General Info
These threads and posts were created to provide information about the studio and what possibilities are open for both new and seasoned artists, as well as some threads dedicated to various activities.
Smeargle's Studio Rules - Everyone who's planning on participating in this forum would do well to read these rules, can save you a lot of early trouble.
A Guide to Smogon for Artists - Smogon can feel intimidating for any artist arriving at its shores, so this post provides some advice and tips on how to get started. Questions on how and where to contribute are also answered in this thread, along with a quick rundown about what the Artist Badge stands for!
Info about Approved Artists - There are various areas on Smogon where everyone involved are required to have proven themselves to create quality work, and that includes artists. What does this title entail? Follow the link and find out!
Wanna get to know the community? Maybe try your hands at contributing art? Then this section is for you!
Monthly Art Contest (MAC) - An art contest held each month (give or take one month), where anyone is free to participate. Think you've got what it takes to rise above the other submissions and put your own spin on the current theme? Then go on right ahead!
Battle, Free For All! - Draw a Pokemon of your choice 'defeating' the former entry in any manner you see fit. No artistic talent or superb wit required, just have fun and be creative!
Smeargle's Studio General Thread - Are you an aspiring pixel artist? Can you make the coolest banners around? This is the place for you! It's also the place where you can request sprite fusions and banners, and talk about pretty much anything art-related. Note that threads containing sprites and banners will be locked: post them here!
Smeargle's Studio Writing Thread - A legacy left behind by user: Alchemator, the Studio's writing thread is suitable for all forms of fiction, nonfiction, prose, and poetry. Share your written works and give feedback to others!
Artwork for Tournaments - People hosting various tournaments around the forum come here to ask the community for banners. They describe what the tournament is about and what they'd like to see in the banner or logo, and it's up to anyone else to realise their ideas.
The Studio Workshop - A thread dedicated to creating images and banners for various discussion threads across the Smogon forums or similar locations. Much like the above thread, Artwork for Tournaments, people write requests that are featured in the first post, and then it's up to any artist to attempt doing it justice.
These threads provide a bit more in-depth advice, as well as providing a venue for artists to ask for advice or encourage users to give specific feedback.
Professor Smeargle - How does that artist choose her colours? How does that guy get his lines so smooth? Professor Smeargle is a collection of tutorials by Smogon's leading artists, who have graciously decided to share their techniques. Feel free to add your own tips and tricks.
Rate My Art (RMA) - Even though any artist is free to open up their own thread here in the studio, some may still feel that could use some extra critique. In this thread, artists who submit some of their work to the thread leader can then have their work evaluated more closely by the community, as well as some of our more seasoned artists.
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