"Hello there! Welcome to The Lost World, a project dedicated to answer many long-held questions about prehistoric life in the world of Pokemon!
Until recently, the origin of the primary Rock-type on resurrected fossils has been a well-kept mystery, and cause to many debates among leading scientists in the field. Were Rock-type Pokemon a lot more abundant in the past, or were they just more likely to become fossilized thus being more prevalent in our fossil record? Or did they perhaps adapt the rock-like attributes only secondarily during the process of fossilization, and were something completely different during their lifetime?
Our current research on modern descendants of those fossil Pokemon points largely towards the latter theory, whereby minerals from the surrounding sediments could have drastically altered the fossil's original composition. This of course would have a noticeable effect on the morphology and even behavior of the resurrected Pokemon.
Newest insight from molecular biological investigations might be able to reconstruct the original properties and lost features of prehistoric Pokemon, given enough time. Using these methods, the Lost World project aims to examine the true nature of prehistoric Pokemon and their former niche in the ecosystem."
In this project, every fossil Pokemon will receive a new sub-typing replacing Rock, as well new stats, abilities and moves for them to carve out a potent niche in OU. The aim is to turn them into S/A-rank threats with a unique playstyle, whose impact on the metagame can be easily observed.
The changes to the fossil Pokemon will be determined in a community effort, and should be sensible with the original concept of the Pokemon. As such, there will be a great emphasis on flavor in this project.
The new Pokemon will be implemented on the Aqua server as soon as possible, in order to facilitate a more founded discussion on their performance in the metagame, and allow for early revisions wherever needed.
Submission Stage:
Once submissions are open, every user may make one submission following the format below. Be as explicit as possible with your justification so other people can follow the rational behind your decisions more easily.
Feedback and constructive criticism for others is encouraged, in case you feel that certain aspects of their submission could use a more thorough reasoning. Make sure to be specific though, and give them a chance to explain their choices and thoughts.
Movepool additions:
Niche in the metagame:
Sample set(s):
> The primary type is given depending on the original typing.
> The secondary type can be anything besides Rock.
> The Base Stat Total has to be 600.
> The original Base Stats can't be decreased.
> Each fossil Pokemon will get a total of 2 abilities.
> The abilities should complement the Pokemon's intended role.
Movepool additions:
> Each fossil Pokemon will receive a total of 3 new moves.
> They should be sensible flavorwise and competitively.
Niche in the metagame:
> Intended role in the metagame?
> Advantages over it's competition?
> Why would it be S/A-Rank viability?
Sample set(s):
> Represents the most viable set.
> Multiple sets can be listed if the Pokemon has different viable roles.
> Follow the standard format.
[Name] @ [Item of Choice]
Ability: [Ability of Choice]
EVs: [EV Spread]
[Nature of Choice] Nature
- [Move 1]
- [Move 2]
- [Move 3]
- [Move 4]
Voting Stage:
Once the submissions are closed, an open vote will be held in this thread to determine the winning submission for each fossil Pokemon.
In order to vote, copy the listed names and rank them according to your preference. You may choose to rank as many or as few candidates as you like.
[b]Pokemon 1:[/b]
Most Preferred
Second Most Preferred
Third Most Preferred
[b]Pokemon 2[/b]:
Most Preferred
Second Most Preferred
Third Most Preferred
Discussion Stage:
After the voting closes, there will some opportunity to discuss the winning submission and it's impact on the metagame, as well as the metagame in general. The revamped fossil Pokemon will be implemented on the battle server as soon as possible during this stage.
How viable is the introduced Pokemon?
Can the sample set still be refined?
Are there any other sets the Pokemon can run? Any unexplored niches it can fill?
How does the metagame adapt around the new threat?
If found necessary by common consensus, changes to past submission can be made. Should that be the case, a vote will be held at the end of the discussion stage.
Process archive:
| 22.11.15: Kabutops + Armaldo: Submissions
| 01.12.15: Kabutops + Armaldo: Voting
| 05.12.15: Kabutops + Armaldo: Discussion
| 11.12.15: Aurorus: Submissions
| 16.12.15: Aurorus: Voting
| 19.12.15: Aurorus: Discussion
| 26.12.15: Aerodactyl + Archeops: Submissions
| 02.01.16: Aerodactyl + Archeops: Voting
| 06.01.16: Aerodactyl + Archeops: Discussion
| 09.01.16: Bastiodon: Submissions
| 15.01.16: Bastiodon: Voting
| 18.01.16: Bastiodon: Discussion
| 13.02.16: Omastar + Carracosta: Submissions
| 25.02.16: Omastar + Carracosta: Voting
| 28.02.16: Omastar + Carracosta: Discussion
| 04.03.16: Cradily: Submissions
| 13.03.16: Cradily: Voting
| 18.03.16: Cradily: Discussion
| 22.03.16: Rampardos + Tyrantrum: Submissions
| 03.04.16: Rampardos + Tyrantrum: Voting
| 10.04.16: Rampardos + Tyrantrum: Discussion
| 15.04.16: Prehistoric Magikarp: Submissions
| 22.04.16: Prehistoric Magikarp: Voting
| 25.04.16: Prehistoric Magikarp: Discussion
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