

Smeargle is capable of learning nearly every move in the game thanks to Sketch, which gives it a slew of options on paper. Sadly, its extremely low offensive and defensive stats mostly limit its options to status moves. Even with said drawbacks, though, it finds a niche as an entry hazard setter due to the fact that it is the only Pokemon with access to both Stealth Rock and Spore and is also the most viable Sticky Web setter in the tier. Although not bad, Smeargle's base 75 Speed leaves it slower than several offensive Pokemon in the tier, usually limiting it to a single entry hazard once it puts a foe to sleep. Smeargle's low offensive stats also make it setup fodder for many Pokemon in the tier, although this can be taken care of depending on its moves. Smeargle also happens to struggle against Taunt users due to the fact that it uses status moves most of the time, although Magic Coat can be used to help mitigate this.

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Spore / Dark Void
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Sticky Web
move 4: Explosion / Whirlwind / Nuzzle
item: Focus Sash
ability: Own Tempo / Technician
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


Spore gives Smeargle some extra time to set up entry hazards while also crippling an opponent's Pokemon by putting it to sleep. Stealth Rock helps secure KOs for Smeargle's teammates and punishes Flying-types and Levitate users. Sticky Web slows down the opponent's grounded Pokemon, which gives Smeargle's teammates a good advantage against faster attackers. Explosion deals some chip damage and grants momentum to the rest of Smeargle's team while also blocking Rapid Spin and Defog for one turn. Whirlwind forces out Pokemon that might want to set up on Smeargle. Nuzzle could be used to paralyze the foe and has the added benefits of not being halted by Taunt and breaking Focus Sashes, giving Smeargle an advantage over Accelgor and Qwilfish, which can otherwise incapacitate Smeargle with Encore and Taunt, respectively. Dark Void could be used if you are worried about Pokemon that are immune to Spore, although the move's imperfect accuracy is concerning. Magic Coat bounces back entry hazards and status moves, such as Stealth Rock and Taunt; however, Qwilfish is the only Taunt user in RU that is faster than Smeargle, and most Stealth Rock users are slower than Smeargle, so they can be put to sleep beforehand. Taunt can be used to prevent slower entry hazard setters from laying down entry hazards of their own as well as prevent Defog users from switching in and removing Smeargle's entry hazards.

Set Details

A Jolly nature along with maximum Speed EVs allows Smeargle to outspeed as much as possible. As Smeargle has little use for its defenses, 252 EVs can be invested into Attack to boost Explosion's damage output. Focus Sash allows Smeargle to survive any one hit, giving it an extra opportunity to set up entry hazards. Due to the fact that Smeargle has no offensive presence, Own Tempo is its most useful ability, although Technician can be used to boost Nuzzle's power. If Smeargle isn't carrying an attacking move, the Attack EVs should be moved to Defense or Special Defense.

Usage Tips

Smeargle works most effectively as a lead, as leading with it keeps its Focus Sash intact and its low bulk means that it will likely be KOed early in the game. Smeargle should focus on putting the foe to sleep first, and then it should set up entry hazards during the free turns it receives. In the case your opponent decides to lead with a Pokemon that Smeargle can put to sleep but can switch into a Pokemon immune to Spore afterwards, it is most optimal to set up entry hazards immediately, prioritizing Sticky Web against offensive teams and Stealth Rock against more defensive ones. It should be noted that several Pokemon immune to Spore in the tier can be hit by Nuzzle, with the exceptions being Rotom-C and Torterra, which are immune to it, as well as Roselia and Trevenant, which can heal themselves with Natural Cure. Taunt should be used against slower entry hazard setters to prevent them from laying down entry hazards of their own as well as Defog users switching into Smeargle such as Flygon and Togetic.

Team Options

Pokemon that pressure entry hazard removers, such as Glalie against Defog users and Spiritomb and Jellicent against Rapid Spin users, are great partners for Smeargle to have. Wallbreakers such as Tyrantrum, Meloetta, and Exploud appreciate the entry hazards Smeargle provides, as Stealth Rock's chip damage makes punching holes in the opponent's team easier. Setup sweepers such as Scrafty and Houndoom also benefit from entry hazard support, as Stealth Rock damage ensures some key OHKOs and Sticky Web helps them outrun some of their checks. Entry hazard support also makes cleaning much easier for fast attackers such as Delphox and Jolteon. Braviary works well with Smeargle, as it appreciates Sticky Web support and can deter Defoggers with Defiant.

