Type Enhancements (Playable on Aqua)


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OM & UM Leader
Approved by Eevee General

Playable on Aqua


Photo Credits to XxLTxX

Type Enhancements

Type enhancements is a very unique metagame. This metagame allows Pokemon to show their true potential due to the new stat boosts that were given depending on typing. For example, if a Pokemon is Psychic type, it gets a 1.25x boost to Special Attack, but it's defense gets reduced by 0.25x, due to the majority of Psychic types being special attackers with bad defense. If a Pokemon were Normal type, it would get a 1.125x boost to HP and Attack, due to the majority of Normal types having high HP and (mostly) being physical Attackers. Because it gets boosts to two different stats, the boosts are reduced in comparison to if a Pokemon had one stat boost, and vice versa.


If there is a typing that gets more than one boost (Normal), it will get boosts to both stats, but they will be smaller boosts, so that there isn't a ton of overpowered Pokemon in the OM. If there are two boosts to the stats, it will be increased by 1.125x. If it is boosting one stat, it will be increased by 1.25x. If there are two decreases to stats, it will be reduced by 0.125x. If it is decreasing one stat, it will be reduced by 0.25x.

Stat Change Examples

If one stat increases:
x * 1.25
If two stats increase: x * 1.125 (for both increased stats)
If one stat decreases: x * 0.75
If two stats decrease: x * 0.875 (or both decreased stats)

(insanelegend helped with the creation of this pet mod)​

Type Boosts
  • HP
  • Attack
  • Speed
  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Special Defense
  • Special Attack
  • Special Defense
  • Speed
  • Attack
  • Special Defense
  • Speed
  • Special Attack
  • Defense
  • Attack
  • Special Attack
  • HP
  • Defense
  • Special Attack
  • Speed
  • Attack
  • HP
  • Special Defense
  • Speed
  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Speed
  • Special Attack
  • Speed
  • HP
  • Attack
  • Special Defense
  • Special Defense
  • Speed
  • Defense
  • Special Attack
  • Speed
  • HP
  • Defense
  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Special Attack
  • Speed
  • Attack
  • Special Defense
  • Speed
  • Attack
  • Special Attack
  • Special Defense
  • Speed
  • Defense
  • OU
  • Shedinja
  • Genesect
The only thing changing about it is that it loses some HP, which isn't that great already.
  • Kyurem-White
Kyurem-White becomes a pretty specially defensive Pokemon with 112.5, but it loses the opportunity to getting a speed boost due to Ice typing, and gets an even lower base defense with dragon, it's new defense being 67.5. However, it's new attack stat is 135, which allows it to become pretty decent in both attacks.
  • Salamence-Mega
Mega Salamence now has a base speed of 168.75 due to it's speed boosts and it's boost to special defense, making it have a base 101.5 special defense, but luckily, it's defense gets nerfed by a landslide due to Flying and Dragon decreases due to it's typing, the new base defense is 73.125, so an ice shard will easily knock it out. I get that it has monstrous speed, but it was unbanned due to its extremely low defense.
Suspect Tests
  • Azumarill
With Huge Power and Water gaining an attack boost, Azumarill has a 62.5 base attack before the Huge Power boost. Besides that, it has Belly Drum?! If it were to get it's Belly Drum boost without being burned or any casualties of the sort, it would have a 500 base attack stat. It still technically still has 125, but multiplied by 4, which is what a +6 boost is, it becomes 500. A Belly Drum Huge Power Adamant Azumarill would have an actual attack stat of 2, 180.

Basic Calcs:
Adamant Attack (before multiplying with Huge Power) 218 x 2 (Huge Power boost) x 4 (Belly Drum) x 1.25 (Type boost) = 2, 180 (Optional) x 1.5 (STAB) = 3, 720
  • Aggron-Mega
With and Steel typing earning a pure defense boost, this makes Mega Aggron have a base defense of 287.5. This Pet Mod hasn't even been coded yet, and it is already being suspected because of it's high defense. It's speed becomes 37.5 (doesn't really need it).
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just so you know the opposite of x1.25 is x.8 and the opposite of x1.125 is x.88888etc.

