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Project The Next Best Thing - ORAS OU Edition V3 - FINISHED

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AD impish john

Consumed by Darkness...
Approved by AM
Taken Over from Celticpride


Shoutout to Sobi for the Awesome Banner!

The Next Best Thing
What is this?
I for one, along with many others I'm sure, feel as though there is some untapped power within the OU environment. There is substantial evidence for this idea in the form of one commonality for most tiers, OU included: There always seems to be one or more new-fangled, hyped up sets that weren't originally main-stay or seen as "viable" by the community, but somehow have taken the metagame by storm. This can be seen in DPPT OU (with Special Lucario transitioning to SD Lucario, Heatran eventually running items other than Choice Scarf, and the influx of ChestoRest Kingdra), in ADV (with the vaunted TyraniBoah now becoming almost an urban myth in comparison to Special and DD Tyranitar, and the increasing popularity of Superachi), and in BW OU (with the advent of SubSalac Terrakion, SubDisable Gengar, and ChestoRest Volcarona). Yes, some of these sets may have been found early on with respect to the creation of the tier or fairly recently, the point is, though, that there seems to be an endless supply of effective and potent sets out there yet to be discovered, especially factoring in metagame swings and the possible tier shifts. The purpose of this project will be to systematically subject each and every OU pokemon to a collective body of research in an attempt to uncover these "hidden gems", so to speak, and hopefully spark some creativity throughout the OU community.
The Process:
Each week, I will choose a different Pokemon that is viable in OU, sometimes chosen by random, sometimes chosen by curiosity, of which participants will try to personally create a new set for that is not already on-site or in the process of being put on-site. Participants will be given 5 days to create their set, with discussion about the particular sets being promoted throughout, and on the 6th and 7th day of the week, a vote will be held to choose which user's set represented the most creative and simultaneously competivitely viable set to utilize in the current OU metagame. Once the votes are tallied and a winner is crowned, the set will be archived in the OP and the process will start all over again for the next pokemon specimen.
What are we looking for?
Specifically, I want to stress the importance of the balance between creativity and viability when picking a set to post for the Pokemon in question. There's a very fine line between a "creative" set and a "gimmick", and this project is not meant to produce gimmicks, rather emphasize the ability to think outside the box when using a specific Pokemon in order to maximize it's potential. Having said that, I would also like to deviate from simple one move / item changes. For example, using Lum Berry over Life Orb on an SD Terrakion does nothing to show any untapped potential Terrakion has because we already have a basic understanding of what SD Terrakion is and does, it's just now better at dealing with status and have less power. The same goes for using Icy Wind over HP Flying on Keldeo, it doesn't yield productive discussion or results for the project. I am looking for sets that test what we think we know about checks or counters, so-called standards, and what it means to be viable. Maybe a particular option for a Pokemon looks inferior at first glance for that particular Pokemon, but dig deeper and try and find what it might mean in the big picture. Lastly, if you can show some quality replays of the Pokemon's creative set in use would help show proof on how it works in battle. Since this has been done before by accidents, voting for yourself is not allowed.