Other Options

Spikes or Toxic Spikes can be used to rack up even more entry hazard damage. Smeargle could use Baton Pass in tandem with a boosting move such as Belly Drum or Tail Glow and Endure or Substitute with a Custap Berry. Rapid Spin can be used to get rid of entry hazards set up by the foe. Icy Wind with Technician and 188 Special Attack EVs can 2HKO non-Choice Scarf offensive Flygon variants, and it also has the benefit of slowing down the foe. Extreme Speed and Endeavor can be used as an emergency check against a setup sweeper, but these moves are inconsistent seeing as Smeargle must rely on its Focus Sash being intact. Memento can be used to safely bring in a setup sweeper, although Smeargle's subpar Speed means that it will likely be KOed before it gets to use it. Mental Herb can be used to avoid Taunt once, but Smeargle can already utilize Magic Coat and running Mental Herb means that it will have to forgo Focus Sash.

Checks and Counters

**Magic Bounce and Magic Coat Users**: Xatu with Magic Bounce and, in some cases, Magic Coat users can prevent Smeargle from setting up entry hazards, rendering it useless.

**Taunt Users**: Seeing as Smeargle's main role is to set up entry hazards, Taunt shuts down Smeargle completely, although Taunt users should be wary of Magic Coat.

**Entry Hazard Removers**: After Smeargle faints, Defoggers and Rapid Spin users such as Flygon, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, and Kabutops can get rid of entry hazards, although the latter three must be wary of Ghost-types.

**Priority Attackers**: After Smeargle's Focus Sash is broken and it manages to put an opponent's Pokemon to sleep, a priority user such as Hitmonlee or Glalie can finish Smeargle off, usually limiting it to setting up one entry hazard. Shadow Sneak and Sucker Punch won't work because Smeargle is immune to the former and the latter only works against damaging moves, which Smeargle will not be using much.

**Faster Sleep Absorbers**: Grass-types such as Virizion and Rotom-C as well as faster Pokemon holding a Lum Berry do not mind Spore and can 2HKO Smeargle, limiting its opportunity to set up entry hazards. It should be noted that Rotom-C and non-Lum Berry Virizion are susceptible to Dark Void, however.

**Sleep Inducers**: Faster Pokemon with access to sleep-inducing moves, such as Jynx and Vivillon, can put Smeargle to sleep and 2HKO it, although they should be wary of Magic Coat.
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magic coat isn't even the best option, let alone the only one, so it shouldn't be the first and only slash

explosion / whirlwind / nuzzle are all better options in the last slot since what you want to do with smeargle after it sets up is to prevent its hazards from being removed and/or to prevent smeargle from being set up on

magic coat is way too reliant on 50/50s and there's only one common taunt user in ru anyway

mention bellydrum pass with endure/sub + custap in oo in addition to spikes and toxic spikes

also, i changed mind, you can slash dark void if you want since there are a lot of spore immune mons in the tier
Just a quick and somewhat non-important suggestion by someone not on the QC team: I believe that Spikes/Toxic Spikes should at least receive a mention, as they are also good moves for Smeargle to have.

Also, you seem to have swapped Magic Coat and Magic Bounce in "Magic Bounce and Magic Coat", as I assume you mean Magic Bounce Xatu, and other Magic Coat users.
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Looks overall decent (got the nature thing on irc)

I would maybe suggest expanding in usage tips a bit, at least mention volt turn --> sleep immune mon is common and can be played around by setting hazards immediately, especially since smeargle is faster than most sleep immune mons so you still get 2 hazards

looks good tho qc approved 1/3
AM check!!

