<p>While not a top-tier Pokemon, access to Rapid Spin, Toxic Spikes, and reasonable bulk gives Tentacool a niche in NU. Stall teams really enjoy its typing and Special Defense because Tentacool counters Ludicolo and Charizard, two Pokemon that can easily wreck stall teams. In addition, Tentacool's vast movepool has many viable options to choose from. However, lack of reliable recovery and a pitiful Defense stat really hinder its performance in battle. Its bad offenses also make it easy setup fodder to most Pokemon and its need for extensive team support is a hindrance.</p>
name: Utility
move 1: Rapid Spin
move 2: Toxic Spikes
move 3: Scald / Sludge Bomb
move 4: Toxic
item: Eviolite
ability: Liquid Ooze
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
<p>Rapid Spin is a move in short supply that Tenacool can wield. Stall teams are prone to entry hazards, so their removal benefits the team greatly. Toxic Spikes is outstanding as well, severely crippling any opposing team without a Rapid Spin user or grounded Poison-type. Scald is a good STAB move that also has the opportunity to burn physical attackers switching in to hurt Tentacool. However, Sludge Bomb can be used instead as a stronger STAB attack, and it allows Tentacool to take care of Ludicolo faster. Toxic is the last move to allow Tentacool to severely cripple Pokemon with Levitate or a Flying typing and is more reliable if the opposing team has a grounded Poison-type.</p>
<p>The 80 Defense EVs are there primarily so Tentacool can survive defensive Seismitoad's Earthquake. Knock Off is a cool option for Tentacool as it can remove items from the opposing team's wallbreakers and remove Leftovers from walls trying to beat Tentacool's team. Mandibuzz is a great defensive partner for Tentacool as it can take on most of the physical attackers trying to beat Tentacool and is immune to two of Tentacool's weaknesses. Misdreavus also works well as a physical wall because it can spinblock. Many Pokemon easily set up on Tentacool, so phazers such as Bastiodon are good at forcing them out and Wish + Protect users such as Audino are helpful at Toxic stalling them out. Audino also passes Wishes to Tentacool, which is mandatory to keep it alive.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Protect can be used for scouting and racking up Toxic damage, but Tentacool has trouble fitting it into a moveslot. Giga Drain and Ice Beam are good coverage moves, but they too cannot easily be used by Tentacool. Other moves that Tentacool has access to but simply cannot wield effectively are Mirror Coat, Haze, Barrier, and Confuse Ray. Lastly, Tentacool can use RestTalk for recovery, but it cannot make the other two moveslots effective alone.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Most physical attackers can easily break through Tentacool; even Sawk's resisted Close Combat is near a KO. Tentacool stands no chance against a STAB Earthquake. Taunt users, such as Mandibuzz and Misdreavus, prevent Tentacool from supporting its team with Toxic Spikes. Misdreavus also spinblocks, and Tentacool fails to get past most other Ghost-types as well. Substitute in general is a great counter to Tentacool, as it cannot break though most Substitutes. Grounded Poison-types are also great for removing Toxic Spikes, which really dampers Tentacool's team's walling abilities. Electric-types scare Tentacool out and can gain momentum for their team with Volt Switch.</p>
name: Utility
move 1: Rapid Spin
move 2: Toxic Spikes
move 3: Scald / Sludge Bomb
move 4: Toxic
item: Eviolite
ability: Liquid Ooze
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
- Rapid Spin and Toxic Spikes and bulk on the same Pokemon!
- Great Special Defense, typing, and ability make it a Ludicolo counter, a Charizard check, and specially attacking Samurott, which is really cool considering those three mons wreck most Stall teams.
- Nifty movepool with several viable options
- Huge setup bait for a lot of sweepers, including Jynx.
- Low HP, a piss weak Defense stat, and no recovery is the biggest liability.
- Needs lots of support to function well, but it contains many factors Stall teams desire.
name: Utility
move 1: Rapid Spin
move 2: Toxic Spikes
move 3: Scald / Sludge Bomb
move 4: Toxic
item: Eviolite
ability: Liquid Ooze
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
- Only useable on stall teams.
- Rapid Spin keeps hazards off the field, greatly aiding in the team's longevity. It does struggle to get through most spinblockers, though.
- Toxic Spikes wears down the opponent's team greatly and it makes a great win condition if the opponent lacks a Rapid Spinner or Poison-type.
- Scald is a solid STAB and the potential burn chance is great for all of the physical attackers trying to break through Tentacool.
- Toxic hits Levitating and Flying-type Pokemon that avoid Toxic Spikes and is more reliable to use than Toxic Spikes if the opponent does have a Poison-type.
- Sludge Bomb is a stonger STAB that lets Tentacool dispose of Ludicolo faster.
- The 80 Defense EVs allow it to survive a defensive Seismitoad's Earthquake.
- Knock Off is a neat move that can take away the items from Wallbreakers switching in on Tentacool as well as speeding up the stalling process if the opponent now lacks Leftovers recovery.
- Mandibuzz is a great partner to take on all of the Physical attackers that can break through Tentacool. It also is immune to both of Tentacool's weaknesses.
- Misdreavus also works well as a physical wall with Tentacool since it can spinblock as well as stop Choice Band Sawk.
- Phazers such as Bastiodon or Camerupt can force out Pokemon that are able to set up on Tentacool, such as. Water-types also set up well on Tentacool, such as Gorebyss and Carracostsa. so Grass-types such as Roselia and Wish / Protect users are helpful when Toxic stalling them out.
- Audino is an almost mandatory partner because Tentacool has no recovery and it needs many options to switch in.
- lol
- It learns many coverage moves such as Giga Drain and Ice Beam but they are too situational to be effective.
- Protect could stall Poison damage longer.
- RestTalk can be utilized for self recovery but it limits Tentacool's utility to the team.
- Barrier, Confuse Ray, and Haze struggle to find a place in the set.
- Mirror Coat is fun but too situational.
- Most physical attackers, even ones Tentacool resits, 2HKO or OHKO it. Tentacool stands no chance against Ground-types.
- Taunt users such as Mandibuzz and Misdreavus shut it down.
- Ghost-types are immune to Rapid Spin and some can set up on Tentacool, such as Sub Nasty Plot Missy and SUBCM Drifblim, and Haunter. Golurk easily plows through it as well.
- Substitute in general is a major nuisance to Tentacool.
- Poison-types absorb Toxic Spikes and resist Sludge Bomb.
- Electric-types can scare it out with Volt Switch and gain momentum for their team.
- Jynx threatens Tentacool with Lovely Kiss and Psychic.
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