also I'm just making sure but your jot about meggron assumes megas retain the same boosts and drops as their base forms. does it actually?
just so you know the opposite of x1.25 is x.8 and the opposite of x1.125 is x.88888etc.

also I'm just making sure but your jot about meggron assumes megas retain the same boosts and drops as their base forms. does it actually?
Umm.... The opposite of 1.25 is 0.75, and the opposite of 1.125 is 0.875. and no, Mega's get their BST multiplied as if they were their own Pokemon.
Umm.... The opposite of 1.25 is 0.75, and the opposite of 1.125 is 0.875. and no, Mega's get their BST multiplied as if they were their own Pokemon.
1 x 1.25 = 1.25 (obvious)
1 ÷ 1.25 = 0.8
1 x 1.125 = 1.125 (again, obvious)
1 ÷ 1.125 = 0.8888888… repeating
See how that works?

And if Megas are treated as their own Pokémon, you need to fix your thing on Mega Aggron because it only gets Steel boosts and not Steel/Rock boosts.
Umm.... The opposite of 1.25 is 0.75, and the opposite of 1.125 is 0.875. and no, Mega's get their BST multiplied as if they were their own Pokemon.
1.25 is 5/4. .75 is 3/4. .8 is 4/5 which is the reciprocal(opposite when dealing with multiplication for those of you mathematically challenged) of 5/4
1.125 is 9/8. .875 is 7/8. .8888etc. is 8/9 which is the reciprocal of 9/8.
basically ninja'd but explained more theoretically.

Edit: actually megas on showdown can't have different HP than their base forms so if megas get their own stat boosts HP has to be exempt from boosts and nerfs
1 x 1.25 = 1.25 (obvious)
1 ÷ 1.25 = 0.8
1 x 1.125 = 1.125 (again, obvious)
1 ÷ 1.125 = 0.8888888… repeating
See how that works?

And if Megas are treated as their own Pokémon, you need to fix your thing on Mega Aggron because it only gets Steel boosts and not Steel/Rock boosts.
It isn't devided by 1.25, it's multiplied by 0.75, same with 1.125. Mega Aggron also does get both boosts, as 1.25 (full boost) x 1.125 (partial boost) x 230 = 323.4375.
It isn't devided by 1.25, it's multiplied by 0.75, same with 1.125. Mega Aggron also does get both boosts, as 1.25 (full boost) x 1.125 (partial boost) x 230 = 323.4375.
but meggron isn't rock type and therefore shouldn't get a partial defense boost from that according to your logic.
Also, obstinance
It isn't devided by 1.25, it's multiplied by 0.75, same with 1.125. Mega Aggron also does get both boosts, as 1.25 (full boost) x 1.125 (partial boost) x 230 = 323.4375.
You said yourself that Megas get their own stat modifications rather than those of the base form. Mega Aggron is pure Steel, not Steel/Rock. Also...

1.25 is 5/4. .75 is 3/4. .8 is 4/5 which is the reciprocal(opposite when dealing with multiplication for those of you mathematically challenged) of 5/4
1.125 is 9/8. .875 is 7/8. .8888etc. is 8/9 which is the reciprocal of 9/8.
basically ninja'd but explained more theoretically.

Edit: actually megas on showdown can't have different HP than their base forms so if megas get their own stat boosts HP has to be exempt from boosts and nerfs
Read this. First part explains what I was trying to say but better. Second part is important if Megas get their own separate boosts.
  • Azumarill
With Huge Power and Water gaining an attack boost, Azumarill has a 62.5 base attack before the Huge Power boost. Besides that, it has Belly Drum?! If it were to get it's Belly Drum boost without being burned or any casualties of the sort, it would have a 500 base attack stat. It still technically still has 125, but multiplied by 4, which is what a +6 boost is, it becomes 500. A Belly Drum Huge Power Adamant Azumarill would have an actual attack stat of 2, 180.