Smeargle has the unique niche of being is capable of learning nearly every single move in the game thanks to Sketch, giving which gives it a slew of options on paper. Sadly, its extremely low offensive and defensive stats mostly limit its options to mostly status moves. Even with said drawbacks, it finds use a niche as a hazard setter due to the fact that it is the only Pokemon with access to Stealth Rock and Spore and is also the most viable Sticky Web setter in the tier. Although not bad, its 75 Smeargle's base 75 sSpeed leaves it slower than several offensive Pokemon in the tier, usually limiting it to setting up one a single (removing "setting up" improves flow a bit, and I thought "one" was weird because you say "once" later in the sentence) entry hazard once it puts something to sleep. Its Smeargle's low offensive stats also make it setup fodder to for many a majority of the Pokemon in the tier, but this can taken care of depending on Smeargle'its moves. It Smeargle also happens to struggle against Taunt users due to the fact that it uses status moves most of the time, although Magic Coat can be used to avoid that help mitigate this.

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Spore / Dark Void
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Sticky Web
move 4: Explosion / Whirlwind / Nuzzle
item: Focus Sash
ability: Own Tempo / Technician
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Speed


Spore gives Smeargle some extra time to set up entry hazards while also crippling an foeopponent's Pokemon by putting it to sleep. Stealth Rock is the entry hazard of choice, (AC) as it damages opposing Pokemon on the switch, which (redundant) helps secure KOs for its teammates and punishes Flying-types and Levitate users. (This is optional, although I would recommend somehow saying that Stealth Rock hits the Flying-types and Levitate users that can avoid Sticky Web) Sticky Web slows down the opponent's grounded Pokemon, which in turn gives Smeargle's teammates a good advantage against faster attackers. Explosion does some chip damage and grants momentum to the rest of Smeargle's team, (AC) and does chip damage, (RC) while also being able to block Rapid Spin and Defog for one turn. Whirlwind forces out a Pokemon which that might want to set up on Smeargle. Nuzzle could be used to paralyze the opponent, (RC) while having and has the added benefit of not being halted by Taunt and breaking Focus Sashes, giving it Smeargle an advantage over Accelgor and Qwilfish, which can otherwise incapacitate Smeargle with Encore and Taunt respectively. Dark Void could be used work if you are worried about switch-ins Pokemon that are immune to Spore, (AC) although the accuracy is concerning. such as Virizion and Rotom-C, which is also immune to Nuzzle, in exchange for an accuracy loss. Magic Coat bounces back entry hazards and status moves, such as Taunt and opposing Stealth Rock; (add semicolon) , however, Qwilfish is the only prominent Taunt user in RU that is faster than Smeargle, (AC) in RU is Qwilfish and most Stealth Rock users are slower than Smeargle, meaning they can be put to sleep beforehand. Taunt can be used to prevent slower hazard setters from laying down entry hazards of their own as well as prevent Defog users from switching in and removing Smeargle's entry hazards. (this is more of a QC thing but Taunt is also useful to nail stuff like Flygon on the switch and prevent them from removing your hazards. It's even more useful against slower Defoggers like Togetic)

Set Details

A Jolly nature along with maximum Speed EVs allows Smeargle to be as fast outspeed as much (Not the best change I know but it's better than saying "allows Smeargle to be as fast as possible") as possible. Since Smeargle has little use for its defenses, 252 EVs can be invested into Attack to boost Explosion's damage output. (It should mention somewhere what the Attack EVs do) Focus Sash allows it Smeargle to survive any one hit, giving it an extra opportunity to set up entry hazards. Due to the fact that it Smeargle has no offensive presence, Own Tempo is the ability of choice, although Technician can be used to boost Nuzzle's power. If Smeargle isn't carrying an attacking move, the Attack EVs should be moved to Defense or Special Defense.

