Tornadus's niche rests in its powerful ability Prankster, which grants priority to all of its non-attacking moves. This, combined with its high Special Attack and Speed, as well as access to a powerful STAB Hurricane, makes it an ideal supporter for rain teams. While it can set up a Prankster Rain Dance to help the rest of the team, it is also a threatening and powerful Pokemon in rain. However, this is where Tornadus's good points end. Mediocre defensive typing and bulk make it difficult to both set up rain and take more than one or two hits. It also faces great competition from its Therian forme, which is faster and has Regenerator, also a great ability. Tornadus is less threatening without permanent rain, but underestimating it would be a mistake, as it can be a powerful member of rain teams.
name: Prankster
move 1: Rain Dance / Tailwind
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Superpower / Focus Blast
move 4: Knock Off / Taunt
ability: Prankster
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Timid
Rain Dance makes Tornadus an auxiliary weather inducer for rain teams, an important role with the lack of permanent rain. Alternatively, Tailwind can be used to double the Speed of your entire team, as your team may already have enough rain support but may need Speed in a sitch. Hurricane is Tornadus's main offensive move, with great power and neutral coverage. Superpower gets good coverage with Hurricane and has 100% accuracy, but Focus Blast is a stronger option that provides the same coverage. The former notably hits Tyranitar, Blissey, and Chansey harder, while the latter is better against Ferrothorn and doesn't have any notable setbacks aside from inaccuracy. Knock Off hits Aegislash, Latias, and Latios harder than any other move on this set, while Prankster Taunt is a great disrupting move, especially against opposing oriented opponents and Baton Pass teams. U-turn can also be used to possibly get a rain sweeper in for free, if you want to preserve Tornadus for later.
Set Details
Special Attack and Speed are maximized so that Tornadus hits as hard as possible while taking advantage of its great Speed tier that puts it ahead of Pokemon like Latios. Life Orb is the best item because five turns of rain is usually enough and Tornadus appreciates the wallbreaking power, but Damp Rock can be used to maximize rain turns if you desire. The Prankster ability almost guarantees setting up Rain Dance. If going mixed, a Naive nature is better so that Tornadus can take physical Bug- and Fighting-type moves better, but Timid should be used if you opt for Focus Blast and Taunt.
Usage Tips
Tornadus should come in mid-game after the first time your rain runs out. It should not be your first rain setter, as this squanders its offensive capabilities. After setting up Rain Dance, it's probably best for it to just spam Hurricane or the appropriate coverage move until it's KOed, which should be soon, to let another rain sweeper in for free. However, if you see the opportunity to switch in another Pokemon for free, then you can save Tornadus and get off another guaranteed Rain Dance later. If using Tailwind instead, then Tornadus can provide support at any stage of the game, but it can be difficult to take advantage of.
Team Options
Deoxys-S's Damp Rock set makes a great rain lead to set the pressure. Politoed is also basically mandatory for rain teams, thanks to setting up rain just by switching in. After that, rain abusers should be added. Electric-types such as Thundurus, Thundurus-T, Raikou, and Mega Manectric are good Pokemon that take advantage of Thunder's 100% accuracy in rain. Swift Swimmers are also a crucial part of rain teams. Kabutops and Kingdra are both good choices, while Ludicolo, Omastar, and Seismitoad are more unconventional choices that can still be effective.
Other Options
Tornadus doesn't have many other usable options in OU. Grass Knot provides super effective coverage against opposing Rock-, Ground-, and Water-types, but Hippowdon is really the only notable target hit harder. Heat Wave can be used as a fairly powerful and accurate attack against (Mega) Scizor, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory, but is weakened in rain. A physical Defiant set with no item and Acrobatics can work as an all-out attacker and Defog abuser, but it is too weak without an item, and is rather reliant on boosts and several rather lacking physical attacks. Finally, Tornadus can run a purely offensive set with multiple coverage moves and without the pretense of running rain support, though it is averagely effective.
Checks & Counters
**Electric-types**: Electric-types such as Thundurus and Rotom-W can easily survive Tornadus's attacks and hit it with a STAB Thunderbolt or Volt Switch.
**Weather Inducers**: Weather inducers not only hinders the spammability of Hurricane, but can also delay other rain-reliant sweepers of which Tornadus may be paired. Mega Charizard Y's sunlight reduces Hurricane's accuracy to 50% and can take Tornadus out with ease. Choice Scarf Tyranitar can also change the weather, while outspeeding and KOing. Hippowdon, especially mixed defensive variants, can take some attacks rather well and recover the damage off with Slack Off, although it has a chance of being 2HKOed by Life Orb Hurricane.
**Bulky Pokemon That Resist Flying**: Specially Defensive Skarmory can avoid a 2HKO from any attack that Tornadus will carry. Aegislash also takes even Knock Off fairly well and can protect itself against that with King's Shield.
**Faster Attackers**: Not much can outrun Tornadus, but if something does, you can bet it has a chance of beating the former due to its average bulk. Greninja, Raikou, Alakazam, and Deoxys-S all naturally outspeed and can KO with Ice- and Electric-type attacks. Choice Scarf Tyranitar, Landorus-T, Excadrill, and Kyurem-B can also surprise and OHKO. Finally, while they aren't too common, Swift Swimmers such as Kingdra and Kabutops can take advantage of the rain Tornadus is reliant on and proceed to do huge damage to it as well as its team.
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