we were wanting to fuck around week 7 bc we thought we were in playoffs LOL god

also wanna shoutout Azick in particular who i think had a pretty quiet 5-2 record, with his only losses being to the guy who got 3rd place in uu masters and, well, he knows about the other one... but yeah this dude really could take any team u gave him and pilot it to great precision. s/o to avarice too for wanting to get u in the first place as well. hope to see you in more uu things bro :blobthumbsup:

still cant believe this team got last on the prs tho..


beauty in the struggle
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As the aformentioned guy that got third place in masters, I’d like to concur with the guy that got 1st place in masters and congratulate azick.

It’s also funny that while teams who thought they had qualified changed pace the final week, I also changed pace thinking we had no chance. This year was actually insane and I have no idea how things played out as they did.


beauty in the struggle
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A lot of things didn't go as planned and our dreams did not come true. But we fought like hell and somehow earned a playoff spot, maintaining an amazing streak. I'm still pleased with the draft we had and we proved the prs wrong. Thanks for all your efforts and I hope you guys keep up the good work and continue to compete.

JustFranco tlenit ya'll stepped it up and played unreal this tour. We couldn't have made playoffs without your consistency and phenomenal play.

NHelioX7 RampageWebber TyCarter Fragments NoahDeKnight the SV goons. We performed well in this tier. We were consistent and despite some tough weeks, our SV record carried us into playoffs. Some of you had tougher seasons than others but your efforts were instrumental in our success. I hope to see some of you in circuit playoffs this year.

Tree69420 kjdaas RBY was a pain in the ass with two mons being banned and the unfortunate hax we got hit with. You were champions playing this tier and being consistent even with the bad luck and difficulty building post ban. I appreciate you both.

kenny innovamania Real FV13 Xiri the lower tiers were definitely a rocky road for us. Despite some tough weeks you all came out even on your records and I really appreciate you guys sticking with it. You're all amazing players and your resilience got us this far.

AtraX Madara we stuck you in a slot we could not support you in and slotted you against some ridiculously good players. ORAS was just not our tier this season so I appreciate you taking the bullet for the rest of us.

Ainzcrad you're literally the goat for coming off the bench several times and getting us W's. You're go with the flow and were just epic for us.

Mom Lover <3

haxlolo last but not least, my co. We did our best. Hopefully we manage together again in the future. Thanks for a great season.
Thanks to Leru and Stone Cold for drafting me and even bidding more than I ever expected to that time. Especially after the first two weeks, I wanted to bury myself but thanks to your support I came back. Carrying the Team even with my Wins in the regular season. After being carried in SPL and having an okey showing in UUPL, I was more than happy to be a Carry in UUFPL and this is only the beginning of my rise in tournaments. Anyways I came short in semis, didn't see the 100% pathwin, so much more to learn.
It was a fine time on the Team, happy to interact with people especially dex, LBN, Lily and Fc and all the others who talked to me. Thanks Nightingales for giving some thoughts there and here to my Prep. I cannot stress enough how much Garay oak and London Beats helped me during the tournament on the emotional and prepping view, the goats. Also huge thanks to Pak for sharing teams, even if he hadn't to do it. I appreciate that very much, I respect that a lot.

If the Daves wanna draft me again in the future, I am willingly joining. The Daves were like home to me, especially the lounge. Talked to amazing people I could only in the first place since I was on the Dudunspares.

I am looking forward to improve myself and playing more oras uu, maybe in oraspl soon or other tournaments, we will see. I root for an exciting oras uu game in the final and for a good series. Thanks for hosting a cool tournament, even if it was "only" a farm league, I had fun and didn't regret joining

See y'all sooner or later, stay safe

Edit: I gave my thoughts and viability ranking on oras uu in the according threats if anyone wanna read it thru.
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is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
UUPL Champion
~*~ :afrostar: UUFPL III Awards Ceremony :afrostar:~*~
Live from Berlin!

Good evening UUFPLeets! It's time to reveal our END OF SEASON awards for UUFPL III! First off, a big thank you to Monky25 for co-hosting this with me once again. I know this tour is way too ridiculous for anyone to reasonably put this kind of effort into and Monky has put up with me two years in a row now on this and, this year, actually took charge of the main write ups. UUFPL definitely would not be as lively without two people doing this work.

Also, a big thank you to Fusion Flare for the main UUFPL III Logo artwork, as well some scattered pieces to highlight the main story and chapters of Captain Ursula throughout her great adventure. If you are a big fan of Fusion Flare art (I know I am!) be sure to check out their Twitter Page!

Finally, a big thank you to Gaboswampert for making the Team Artwork that I used (and that I cropped horribly, very sorry) for these End of Season Awards Player Cards! If you want to see the full images for the different Team Artwork pieces (uncropped), be sure to check out their Twitter Page! (where they actually aren't posted yet but probably will be soon!)

Now without further delay, here are all of the awards:






Rookie of the Year.png



Managerial Gold.png



Most Surprising Player.png



Heat Creationist.png


HAPPENING STAR: pokemonisfun

Happening Star spelled correctly.png



Next Player Up.png


PLAYER 13: NHelioX7

Player 13.png



Comeback Superstar.png



Best Utility.png



Best SV.png



Best SVUnl.png



Best SS.png


BEST SM PLAYER: Indigo Plateau

Best SM.png



Best ORAS.png



Best BW.png



Best DPP.png



Best ADV.png


BEST GSC PLAYER: pp's splash town

Best GSC.png



Best RBY.png


Congratulations to everyone who received an award! See you next year!


is a Forum Moderatoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
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Shoutout post to the homies. Sylvi was a true cheerleader and made sure my channel wasn't empty outside of me begging for building help. As for said building help, I objectively couldn't have done well without my teammates giving me building support, especially Dex. Thanks to Dave and Larry as usual for drafting me and being pretty cool, but also for forcing me to do something new. Teaming with Fc and SOMALIA was fun as usual and I enjoyed talking about the tiers they played. If I didn't specifically mention you, it's because I genuinely disliked you and not because writing 15 shoutouts for a side tour would take way too long.


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