Usage Tips

Smeargle works most effectively as a lead, (AC) since it guarantees an unbroken Focus Sash and its low bulk means it will likely be KO'd early- KOed early in the game. It Smeargle should focus on putting its the opponent to sleep first, while and then setting up entry hazards with the free turns it receives. In the case your foe opponent decides to lead with a Pokemon that Smeargle can put to sleep, but can switch into a Pokemon immune to Spore afterwards, it is most optimal to set up entry hazards immediately, prioritizing Sticky Web against offensive teams and Stealth Rock against more defensive ones. It should be noted that several Pokemon immune to Spore in the tier can be hit by Nuzzle, (AC) with the exceptions being Rotom-C and Torterra, (AC) which are immune to it, (AC) as well as and Roselia and Trevenant, which can heal themselves with Natural Cure. Moves like such as Magic Coat and Taunt should be used on predicted entry hazards or on Taunt and Defog user switch-ins, (AC) respectively. (I still don't really like how this sounds; I would suggest splitting Magic Coat and Taunt into separate sentences) If Smeargle does not happen to carry any attacks, the EVs should preferably be invested in either Defense or Special Defense.

Team Options

Pokemon that pressure hazard removal, (AC) such as Glalie against Defog users and Spiritomb and Jellicent against Rapid Spin users, (AC) are great partners for Smeargle to have. Wallbreakers such as Tyrantrum, Meloetta, (AC) and Exploud appreciate the entry hazards Smeargle sets up provides, (AC) as Stealth Rock's chip damage makes punching holes through in the foeopponent's team easier. Setup sweepers such as Scrafty and Houndoom also benefit from entry hazard support, (AC) as since Stealth Rock damage ensures some key OHKOs and Sticky Web helps them outrun some of their checks. Entry hazard support also makes cleaning for fast attackers such as Delphox and Jolteon much easier. Braviary works great with Smeargle, as it appreciates Sticky Web support and can discourage Defoggers with Defiant.

Other Options

Even though its stats limit its capabilities, Smeargle still has quite an array of options available. Spikes or Toxic Spikes can be used to rack up even more entry hazard damage. (add period) and Toxic Spikes could also be used if desired. Smeargle could use Baton Pass in tandem with a stat raising stat-raising move such as Belly Drum or Tail Glow and Endure or Substitute with a Custap Berry. Rapid Spin can be used to get rid of entry hazards set up by the foe Smeargle's opponent. Icy Wind with Technician and 188 Special Attack EVs can 2HKO non-Choice Scarf offensive Flygon variants, while also having the benefit of slowing down the foe's Pokemon. (add period) which usually allows Smeargle to put them to sleep and thus letting it set up more entry hazards. Extreme Speed and Endeavor can be used as an emergency checks against a setup sweeper, but it is unsafe these moves are inconsistent seeing as since Smeargle must rely on its Focus Sash being intact. Memento can be used to safely bring in a setup sweeper, although Smeargle's subpar speed means it will likely be KOd KOed before it gets to use it. Mental Herb could be used in order to avoid Taunt once, but Smeargle can already use utilize Magic Coat and using it running Mental Herb means you will have to forgo using Focus Sash.

Checks and Counters

**Magic Bounce and Magic Coat**: Xatu's Magic Bounce and, in some cases, Magic Coat users can prevent Smeargle from setting up entry hazards, rendering it useless.

**Taunt**: Seeing as Smeargle's main role is to set up entry hazard setting hazards, Taunt shuts down Smeargle completely, although Taunt users should be wary of Magic Coat.

**Hazard Removal**: After Smeargle faints, Defoggers and Rapid Spin users such as Flygon, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, and Kabutops from Flygon and Rapid Spin from Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, and Kabutops can get rid of entry hazards, although the latter must be wary of Ghost-types.

**Priority**: After Smeargle's Focus Sash is broken and it manages to put a foe an opponent's Pokemon to sleep, a priority user such as Hitmonlee and or Glalie can finish Smeargle off, usually limiting it to setting up one entry hazard. Shadow Sneak and Sucker Punch will not work since won't work because Smeargle is immune to the former and the latter only works against attacks, which Smeargle will not be using attacks much.

**Faster Sleep Absorbers**: Grass-types such as Virizion and Rotom-C and as well as faster Pokemon faster than Smeargle holding a Lum Berry do not mind Spore and can 2HKO Smeargle, limiting its opportunity to set up entry hazards. It should be noted that Rotom-C and non-Lum Berry Virizion are susceptible to Dark Void.

