Offensive Support
Celebi @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 20 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power Fire / Earth Power
- Recover / Rest
Tinkerbell is actually a classic from back in DPPt, but the premise of how it works is still the same. Despite being an offensive set, Celebi is still fairly bulky with just HP investments, so it still can go ahead and do its normal job of checking stuff like Keldeo, while spreading paralysis around the world. Modest Life Orb Leaf Storm makes for a powerful nuke, heavily denting just about every neutral target and OHKOs most targets that are immune to Thunder Wave, bar Thundurus-I and TankChomp which are 2HKOed after SR. After it grabs a kill with Leaf Storm, Thunder Wave goes a long way to make sure whatever switches in doesn't go ahead and set up on it.
HP Fire and Earth Power make for great coverage options, with the former taking care of Scizor and Ferrothorn, and the latter getting rid of CM Raikou, Heatran and Bisharp, which are common switch-ins to Celebi, thinking that they can get free set-up. The immediate power present in a Life Orb set also means Celebi is capable of beating most Pursuit trapper after SR damage, esp if it gets a TWave on the switch-in; Weavile and Ttar by Leaf Storm, Bisharp and Mega Metagross by EP, Scizor and Bisharp by HP Fire.
HP EVs leave Celebi with 399 HP, which rounds down LO recoil; 20 Spe outspeed Adamant Bisharp. Since the nature of Leaf Storm means Celebi would tend to switch out a bit more, Rest also becomes a possible option over Recover.