That's about it, let's get started!
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Final Pokemon: Rotom-Wash
Week 1
Clair's CroAltaria
Week 2
-Voltage-'s Tailwind Hydreigon
Week 3
Albacore's Toxic Mega Aerodactyl
Week 4
DarkNostalgia's Whirlpool Latias
Week 5
Vertex's Agility Lucario
Week 6
Toljik's Natural Gift Jirachi
Week 7
s0me1's b0red's Anti-Lead Mew
Week 1
Albacore's Future Sight Slowking
Week 2
Albacore's Choice Specs Victini
Week 3
Albacore's Toxic Thundurus
Week 4
Yuruuu's T-Wave Hoopa-Unbound
Week 5
Clair's Pain Split Mega-Gardevoir
Week 6
InvisibleWater's Sub+Bulk Up & KidMagics Punishment Landorus-Therian
Week 7
Gamer Boy's Mixed Mence & FrozenCold's Defensive Mence
Week 8
KidMagic's Special Lure Tyranitar
Week 9
Escarlata's Offensive Celebia & Nameless90's SD+3 Attack Celebi
Week 10
GiantWhirlpool's Acro-Fling Gliscor
Week 11
BlazeLatias's Substitute Tornadus-Therian
Week 12
Albacore's Choice Specs Goodra
Week 13
Clair's Offensive Utility Mega Gallade
Week 14
KidMagic's Knock Off Gengar
Week 15
Bendiving's Choice Specs Reuniclus
Week 16
Sablenite's Rest+3 Attack Shaymin
Week 17
Lange's Hone Claws+Blizzard Kyurem-Black
Week 18
DANN3's Substitute Fly Dragonite
Week 19
-Magic-'s Thunder Wave Latios
Week 20
z0mOG's Skull Bash Venusaur
Week 21
Clair's SubToxic Mega Lopunny
Week 22
Albacore's LO Tangrowth
Week 23
The Haymaker's Mixed LO Metagross
Week 24
gamer boy's Knock Off Alakazam
Week 25
Monkey Smurf's Rock Tomb Mega Medicham
Week 26
unfixable's Will-O+HP Ice Chandelure
Week 27
Recreant's Psychic Mega Diancie
Week 28
littlelucario's Defensive Volcanion
Week 29
Albacore's SubToxic Cobalion
Week 30
Albacore's Choice Band Garchomp
Week 31
Recreant's Shuca Berry & FrozenCold's Choice Specs Empoleon
Week 32
Albacore's Offensive Stealth Rock Mega Aggron
Week 33
Albacore's Analytic Magnezone
Week 34
Martin.'s Choice Banded Heracross
Week 35
ZANBAKUResh's Bounce Mega Gyarados
Week 36
yuruuu's Snatch Rotom-Wash
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Nice awkward start. Anyways, there is like 5 different slowking sets but here is one I have not seen on the site:

Slowking @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Nasty Plot
- Surf
- Psyshock

It can be a pretty nice sweeper in OU but it would probably need screens support or come in after a pokemon has died so it does not die to LO recoil. The pokemon that resist these moves are mostly Psychic type, so maybe a pursuit trapper could work with this. Other pokemon that resist this coverage are water/dark and ferrothorn. Specs Keldeo can also weaken Psychics and check Sharpedo/Crawdaunt/Mega Gyara.
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Slowking @ Choice Specs
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Future Sight
- Scald
- Ice Beam / Trick
- Fire Blast / Trick

This essentially works the same way as Future Sight Reuniclus does, but with slightly different coverage (particulalry, acess to Scald which is far more spammable than anything Reuniclus has) and the added benefits of a water typing making it a better switchin to stuff like Keldeo, Heatran, Metagross and Scizor. The idea is that you use a very power Future Sight as a way to put huge amounts of pressure on the opponent, and on the following turns, send in something like Bisharp or Tyranitar which is threatened by things which really does not want to take a Future Sight to the face. Trick can actually be a pretty useful tool for criplling Starmie, Slowbro, Manaphy, Ferrothorn and Chansey, but you're usually better off making use of the excellent Ice / Water / Fire coverage at Slowking's disposal.
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I accidentaly deleted my previous post instead of editing it (but it's even better because I think this set is better than the former I posted).

Disable Slowking

Slowking @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 184 Def / 76 SDef
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk (not important, but lowers the damage from Foul Play and confusion)
- Slack Off
- Disable
- Psyshock
- Scald

General idea: This is a strange way to punish choice item users or sets with only one/two attacking moves who are not able to OHKO Slowking: take a hit (usually it will be a super-effective because you normally choose the best move possible) and click "Disable" to neuter the move which hit you. This set works better towards the choice item-users forcing them to use Struggle or switch-out while you can recover your HP or is generally useful towards threats with only one super-effective and/or STAB move (or simply the stronger move) against you. The dual STAB grants Slowking some offensive presence. The idea is to force the opponent's threats out (even when normally is not possible) blanking its move for 4 turn helping your team to deal with that threat.

EV spread: The given EV spread lets Slowking avoid the 2HKO from Metagross's Meteor Mash after an Attack raise to ensure it reliably walls it, as well avoid the 2HKO from Mega Lopunny's Return without Stealth Rock on the field, while still having enough Special Defense to take on powerful special attackers such as Keldeo and Latios.

Team(mates): Safeguard support is always a good thing to avoid Toxic and Reflect/Light Screen also help Slowking to take hits better; a good way to deal with Pursuit trappers is recommended (reling too much on the 30% burn chance of Scald isn't a good idea).
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Well great, there goes my CB Zygarde write-up.