**Sleep**: Faster Pokemon with access to sleep inducing sleep-inducing moves such as Jynx and Vivillon can put Smeargle to sleep, (RC) preventing it from doing anything and 2HKO it, although they should be wary of Magic Coat.
Some common mistakes I found:
- Be careful, with, the commas
- Due to / Because / , as > Since; since refers to the time that something happened, and we want to avoid time-related phrases such as "With the advent of x" or "x gained access to y this generation" in analyses
- Some words such as "stat-raising" and "sleep-inducing" should be one word with a dash in between them

Not trying to nag you or anything but that was just some stuff I found. Hopefully this helps! ^.^
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Smeargle has the unique niche of being is capable of learning nearly every single move in the game thanks to Sketch, giving which gives it a slew of options on paper. Sadly, its extremely low offensive and defensive stats mostly limit its options to mostly status moves. Even with said drawbacks, it finds use a niche as an entry hazard setter due to the fact that it is the only Pokemon with access to Stealth Rock and Spore and is also the most viable Sticky Web setter in the tier. Although not bad, its 75 Smeargle's base 75 sSpeed leaves it slower than several offensive Pokemon in the tier, usually limiting it to setting up one a single (removing "setting up" improves flow a bit, and I thought "one" was weird because you say "once" later in the sentence) entry hazard once it puts something a foe to sleep. Its Smeargle's low offensive stats also make it setup fodder to for many a majority of the Pokemon in the tier, but this can be taken care of depending on Smeargle'its moves. It Smeargle also happens to struggle against Taunt users due to the fact that it uses status moves most of the time, although Magic Coat can be used to avoid that help mitigate this.

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Spore / Dark Void
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Sticky Web
move 4: Explosion / Whirlwind / Nuzzle
item: Focus Sash
ability: Own Tempo / Technician
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Speed


Spore gives Smeargle some extra time to set up entry hazards while also crippling an foeopponent's Pokemon by putting it to sleep. Stealth Rock is the entry hazard of choice as it damages opposing Pokemon on the switch, which (redundant) helps secure KOs for its Smeargle's teammates teammates and punishes Flying-types and Levitate users. (This is optional, although I would recommend somehow saying that Stealth Rock hits the Flying-types and Levitate users that can avoid Sticky Web) Sticky Web slows down the opponent's grounded Pokemon, which in turn gives Smeargle's teammates a good advantage against faster attackers. Explosion deals some chip damage and grants momentum to the rest of Smeargle's team and does chip damage, (RC) while also being able to blocking Rapid Spin and Defog for one turn. Whirlwind forces out a Pokemon which that might want to set up on Smeargle. Nuzzle could be used to paralyze the foe opponent, (RC) while having and has the added benefits of not being halted by Taunt and breaking Focus Sashes, giving it Smeargle an advantage over Accelgor and Qwilfish, which can otherwise incapacitate Smeargle with Encore and Taunt, (AC) respectively. Dark Void could be used work if you are worried about switch-ins Pokemon that are immune to Spore, (AC) although the move's imperfect accuracy is concerning. such as Virizion and Rotom-C, which is also immune to Nuzzle, in exchange for an accuracy loss. Magic Coat bounces back entry hazards and status moves, such as Taunt and opposing Stealth Rock and Taunt; (add semicolon) , however, Qwilfish is the only prominent Taunt user in RU that is faster than Smeargle, (AC) in RU is Qwilfish and most Stealth Rock users are slower than Smeargle, meaning so they can be put to sleep beforehand. Taunt can be used to prevent slower entry hazard setters from laying down entry hazards of their own as well as prevent Defog users from switching in and removing Smeargle's entry hazards. (this is more of a QC thing but Taunt is also useful to nail stuff like Flygon on the switch and prevent them from removing your hazards. It's even more useful against slower Defoggers like Togetic)

Set Details

A Jolly nature along with maximum Speed EVs allows Smeargle to be as fast outspeed as much (Not the best change I know but it's better than saying "allows Smeargle to be as fast as possible") as possible. As Smeargle has little use for its defenses, 252 EVs can be invested into Attack to boost Explosion's damage output. (It should mention somewhere what the Attack EVs do) Focus Sash allows it Smeargle to survive any one hit, giving it an extra opportunity to set up entry hazards. Due to the fact that it Smeargle has no offensive presence, Own Tempo is the its most useful ability of choice, although Technician can be used to boost Nuzzle's power. If Smeargle isn't carrying an attacking move, the Attack EVs should be moved to Defense or Special Defense.