Huge Power doubles IVs and EVs too, not just base stats. So Azumarill has at least the equivalent of 172 base Attack, more if the type modifier applies to IVs and/or EVs and not just base stats. Huge Power/Pure Power is something the games are very careful with because they're much more powerful than they sound -IVs and EVs maxed is the equivalent of 47 base stats, which also gets doubled. So regular Azumarill's got not only its base Attack (50, or in this 62.5) being doubled but also its IVs and EVs (Again, the equivalent of 47), putting it more in the vicinity of Kyurem-Black than Dragonite.

Concept is interesting, though I'll say right now that Poison and Fire are liable to be on average screwed over.

I do find it interesting that Normal is the only type to increase HP.
Why is Shedinja banned? Less than 1 base HP? It still rounds up to 1 since you can't have decimal base stats anyway.

Also please use reciprocals, unless you're using actual percentage addition/subtraction (which the OP doesn't say you are). Otherwise, a Pokémon who both gains and loses in the same stat due to its typing experiences a net loss. 1 * 1.25 * 0.75 = 0.9375

Also, almost nothing Normal, Ice, Fairy, Grass, Water, Rock, or Ground is going to be viable in this meta to be honest. And Ground and Ice get the exact same stats. You should probably change that tbh. Pokémon that actually look good:
— Mega Gallade (because it gets even more Attack so screw other stats)
— Chandelure (Solid base 100 speed, super hard-hitting. Has no bulk at all though.)
— Rotom-Heat (Quick and very hard-hitting on the special side.)
— Volcarona (super frail, but is even faster and hits even harder)
— Mega Lopunny (if using reciprocals properly then it's still fast with a nice 108 base Speed, plus it gets 172 base Attack)
— Rotom (Taking advantage of its 142 base Speed, Rotom can use Modest nature and Specs to make up for its 95 base Special Attack.)
— Mamoswine (terrible normally but it's the ultimate Trick Room sweeper)
— Aggron (also terrifying in Trick Room with its 36 base Speed)
— Diancie would be good if Rock only dropped Speed instead of Speed and Special Attack.

The problem with this Pet Mod from what I've seeing is that most Pokémon are made worse rather than better.
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It is hardcoded into the sim that stats cap at 255 BST, so anything breaking that cap will automatically have that stat put at the cap.
This is false. That's only how it works ingame, not on the sim.
Going over the individuals types one at a time... starting from the assumption that dual-types get both modifications (You allude to this idea with Mega Salamence but never lay out the process) and assuming that the modifications are additive and subtractive rather than chained multipliers (That is, that two types each subtracting only Defense will produce a Pokemon with halved Defense rather than 75% of 75%, which is actually like 56.75~) and assuming I haven't misunderstood anything else.

For today, Normal type. I'm not covering everything, and other than accidentally covering Mega Lopunny early, I'm not covering dual-types just yet, in part because I'd prefer confirmation on the mechanics.

+HP & Attack

Snorlax is even better. Regigigas is even more of a terror if you can get through Slow Start. Chansey/Blissey are better if the cap-breaking aspect isn't an issue. Lickilicky is better. Porygon2 is OK with this. Ursaring is better. Mega Lopunny still outruns all kinds of stuff and now murders is that much more effectively, yikes, double yikes considering it gets Attack and Defense from Fighting at the easy loss of Special Defense. Furfrou is overall better.

Raticate is worse. Persian is worse. Porygon-Z really resents this.

Miltank is mixed. Tauros is mixed. Linoone is mixed. (Belly Drum Extreme Speed is better, everything else hates the Speed hit) Exploud doesn't care for the Attack, and gets little value out of the HP, but loses little from the Speed. Ambipom would rather keep its excellent Speed, but even so.

Arceus is finally imbalanced. ESpeed Killer Arceus is particularly improved, other sets overall probably resent the Speed loss more than anything, especially since Attack isn't any good if you want to run Judgment.
This has been coded.
Good news! This metagame has been coded by me, and will be playable on the Aqua server unbelievably soon (or when Snaquaza wakes up)! I will edit this post when it has been added.
Avalugg's special defense goes from 46 to 52 rounded up. Great...

MegaVenusaur could be interesting if the multiplication gets changed. It experiences a net loss in Defense currently, but if it gets fixed, a speed drop and offense boosts will make it better somewhat.
80 | 112.5 | 103.78125 | 137.25 | 120 | 60
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