Anyways, here's Offensive Nasty Plot Slowking


Slowking @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
-Nasty Plot
-Fire Blast

This Slowking functions as an offensive pivot against offensive teams and a slow wallbreaker against defensive teams.
Think of it as a slower, less powerful Manaphy that offers more defensive utility and longevity, and can perform different roles against different playstyles using the same set. Scald provides a powerful and spammable STAB to fire off as Slowking pivots around. Psyshock provides another strong STAB, and Fire Blast hits Ferrothorn, Scizor, and other notable steels for huge damage.

When using this Slowking against offense, bring it in on anything that can't hurt it much and fire off a Scald when the opponent switches. In the late-game, Slowking can potentially be a win-con, but it must ensure that anything that can hit it super-effectively is removed. Slowking prefers to face defensive archetypes, where most teams will have difficulty switching something in against +2 Slowking. It also sets up more easily.

Remember that this Slowking has no recovery outside of Regenerator, so ensure that hazards are cleared and that Slowking only serves as a pivot, not a wall. If it's not healthy in the late-game, it will have a lot more difficulty pulling off a sweep.
Slowking @ Leftovers
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Counter
- Slack Off

Easily lures physical attackers and punishes them with Counter. Edit: just found out tutor move, sigh. Leftovers with Slack Off helps heal off the damage.

I think that Counter is a really nice and underrated option on Slowbro and less on Slowking because the former has better physical defense so it can tank some undesiderable hits better (i.e. Mega-Charizard X's Dragon Claw) while being at 40% HP and killing Char-X. Your EV spread doesn't work (so I think you have to change it) because:

+1 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Slowking: 343-405 (87.2 - 103%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO

===> Slowking has barely the physical bulk to use Counter correctly without EVs on your Def in my opinion.

Good call, I've put Defense EVs.
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Stallbreaker Slowking

Slowking @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Psyshock / Fire Blast / Ice Beam
- Whirlpool
- Nasty Plot / Slack Off

This set works the same as Stallbreaker Heatran, but has Recovery (or a boosting move). Whirlpool is the trapping move and causes pretty decent damage over the course of 4-5 turns. Scald is STAB and your main attacking option. A coverage move in Psyshock, Ice Beam, or Fire Blast rounds off what you can hit.
Slowking @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Psychic
- Counter
- Ice Beam
Easily lures physical attackers and punishes them with Counter, and has Regenerator to heal off the damage. Leftovers with Slack Off is also possible if you wish to remove another coverage move.
I think that Counter is a really nice and underrated option on Slowbro and less on Slowking because the former has better physical defense so it can tank some undesiderable hits better (i.e. Mega-Charizard X's Dragon Claw) while being at 40% HP and killing Char-X. Your EV spread doesn't work (so I think you have to change it) because:

+1 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Slowking: 343-405 (87.2 - 103%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO

===> Slowking has barely the physical bulk to use Counter correctly without EVs on your Def in my opinion.
Slowking @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 192 Def / 68 SpD
Bold Nature
- Iron Defense
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Slack Off

This set works as a strong bulky win condition, slowking infact, thanks to his great natural bulk can setup on several ou pokemons like Latios, Keldeo, Tornadus therian and bulky pokemon like heatran or hippowdon. The spread allows you to avoid the 2hko from ScarfLandot earthquake and in general to set up better on physical pokemons like Mega Metagross and Mega Lopunny. After an Iron Defense even bisharp fails in 2hko this monster (252 Atk Life Orb Bisharp Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. +2 252 HP / 192+ Def Slowking: 179-213 (45.4 - 54%) -- 42.2% chance to 2HKO) while on the special side it only needs one calm mind to avoid the 2hko from mega manectric thunderbolt (252 SpA Mega Manectric Thunderbolt vs. +1 252 HP / 68 SpD Slowking: 176-210 (44.6 - 53.2%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery) even though a critical hit will always kill you so trying to set up on it is really not recommended. Heal Beal support is really appreciated as well as a good grass check.
Voting time! I'm going to using the standard voting system. Here are your choices....

A Moon Gust's Trick Room Slowking
Albacore's Future Sight Slowking
nameless90's Disable Slowking
JTD783's Nasty Plot Slowking
yuruuu's Counter Slowking
KidMagic's Whirlpool Slowking
-Lone's Iron Def+CM Slowking

You get one vote and Voting ends in 48 Hours! Also no voting for yourselves.
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