Usage Tips

Smeargle works most effectively as a lead, (AC) since as leading with it guarantees an unbroken keeps its Focus Sash intact and its low bulk means that it will likely be KO'd early- KOed early in the game. It Smeargle should focus on putting its the foe opponent to sleep first, while and then it should setting up entry hazards with during the free turns it receives. In the case your foe opponent decides to lead with a Pokemon that Smeargle can put to sleep, (RC) but can switch into a Pokemon immune to Spore afterwards, it is most optimal to set up entry hazards immediately, prioritizing Sticky Web against offensive teams and Stealth Rock against more defensive ones. It should be noted that several Pokemon immune to Spore in the tier can be hit by Nuzzle, (AC) with the exceptions being Rotom-C and Torterra, (AC) which are immune to it, (AC) as well as and Roselia and Trevenant, which can heal themselves with Natural Cure. Moves like such as Magic Coat and Taunt should be used on predicted entry hazards or on Taunt and Defog user switch-ins, (AC) respectively. (I still don't really like how this sounds; I would suggest splitting Magic Coat and Taunt into separate sentences) If Smeargle does not happen to carry any attacks, the EVs should preferably be invested in either Defense or Special Defense.

Team Options

Pokemon that pressure entry hazard removal removers, such as Glalie against Defog users and Spiritomb and Jellicent against Rapid Spin users, (AC) are great partners for Smeargle to have. Wallbreakers such as Tyrantrum, Meloetta, (AC) and Exploud appreciate the entry hazards Smeargle sets up provides, (AC) as Stealth Rock's chip damage makes punching holes through in the foeopponent's team easier. Setup sweepers such as Scrafty and Houndoom also benefit from entry hazard support, (AC) as since Stealth Rock damage ensures some key OHKOs and Sticky Web helps them outrun some of their checks. Entry hazard support also makes cleaning much easier for fast attackers such as Delphox and Jolteon much easier. Braviary works great well with Smeargle, as it appreciates Sticky Web support and can discourage deter Defoggers with Defiant.

Other Options

Even though its stats limit its capabilities, Smeargle still has quite an array of options available. Spikes or Toxic Spikes can be used to rack up even more entry hazard damage. (add period) and Toxic Spikes could also be used if desired. Smeargle could use Baton Pass in tandem with a stat raising boosting move such as Belly Drum or Tail Glow and Endure or Substitute with a Custap Berry . Rapid Spin can be used to get rid of entry hazards set up by the foe Smeargle's opponent ("the foe" is right). Icy Wind with Technician and 188 Special Attack EVs can 2HKO non-Choice Scarf offensive Flygon variants, (RC) while also having the benefit of slowing down the foe's Pokemon. (add period) which usually allows Smeargle to put them to sleep and thus letting it set up more entry hazards. Extreme Speed and Endeavor can be used as an emergency checks against a setup sweeper, but it is unsafe these moves are inconsistent seeing as since Smeargle must rely on its Focus Sash being intact. Memento can be used to safely bring in a setup sweeper, although Smeargle's subpar speed Speed means that it will likely be KOd KOed before it gets to use it. Mental Herb could can be used in order to avoid Taunt once, but Smeargle can already use utilize Magic Coat and using it running Mental Herb means you that it will have to forgo using Focus Sash.

Checks and Counters

**Magic Bounce and Magic Coat Users**: Xatu's Magic Bounce and, in some cases, Magic Coat users can prevent Smeargle from setting up entry hazards, rendering it useless.

**Taunt Users**: Seeing as Smeargle's main role is to set up entry hazard setting hazards, Taunt shuts down Smeargle completely, although Taunt users should be wary of Magic Coat.

**Entry Hazard Removal Removers**: After Smeargle faints, Defoggers and Rapid Spin users such as Flygon, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, and Kabutops from Flygon and Rapid Spin from Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, and Kabutops can get rid of entry hazards, although the latter must be wary of Ghost-types.

**Priority Attackers**: After Smeargle's Focus Sash is broken and it manages to put a foe an opponent's Pokemon to sleep, a priority user such as Hitmonlee and or Glalie can finish Smeargle off, usually limiting it to setting up one entry hazard. Shadow Sneak and Sucker Punch will not work since won't work because Smeargle is immune to the former and the latter only works against attacks damaging moves, which Smeargle will not be using attacks much.

**Faster Sleep Absorbers**: Grass-types such as Virizion and Rotom-C and as well as faster Pokemon faster than Smeargle holding a Lum Berry do not mind Spore and can 2HKO Smeargle, limiting its opportunity to set up entry hazards. It should be noted that Rotom-C and non-Lum Berry Virizion are susceptible to Dark Void, however.

**Sleep Inducers**: Faster Pokemon with access to sleep inducing sleep-inducing moves such as Jynx and Vivillon can put Smeargle to sleep, (RC) preventing it from doing anything and 2HKO it, although they should be wary of Magic Coat.
Nice work Rollout Shuckle. Stamping this.
GP 1/2
hi, 2/2
there were some strange spacing errors here and there. please be careful when implementing. use the Reply button on the post to make implementing easier and more accurate, thanks!

Smeargle is capable of learning nearly every move in the game thanks to Sketch, which gives it a slew of options on paper. Sadly, its extremely low offensive and defensive stats mostly limit its options to status moves. Even with said drawbacks, though, it finds a niche as an entry hazard setter due to the fact that it is the only Pokemon with access to both Stealth Rock and Spore and is also the most viable Sticky Web setter in the tier. Although not bad,(space)Smeargle's base 75 Speed leaves it slower than several offensive Pokemon in the tier, usually limiting it to a single entry hazard once it puts a foe a foe to sleep. Smeargle's low offensive stats also make it setup fodder for many Pokemon in the tier, but although this can be taken care of depending on its moves. Smeargle also happens to struggle against Taunt users due to the fact that it uses status moves most of the time, although Magic Coat can be used to help mitigate this.

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Spore / Dark Void
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Sticky Web
move 4: Explosion / Whirlwind / Nuzzle
item: Focus Sash
ability: Own Tempo / Technician
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


Spore gives Smeargle some extra time to set up entry hazards while also crippling an opponent's Pokemon by putting it to sleep. Stealth Rock helps secure KOs for Smeargle's teammates and punishes Flying-types and Levitate users. Sticky Web slows down the opponent's grounded Pokemon, which gives Smeargle's teammates a good advantage against faster attackers. Explosion deals some chip damage and grants momentum to the rest of Smeargle's team while also blocking Rapid Spin and Defog for one turn. Whirlwind forces out Pokemon that might want to set up on Smeargle. Nuzzle could be used to paralyze the foe and has the added benefits of not being halted by Taunt and breaking Focus Sashes, giving Smeargle an advantage over Accelgor and Qwilfish, which can otherwise incapacitate Smeargle with Encore and Taunt, respectively. Dark Void could be used if you are worried about Pokemon that are immune to Spore, although the move's imperfect accuracy is concerning. Magic Coat bounces back entry hazards and status moves, such as Stealth Rock and Taunt; however, Qwilfish is the only Taunt user in RU that is faster than Smeargle, and most Stealth Rock users are slower than Smeargle, so they can be put to sleep beforehand. Taunt can be used to prevent slower entry hazard setters from laying down entry hazards of their own as well as prevent Defog users from switching in and removing Smeargle's entry hazards.

Set Details

A Jolly nature along with maximum Speed EVs allows Smeargle to outspeed as much as possible. As Smeargle has little use for its defenses, 252 EVs can be invested into Attack to boost Explosion's damage output. Focus Sash allows Smeargle to survive any one hit, giving it an extra opportunity to set up entry hazards. Due to the fact that Smeargle has no offensive presence, Own Tempo is its most useful ability, although Technician can be used to boost Nuzzle's power. If Smeargle isn't carrying an attacking move, the Attack EVs should be moved to Defense or Special Defense.

Usage Tips

Smeargle works most effectively as a lead, since as leading with it keeps its Focus Sash intact and its low bulk means that it will likely be KOed early in the game. Smeargle should focus on putting the foe to sleep first, and then it should set up entry hazards during the free turns it receives. In the case your opponent decides to lead with a Pokemon that Smeargle can put to sleep but can switch into a Pokemon immune to Spore afterwards, it is most optimal to set up entry hazards immediately, prioritizing Sticky Web against offensive teams and Stealth Rock against more defensive ones. It should be noted that several Pokemon immune to Spore in the tier can be hit by Nuzzle, with the exceptions the being Rotom-C and Torterra, which are immune to it, as well as Roselia and Trevenant, which can heal themselves with Natural Cure. Taunt should be used against slower entry hazard setters to prevent them from laying down entry hazards of their own as well as Defog users switching into Smeargle such as Flygon and Togetic.

Team Options

Pokemon that pressure entry hazard removers, such as Glalie against Defog users and Spiritomb and Jellicent against Rapid Spin users, are great partners for Smeargle to have. Wallbreakers such as Tyrantrum, Meloetta, and Exploud appreciate the entry hazards Smeargle provides, as Stealth Rock's chip damage makes punching holes in the opponent's team easier. Setup sweepers such as Scrafty and Houndoom also benefit from entry hazard support, as Stealth Rock damage ensures some key OHKOs and Sticky Web helps them outrun some of their checks. Entry hazard support also makes cleaning much easier for fast attackers such as Delphox and Jolteon. Braviary works well with Smeargle, as it appreciates Sticky Web support and can deter Defoggers with Defiant.

Other Options

Spikes or Toxic Spikes can be used to rack up even more entry hazard damage. Smeargle could use Baton Pass in tandem with a boosting move such as Belly Drum or Tail Glow and Endure or Substitute with a Custap Berry. Rapid Spin can be used to get rid of entry hazards set up by the foe. Icy Wind with Technician and 188 Special Attack EVs can 2HKO non-Choice Scarf offensive Flygon variants, and it also has while also having the benefit of slowing down the foe's Pokemon. Extreme Speed and Endeavor can be used as an emergency check against a setup sweeper, but these moves are inconsistent seeing as Smeargle must rely on its Focus Sash being intact. Memento can be used to safely bring in a setup sweeper, although Smeargle's subpar Speed means that it will likely be KOed before it gets to use it. Mental Herb can be used to avoid Taunt once, but Smeargle can already utilize Magic Coat and running Mental Herb means that it will have to forgo Focus Sash.

Checks and Counters

**Magic Bounce and Magic Coat Users**: Xatu's with Magic Bounce and, in some cases, Magic Coat users can prevent Smeargle from setting up entry hazards, rendering it useless.

**Taunt Users**: Seeing as Smeargle's main role is to set up entry hazards, Taunt shuts down Smeargle completely, although Taunt users should be wary of Magic Coat.

**Entry Hazard Removers**: After Smeargle faints, Defoggers and Rapid Spin users such as Flygon, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, and Kabutops can get rid of entry hazards, although the latter three must be wary of Ghost-types.

**Priority Attackers**: After Smeargle's Focus Sash is broken and it manages to put an opponent's Pokemon to sleep, a priority user such as Hitmonlee or Glalie can finish Smeargle off, usually limiting it to setting up one entry hazard. Shadow Sneak and Sucker Punch won't work because Smeargle is immune to the former and the latter only works against damaging moves, which Smeargle will not be using much.

**Faster Sleep Absorbers**: Grass-types such as Virizion and Rotom-C as well as faster Pokemon holding a Lum Berry do not mind Spore and can 2HKO Smeargle, limiting its opportunity to set up entry hazards. It should be noted that Rotom-C and non-Lum Berry Virizion are susceptible to Dark Void, however.

**Sleep Inducers**: Faster Pokemon with access to sleep-inducing moves, (AC) such as Jynx and Vivillon, (AC) can put Smeargle to sleep, (RC) and 2HKO it, although they should be wary of Magic Coat.